Monthly Archives: May 2023

New Moon in Taurus, May 19, 2023 – Security is present if you open to it

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been an interesting couple of weeks. Up and down we go, where it stops nobody knows or something similar to that. I feel that many of you are on a roller coaster without even knowing due to the Lunar Eclipse. Where has my America gone?  How many out there do you hate? Just wondering? I see many out there with their energy out of kilter and I wonder what it is that they are thinking. Maybe thinking too much and continuing to live way back when. And then I see those of you who are having fun. It is time for a breath. Yes, breathe. Pause a moment and do take a deep breath and exhale. Take another one and let it out slowly. No thinking as you do this. Great! Taurus energy is about grounding yourself. Much of what is happening out there is interfering with the Light within so the high vibrations that are trying to come to you are just thrown off and have little influence. That is why positivity is a must in these times of chaos. As I look out over the mountains I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention and choose to move forward.

As the world turns the energy out there is crazier than ever. Since the last time there has been so much happening. King Charles III had his coronation and a figure dressed like the grim reaper ran past a door. No comment.  As you all know the Title 42 is no longer in effect and the illegals are flowing into the U.S. at a rapid pace. I heard on the radio the other day that a bus filled with Venezuelans arrived in Philadelphia. How do you think it will be once they all show up from anywhere? And in NYC they removed a wedding party who had 30 rooms out of a hotel so illegals can move in. Why is there a bill in Florida that subverts election transparency? The whistleblowers from the DOD are sounding out about how there have been extreme numbers in miscarriages, cancer and myocarditis since the start of the Covid vaccines. The AI takeover of life is outrageous. Soon there will be no jobs except for the AI and no one cares. And who is Elon Musk anyway? Is he for real? And last but not least- where does the FBI go from here?

The New Moon is in Taurus on Friday, May 19, 2023, at 11:53 AM EDT in 28 degrees 20’.The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon. The New Moon starts a new cycle following the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio. The last New Moon was a Solar Eclipse earlier this month. This is a good time to look at what brings you happiness. Do you have any idea about what makes you feel the joy within? If you are interested in making changes in your life this is a perfect energy to do so. Also there is much to say about finding fulfillment in your material possessions and your money. Taurus loves simplicity in pleasures in body and out there walking or being in nature. It is about feeling secure within and in your life. If you feel uncomfortable now then look deeply as to what makes you feel this way and let it go. The New Moon is in harmony with Mars in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. Your intuitive powers are asking for you to go within and find your inner balance. Do you realize that you can dream and have your intentions come into being even if you continue the fear mode? Walk through the fear and you will be amazed at what you can manifest. Oh, no, a challenge what will you do? Continue moving ahead and know that your potential to achieve is within you Abundance is yours if you believe that you already are able to be in that space. Opportunities may present themselves as you open to them in this Taurus season. Jupiter goes into Taurus on May 16 and will conjunct the North Node in Taurus and it is a time of some good luck and good karma coming to you. It may bring something that is good that you need to experience and also to balance out anything from about 19 years ago when the North Node was in Taurus. The New Moon will also be with Jupiter on May 19 2023 and square to Pluto in Aquarius. There may be a lessening of inflation on the world level. What shock comes in due to Uranus being in Taurus (the money sign). Keep your eyes open to see what this timeframe until next May 2024 brings in money-wise. Jupiter in Taurus is about money, personal values, and if you have anything of value (possessions) it may be a time to check out how much it is worth. Jupiter and Pluto at zero, unlocks a powerful portal of energy that you can use to manifest and create a new vision for your lives. Saturn in Pisces is sextile to Mercury Rx in Taurus. What actually gives you security in your life and what does not? As I said previously financial security is a big influence. For everyone else since Venus is in Cancer and is generally about new beginnings in love and financial matters. One more thing…remember to love yourself too as you give love to others.

Emerald is a great gem for this New Moon and so is rose oil in your bath or Chamomile tea. By the way take a break from that screen that is taking up precious time in your life. It is making you be on autopilot.

Those who have Sun/Ascendant at 24-30 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius and 1-2 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius will be affected more intensely. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) it may also have some effect. Tidbits:

Aries- Take a time out and look at your financial plans so that you can recreate if you need to do so. What direction do you choose to take now?

Taurus – Accept yourself for who you are and double down on your confidence. You have the way to keep things going. Make things happen. You are the focus.

Gemini – It is time to just pull back a bit and go within to find the grounding needed. Take time to align yourself with your truth so you are ready to leap soon..

Cancer – Look for those who are similar in their thoughts about values. Expand your social media friends as you reconnect with others whom are in your social circle.

Leo –Show the world who you really are. Expand your expertise in your field even if you are working from home. A new chapter may open up. Stop hiding your true self.

Virgo- Open your eyes to your potential and look for a new perspective. Some travel issues may show up or is it connecting to the spiritual?

Libra – Good time to create new future plans. Look at your financial affairs. Looks like a fresh start may be coming to you. Good things can show up.

Scorpio – The New Moon is sitting right over you partnership house. How will that give you some gladness or madness? You choose. It is time for healing.

Sagittarius- Everyday living becomes the focus. Are you planning on new job or health routine? Or are you paying too much to your partner’s stuff? Bring back the magic.

Capricorn – What do you enjoy the most? Go for it and take down the walls. That creative bent may show up. Inner child wisdom comes. Maybe just sit back and smell the roses?

Aquarius – You get some clarity in your daily life. Some things may need to be looked at. What can you do for your home and family? Take a deeper look at your ancestry.

Pisces – You seem to have lots of communication going on these days. Have you thought about writing something interesting? Change your words and see what happens.Open to prosperity!!!

Rid yourself of the past energy so you can leap in a bright way. This New Moon in Taurus may give you something that you are seeking. So I say to you watch what you wish for because you will get it. (Stop the negative thinking). Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful. A few good wishes for the new moon – I wish to create financial freedom easily. I wish to give up self-sabotage talk about money. I choose to enjoy the sensual side of my life. I live life according to my values. Have a blessed time at this New Moon. Until again, love, Jan        

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio, May 5, 2023 – Will you be transformed?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been an interesting time since the New Moon Solar Eclipse. Did you set your intentions for the next months? If not, you still have time before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse comes in. Life has been interesting to say the least. I see that conversing in authentic ways has been thrown out in the trash. It sure looks like that to me. And it amazes me as to the way that those out there in the world communicate. Is it Mercury which is still in retrograde that is causing this? I doubt it. There is a kind of humdrum existence among many of you. Does it matter to me? Not really yet it makes me wonder why many of you out there complain all the time yet are not doing what they came to do on this Earth. Please understand not everyone has gotten to the point where their purpose is known yet do they choose to find it? Nope. It makes me wonder when I speak to others and they look at me like I have a spinning head. Why does one choose to live in a box? Fear, lack of interest, confusion, or just plain inability to see the truth are some of the things that come to mind. Many of you are so stuck it is unbelievable. There are times that I was stuck yet something poked me until I moved forward even if was for just a couple of steps. I know that the energy has been quite chaotic and the world is in shambles. Does that indicate that you will just hide away or create more craziness with the individuals who choose to deny the truth? The Spirit within is trying to reach you. Are you open to it?

I do not understand the moaning and groaning about things that work. If they do not, then why not transform them instead of censoring everything and making things outrageous? Do you still believe the lies out there? Did you know that Presidents Obrador of Mexico and Erdogan of Turkey have not been seen for a week? Oh, I know they have Covid19. Not. The Tucker Carlson firing is still hanging around and who knows on which network he will appear next. Or maybe he will start his own network. The only thing out there in LaLa land is perversion and atheism. One cannot say God on any network news. And make sure you have sexual info for children in your school.  There is an after school Satanist Club in a school in Pennsylvania. Politically correct words run the country. Who will stop the madness? Elon Musk thinks everyone needs to be linked to Starlink and controlled by the AI network. This is not America. But does anyone out there care? I am beginning to wonder. BY the way, if the words do not match the actions then what does it say? Thomas Jefferson said “We in America do not have government by the majority-we have government by the majority who participate. All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

And the Full Moon in Scorpio arrives May 5, 2023 at 1:34pm EDT; 10:34am PDT; and 5:34pm GMT in 14 degrees 58’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. Scorpio is all about deep feelings and secretiveness, deep feelings and transformation. What is being hidden in your world? Taurus is about personal values, possessions security and material goods. What has been trying to come out regarding intimate relationships? The lunar eclipse and the month that follows are an opportunity to remove yourself from energies, emotions, and even people who do not serve your moving forward. The emotional nature of a lunar eclipse often can cause an emotional breakdown as you break through these. IF you are looking for the truth then with this Full Moon it is time to go deep and find it. You know all those fears that continue to show up in your life? Yes, those that keep you stuck in the muck. Then now is the time to release them because they will arise from the depths. Oh, I know that I say this every Full Moon but this is one that will give you a hard time if you do not. If you are hiding something or have secrets they may just pop out during this time frame. More truths will show up in your life in the area that the Full Moon falls in your chart. At this time in life are massive layoffs, inflation, and a looming recession.  What comes out of the decay that has been going on for years?  How will the response be when AI takes over your life? A new cycle will show up eventually. Since Mercury is in Taurus with the Sun relationships are important now and in the forefront. Resolving arguments with a significant other may be present in the first half of the month of May when Mercury is still in retrograde motion. Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16 and new artistic talents will emerge from the depths. What will it bring you? The Full Moon this time will ask you to do something about the past no matter what occurred. It is time to let go and grieve again, throw it against the wall, do whatever you have to do and finally discard it. Do you understand this?  New things are ready to evolve in your life and with the past holding you back you cannot do so. Be creative in this new season in whichever way comes to you. The baggage needs to leave now!!! Speech is very important with this energy. Watch out for propaganda. A star Menkar is conjunct the Sun in Taurus opposing the Moon in Scorpio. It is not that favorable. Jealousy, worries, tests of endurance and immorality are some words that come to mind. The Full Moon in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Since the Moon rules the imagination you may channel something really good for you to help you move forward. Be different no matter what anyone says to you. It will bring rewards down the road. The Sun in Taurus conjunct Uranus says watch your tongue and maybe let others say their piece.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 14 degrees and 58 minutes of Scorpio, affecting people born with personal planets and points at approximately 10 to 18 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) most significantly. Birthdays: May 1-9; August 3-11; November 3-11; and February 1-9.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Watch your communication.. News may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you,

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is unnecessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings? If you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel is a dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or create a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts coming!

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe..

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. Vacation plans anyone?

Have a transformative Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. Thank you for reading and sharing. It has been quite a ride so far this year and I look to the time the sun shines a bit more where I reside at this time. Lots of blessings to all of you! Comments anyone? Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan