Monthly Archives: January 2015

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS, January 20, 2015- Where does unusual and creative genius take you?

Terrorism alerts are in force all over Europe at this time. The Seahawks and Patriots will meet in the Super Bowl. Is Fukushima affecting the tide pools on the Big Island (Hawaii)? Major accidents take place on icy highways in Southeastern PA and in the Northwest US. Kiev is in an uproar. And the weather is just truly unpredictable. I never saw so many days of gloom. Did the sun die?

What are you doing as the energy is shifting into a Supermoon phase? The New Year is in full swing and it is important that you take a look at what you choose to have in your life for the coming year. Do you wish to have the same old stuff? Or do you choose to go in a new direction? That is something that you may wish to look at as the New Moon in Aquarius shows up tomorrow, Tuesday, January 20, 2015. It is in 0 degrees 8’ as it arrives at 8:13am EST, 5:13am PST and 1:13pm GMT. Where does this New Moon take you? And how far are you willing to go? Are you feeling free enough to take that step or do you choose to just do nothing? What has been going on in the past few months that has been unusual for you?

It is a time to look at the creative side of your life. Aquarius is about the genius within. You know you have that potential. Are you willing to use this part of yourself? Humanity can benefit greatly if you find and share that power within. Thinking outside the box and being free to be are the words that come to mind when I think of Aquarius. I have Aquarius on two houses-9 and 10 and it tells me that I can use that genius to teach or transform others. But first I must do it myself. Wherever it shows up in your chart will tell you what area of your life you will think out of the box. How many of you do so already?

Aquarius is also about socializing and being out there with friends and groups. I am sure there will be aanother new trend in social media as the year advances. ? As you speak to others especially groups during these weeks note to check your heart before you actually share the insights.

Aquarius Moon and Sun are both about the greater good. The New Moon is telling you that this is a time of taking a leap of faith and seeing the vision clearly. As Saturn in Sagittarius is in good aspect to the New Moon in Aquarius it gives the focus and discipline you need to move forward slowly. It helps give a sincere approach to walking your talk and taking it a step at a time. Impulsive actions are unwelcome. It is about dedication to your creative ideas so that the genius can appear and thrive. Innovative insights are ready for experimenting. Let the world share in those ideas. Some things may show up unexpected whether they are thoughts or emotions. Observe. Will that thought help you or will something come into your realm that startles you. In the meantime, old friend Mercury is going retrograde on January 21, the day after the New Moon. Such good luck! Well, it can be since it is saying to you that whatever you have in mind, whatever that genius is bringing you is going to be on hold. Oh no, you say. Not again. Yep. But it is only for a short three weeks. You know how Mercury has to do this retrograde 3 times a year. So, now what do you do? Well, any of those creative insights that have come through look at them. Are they real? Are they workable? Then keep fine tuning them and revamp a bit. And no signing anything such as agreements or other documents which are important during the retrograde phase. You know from experience if you think back, most of the time something changes. Even starting a new job during a retrograde phase may change the bottom-line or eventually the job will phase out or you tire of it. Remember to watch what you say or think when Mercury is retrograde. It will be in air signs for the 3 times it goes backwards. By the way, wherever Mercury is going retrograde in your chart is where you have to re-look at and rethink things. And do ask for spiritual protection to come in as you take a deeper look at whatever the issue seems to be.

As the New Moon takes place Uranus in Aries is conjunct the South Node of the moon. The South Node is about the past what you have learned and what is ready to be let go. Oh no, not again those words that you love so much-LETTING GO. Well, it is true Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius and loves the unexpected. So do know that sometimes if we hold on too tight Uranus just comes in and takes it away in whatever way is appropriate. This also is saying that things can get explosive whether in your own world or any place out there. Keep your eyes open to changing scenes and words. And as you walk along in the next couple of months (in fact, less than 2) there is the final square (negative energy) between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn. Will you hide out from it due to its overwhelming nature or will you walk in stride?

There is another New Moon in Aquarius on February 18 just a couple of minutes before Sun enters Pisces. This is unusual as the next New Moon/Full Moon will be opposite and continuing that way. And as the New Moon In Aquarius on January 20 takes place, Mars is right with Neptune and Chiron. I think this softens the anger that Mars usually expresses.

The New Moon in Aquarius will affect those more intensely who have birthdays from January 16-25; April 17-April 27; July 18-27 and October 17-27. Be ready to turn in that new direction as Mercury goes direct. My suggestion to most of you-wait until the shadow is gone in March. Things will change in many ways unexpectedly after the Uranus /Pluto square. It appears in my chart in House 8 which says transform inner things and also let go of past patterns so new things can flourish.

Happy New Year to all! Have a peaceful, joyful and rewarding walk on your path as life changes. Stay In the moment. Full Moon is on February 3, 2015. Thank you for reading and do share if you are inclined. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON IN CANCER, January 4/5, 2015-Shedding the shadow and activating your possibilities

The Wolf Moon comes howling and you don’t need a seer, to see your move forward has to be without fear. Happy New Year to all of you wherever you happen to be.

The world has come to a major turning point. Some of you will hide; some of you will live in the past; some of you will envision the future; but how many will live in the now? That is the question for this time, this space. What I have seen lately is there are the police-haters, those who detest Russia and Putin, and those of you who complain about everything and keep supporting those in power who do nothing except create chaos. And sometimes chaos may be good but not at this time and place. Chaos may come on its own accord which is quite possible with FULL MOON. How about those of you who turn a blind eye to everything? Just an update – I did mention a few posts ago that I believed there was deception and lies regarding the missing student in Philly metro area. Well, they just found his body in the river near where he apparently was seen on videotape. Really? They found his keys recently and now they find his body. I am not buying it. Who did this to Shane? That’s my question. All of a sudden the body shows up in 4 feet of water. Oh, goodness me. How did they miss it? If it was in the river that long, it would have been taken to the ocean by now. Bunch of hooey. Just my observation. What do I know? And just one more thing…his phone was still attached to his belt. Now that is the best news. Wow! Do you really think that is possible? RIP Shane. Had to get that out of my system! One more thing, if you haven’t been paying attention to Wall Street doings I say now is the time to keep an eye on those pensions and retirement plans. You never know what certain individuals may be concocting.

Now onward to the Wolf Full Moon in Cancer arriving tonight, January 4, 2015 at 11:53pm EST, 8:53pm PST, and 4:53am GMT (January 5, 2015) in 14 degrees 31’. The Sun is in Capricorn opposing the Moon in Cancer. So what is this Full Moon going to do for you and me? Well, lots of emotions are coming up even some nostalgia. Any of you have sentimental feelings as the Full Moon in Cancer arrives? Guess what the Full Moon has company. They are pretty heavy visitors which will certainly impact all of us in some way. Those planets coming to the party again are Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries who are opposing and squaring the Full Moon. And it gets even better with it also aspecting the Moon’s Nodes. What a great party they will enjoy. Are you ready to activate all your possibilities? Some of you may be prodded or maybe have a visit from a spiritual 2×4 if you continue living in the past and hanging on for dear life. This is a turning point as I mentioned in the beginning of the post.

Choosing to release the past will truly allow you to move forward. Now, understand that I am speaking of those things and individuals in your life which no longer support your growth, your harmony, your peace and love. Stop turning a blind eye to how this affecting your forward motion. And I do know that Full Moon in Cancer is all about family and nurturing and that is good. BUT, dear Cancer Moon is being shoved around and it does not like this. Oh well. Stop resisting already. How many times have I mentioned this? I wonder why this keeps coming up for me to write to remind you. The past is like the shadow in your mind. Let it go already. Until you do, nothing happens anymore. Seriously! Test it and see. Oh yes, love does rule here yet it cannot be fully expressed if the shadow keeps you acting the same way you did way back when. And guess what, shadow keeps you separate from others and love goes by the wayside.

So many speak of the future and that is no different than being in the past. What happened to right now? You know if you let go, whatever you intended will show up. No fancy dances needed to bring it to you. Just be. Full Moons are about releasing. Once let go, and then guess what, here comes your prize. The prayer is answered, the intention is manifested. What is so difficult about that? Of course, there are minor items in your chart which may be saying…whoa! It has to wait. So what? Then you do something else and take advantage of other opportunities. Work on your own clearing and life changes swiftly for the better. If you let your ego mind show up and try to control your world, forget about it. This negates all your possibilities. You know that I am relentless in stating this. Everyone is being affected in some way. Wouldn’t it be terrific to walk on your true path and know that it will shift something for you as you allow the Divine within to help you create? Oh, one more thing, stop controlling your life and those in it.

Empowerment is here for the taking with this Full Moon in Cancer. Do you choose it? Shadow has to go now if you wish to experience that power that is waiting to show up. It won’t happen in the past or the future. It is about the now. Keep that in mind.

The nodes are involved in aspecting the Full Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Capricorn. This says that relationships are now being looked at so that peace and equality can be present. It also tells you that self-contentedness, self-absorption, impulsive and aggressive behavior is unfavorable. If any of the latter sounds like something familiar, please stop it now. Why? The going will get tough if you continue in this manner. The last square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will take place in March. Whatever was going on in your life in April 2014 may show now and then again around that last square and forward after the Solar Eclipse a few days after. Do pay attention. This Full Moon with the squares to nodes aspecting it says to you that compassion (Cancer), integrity (Capricorn), initiative (Aries) and diplomacy (Libra) are important. Wherever the nodes and the Full Moon are in your chart will tell you what areas are highlighted. Also, those signs just mentioned are more intensely affected especially if your birthday is between June 30-July 10, December 30-January 7, March 30-April 8 and October 2-10.

For Sun signs and rising signs: Aries-watch your emotions so they aren’t extreme; Taurus-some decisions may have to be made and put the to-do list aside, have some fun; Gemini-keep an eye on your economic territory and watch you don’t get played; Cancer-ask for love from others along with major changes on horizon; Leo-get to the bottom of any issues without being the victim; Virgo-keep your power and some ebb and flow with your friends; Libra-stand your ground and someone is there to rely on to help keep you balanced; Scorpio-your beliefs may be challenged and watch the arguments; Sagittarius-financial urgency and some innovative thinking; Capricorn- changes come and some are imposed/care for those you love; Aquarius-watch for explosiveness and pay attention to your health; Pisces-reach for sweet side in expression along with control your reactions if changes occur.

I picked an Animal Totem for the Full Moon time. It is a turtle. “Turtle, please come to me and help me slow down and enjoy where I am. Teach me to protect myself with shells and shelters so I can endure beings and forces I cannot control. You are at home on land or in the water. You hold up the whole Earth Island on your back. Your slow steadiness symbolizes all things that endure.”(Animal Powers)

Thank you for reading this post. Please share with others who may not know about it. The New Moon in Aquarius shows up on January 20, 2015. I wish you many blessings for a joyful New Year. Until again. Love, Jan