Monthly Archives: May 2021

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, May 26, 2021 – Let the past go so shifting happens

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I find it amazing that I have to watch what I say because if the censors of various websites do not like what I say it will be banned. Oh well. Onward I go. I look outside at my beautiful garden and smile. It is such a peaceful scene. And a bird just sings on my porch since it is now in a nest near the top. Once I leave my home it is another story and you know what…it is what it is. I have been yelled at for laughing out in public. How dare I do such a thing in this world of ours? Life to me is beautiful and I find it quite interesting when so many are pulled into the craziness. Why do you care what I do? I was skimming through the channels on my television some time ago and I noticed that many shows were animated. I thought who would watch this constant barrage of cartoon shows? So why is animation taking over? Just found the answer that many Americans these days have a hard time absorbing any information that is not animated. Interesting and tells me deductive reasoning in not involved. Truth matters not. Go right ahead and you will get pulled into zombie land.  Your choice it is. Life is as you choose it to be or have you forgotten? You are responsible for your life if you are an adult. What happened to that notion?

It looks like truth is far from present in the world today and since this upcoming Full Moon in Sagittarius is about truth and intuition. Some will be surprised by what shows up. And it can be a good thing. The energy lasts up to six months as the Lunar Eclipse is involved. And Full Moon in Sagittarius is not going to like if truth is hidden. It will burst from the depths but it will be possible for you not to notice since lies and deception are truly strong in the picture due to other aspects which I will get to in a bit. If you live in fear then how can you move forward in your life? Why not let it go already and take that leap. It can be just a small one. Find that inner truth and align with it to take the next step instead of living in that dark place where fear pulls you. And if others feel uncomfortable due to your thoughts or actions, that is their issue not yours. It is about your truth and what is within you that is important to remember. Did you take advantage of the last New Moon? Intentions put out may show up soon. Will you allow that to happen? Allowing works!! Oh, yes, it does. I would like to know when the last time you actually sat down without thought and let the voice within speak to you. Have you ever done this? And the reason is what? Sagittarius Full Moon asks you to listen within. And maybe even take a howl at the Full Moon letting all the emotions go. HOWL!!!

The Full moon in Sagittarius which is also a total Lunar Eclipse arrives on May 26, 2021 at 7:14am EDT; 4:14am PDT; at 11:14am GMT in 05°25′. It is opposite the Sun in Gemini which is in the exact degree. Hawaii. Australia and New Zealand are the best places to see totality high in the sky at night. To the east, the U.S. west coast will see. This Full Moon total Lunar Eclipse highlights relationships in general. It can sever a connection or bring two individuals together noting a need for each other. Sun and Moon form a T-square to Jupiter. Since Jupiter is about expansion do watch your spending and how you respond to others. You can be quite generous.  It doesn’t have to be about relationships. It can also have much to do with things that hover below the surface which now show up for attention. So, what do you choose to do? Use the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius to once and for all get rid of any blocks that consistently keep you from your authentic self. It is time to be your truth. Sagittarius is about the higher mind and Gemini is about the lower mind. So at this time it may serve you well to go to the intuitive side of your mind instead of the logical side. Gemini is about logic. It is time to go out beyond the immediate and leap out of it. Expanding your mind beyond your limits; communicating with those outside your circle; and taking a leap to some adventure is what this Lunar Eclipse is saying to you to do. Have you been hesitating to express your feelings or your thoughts? Well, it is time to bring it out from the depths and see what you are lacking and why you are feeling the way you are at this time? Stop fighting your feelings and let it all flow. Sometimes this energy brings out a crisis which will only help to understand what you need to do. Use your intuition to resolve any issues that may present themselves in your connection. And it is time to let go of any emotional baggage that may have shown up. So, what do you choose to do? Use the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius to once and for all get rid of any blocks that consistently keep you from your authentic self. It is time to be your truth. Since it is right with the South Node you may feel more comfortable with past things but it is now the time to move into a new you; new things; new ideas – so that life opens up. The past is truly ready to go if you hop on the Full Moon energy.

Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius and it currently is in Pisces until July 28 when it will retrograde back into Aquarius until December and move forward eventually into Pisces again. Jupiter loves to be optimistic and joyful. Mercury in Gemini is square to Neptune in Pisces. Watch out for misunderstandings in your communication. Venus in Gemini is also square to Neptune and may bring about confusion in financial matters and in relationships.

Call on Archangel Raphael to help you release and heal yourself. Sit among the flowers and let the healing take place and insights come in.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs affected more intensely are: 2-8 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Birthdays: May 22-28; August 24-30; November 24-30 and February 20-26. If you have personal planets on or near degree of Full Moon then that is also affected. Tidbits:

Aries – Your view of the world may change now. Go out and learn and travel too.

Interactions with neighbors, family!  Restlessness takes charge.

Taurus- What is going on with the money and budgets that you are handling? Will you speak up for yourself with others? Transformation works in a major way. 

Gemini- Relationships are to the forefront. How will you handle them? Be prepared for any of these shifts that show up. You may be surprised. Stay calm.

Cancer- Oh, how you wish to retreat and refresh right now. Will you choose to do so? Hectic work/other daily stuff are getting to be too much. Keep yourself in good health.

Leo- What are you doing to optimize your opportunities? Have you thought about what creative ideas will do for you? It will be good for you to explore this possibility.

Virgo – Are you having a home/work dilemma? Complete what you need to do.

And if you have done so, now is a good time for you to sit back and enjoy nature.

Libra- Activities and more activities around the local area take place. On another note you may be traveling at a moment’s notice. Can you take time to center yourself?

Scorpio- Money matters may be to the forefront.  Are you spending recklessly these days? Truth is important now so do not hesitate in saying something that is right.

Sagittarius-Take some time out to nurture yourself and enjoy some down time and just being. Make good plans with others for the future and stay optimistic.

Capricorn- Time out is needed. So much stuff going on and find a way to just chill out and regroup a bit. More action coming so just do this now! Innovative solution comes.

Aquarius- If you stay grounded then you can say anything is possible with others in your life. Stop being pulled into drama. Honesty will get you through.

Pisces- It seems that it is a conflict between who needs you most – work or home. Well a solution shows up soon. Bring some fresh energy into your home life.

I wish you well on you journey as the Full Moon arrives. The energy stays in effect until December due to the total lunar eclipse. Thank you for reading and please share and comment if you wish. Stay in the moment and let your truth come to the forefront. Be blessed, until again. Love, Jan

New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021 – Turn the dream into reality!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As the New Moon approaches the world is still spinning in all different directions. Are you doing the same? Spring is here and the flowers in my garden are so beautiful and I wish that all of you were showing your beauty to others. I know some of you are doing so. What about those around you? Are they in a joyful, loving place? Or are you playing the victim and looking for someone to save you. You will be waiting a long time. Many years ago I learned that without love shining from your heart you will only see the darkness that wishes to take that love away. Why allow that to happen? A 555 vibration (5/5/5(year of 2021 adds to 5) just happened on May 5. There was such good energy coming through and I hope that you felt it. If you were in a negative place it had minimal effect upon you. Much of what is happening out there is interfering with the Light within so the high vibrations that are trying to come to you are just thrown off and have little influence. That is why positivity is a must in these times of chaos. As I look out over the mountains I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention. Then there are those of you who are in constant need to fixate on the news that the mainstream media suggests is real and you see only what they want you to see. What does your heart say? Just a note- Life is not here to scare you. It is time to see that what you think is what you get. And know that fear gets you only the same. Stay in fear and the Matrix continues. If you can get out of your past and stay present your life will change for the better and the joy and love will descend upon you. Live in the NOW!!!! And if you are allowing programming, then program love!

Some tidbits – Apparently one of the largest US pipelines was cyberattacked. Gas most likely will be rising in price. And the money keeps flowing into Big Pharm. As the injections continue do you even notice this occurrence? And why are so many dying from the injections? I see the Clippers and Lakers now are implementing “vaccine” only seating at the Staples Center And I see that is also true about the Yankees and Mets -separating the compliant from those who are dissenters. Oh well move on. I see the separation has truly begun since they are saying churches need to do this also. Wow. And the Matrix continues and life as you know it crumbles. Did you hear about the new group out there by the name of the Branch Covidians? Businesses now are hurting because they cannot find anyone to work. Maricopa County is being kept from the audit.

The lovely New Moon arrives in 21°17′ Taurus at 2:59pm EDT; 11:59am PDT; and 6:59pm GMT and makes a harmonious sextile aspect to Neptune. The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. You all know that Taurus loves money, the good things of life and sensual and other pleasures. Taurus is the representative of basic survival needs…food, clothing and money. Since it is ruled by sensual Venus then it also is about sensuality, pleasure and beauty. Taurean energy brings a sense of serenity, comfort and joy in simple things.  Since Taurus is about Earth you may choose to spend time in nature, and being grounded. It is a time to nurture your body. Your emotions may be more sensitive at this time. There are some deeper aspects going on with the point of Black Moon Lilith which indicates you may have to deal with some things coming up that you buried. It is ok.

Neptune is sextile the New Moon and it is saying that you may find more inspiring moments which open the door to creative ideas flowing to you. If you are into music or writing or some other creative mode and are stuck then ask for help from someone who is already creating a vision for themselves or who is just a supporter who knows what you need to do to take a step forward. Neptune is also about dreaming. Keep a dream journal. Keep in mind that you are here to do what interests you not what everyone else tells you to do. Neptune will help you keep the faith going. Allow it.

Now is the time to look at some new long-term goals that you will to achieve as the New Moon in Taurus will support this. The New Moon itself is about what you wish to spend time on or what you value in your life at this time. Do you enjoy what you already have? This New Moon can find you prancing around looking for more and more of whatever it is- beauty, money and good times with lots of pleasurable pursuits. Hey, wait a minute, don’t you have enough of it all or are you just going to keep spending because you are compensating for something that is not present in your life? In the positive sense Taurus New Moon is about being in the NOW. Go for the dream and it will show up if you let the past go.

If there is a monster around face it squarely without fear according to the New Moon trine Pluto. This aspect is favorable for influencing others to support you. It is a great time to have a needed conversation or just help you to communicate with confidence. Pluto is retrograde and it is a good time also to clear out what no longer works so better things can come into play. The New Moon is also square Jupiter in Aquarius which says stop hoarding the wealth and share. Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius and Mars sextile Uranus are positive aspects in the New Moon chart also. A reminder -Jupiter will be entering Pisces on May 13/14. I will talk more on this next time. And remember those intentions that are good to put out there at present…do it because Mercury will be going retrograde on May 29 and it will be a wild ride. I can hear the moans already.

Those who have Sun/Ascendant at 18- 24 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will be affected more intensely. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) it may also have some effect. Keep the dream alive and have faith. Emerald is a great gem for this New Moon and so is rose oil in your bath or Chamomile tea. By the way take a break from that screen that is taking up precious time in your life. It is making you be on autopilot. Tidbits:

Aries- Take a time out and look at your financial plans so that you can recreate if you need to do so. What direction do you choose to take now?

Taurus – Accept yourself for who you are and double down on your confidence. You have the way to keep things going. Make things happen. You are the focus.

Gemini – It is time to just pull back a bit and go within to find the grounding needed. Take time to align yourself with your truth so you are ready to leap soon..

Cancer – Look for those who are similar in their thoughts about values. Expand your social media friends as you reconnect with others whom are in your social circle.

Leo –Show the world who you really are. Expand your expertise in your field even if you are working from home. A new chapter may open up. Stop hiding your true self.

Virgo- Open your eyes to your potential and look for a new perspective. Some travel issues may show up or is it connecting to the spiritual?

Libra – Good time to create new future plans. Look at your financial affairs. Looks like a fresh start may be coming to you. Good things can show up.

Scorpio – The New Moon is sitting right over you partnership house. How will that give you some gladness or madness? You choose. It is time for healing.

Sagittarius- Everyday living becomes the focus. Are you planning on new job or health routine? Or are you paying too much to your partner’s stuff? Bring back the magic.

Capricorn – What do you enjoy the most? Go for it and take down the walls. That creative bent may show up. Inner child wisdom comes. Maybe just sit back and smell the roses?

Aquarius – You get some clarity in your daily life. Some things may need to be looked at. What can you do for your home and family? Take a deeper look at your ancestry.

Pisces – You seem to have lots of communication going on these days. Have you thought about writing something interesting? Change your words and see what happens.

Thank you for reading and sharing. May the New Moon in Taurus take you a step up on your path and inspire you to great heights as the energy continues for the next month. Will you allow it to do so or will you be pulled back into the chaos? It is your choice, dear ones. Many blessings and until again, Love, Jan