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Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23 2024 – Will you stay in your power?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  Wow, the sun is shining. I must be dreaming. The weather changes as quickly as I blink my eyes. I do not remember it being like this for a very long time. You probably wonder why I mention the weather in regards to life as it is. One day it is raining. The next day it is sunny and warm. Then it is chilly. It feels just like the world is today. I see this constant change in those out there in fantasyland. And now I realize that many of you are still sleeping as to what truly is happening in the world.  Life is here for enjoyment and doing what you came to do. How many love what you do? Are there any of you who truly stay in the moment and stop and go with the flow? I see very little of this in the past few years. Then again, most of you with whom I am in contact are living a totally different life. That is ok if you like to worry all the time and choose to live in a bubble.

Why do you keep jumping on the Mainstream News storytelling? Do you really believe that the war-mongering is necessary for your betterment and all others? Dear ones, the darkness is present like never before and you will tell me, oh, no, this is about Israel and Iran or any other place that is in the predator’s reach. This is all about depopulation. Do you not see this? There may be another plandemic in the works. There is certainly no reason for you to enjoy life these days. That is what it seems like to me. Everything is in a shambles and do you care? The Divine is not surprised by the actions of those who want control of you and everything else. Did you know that the US government is sending taxpayer dollars to a military lab in China to make bird flu viruses more dangerous? And what is going on with the judge and Trump is unbelievable. Things may get weirder by the moment yet there may be a surprise down the road.

The Full Moon in Scorpio intensely arrives on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:49pm EDT; 4:49pm PDT and 11:49pm GMT at 4 degrees 18’ The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. It is in the First decan (0-10 degrees of Scorpio). It is also known as the Pink Moon. The Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Taurus are both square Pluto in Aquarius. At this time of the Full Moon there is something that has been building inside you and it is time to address it and let it go. It can be more on the intimate side. The Sun in Taurus deals with more personal values, security and material things. The Moon in Scorpio is about change, getting rid of shared possessions and transformation. Scorpio wants you to explore your inner self to the fullest, so now is a good time to do just that. Since there is a square between the Sun, Moon and Pluto there may be some resistance to letting things go. It also can bring out what has been hidden from you. It may be a good idea for you to strip away what is no longer needed and out there or within your own self. It is associated with deepest fears and your true desires, hidden pain and unexpressed gifts, Time to release what is not good for you. This Full Moon illuminates the truths within and may be uncomfortable to face. It also brings out your relationships to others and their resources and sexuality and power. It is a time to face your shadows which influence your behavior.  It is important to express how you feel with this Full Moon since the energy has been building and in the next couple of weeks it is a good thing to do. Take the time to purge what is no longer needed and then make sure it does not try to come back in. For instance, beliefs, old habits and even those who no longer resonate with who you are now, are good examples of what you need to let go and say goodbye. If there is much negative energy in your workplace, home or someplace else you find yourself then this is a time to clear the energy since this Full Moon energy is the perfect time to do so. Letting go now is the perfect thing to do for your best interest at heart.

Mercury is conjunct the North Node in Aries which tells you that you can express yourself more and find new ways to bring it out to others. And with both conjunct Chiron in Aries it is saying to you that focusing on old wounds in communication and learning which you need to work on in order to move forward towards what your true Soul purpose is in this life. The last conjunction of Mercury and Chiron is on May 5 which says to you to clear all old communication patterns and allow a new beginning in that area. Jupiter in Taurus meets up with Uranus in Taurus on April 20 before the Full Moon. This is an end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This is a 14 year cycle. The last time it occurred was in 2010/2011. And if you want a better view think about what was happening in your life in 2000 when there were seven planets in Taurus. At this time it is about changing your direction and moving forward. It is not an instant action. It can take a few years or may begin to show up in steps not too far down the road. It is a great opportunity energy that shows up just before the Full Moon in Scorpio. Keep your eyes open to see what it is telling you. Be open to new opportunities and magic can happen. Just a reminder – Mercury goes direct on April 25. It will be in the (direct) shadow zone until May 15.

Those signs most affected by or sensitive to this Full Moon in Scorpio are the Fixed signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (0-8 degrees of each sign). Birthdays are: April 20-28; July 23-31; October 23-31; and January 21- 29.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others and news may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you,

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is not really necessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel would be a great dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or creates a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts are coming

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up again.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. And maybe some vacation plans in the making.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you will. Spring is bright. Take a leap and give a big shout. Do stay in the moment and remember to pay attention. Be well and blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, March 25, 2024- Find the balance and thrive

Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Full Moon is rising along with some strong storms in the Eastern and Southern states of America.  These two weeks before the Full Moon have been so crazy in my life. How were your last two weeks? The New Moon in Aries brought in a ton of energy and it had me run, skipping and jumping around like a nutcase and I still have not got it all done. Out there in candyland is unbelievable as to what is happening across the globe. It was so nice to get away for a weekend to join the leprechauns dancing in the streets. And in that timeframe the individuals hanging about the various places were so freaky. In the meantime I also took some time off from Facebook and the online scene and sometimes I feel like not going back to it. I only get this way once in a great while.

It is a time to set your yearly intentions. It is still time enough to do it. What do you choose to create and have it happen next year at this time? Think about it and send it out there into the higher realms and do act upon your intention so that it may manifest a year from now. Look for signs in your life that will help you make that leap to a new start.

The Easter season is now upon us and the Full Moon is the day after Palm Sunday.  Since it takes place during the week before Easter in the Christian faith maybe there is something most forget that Jesus Christ was fighting those who kept the truth from the people back then. He spent his adult life speaking truth challenging the status quo of his day. Remember He did push back against the Roman Empire. Search for the truth always!

News tidbits: Well the days of March Madness are to the forefront. I watched parts of some games and the referees are still favoring the top seeds at times. I watched a foul being called and the player touched the ball not the other player. Foul. Why are the referees so blind? A bunch of malarkey it is. The State of Tennessee has passed a bill banning Chemtrail spraying. Looks like Kristi Noem and Justin Trudeau are on the same page since they both want to put you in jail for your opinions that are not on line with theirs. The Pope is putting down “anti-vaxxers” and says it is an act of denial. Some states are telling people to stock up on food before the Solar Eclipse of April 8th and also saying have other forms of communication besides cell phones. So what are they really saying? The Solar Eclipse on the 8th lasts a few minutes and most places in this country can see something of it. Ron Paul warned of a black swan event.

And now the Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse is making an appearance on the grand stage in the sky on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 3:00am EDT; 12:00am PDT; and  at 7:00am GMT in 5 degrees 07 ’. The Sun is opposite the Moon in the same degree in Aries. And those first decan Aries are a crazy, wild bunch. This is an individual new beginning, yet it is also felt on the collective level. The Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is asking you to look at the place in your life that you are acting out of balance and also to see both sides before you make any decisions. IF you know the house in your natal chart where the Full Moon is then you can see what area needs to be balanced. Libra Full Moon may give into others instead of standing up for their own principles. It is time to look at both sides before making any decisions. Libra loves the partnership but sometimes they go to extremes. Let harmony reign supreme in your life now. Aries loves independence and being free. Many times Aries will not compromise. Fear may show up regarding any intimacy. This is a time to take a look at your relationship and try to make it better. Can you bring in more harmony? Are you creating separation or are you allowing the boundaries to expand?  Did you close the door on something that is real? The Moon is trine Pluto in Aquarius which says there can be bittersweet obsessive thoughts about people who are not of the goodness. Stay clear in your mind and keep yourself from involvement with those who are not in your best interest.  Can be a truly seductive aspect or you can use it to investigate any corruption that may have shown up. Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus brings about a happy time to socialize and even be intimate. You feel upbeat and joyful and want to interact with others. This occurs a few days before the Full Moon. Eclipses present an opportunity to break any cycles and release what is no longer working. Watch for unavoidable conflict since there is so much energy focused on partnerships.

Just a reminder -Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 2024-April 25 2024. The energies that are around you now may be stressful so slow things down and keep the burnout away. It can bring a lethargic feeling to you and you may wish to do nothing at times. Some may have general anxiety disorders and lack total motivation. Indulge in positive self-talk if you have self-worth issues. Try not to sign any major documents since they may have to be changed. Also technology may be not working properly and communication may be a bit off.

Sun signs/Ascendant signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer; Libra and Capricorn 1-9 degrees. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those Sign degrees may also be somewhat affected. Wherever this Full Moon falls in your chart will tell you where you need to rebalance. It may also bring about a turning point in your life. Birthdays are: March 22-30; June 23-July 1; September 25-October 2; December 23-31.

Some tidbits:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner or companion. Release all unhealthy connections. Are you fearful of being vulnerable? Free yourself already from the past.

Taurus – Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work. Is your life working in your favor? You are definitely feeling introspective.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative. What is keeping you from being your truth? Flirty feelings are good.

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life. Is the past still influencing your beliefs? Some good professional things going on!

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through? Has your communication changed?  Search for the truth.

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security. Where are the imbalances in your life? Too much giving and not allowing to receive?

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now. You may want to make yourself a priority at this time.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry. Yet, on some level you are looking for a connection.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list. Look closely at your projects, your inner stability and authenticity.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through. Keep the balance in your life especially professionally.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch what you say to others. Work it out. You are looking for adventure.  Are you thinking of publishing something?

Pisces – Search for peace is on the docket. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure. Something pivotal is coming financially or personally. 

There has been something building inside of you, a personal nature, and now is the time when the cosmic energy demands that you let it out. Over the coming months, you will discover what this declaration means for you. You need to express your feelings and not sit on them. Your larger work should focus on reaching a good balance. Enlightenment in the weeks following the lunation provides you with a golden opportunity to explore your emotional needs which can help lead to good decisions and actions.

Stay in the moment and keep yourself in balance. Be blessed at this most holy time. Thank you for all you do and stay in peace as any shifting occurs. Please share this post if so inclined.  Until again. Love, Jan

New Moon in Scorpio, November 13, 2023 – Will the unexpected bring about recharge and a leap?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been crazy out there the last few weeks. Where has your energy taken you? Are you still thriving in the past and loving it? Or are you ready to move up in the new vibration? Are you allowing the world around you to pull you back into another time? Many questions are present and important for you to answer within. There is more than enough distraction around the world to keep you saddled to the old paradigm. The earth is going through transition to a new energy timeline. You can go with it or stay back and live your old life. What do you choose to do? I know many out there are still dwelling in the past and have no interest in moving into a higher vibration. If you are on your phone, watching television or anything else that depletes your energy then you are not seeing what the truth of the matter in today’s world is. Are you willing to take the leap as the energy changes? There is much negativity that is keeping you from seeing the truth as it is at this moment. By staying in your old patterns you are keeping yourself from advancing and living on a higher plane. Your intuition is being blocked by all the extensive electronics that are surrounding you.  How many of you actually prefer watching a video than reading the transcript? I thought so. With the New Moon in Scorpio coming in you may feel very intense or chilled to the max. And if you are looking for a solution then this is time to be open to it.

Have you wondered what happened to the 2000 children in Lahaina? Where are they? Did you hear there was a hurricane in Acapulco and that it is eventually going to become a 15 minute city as will Lahaina? Do you know exactly who Netanyahu is? Abortion is the keyword in life today. The abortion issue is rampant and influencing the voters. Since 1973 more than 60 million babies have been killed in the United States. Obviously that matters not! Soon when there will be no country of ours – please do not cry. What is the issue here? Texas government placed concertina wire along the border and now the Border Patrol is removing it so illegals can gain entry. Do you care about this? Oh, by the way, in the U.S. 80% of the population are on prescription medication. Are you kidding me? And Grand Central Terminal was closed for a period of time due to the Anti-Israel protests.

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:27am EST; 1:27am PST; and 9:27am GMT in 20 degrees 43’. The Sun is in the exact sign and degree as the Moon. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Hot items, yes! Scorpio is suspicious at times and can be quite secretive about true motives. Usually this is due to the fact Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. It is about finding solutions yet at times the emotions get in the way. Much endurance comes if the emotions are channeled properly. How have your emotions been? Have they helped you? If not, then stop holding on to them and let them go. Do not let self-destructive feelings pull you down. Allow the heart to be present so love can free you. What is it you most love? The Scorpio New Moon will help you find out what you truly want to have in your life and how to manifest it. This is a time to align with your soul gifts and say yes if you truly mean it instead of saying no and hiding in the shadows. Keep in mind what you wish to create. On another note the New Moon is conjunct Mars and Ceres in Scorpio and opposite to Uranus in Taurus. So hot it is yet it can cool down if you wish. The unexpected related to the past may show up since Uranus is retrograde at this time. What needs to be recharged? Is there some other area of your life that you forgot to pay attention? This push through erratic energy may bring to you face to face with a new beginning.  The Scorpio/Taurus opposition may be saying to you that is time to get rid of old junk that has been sitting around for a long time. There is a trine between the New Moon and Neptune in Pisces which says you may be able to find out the reason for emotional issues or household things that have been a puzzle to you. If you pay attention this this confusion from the past may be let go and you can move forward. Much of what is happening may bring about a transformation to you in a profound way. Are you ready? Since Neptune in Pisces is trine the New Moon it enhances your intuitive powers bringing more compassion and also opening a line to trust and forgiveness. Are you ready to let go that which is no longer part of your world? Are you ready to make a fresh start and let it take you to a better road forward? Relationships formed under this influence would have a soul mate feel to them. 

With the New Moon just occurring on Monday the main question for all is to ask yourself -what are you fearful of expressing or enjoying? Scorpio brings that to you and you may not always see everything around any situation that may appear. How many of you take the leap to a new start? I notice that many of you hang on so tightly to past issues, situations and habit patterns. Does it create a better life for you? Does it help you begin again? New Moons are very much about new starts wherever it falls in you natal blueprint. And the new beginning cannot fully take place if you live in other than the present time.

The Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 17-25 degrees. If you have personal planets in any of these degrees you will also be influenced Birthdays which are in the mix are May 7-14; August 8-15; November 8-15 and February 5-13. It sits opposite my Sun. I am sure big changes are coming and I also cannot imagine where it is taking me. Interesting time it is.Some tidbits for Sun signs and Rising signs:
Aries-It is a good time for catharsis of some kind. Gains can show up. Shared resources are in the mix. Please watch who you share confidential information with. Control issues about money/sex. 

Taurus- New phase in relationships arrives. No time for being a hermit. Someone new around you has amazing potential. All systems go. Listen to any feedback from friend or lover.  

 Gemini- It is time to transform your well-being with a long-term plan. Is there a way that you can help others also with their problems? Be gentle with your actions. Organize at home and work.                                                  

Cancer- Good fortune in love and it expands even more. Express yourself creatively. Travel may be in the picture. Self-confidence helps you get your executive ability going.                                                                                         

Leo- What big changes are coming in your life this month? Make no changes that unsettle your security. Positive new developments show up. New job maybe?                                                            

Virgo – Are you feeling lucky? There may be a reason. Get your ideas out there if you are feeling creative. How about some humor in your conversations? Social activities are favored.

Libra – Are there some fears hanging about? What are they saying to you? It is time to transform your fiscal affairs. Look for ways to let it grow for the future.

Scorpio- Magical thinking appears. Be optimistic. Do you really think you can solve everyone’s problems and transform them? There is a new sense of leadership and drive.

Sagittarius- What do you need to change and so that transformation can occur? If you feel vulnerable you need to let others be aware. Opportunities come to you. Was that one?

Capricorn- Give thoughts to future plans. Connect with those important people. A happy friendship can expand. Are your ideas too set in stone? Victory in some area comes soon.

Aquarius- So you are controlling your emotions, are you? And the magnetism that comes through may come in handy. Transformative new start in business is available.

Pisces – Whatever you are visualizing can be real. Future plans are on the docket. Stay on your path and no matter what, create how you intend it to be in the coming months.

“What we change in ourselves and in our world is a direct result of the questions we ask ourselves. Are we asking the right questions?” Joe Martino, founder of Collective Evolution and The Pulse

Thank you for reading and sharing this post, and for all you do in the world. Remember to set your intentions within 48 hours of the New moon time. Let your heart rule and let the faith within come to the forefront. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

New Moon in Taurus, May 19, 2023 – Security is present if you open to it

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been an interesting couple of weeks. Up and down we go, where it stops nobody knows or something similar to that. I feel that many of you are on a roller coaster without even knowing due to the Lunar Eclipse. Where has my America gone?  How many out there do you hate? Just wondering? I see many out there with their energy out of kilter and I wonder what it is that they are thinking. Maybe thinking too much and continuing to live way back when. And then I see those of you who are having fun. It is time for a breath. Yes, breathe. Pause a moment and do take a deep breath and exhale. Take another one and let it out slowly. No thinking as you do this. Great! Taurus energy is about grounding yourself. Much of what is happening out there is interfering with the Light within so the high vibrations that are trying to come to you are just thrown off and have little influence. That is why positivity is a must in these times of chaos. As I look out over the mountains I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention and choose to move forward.

As the world turns the energy out there is crazier than ever. Since the last time there has been so much happening. King Charles III had his coronation and a figure dressed like the grim reaper ran past a door. No comment.  As you all know the Title 42 is no longer in effect and the illegals are flowing into the U.S. at a rapid pace. I heard on the radio the other day that a bus filled with Venezuelans arrived in Philadelphia. How do you think it will be once they all show up from anywhere? And in NYC they removed a wedding party who had 30 rooms out of a hotel so illegals can move in. Why is there a bill in Florida that subverts election transparency? The whistleblowers from the DOD are sounding out about how there have been extreme numbers in miscarriages, cancer and myocarditis since the start of the Covid vaccines. The AI takeover of life is outrageous. Soon there will be no jobs except for the AI and no one cares. And who is Elon Musk anyway? Is he for real? And last but not least- where does the FBI go from here?

The New Moon is in Taurus on Friday, May 19, 2023, at 11:53 AM EDT in 28 degrees 20’.The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon. The New Moon starts a new cycle following the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Scorpio. The last New Moon was a Solar Eclipse earlier this month. This is a good time to look at what brings you happiness. Do you have any idea about what makes you feel the joy within? If you are interested in making changes in your life this is a perfect energy to do so. Also there is much to say about finding fulfillment in your material possessions and your money. Taurus loves simplicity in pleasures in body and out there walking or being in nature. It is about feeling secure within and in your life. If you feel uncomfortable now then look deeply as to what makes you feel this way and let it go. The New Moon is in harmony with Mars in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. Your intuitive powers are asking for you to go within and find your inner balance. Do you realize that you can dream and have your intentions come into being even if you continue the fear mode? Walk through the fear and you will be amazed at what you can manifest. Oh, no, a challenge what will you do? Continue moving ahead and know that your potential to achieve is within you Abundance is yours if you believe that you already are able to be in that space. Opportunities may present themselves as you open to them in this Taurus season. Jupiter goes into Taurus on May 16 and will conjunct the North Node in Taurus and it is a time of some good luck and good karma coming to you. It may bring something that is good that you need to experience and also to balance out anything from about 19 years ago when the North Node was in Taurus. The New Moon will also be with Jupiter on May 19 2023 and square to Pluto in Aquarius. There may be a lessening of inflation on the world level. What shock comes in due to Uranus being in Taurus (the money sign). Keep your eyes open to see what this timeframe until next May 2024 brings in money-wise. Jupiter in Taurus is about money, personal values, and if you have anything of value (possessions) it may be a time to check out how much it is worth. Jupiter and Pluto at zero, unlocks a powerful portal of energy that you can use to manifest and create a new vision for your lives. Saturn in Pisces is sextile to Mercury Rx in Taurus. What actually gives you security in your life and what does not? As I said previously financial security is a big influence. For everyone else since Venus is in Cancer and is generally about new beginnings in love and financial matters. One more thing…remember to love yourself too as you give love to others.

Emerald is a great gem for this New Moon and so is rose oil in your bath or Chamomile tea. By the way take a break from that screen that is taking up precious time in your life. It is making you be on autopilot.

Those who have Sun/Ascendant at 24-30 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius and 1-2 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Aquarius will be affected more intensely. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) it may also have some effect. Tidbits:

Aries- Take a time out and look at your financial plans so that you can recreate if you need to do so. What direction do you choose to take now?

Taurus – Accept yourself for who you are and double down on your confidence. You have the way to keep things going. Make things happen. You are the focus.

Gemini – It is time to just pull back a bit and go within to find the grounding needed. Take time to align yourself with your truth so you are ready to leap soon..

Cancer – Look for those who are similar in their thoughts about values. Expand your social media friends as you reconnect with others whom are in your social circle.

Leo –Show the world who you really are. Expand your expertise in your field even if you are working from home. A new chapter may open up. Stop hiding your true self.

Virgo- Open your eyes to your potential and look for a new perspective. Some travel issues may show up or is it connecting to the spiritual?

Libra – Good time to create new future plans. Look at your financial affairs. Looks like a fresh start may be coming to you. Good things can show up.

Scorpio – The New Moon is sitting right over you partnership house. How will that give you some gladness or madness? You choose. It is time for healing.

Sagittarius- Everyday living becomes the focus. Are you planning on new job or health routine? Or are you paying too much to your partner’s stuff? Bring back the magic.

Capricorn – What do you enjoy the most? Go for it and take down the walls. That creative bent may show up. Inner child wisdom comes. Maybe just sit back and smell the roses?

Aquarius – You get some clarity in your daily life. Some things may need to be looked at. What can you do for your home and family? Take a deeper look at your ancestry.

Pisces – You seem to have lots of communication going on these days. Have you thought about writing something interesting? Change your words and see what happens.Open to prosperity!!!

Rid yourself of the past energy so you can leap in a bright way. This New Moon in Taurus may give you something that you are seeking. So I say to you watch what you wish for because you will get it. (Stop the negative thinking). Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful. A few good wishes for the new moon – I wish to create financial freedom easily. I wish to give up self-sabotage talk about money. I choose to enjoy the sensual side of my life. I live life according to my values. Have a blessed time at this New Moon. Until again, love, Jan        

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, October 25, 2022 – How far will love take you?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sitting looking out my window and see the leaves are losing their brighter colors. The last weeks were a beautiful picture. As the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse comes in there will be a shift in your life yet many will fight it and continue on the way to nowhere. It has love in the mix so how will you handle that? There is much going on in the Universe and much is unseen. The old world is collapsing and much that is going on will be thrown out. In my own life when I speak to others there is no real conversation. It is just ho hum and all that is shared is how the injection is so necessary.  I am so sad that those out there are letting life pass by without any purpose. And a good portion of society are now doing what they are told because why?  Gullibility is the word of the day. Fear is continuing to be rampant. As I look around many of you are stuck in the bubble of this so-called free society. Do you truly believe you are free to do whatever you choose? If this goes on much longer you will be wishing you paid attention to the truth that was right before your eyes. Following the crowd is not about freedom and that’s what many of you are doing. When I speak to others about a variety of topics it is quite noticeable that hatred has a big part. You hate this one and that one until you are on such an automatic pilot that you know longer know what is true and not. And why do you hate so much? It has nothing to do with anyone except you. Hate comes from within and if you have no love for self then the hate blooms bigger. Look within again and be your own authentic self. Are you worried those will not like you if you do not go along with them? When was the last time you felt joy? It is truly yours if you choose joy and love over the negative. What a beauty that is!!

The propaganda continues blatantly. Soon you will be eating bugs. Are you ready for this? I am sure there are many who are unaware of this plan. And don’t forget the weeds for salad. Ok, you do not believe me, your choice. Some other tidbits: There is a lawsuit to force the release of documents regarding the assassination of President Kennedy in 1962. I am sure the evidence will be a shock to many. And soon the children will be forced to get another VAX on their platform of injections …one for CV19 and then they will be allowed to attend school .Will you allow them to do this to your children? And babies too!!! My heart goes out to those who have left the earth under these circumstances because many were in good health. Were you aware that all people in Saudi Arabia are tracked in real time? The illegal migrants continue to flow across the border into the U.S.

The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse shows up on Tuesday, October 25 2022 at 6:48am EDT; 3:48am PDT; and 12:48om GMT in 02°00′ Scorpio. The Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. A Solar Eclipse helps you put plans in motion for the future since this one is more harmonious and time to pamper yourself (Venus conjunct New Moon) yet does have a bit of wish for reaching your goals but may bring dissatisfaction if there is a lack of balance between what you want and what you need (New Moon quincunx Jupiter.) There is creative action in the mix along with dance, money and even with good investments. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Scorpio can be suspicious at times and can be secretive about their motives. This is due to the fact that sometimes Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. Scorpio Moon/Sun has great ambition. They dislike the spotlight. The New Moon is about new beginnings in intimate relationships since it is closely conjunct Venus. This New Moon in Scorpio gives to you an insight regarding love. Through this feeling you find the power of the soul and heart. What is your heart’s deepest desire? This is a time that you can shift the patterns to which in many cases you pay very little attention. At times Scorpio is so deep that others around may not quite fathom what is actually going on within you. And another item that comes up is the fact that life is not just about material or professional success. Where does the New Moon fall in your chart? What are your feelings? It falls in my 5th house and it truly is about experiencing a high in my life, creating a new project, romantic loving or going out and having fun. I am so ready!!! Also there can be some healing in my life since it is near my Chiron (the wounded healer).  You need to look deeply within to discover whether you are on the right path to bring you the love and prosperity that you so wish for. And try to work on any emotional burdens that you hang onto in your life. And one more aspect is it falls on the South Node. Endings bring new beginnings.

Moon in Scorpio is just two weeks ahead of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus which is on November 8 (Election Day for Midterms), its opposite sign. Eclipses bring major unexpected shifts and shakeups. The energy of the New Moon Eclipse lasts about 6 months. The New Moon energy lasts about 4 weeks. If you gravitate to the madness of the world in the next couple of weeks then the energy needed to begin again in a new direction, relationship or wherever else it takes you will be less focused and you may still be in the same place. Get out of the craziness and see how shifting happens within. Put your intentions out there and see where it takes you. Keep negatives out of it.

Most intensely affected by this New Moon in Scorpio are 1-5 degree of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and 29-30 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Those of you who have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) around those degrees may be affected also. Some tidbits for Sun signs/ Rising signs

Aries-Gains can show up. Shared resources are in the mix. Please watch who you share confidential information with. Control issues about money/sex.                                                                                                    Taurus- New phase in relationships arrives. No time for being a hermit. Someone new around you has amazing potential. Listen to any feedback from a partner.                                   

Gemini- It is time to transform your well-being with a long-term plan. Is there a way that you can help others also with their problems? Be gentle with your actions. Organize at home and work.          

Cancer- Good fortune in love and it expands even more. Express yourself creatively. Travel may be in the picture. Self-confidence helps you get your executive ability going.                                                                                                Leo- What big changes are coming in your life this month? Make no changes that unsettle your security. Positive new developments show up. New job maybe?                                                                                  Virgo – Are you feeling lucky? There may be a reason. Get your ideas out there if you are feeling creative. How about some humor in your conversations? Social activities are favored.  

Libra – Are there some fears hanging about? What are they saying to you? It is time to transform your fiscal affairs. Look for ways to let it grow for the future.

Scorpio-   Magical thinking appears. Be optimistic. Do you really think you can solve everyone’s problems and transform them? There is a new sense of leadership and drive.      

Sagittarius- What do you need to change and so that transformation can occur? If you feel vulnerable you need to let others be aware. Opportunities come to you. Was that one?     

Capricorn- Give thoughts to future plans. Connect with those important people. A happy friendship can expand. Are your ideas too set in stone? Victory in some area comes soon.    

Aquarius- So you are controlling your emotions, are you? And the magnetism that comes through may come in handy. Transformative new start in business is available.  

Pisces – Whatever you are visualizing can be real. Future plans are on the docket. Stay on your path and no matter what; create how you intend it to be in the coming months.   

Some essential oils for New Moon in Scorpio: Begamot-helps boost self-confidence after releasing stagnant feelings; Majoram-breaks down walls of the heart; and Lavender lets you break down walls and express your truth.

Thank you for reading, sharing and staying in the New Moon moment. Keep yourself grounded no matter what the world energy is doing. Lots of shifting is happening. Get  ideas out there. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Pisces, September 10 2022 – Intuition helps the changes

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Apologies for the lateness in posting this Full Moon happening. What a week this has been.  No internet access for 3 days. Sure made life interesting. My router was broken. So now it is working great and will then start setting up my new computer soon. So, how have you been? Have you been dancing in the street or just hiding in your abode? The fear-mongering continues and I say stay out of its way and love who you are first and then send love out to the world. Can you do this? Without love there is nothing. The summer is almost gone although the heat continues in the West. The humidity here gets to me very much and I just am blah unless I have some interaction.  Many out there live in a world of their own without reaching out to others. That amazes me yet there is nothing I can do about it. Life has become a circle of fear no matter how happy one can be. Is this necessary? Look within dear ones and see how beautiful you are and erase the past once and for all. Memories are great. Living there is burdensome. Let it go already. This is incoming energy of the Full Moon is good for positive changes and bringing your intuition back on track to help to discern what actually is going on in a good way.

The biggest news of the last few days is that Queen Elizabeth the UK Monarch has died. There will be much goings on in Britain as she is taken from Scotland to London for the funeral. Prince Charles will now become the King. I am sure this will be the only news that will run on the networks for the next week or more. In the meantime shootings have taken place in Tennessee and there is word that more are on the way. By the way- Forcing people to mask in solitary confinement and submit to experimental “vaccines” violates the Nuremberg Code. Do the research about the Nuremberg Code and you will see that I am saying the truth.  Do you know what “SMART” Really Stand For?  It is “Secret Military Armaments in Residential Technology”. Look it up. It is real.

The Full Moon in Pisces comes in Saturday, September 10, 2022 at 5:58am EDT; 2:58am PDT; and 9:58am GMT in 17°41. The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune but its influence is lesser than usual since it is 6 degrees away. With the Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune now says to trust your inner knowing. The main aspect is the sextile of the Full Moon to Uranus in Taurus which is positive and indicates a time to use your intuitive power which is at a peak and be more aware. There are many changes that may come in. If you are more open-minded you may be able to attract new friendships and be more inspired in your outlook. It is also a good time to get rid of old ways of doing things and bringing in a new attitude or way to create change. The next two weeks are a good time to make those changes. If you are looking for a new direction then this is a good time to shift it. Saturn in Aquarius continues to be in square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This is constantly shaking up the system in your life and those out there in the world. This aspect is quite difficult and will be present until the end of the year. Keep in a positive mode and in the moment no matter what is going on since who knows which way the Full Moon will take you. The Full Moon in Pisces also is separating from a square to Mars in Gemini which can stir the pot and maybe bring some anger and defensiveness into the picture.

Pisces connects us to the feeling state. It activates our psychic awareness. It may even open hearts more and bring in unconditional love and peace. Is that at all possible in this chaotic world at this time? Yes, if you stop getting pulled into the current state of affairs. It is saying to you that you can tune into the collective, be sensitive, and yet stay out of the negativity. Because with Neptune in Pisces sitting conjoined with the Full Moon it is more than likely you can miss the boat and jump into a massive illusion since the Sun opposes Neptune. Now if you are artistically inclined then that would be beneficial since you can create a masterpiece with the vision that comes in. What else can you do? …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may remind you to just relax, refresh and get more sleep. Not such a bad idea, now is it? Or you can help someone who isn’t expecting it and will not impact you too much.

For those who love me saying Mercury is going retrograde in 8+degrees Libra…it is doing so later on September 9 2022. Thrilled you are, I know. Mercury Retrograde has a way of opening our eyes up to what we were unable, unwilling, or just too busy before to actually see. This makes Mercury retrograde a wonderful time to review what you are doing. Rather than jumping into something new, it’s a great time to finish up existing projects, refine and make your existing work better, and reveal solutions and innovations where you may have felt blocked or stagnated before. You may wish to look at things from another perspective.  Transportation, technology, and communication may be affect4ed during this time frame. You may see that it is ok to slow down a bit, be patient, and let things work themselves out.

Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected by the Full Moon in Pisces are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces from 14-20 degrees. Birthdays are: June 4-10; September 6-12; December 6-12 and March 4-10. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus) in these degrees you may be affected also.Some tidbits for the Sun Signs: (If you know your rising sign read that also)

Aries- Move on/close the door on what you no longer needed. What can you do for others now? Goings on in work and health and maybe a pet come into focus.

Taurus- What aren’t you doing creatively? (Ok, I admit it) Embrace new friendships and keep walls down. A little romance mayo enter the picture.                  

Gemini- Reach out and connect. Create positive outcomes. Self-confidence is rising. Restore peace with family. Career and home interests pull on each other.

Cancer- Who is taking up your time and keeping you from what you need to do? You are rewarded if you do what is right for all. Travel may be in the mix

Leo – Some uncertainly about finances appears. Watch for fiscal confusion whichmay occur. Be brave and open door to better situation. Bring about changes too!

Virgo- Is there something uncertain or confusing in a relationship? Someone new may show up. Be focused. Avoid negative chatter so you do not get pulled in.

Libra-Perfect time to call on angels for instant manifestation! Some matters have to close. Lift confusion over health or money issues. Stay in the moment.

Scorpio – Are you a bit too serious? What would it take for you to be more committed, passionate and positive? Attitude shift needed! A new love feeling!

Sagittarius-Time to honor your feelings and be in your heart! What do you need to close?  Full Moon asks you to focus and slow down a bit. Upsets may occur.

Capricorn- Do you know that the impossible is actually possible? If there is something or someone new in your life has it put you in a fear place?

Aquarius-Total honesty Is needed here. How about baring your soul? Who are you really? Let others see the real you. Stay out of unusual behavior.

Pisces- Restore your faith in human nature. See the positives in a relationship. Focus on the positive and leave the rest behind. Connections do intensify.

May you be blessed at this Full Moon in Pisces! Thank you for reading and sharing I you will. Comments or questions are always welcome. It is a time of silence for many so that the truth can rise. Go with the flow of the Pisces moon energy and let go the past and dream. Until again! Love, Jan

New Moon in Virgo, August 27, 2022 – Will you overreact?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I looked out upon the ocean it was a true moment of bliss for me. I love to watch the waves crashing. And now I just realized how soon the leaves on the trees would be turning. How can summer have gone so fast? Lots of interesting things came to me as I ask you now if you have taken a leap lately. What is holding you back? I know I have been dwelling on this topic yet it is important in my life and yours. With the craziness of the world going on around you it is now time to take a look at purifying your thoughts as you go within and take a look at what is holding you back. You need to stop resisting or your life will continue in the same manner. Is that what you choose? When I look around and then talk to others it amazes me that the divisiveness is still going on between various groups. That is far from a good life. Have you ever thought that what you see in others is saying that it is what is within you? Open up to the purification of the New Moon in Virgo. Can you be your authentic self?

Some other things – The Green New Deal or whatever they call it is a bunch of bunk. Carbon dioxide is plant food, and the basis for life on Earth Without carbon dioxide life will be erased. Maybe that is what it is about.  Interesting that Anne Heche and Congresswoman Walorski were working on ending child sex trafficking Just saw something that the WEF wants to march forward with digital identity. That way there is better tracking and your life will not be yours anymore. Just saying! So now children are developing childhood dementia. Doctors are baffled. Hmmm!  I still cannot figure out why anyone who received the injection for CV19 now ends up with Corona Virus. Or can I? Did you know that the number of those coming across the southern border can be upwards of five million or some say 10x higher.? And Americans are sleeping on the streets.

What this New Moon in Virgo is bringing to you is about your ability to work, to adapt, going over details, looking at your health and diet, thinking analytically and doing everyday tasks. Some of you may even choose to give up on the perfection angle. The New Moon in Virgo arrives on August 27, 2022 at 4:16am EDT; 1:16am PDT; and 8:16am GMT in 04°03’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo.  The Sign of Virgo is the Virgin. Many say it is the Divine Feminine energy. There is only one major aspect to this New moon which is a square to Mars in Gemini.  This can be an angry time with impatience, hate and irritation to the forefront. If not channeled appropriately it can lead to aggressive tendencies and violence. You may wish to exercise or work hard to walk through this energy. The New Moon itself would say to organize and tidy up your life, in whatever ways it is a junk pile. And take stock of the ways you give service and make a contribution to the world around you.  You may wish to pay more attention to details since this is what Virgo loves. This is a good time for a goal. If it doesn’t work then it goes bye-bye, then you can reorganize and simplify whatever is left. Watch how you do this so you don’t dump something that may be useful to that goal. Unfortunately it may be more difficult to stay with the orderliness since Mars is angry and may disrupt the whole process. Keep that in mind. If you have to fight back then get your courage up but do not initiate any contact that is assertive. Be careful what you put out there verbally and physically. War or assassinations are a possible outcome in the big world of ours.

Venus in Leo, the planet of peace and love, is opposite Saturn in Aquarius. Not a good time for women since some may be treated badly. There may be major delays in finances and love. Good time to organize and know where you stand in both areas. Loved ones may put some pressure on you. Venus is also square Uranus in Taurus which brings some unexpected energy to love. Some of you may look for excitement or freedom in your relationships. Watch your urges!!! It also is about keeping on track financially. Keep that impulsive spending in check. Stock market may be very unstable at this time. Shifting circumstances are going on now. Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus may bring more restrictions along with instability in the world of politics. With the North Node still conjunct Uranus in Taurus there may be abrupt endings in many areas of your life if they are not in attunement with your true soul purpose. Release them for good.

The New Moon is about moving forward yet this may be a time when challenges set inand what you wish to do may be sidetracked. Keep your mind and heart open no matter what is going on. Virgo is about purification and although it may not be an easy task at this time let your mind, body, and spirit purification be present and put your intention out there. Mercury goes retrograde for the next 3+ weeks starting September 9.. Oh how happy you are to hear this. This is a reminder to put important things to sign on hold when Mercury goes retrograde. More on this in the full moon post for September 10..

Keeping your body healthy is important at this time. Take a bath with lavender and Epsom salt. Listen to good music in the key of D. Smoky quartz helps any past emotional blocks and amethyst influences keeping your goals on track.

Since Virgo is also about healing this is a good mantra…“I AM the Violet Flame of presence, blazing and transforming whatever within me that needs to be healed.” Repeat this energetically and as many times as you feel necessary.

Those most intensely affected are Virgos between 1-8 degrees (August 2-September 3; Sagittarius between 1-8 degrees November 23- 30; Pisces between 1-8 degrees February 21-28 and Gemini 1-8 degrees May 22-29.. And any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury) 1-8 degrees of those signs will also be affected.  Here are some tidbits:

Aries- This is an excellent time for connections of all sorts. New work may come into the mix in the next couple of months. Lay back a bit so you stay in good health.

Taurus –Work and romantic involvements are highlighted and children too!  New love may enter picture. Watch out for any critical commenting.

Gemini –Are you looking to bring more beauty to your home or getting a new one? Or is there going to be lots of entertaining in your surroundings?

Cancer – It is time to get away. Take a short drive or go take a walk in the woods and see how your energy changes. Maybe a new health regimen will help you.

Leo –Your self-esteem gets a charge. Financial talk and planning may take you in a new direction and even bring in some added revenue to the table.

Virgo- Now is the time to look for a new routine for your health and who you are. Big changes come in the next few months. Start fresh and take a trip out and about.

Libra – Helping others right now is what it is about. Go out and do some volunteer work. Some unexpected invite may show up around the New Moon.

Scorpio – New goals are in the picture so go for it in the next months. Also, new friends show up and old ones are ready to be there. Enjoy the camaraderie.

Sagittarius- Where is your career headed? Do you have a new direction in mind? How do you intend to advance? Stay in the positive. Dreams may come true.

Capricorn—Intentions about work, travel and good interactions will make this a grand time. What new skills and talents are waiting for you to take up?

Aquarius – is there money coming to you out of the blue? Is there a new intimate connection coming into your life or is the one you have getting better?

Pisces –Get out there and give it your all and plant some loving seeds. Remember to stay practical and stop sacrificing so much. Get out and socialize already.

Thank you for reading and please share if you will. Stop hiding and get out there with love but keep the service and your relationships in balance and no getting into arguments. You can do it. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in Leo, February 16, 2022 – Find your heart’s desire!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and write this post I noticed that my phone said that the freezing rain would stop in a few minutes. I looked again and glanced out the window and the sun was shining behind a cloud. There had not been any rain and not freezing at all. Obviously forecasting was on the back burner in meteorology. On a brighter note Valentine’s Day will show up two days before the Full Moon and will you be swept off your feet with some kind of grand gesture? Will joy be in the forecast? I was thinking about this the other day. What brings you the most joy? Is it that others around you like what you say or do? Do others control your perspective and feelings about your own life? Why not follow your own path these days? Why not find the joy within and walk forward in ways that are so delightful and filled with laughter that you are amazed how much you can do when you are in a good mood. Oh, how can I say this? The world is so overwhelmed with negativity that you can only see that in front of you. I ask you to stop now and find the place that brings you a good feeling. Stop being distracted and stay on your road to joy, Can you do this? Take the time to connect with your spirit within and that will turn the energy around and joy will appear. And remember to let the love in your heart expand to others in every way. Of course, you need to love yourself also.

The day before Valentine’s Day which is on February 14th is the Super Bowl. Will you watch it or will you find some other wonderful thing to do in your life? Maybe you will go find a crack pipe? As the world turns again the Freedom Convoy in Canada is still hanging about and will do so in the future. Their ability to get money from those who wish to donate was stopped. I believe I saw that someone else is setting up a fund now. Where is the real Justin Trudeau? No one seems to be saying. Oh, he has appeared again. The trucker convoy in the USA is supposed to begin in a couple of weeks going from California across country to Washington D.C. tt shall be interesting. In schools it is getting worse. Do school boards serve the parents or the other way around? Looks like the Covid thing is starting to wind down and now Aids/Hiv is reappearing! Stop. One more thing- Are you going to get your baby injected and kneel before your masters? Or will you see the truth? I feel so sorry for all those children who continue to wear masks. How will that affect them down the road since they really cannot see the full face of others and truly communicate?

It is time to fine-tune any projects that you began at the last New Moon.  Try to just consolidate what is going on since the Full Moon is void of course. The Full Moon in Leo, the star, the dancing queen, the drama planet shows up in the sky on Wednesday February 16, 2022 at 11:56am EST; 8:56am PST; and 4:56pm GMT in 27º59. The Sun is in Aquarius at the same degree. Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. This Full Moon energy lasts until the March 2md New Moon.  I would say to just try to consolidate what you have been doing and wait a bit to take those goals to a new level at this time. The Full Moon is free from any major aspects as it comes in. But there is a crowd hovering in the background around it. No wonder you feel like you are trapped in a cave. The Moon in Leo is (150 degree) inconjunct Pluto in Capricorn which tells you to check each part of your life and see if you are failing to resolve something or have not seen before. Is there a part of your life that may be causing unhappiness yet you do not see it? Take another look now. And watch out for any irritation that may stir you into a fiery emotional mess. On a lighter note with the Moon in Leo it is saying it is time to be a bit out there and do your creative thing and shine. Of course, Leo Moon does help love come through also. Keep the ego balanced and you will definitely see a shift. Love is so part of Leo. The Moon is also square to its Nodes which form a Grand cross pattern that includes the Sun in Aquarius. How can you physically keep the wheel turning? You need to put your own effort into it even if there are other things happening.

Venus and Mars in Capricorn are within a minute of each other. This Mars/Venus Intense energy is also about creativeness and passion. How will that bring joy to your life? The conjunction wants to know what you desire. Together in Capricorn it is about commitment and effort. Although with the world energy being a bit aggressive with Mars and Venus you can go either way to resolve any issues which are in your face. That is, take the aggressive approach and stir the pot even more or use the Venus energy to negotiate on a more balanced level.

What is your heart’s desire? Look for it deep within you and keep it flowing in your life no matter what else is happening. The Full Moon has an intense effect upon Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius 24°-30° and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those degrees. Here are some tidbits for the Sun/Rising signs:

Aries- Creativity needs to be released where you are stagnant. New things will appear. You may choose to make plans to do something with the children.

Taurus-Release that which has something to do with your home and work balance! There may be a breakthrough that shows up quickly.

Gemini-Release what you are not in tune with your siblings and if there is something you want to share with them it is time. Take time to journal.

Cancer- How you think about money and what you do with it is present. If there is a bold money move that you can make then it may be time to do so.

Leo-How do you perceive how others feel about you? Time to let go! Shifting relationships may be better. Be cooperative and in a diplomatic place.

Virgo- Your project is finished. Are you going to sit there or move on from it? Let that lion roar and move on with an opportunity that reveals itself.

Libra- Social groups may tend to bring a test to you or maybe it is your love life. Emotional issues may be intensified at this time.

Scorpio-Career moves are possible yet what is holding you back? Let go of old stuff regarding home and work. Pay attention if you want that success.

Sagittarius- What trip is showing up? Traveling far or near or is it you are looking for more education? The hold-up may be the money factor.

Capricorn- Is there a money matter that has come to completion? Will you be shifting your financial plan or is there money showing up? Transform it.

Aquarius- Matters with relationships or business partnerships show up. Will there be a new level of commitment that comes into being?

Pisces New diet will shift how you feel. Let the old go out the door. Look to the bright side of life and take care of what needs at work and health.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment. My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if you are interrupted or pulled off track. And remember to always look for the truth. What is your heart’s desire? Many blessings and love, until again, Jan

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, December 3/4 2021 – How will you respond to the unexpected changes?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you have a pleasant Thanksgiving? I hope you were able to have a peaceful day with those you love. And I would also like to take a moment to remind you of the Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance, December 7th as a reminder of the attack on the fleet in Pearl Harbor and in honor of those who served in the Armed Forces and those who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor in World War II. It is not even winter and I am tired of the gloom. The sun has disappeared where I reside. It was amazing during the Thanksgiving holiday that I stayed off the internet, the main TV channels and enjoyed talking to those who I was around. What a difference that made. And how did you spend the time? As I write this I think of how grateful I am for those who relate to me and even those of you who may not. Life gets more interesting as the days go by and staying in one’s heart is such a wonderful feeling as the chaos continues to amp up. Of course in the outer world I see how many are under the spell of the fear that continues to come into play. As a clinical hypnotherapist I see there is still much brainwashing going on. That would end abruptly if those who are constantly on any screen, (phone, TV, or internet) decide to take a break and go walk in nature, talk to friends, meditate or just be in the moment. Life can shift dramatically if you walk your truth and communicate with love and joy. Life is going to change soon, for better or worse. Which way will you go? The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse will help you to see what needs to go by the wayside and in which direction you choose to leap.

Are you aware of the millions of people around the world who have been protesting all the lockdowns? If you have not it is because you may not see it on mainstream news in USA. As I said previously this can get extremely bad if you say nothing.  Whether you got the jab or not eventually all will be victimized. If you know German history then you will see what is coming. And it is not saying you have to believe it. By the way the new variant as they say is named Omicron-an anagram moronic. And it is the name of a Sci-fi film from 1963 where an alien takes over Earthman so he can learn about the planet and then his race can take over totally. Lots of psychological warfare is out there in fantasyland. Jack Dorsey is stepping down from Twitter. So are the CEO’s of Walmart and CNBC. I just saw that a first grader in Wildwood cannot play sports while one in the next county over can do so. “How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn’t see?” (Bob Dylan)

The Total Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sagittarius shows up on Saturday, December 4, 2021 at  2:42am EST; 11:42pm PST (December 3, 2021) and  7:42am GMT in 12°12′. The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon. This is a time of finding your way through a twisting road where you cannot see that well. And on top of that it is a time of also letting your past behind which I have spoken about for several years. I still find many stuck there. This New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is truly asking you to figure out what is still holding you back and walk through that darkness already. Let the beam of light on your helmet help you forge ahead to a new year and a new start. The Solar Eclipse helps you to stay in balance emotionally and there could be a burst of energy coming in. The New Moon is conjunct Mercury and sextile Saturn in Aquarius and quincunx Uranus in Taurus. This helps you share a deeper connection to loved one. It is a good time to talk of family home topics and commitment. Sagittarius is all about freedom, truth and your philosophy. The energy will help to set goals for the upcoming year of 2022. Mercury and the New Moon bring in communication and lots of action with friends, sharing ideas and making plans. The New Moon quincunx Uranus says there may be pressure coming in is pushing you to change something. Could it be a boss or someone else? It just may be nervousness and anxiety because the energy is intense. If you have any tasks that are looming this is a good time to do them with New Moon sextiling Saturn. Any difficult tasks are easy to face at this time. Still in the mix is Saturn squaring Uranus. This has been active for many months and it comes to a climax on December 24. Have there been changes which you disliked in the past year? Was there any crisis that appeared out of nowhere? Did you deal with it? Continue to be on track since it is still in effect. It has been all about working with opposing needs to come into balance.

Sagittarius is about truth and purpose and a new meaning. The Sagittarian is generous with money and time. Fires burn wherever desire takes them. The Sagittarian can shoot the arrow into the air and it can go out there, anywhere it chooses or can shoot and the arrow comes back with a vision.

With the Solar Eclipse it is a time of big and strong changes. Remember that not everything goes exactly the way you want it to go. If someone around you acts in ways that are unusual then know that it may not be the entire picture. Your awareness will help to cope with the scenario of the individual acting strangely. Also know that this Solar Eclipse energy lasts about 6 months so take advantage of good energy that may show up shifting a few things in your life even though you may not recognize it at first. Release what is not needed and your new year will be on track for big new starts.

Those who are more intensely affected by the New Moon in Sagittarius are the Sun signs/Rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 9-15 degrees. And if you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may also be affected by the energy. Birthdays include:  May 31-June 6; September 2-8; December 2-8; and February 28- March 6.  Tidbits:

Aries-There may be a crisis in morals. Want to travel this is a perfect time. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. A spiritual teacher may help.

Taurus-Trust comes in. You may be looking at the shadow side of your life if you need to. You finally may see the truth about an issue. Is there new money coming in?

Gemini- Break new ground and get out of your rut. Excitement is in relationships. Are you going to pine away for the mystical half? Legal contracts are highlighted.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Period of adjustment comes when you see if you are out of balance. Slow down.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. Fun is healing. You need leisure time. Children keep you on a merry go round.

Virgo- It may bring up childhood wounds that you ignored. You may want to visit where ancestors came from. Foundations of your life are being re-set. Family dynamic shifts!

Libra- You may get obsessed with some new topic and study it deeply. You are looking to get new information. Old connections may show up in your life. 

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Some feeling of ideal love comes to you. How committed are you to your path? How much do you value yourself?

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. Be careful what you wish for because it may just decide to show up. If you wear a mask to others…it is time to take it off. A fresh start comes in.

Capricorn – Look inward. What are your dreams telling you? If you are into music this is a good time for letting it come in. Let intuition break down the walls. Recharge!

Aquarius-Stop brooding. Lots of excitement presents itself. New people come in. More mobility! Get out there and find friends who are on the same wavelength.

Pisces – Make new business contacts. Professional activities come into play. Face your fear of rejection and go out and shine. Ask for that promotion or a raise.

Thank you for reading and sharing Dear Ones. Listen to your intuition instead of your mind. Let your beliefs sit back. There may be major deception out there and use caution in any dealings. Find your truth within and be blessed as the energy appears. Frankincense is a great oil for this New Moon and Malachite is a good gem to use. Until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in Scorpio, April 26/27, 2021 – Go to the depths!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Sorry that this is a bit later than I usually post. Tax clients are to the forefront. So many changes are going on in our world and no matter how much the fear-mongering continues the Light is present and continues to help you if you truly pay attention. It seems so crazy that it is almost May and the birds definitely are in the trees and sometimes they disappear and other times they are flyi8ng around. Have you been clearing out what needs clearing yet? And have you sat outside under a tree or near the water just taking in the earth energy that will calm and soothe you? I know many have not since the strangeness of these times have made many of you so introverted and fail to reach out to others in ways that are filled with joy. Life gets more interesting every day. I know there are some who are crying the blues as usual and others are so enmeshed in their own little circle that they cannot see that the world is imploding and if they do they complain and go back to what they were doing. To me much programming is taking place and the last year has proven that. Why would I even say that? Well, show me the truth and I will say, yay, now you are free to be the real you. I think many are fearful that the truth will scare them beyond measure so that is why those of you who continue to listen to the news instead of your heart makes it difficult to do anything that will bring you to a new sense of calm. That is just my perspective. You are free to choose to do what you wish. Just remember what you follow will either keep you in truth or push you into a place that may be destructive to your inner wisdom.

Some tidbits: A lecturer from a university in England said that in East Sussex there have been sheep standing in concentric circles in a field. He said it was an eerie site. Were you aware that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was not the flu at all but a manufactured bacterial meningitis vaccine? The Spanish Flu mimicked the flu and the “vaccine” was given to 6 million soldiers and also to civilians. Most died from the vaccine. Do you get the picture yet? No problem. Your choice! Why did Joe Biden not have an American Flag behind him during the Climate Change session and why did he wear a mask on that Zoom call? Now doctors are being silenced by FDA when they promote Vitamin D, C and zinc for Covid19. I see that many of those who got the ‘vaccine’ are now dying. Wake up. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? The cryptocurrency market took a big plunge.

And here comes the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26/27, 2021 in 7°06’at 11:31pm EDT; 8:31pm PDT; and 3:31am GMT (4/27/21). The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. This is a time to watch your reactions. Many will be triggered in some way and by having this occur you can look at any deep patterns and beliefs which now surface and can be released. Since Pluto rules Scorpio it is a time of rebirth but, hold on a moment. Rebirth only comes after you look at yourself and begin to act in a new way Stop creating more stress and apologize if you need to do so in case you went over the line with your words. Scorpio Moon is a Supermoon since it is closer to the Earth. What are you going to dig up from the depths? Things may occur in ways that are indirect or sneaky with this energy. Any truth that is present will be hidden just below the surface. It is not going to be in your face. The Full Moon is about digging deeper into how you look at certain areas like sex/passion, money, power, death of ego/real death and obsession. Sounds intense!  If you have negative feelings about yourself then you need to deal with them. This Full Moon will help the transformation of you inner self. Any inner negative feelings about relationships may rear their ugly head. This may help you get rid of disharmony.

The Full Moon is opposed to Uranus in Taurus and this is all about the unexpected. Try not to be too impulsive in your actions in the next couple of weeks. Some of you may feel like rebelling against something or someone. The Full Moon, Sun in Taurus, Venus and Mercury in Taurus are in a square to tough Saturn in Aquarius who wants to keep you from jumping into something too quickly and may bring up some obstacles with this tense energy which only keeps things from moving on. If you need grounding in your life then this will definitely help you stay in that place. With the Uranus energy shaking things up a bit this Taurus stellium will keep you centered. If you choose to make changes then you have the ability to go with it no matter what Uranus does to shake it up a bit. The Full Moon is trine to Mars in Cancer which helps you be assertive and more direct in you communication. This helps you get through the Saturn square to the planets in Taurus.

Pluto which rules Scorpio is in Capricorn and is stationary retrograde on April 27, 2021. That means whatever is going on now in inner world will still be going on through the next 5 months. Oh joy. That inner world transformation that you wish to take part in will help you down the road. What control issues do you have in your life? This is something to address with the Pluto retrograde energy.

I am asking you to wake up because this Full Moon is about facing the darkness. Whatever it is that shows up, you will be able to deal with it if you choose to do so. Much of the shadow side will be brought to light and will you deal with it or just push it back down again? It is a good time to be near water and take time to meditate, pray and be still. And remember to breathe deeply. Listen to some good music (key of D) and essential oils that are good at this time-myrrh and ginger.

Those signs most affected by or sensitive to this Full Moon in Scorpio are the Fixed signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (3-9 degrees of each sign). Birthdays are: April 23- 29; July 27 –August 2; October 28-November 3; and January 25- February 1. If you know where it is falling in your chart, you may wish to check out the house so you know where more truths will show up in your life. Keep your reactions in check.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others. Stand in your power.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Talk about any issues with loved ones.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Work with others to create your visions.

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Others are willing to support you in creativity.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Find a way to create a new inviting space in which to thrive.

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Try loving yourself much more.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or create a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. Create boundaries so you stay on track.

Scorpio- What do you want in a relationship? You have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  A new direction is possible.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. Taking risks will definitely expand the mind. Looking for adventure, are you? Take a leap of faith.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing. Have a transformative Full Moon in Scorpio. Let go of all that is no longer part of your inner depth. Life will start to look differently if you do this and your intentions can soon be moved forward. Let the Light shine brightly around you and stand in your power. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan