Monthly Archives: October 2018

FULL MOON in Taurus, October 24, 2018 -Shifts bring unexpected love or money

full moon october 24

Hello dear ones. Sorry that this is up a bit late. Have been traveling and just got the time to post it. Autumn is fully upon us and winter seems to have come to certain parts of this country of ours. Where has the New Moon in Libra from 2 weeks ago taken you? Have you started anything new or have you still been in the stagnant state that you were in before? Don’t you think it is time to let go and just enjoy the moment even if it brings you some momentary madness?  I will watch out for misunderstandings since the Full Moon is square my natal Saturn. Maybe I will hide. And I need to be authentic. Well, that will be an easy one. (On another note- A big shout out to Nova Scotia Man. Thanks for the pleasant conversation.)  I just heard that there is one winner in the Mega Millions Lottery who lives in South Carolina and can remain anonymous. And I had not one number. Oh well. Life goes on.

So, this FULL MOON in TAURUS (Sun in Scorpio) is still about relationships and revving them up a bit with more intimacy and deeper connecting on a variety of levels. Taurus Full Moon is feeding Scorpio with its values. Taurus rules the second house in astrology and it is more than values. It is about self-worth and our basic gifts and talents. Many of you have yet to know what your main gift is in this life. With the Sun in Scorpio opposing the Moon in Taurus something may come up from your subconscious to enlighten you since Scorpio is about transformation and the deepest part of your psyche. It also tells me that the stability of the Full Moon is fueled by passions. Fulfillment is the basis of that which you are looking for. Sun in Scorpio challenges you to take a closer look at how that intensity manifests in your psyche. What is your passion about and what fires it up?

Taking a look at what is going on around us says the insane asylum is in real time. If they drop bombs on other countries, that is ok because they need freedom and democracy. It is right in front of you on that TV you watch hour after hour day after day. If I go against the grain of what they tell me then I am colluding with Russia. Or maybe I am just crazy. And that leads to why everyone out there is on opiates. Keep on watching that screen because one day you will wonder why your life went down the rabbit hole and did not come back. Yep. Just read something that said PETA is saying that white milk is a symbol of white supremacy. What?

Some news-Just read that someone sent pipe bombs to Clinton and Obama and CNN. The migrant invasion is in full swing and you aren’t going to like what occurs from it. Just remember that we all live in a Republic and no matter how much everyone wants to change all the rules…it will not work. So, you may be learning something…the question is do you speak the truth? Your call! And know that those who are on the alternative medicine platform will continue to fight for the right to treat naturally. It is good time for any peace agreements coming out of Washington, D.C.

The Full Moon in Taurus arrives on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 12:45am EDT; 9:45am PDT; and 4:45pm GMT in 1 degree 13’. Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. Changes are the word for this FULL MOON in Taurus. It can be erratic energy coming to you. It may be a better time to look at finances for the future or you will be pulled into the very sensual part of your life. If you are interested in purchasing property then this may be an especially advantageous time to search for that place of dreams rather than spending on frivolity. The Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Taurus. Uh oh! This is a crazed concept. Many changes take place in all aspects of life and even an unexpected event or shock may occur. It is really a chaotic influence. Those with some emotional issues may find their moods changing in an up and down fashion.  It is time to watch your tongue even if you are speaking your truth. Moon in Taurus is the caregiver and wants everyone to feel good. The food is on the table and it has a feel good factor. Taurus Moon brings to Scorpio Sun integrity, trust, honor, truth, and kindness. And of course it also brings love. And it also looks for truth. It loves the pleasures of the home and will do what has to be done to have that.  And the Taurus Full Moon can share that along with loyalty. This Full Moon will help you to heal long-standing relationship patterns which have stayed with you.

The Sun in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus which says to me that uncertainty is in the air. More changes. Watch your nerves do not become frayed from this aspect. Do something a bit out of the ordinary as you go through the next couple of weeks. This will help to keep that extra energy flowing instead of making you nervous. If someone new shows up in your life and you just cannot deal with their presence then it may indicate that it is something inside you that needs to be addressed.

Venus in Scorpio is opposition (180 degrees) Uranus in Taurus which also says be careful with any financial undertakings and/or the unexpected in your relationships. New relationships may be risky although exciting. Watch for any drama that shows up in a relationship or some may find there is separation. If love is not in the cards then some other part of your life will bring a surprise. On another note someone could be quite envious of you at this point. With Venus in Scorpio sextile (60 degrees favorable) Saturn in Capricorn it may bring some of you a deeper love which is true. A committed relationship may develop as everything unfolds. Keep your heart open to serious love if you are in a new relationship. Saturn in Capricorn is trine (good influence) the Full Moon which stabilizes the energy a bit. And if you are moving in a new direction it may suggest you stay with the rules as you move forward. It would be wise to keep within certain limits at this time as you are discovering which direction you are heading. Otherwise it may slow you down somewhat. Saturn in Capricorn helps when the disruptive energy shows up and stabilizes it on some level. You may have to dig a lot deeper to get what you choose at this time. In the long run it will be truly worth it. With the North Node in Leo (direction in life) and the South Node in Aquarius (past influences) in a Grand Square with the FULL MOON (Moon-Taurus and Sun-Scorpio) it may take some effort to get what you desire immediately although it will come to you with effort. Tried and true methods may work just as good as the new insights which show up in your life. You may wish to look at both ways to find the best for you.

Just a reminder – Jupiter moves on into Sagittarius from Scorpio on November 8, 2018 for the next year. Wherever it falls in your chart will give you an idea about any opportunities that may be coming up for you.

Those more intensely affected by this Full Moon in Taurus are: Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius with Sun sign/Rising signs between Aries 28 degrees- Taurus 3 degrees; Libra 28 degrees-Scorpio 3 degrees; Leo 28 degrees-Virgo 3 degrees; and Aquarius 28 degrees- Pisces 3 degrees. The birthdays are April 18- 24; October 21-27; August 22-28; and February 18-24.  If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in these degrees then you will also feel some affect.

Thank you, dear ones, for reading and sharing this post. Remember this Full Moon may bring the unexpected in love and money so do pay attention. And purging the stagnant is also a full moon thing to do. Remember to tune into Wizards Within (up on YouTube and Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 9pm. Many blessings to you- Until again, Love, Jan





NEW MOON in LIBRA, October 8/9,2018- Will you allow the transforming balance?

night sky

Good day, dear ones. I sit and watch this country’s folk in disarray. What has happened to the heart of all? Does that take the back seat to those who wish to create the chaos that is occurring now? One can examine what is going on and many of you will fail to see the truth. Why is that? Because you have set beliefs that interfere with your ability to see through the illusion-that is why. And to top it off, the energy is darker than ever. If you stay out of the dark, the light shines brightly. To many of you the darkness will continue to creep into your lives unless you find that love that has escaped you. This is what is shifting and those who control the world have no need for love. Is that what you choose also? Why not reach within and find who you are truly and love yourself. In this way your inner wisdom will bring that love out to others. The consciousness is shifting even if you are one who is resistant to any kind of change. Are you one of the resistors? The more you resist the worse it becomes within and without.

The vote for the Supreme Court Judge comes today and I send lots of protective energy to those in need. (Judge Kavanagh was confirmed.) Some are going bats**t crazy due to this decision. With Jupiter (expansion) in Scorpio for another month then this explains much of what has been going on with the sexual rampage of those so inclined to bring this kind of thing to the forefront. Sometimes you have to relook at things. It is asking you to think about this…since your reflection comes from another and if you see something you do not like, acknowledge and change it within. The Mainstream Media is telling you less than ever. Do the research and find the truth. If you think that what you hear is real then you can bet that I am definitely going to go into sales and sell you the Moon. Stop allowing the programming or you ain’t seen nothing yet and I am going to back my words on this. Dear ones, you are here on this Earth to find the love within and bring it to others. Are you doing this? Just curious!. Thank you. Just one more thing- since the outset of the cell phone era I now see there is going to be an amp up to 5G quickly. Many of you will be seeing the antennas as you sit on your front porches as they stare at you. They will be everywhere. Radiation at this extreme is unfortunately going to change your life and mine. And it will be a negative.

The New Moon in Libra shows up on Monday, October 8, 2018 at 11:46pm EDT; 8:46pm PDT; and Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 3:46am GMT in 15 degrees 45’. The Sun is also in the exact degree in Libra. It is time to get of the stagnant mode and be in balance. Finding balance is not always your chosen thing to do. You may just want to leave it alone and only because it works for you. No matter how it works for you it is your track. So do not feel uncomfortable if others question your motion. You may choose to take other people’s wants into consideration even as you choose your own. If you have a goal in mind then in order to make it happen decide to take action as the New Moon arrives. Be ready so that if you need to do rearrange something then do that now. Your mood may be more sensitive to your loved ones. This is a good time for harmonious interactions if you do not allow the Pluto in Capricorn square to the New Moon exacerbate any negatives. If you come from a place of balance there will be less drama and conflicting opinions showing up. It is TIME to release any toxic pieces in your life whether it is in diet, relationships or in your own mind. DETOX is a big word for this NEW MOON. Find an exercise program and avoid sugar and alcohol. The New Moon is conjunct Ceres, dwarf planet. It adds to the nourishment of the influence.

Since Libra is a Cardinal air sign the New Moon says to lighten up a bit in your interactions and feeling the wind behind you as a burst of energy may bring you some motivation to take action on your deepest dreams. New people and new ideas may just come in as you take a leap.

Pluto went direct in Capricorn on September 30. When Pluto was retrograde you buried your deepest wishes and secrets and reassessed. With Pluto going direct says that there is a green light and to move ahead it is time to look at those darkest parts and go into the light.

Retrograde planets retrace things that were looked at again, allowing us to readdress the issues raised. This is a time to master the subject. It is for relooking at things so nothing is missed so you are then able to go forward. And another planet has gone into retrograde motion as I write this-Venus started its retrograde motion on October 5. How do you look at love? What does it mean in your life? In the past months with Mars retrograde in the summer you were faced with the masculine part of the equation and if you felt frustration then that is gone. Now with Venus going retrograde it brings up the feminine side. If you are in a relationship it is saying to face what is really going on within and stop pushing it further down. Time is now to look at any issues that are keeping you from connecting on a higher level. And those issues will rear their ugly heads for a chance to reconnect or walk away. This is the Scorpio effect since Venus is residing there at the moment. Venus in Scorpio does square Mars in Aquarius and this aspect says instead of competing with each other, work together to get the win for all. Sounds good to me! Old things which are unresolved may show up again for further discussion and release. Some may reconnect with an old lover to either let go or come to a new way of relating and reconnect in a major way. Overall with Venus in Scorpio retrograde you may find yourself feeling love on a much deeper level than you have ever felt before.

Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs: Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes.  Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers. Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes. Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home. Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel.  Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan. Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word. Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within. Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds.               Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you. Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal old wounds. A trip may show up. Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move.

Keep in mind New Moons are all about new starts for the next month or a new project. By looking at past behaviors and patterns also it will give you an opportunity to do things in a new way. Stay in the moment  and no matter what shows up be patient. Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees of 10-18. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected. Birthdays are approximately April 3-10; July 4-11; October 5-12; and January 3-10.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for those who follow this blog. Take a breath as the new moon arrives so that if balance is needed then you allow it to come in. Full moon in Scorpio shows up October 24. Tune into Wizards Within Wednesday at 9pm EDT and bring your questions about what is happening in the world. Have a joyful New Moon energy. Many blessings and until again, Love, Jan