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Pluto in Aquarius, January 20/21 2024 – Where will the transformation take you?

I was thinking how the world has changed in the last 50 years. And now there is an even a bigger change coming in. You may not notice it immediately yet it eventually will show its face. Are you feeling any changes since March 2023? This new beginning type of energy is a transformative phase that will last about 20 years. I just heard a bunch of oh no how can that be? Well, dear ones this is such a major happening that the last time it occurred was at the start of the French Revolution in the 1700s and also at the time of the Enlightenment. And it is all about the entrance of Pluto into Aquarius which happened briefly back in March 2023 and then went back into Capricorn in June and then proceeds into Aquarius again on January 20, 2024. After this stay in Aquarius and back to Capricorn for a short time Pluto finally goes back to Aquarius on November 19, 2024 where it stays for about 20 years. Why does this matter? Once in Aquarius for a long period of time it will shake up the system whether you want it to or not. Pluto is transformation. Period! It will change the depths within that you may not realize what is truly there. It will tear down what is unnecessary anymore and then you can rise like the phoenix. Needs of community living is far more essential than those with the money getting everything. Pluto will breakdown what is no longer essential. Of course there may be lots of interesting developments.  It is already showing up in the terms of robots and AI specialties. Of course perhaps Pluto will push us back to a more natural environment – nature over AI! Many of the generation that feels mobile phones are the answer to everything may be in for a shock if Pluto choses going back to simple living. Whatever you have been doing with Pluto in the last degrees of Capricorn will give you a final grade and then you will see where you stand with Pluto in Aquarius.

Aries – New friendships may develop and affect your life in more intense connections. Humanitarian work may be in the picture.

Taurus- Big ideas are ready to go out!! Career changes may be part of how ambitious you are. Keep power struggles out of workplace.

Gemini – Do you have a book that you wish to write? Go for it. Or relating to those of different backgrounds may be part of travel.

Cancer- Your abilities are boosted since Pluto goes through the intuitive part of your chart. You may want to try meditation.

Leo- Some of your relationships may deepen and others fall by the wayside.  Separation is possible. Let go of those who do not fit in.

Virgo- This is a good time for having working conditions improve if you stay. Or you may just find a new job. Take care of your health.

Libra- It is time to spark up your romantic life. Jealousy may show up if you are single. New ideas for creative efforts may come in.

Scorpio- Boundaries are important now. Your living situation may be overhauled. This is a good time for making home improvements.

Sagittarius-Be careful if you need to sign contracts. Have you thought about finding new ways to think? Metaphysics may be on the plate.

Capricorn- The main transformation takes place with money and values. You need to take a good look at attitude and the resources.

Aquarius-This is deep down you. You personally will have a major transformation. Personality changes bring out new things about you.

Pisces-Take some time for you and let others do what they do. You may get some profound insights. Good time to release old beliefs.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Allow the Pluto transformation to continue as it goes on the path forward again finally in November.  The Full Moon in Leo post will be out before its arrival on January 25, 2024. Stay in the moment no matter what is going out there in the big world. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Gemini, November 27, 2023 – Will you emotionally react?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and ponder as to what I will share with you for the Full Moon the weather is not my favorite. Freezing rain was out and about. Thanksgiving has gone and now the next part of the season is now here. I could not believe that so many houses had decorations for Christmas already up a month ago. Why I ask? Are some fated to be happy and others to miserable? Some positive or others negative? How do the stars affect our lives? Do we have a choice? It can be fate or free will? There are those of you who believe it is what it is no matter that goes on -nothing changes. Life is directed. Then there is the other thought process of which comes the saying – the stars condition, they do not compel. The Full Moon in Gemini comes in shortly and he will be sharing things with you. It is about communication. It is also about being kind with words in truth. Sudden changes can appear and do what? Truth has been seeking you out since the past new moon. Have you allowed it in or are you going to resist seeing what it has in store for you? Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them.

Some news tidbits- So the US said no to the Ukraine/Russia peace deal. No comment. Polls say that Hilary Clinton will run if Joe Biden does not. Really? Derek Chauvin (George Floyd’s killer supposedly) was stabbed in prison. Now there was a train derailment in Kentucky spewing hazardous chemicals. Children are dying throughout Europe after the Covid jabs. And now they are saying get the Covid jab with the Flu shot. No Americans have been released by Hamas.

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:16am EST; 1:16am PST; and 9:16am GMT in 4 degrees 51’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. The energy is building and many of you will be caught in the craziness of the holiday season if you are not there already. This Full Moon is about communication, your attitude and some kind of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Gemini wants to communicate the information that can help us see more clearly what our truth is. Sagittarius wants us to see the Truth of the matter. So will you be able to discern the information that comes to you regarding this truth or will you block it out? The Full Moon is square Saturn in Pisces. Can you feel the frustration building and taking you off to a place you don’t want to be? The Sun in Sagittarius is opposite Saturn and conjunct Mars. The Full Moon is also opposite Mars in Sagittarius. Your passion should be about working and more working and on and on. Otherwise you may become angry. Oh, yes. So channel your energy into something that is intense. Selfish motives are not a good thing. Where is your mind today? How about your communication?. Are you ready to shift your thinking or perhaps even to trust what you do not see. The Full Moon reminds us to be aware of the power of our attention, of our words, and of our thoughts and of what we’ve been unconscious of. So step back and take a look at your core beliefs then look at what you’re thinking. The Full Moon is all about letting go. Watch what you throw out with the bath water as the saying goes. Communicate with vigor but do be careful of taking things personal and getting into a big fight. If you are in business you may want to revamp some things to get the message out in a clear way. Have you been communicating with your heart or have you been being passive-aggressive? This is a time to watch what you say to yourself and to others. Why not come from a place within which offers a bit of nurturing. This Gemini Full Moon is also telling you to stop talking and start listening. Oh, now, wait a minute that says whoever is talking is talking too much and not letting others in on the conversation. Mars is square Saturn in Pisces. Watch for goals that are blocked by boss or just plain tiredness.

Mercury is going retrograde on December 13 2023 the day after the New Moon in Sagittarius. If you are looking to get a project off the ground then now is the time to collaborate even though retrograde Mercury is a couple weeks away.. Get it going anyway!  I have found through the years that when Mercury seems to go backwards then whatever I buy during this holiday season I may like less or not even wear it after the season. It seems to be just a strange phenomenon in my life! Remember that electronics may go off track or you may have delays in traveling. And please do not sign important papers during the time of Mercury Retrograde which lasts until January 1, 2024. Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces which says to you look out for deception in conversation.

Since Full Moons are about release what are you going to let go this time round? Also it is a time of release for those parts of your life that have had a hold on you and no longer have any meaning. This refers to old patterns, beliefs and wounds. How many of you have actually begun the release process? It is so important to let go of all these negative past patterns that have you conditioned. By doing so, the future, which is in the now, will show up in a truly wonderful way. This is six month point since the May 25 New Moon in Gemini. Are you doing the project that you started back then or are you shifting something within? 

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 0-8 degrees. Also birthdays affected: May 21-28; August 24-31; November 23-30; and February 19-26. If you have planets at these degrees, than it may have an affect also.

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate in a responsible way. What moral principles are motivating you to speak? Travel shows up. Taurus – Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax. It is good to consider how much you are giving away and what you are doing for self. Gemini – Relationship joy comes. Cooperation comes in personal interests. Watch words. Who you associate with is very important. Remember honesty works. Cancer – Make adjustments in daily living. It is good to lighten the load and let things fall by the wayside if it doesn’t fit. Draw your boundaries now. Leo- Some excitement appears. Watch sensitivity. Some balance in home/business. Be yourself and do not compromise your integrity. Mingle now! Virgo – Career is in focus highlighting your stellar performance on the job. Have a solid foundation to leap. Domestic concerns may undermine aspirations at work. Libra- Do not go overboard. You might be challenged by those in your immediate environment, as disagreements unfold.  Listen to both sides. Respect! Scorpio – New financial goals in the making. Watch out for emotional extremes. Be realistic in your finances. Your insight regarding intimacy is evolving. Sagittarius – Take a chance. Is there a new relationship in the mix?  What happens depends on your perception of who you really are. Ask some hard questions! Capricorn – It is all about duties and obligations. How much is worth your time and talent? Aim your ambition in the right direction and success comes. Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. No more indulgence. You want to do the right thing by everyone. In matters of heart, be cautious. Pisces – Make new business contacts. Have fun with family. It may be time for realignment of your priorities. Do right by career but do right by your heart

You are in life to live it not just sit around and talk trash and let your life be influenced so greatly. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth?

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”-Plato

Thank you, Dear Ones, for reading and sharing this post and following Cosmic Leaping. Stay in the moment and see how beautiful life can be. Know that since 12/12 is an important portal it may be a fantastic time for many who wish to leap. Next opening portal is 12/21. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Leo, February 5 2023 – Will you shine in love or have unexpected drama?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Shall I sing sunny day chasing the clouds away? Of course the sun is not warming anything since it is 17 and feeling like 1 degree. Not my kind of weather. And it is so strange that this winter has not been winter here but a touch of anything else. Looking for the 50 degree mark in a few days! And soon the love birds will be dancing in the streets. Valentine’s Day is on the way. Venus in Pisces is going to have a romantic influence on us. We should feel more willing to love, come together and play. How does Venus influence you and your love life? Venus is the planet of love, affection and harmony. Keep that in mind as the heart is being stirred. Would you kindly let your phone be at rest when you are with a partner or new flame? That would make such a difference to you. Please stop being controlled by this object. I know that Valentine’s Day is a week away. It can be a beautiful day of love and joy and this can only be this way if you allow it to happen. At present how do you see love in your life? Do you love yourself first that others notice the brilliance of you? How have your relationships worked out through your life? Are you triggered by nuances from your partner? Do you fear rejection? What turns you on in a sexual way? Does your ego sabotage what is true and real? These are just some answers which you can find in your blueprint. I can probably fill a few pages about love and relationships with the questions you may wish to ask. To give with love is to receive also. Giving draws love into your world and fans the flames of passion and intimacy.

News tidbits- Students in NY State University System have to take courses on Social Justice. Om February 2 there was a Chinese air balloon over Montana. There is another study that says masks do not work yet those around still continue to wear them. Steph Curry does not want low-income housing near his mansion. A few days ago in London there was a fight over a latte. A boulder crashed through the home of a Hawaiian woman and almost killed her. I am sure you heard about the Pharm CEO who slipped and said how what goes into those shots cause problems. Censored immediately!

The Full Moon in Leo is on Sunday, February 5 2023 at 1:28 PM EST in 16 degrees 41’. The Sun is in the exact same degree in Aquarius. Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. Get moving into that visionary part of you as you create.  It is at time of relationships and romance. This is a time of finding a balance between the impersonal of Aquarius and the personal of Leo. This is an emotional energy which says to you to create in your own way yet look for insights from the group that may be around you. Leo is all about the star, the drama. Leo loves the spotlight and if in alignment will get much attention. This is a great time to truly express your own inner feelings. This is not the time to sit on them and hide them. This full moon is square to Uranus in Taurus. Will there be a form of rebel coming out or an abrupt type energy that leads to openings.  What will the unexpected bring to you? Perhaps some of you will see a big change and want to do things in a different manner. Or maybe your feelings have changed. Whatever you began at the New Moon may come to realization. You know that Leos do not do well with a team or group. They are mainly looking for who you are and how can you get out there. Whereas Aquarius are truly into the group energy, although do like your independence.  This is a time to let things go. What have you been ignoring in your personal life? Watch for emotional uproar!! Some of you may choose to live differently. The door may open for you. Venus in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus says that you may discover your ultimate path depending on where it falls in your chart. It will help keeping the peace within. The Full Moon in Leo brings us the opportunity to vibrate at a higher level by shedding light on what lowers our vibrations. We can see thoughts, feelings, and even words we use to block ourselves. We are already connected to everything we desire. The reality we want is possible and, in many ways, is already available to us if we are willing to let go of anything that prevents us from living it. You are encouraged to focus on the heart’s truth. Acknowledging this takes courage and vulnerability. It’s not always easy to listen to and follow our heart. The Full Moon opposes a wide Saturn in Aquarius saying is there someone to blame or point the finger at? Karma stuff!

Since the world is now falling apart at the seams in many ways I ask when was the last time you, my dear ones, looked within to find the answers? Seriously, I am asking you this so you get out of the trap that you have created for yourself. This is about you not anyone else. it is about you. What you see around you is within you and you are projecting this out there. So what you think is what you get. Thinking logically has gone by the wayside. No one learns it in school unless it is beyond the normal curriculum. For instance, one subject now is how to change your sex. If you wish to thrive then why do you continue to stop the ability to do so? How many of you believe everything that is put right there in front of you? When was the last time you investigated on your own as to what is actually happening in your world? And I think that is because you stopped thinking about anything and just accept life as it is thrown at you. Remember that hatred for someone just indicates that you hate yourself. Show me how that would not be so. Many I know just look at me with blank stares when I share the truth. And you say how do you know it is true? If you know how to research you can find anything to answer your questions.

The Full Moon in Leo has an intense effect upon Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those signs at 13-20 degrees. Tidbits:

Aries- Romantic prospects are good. There is joy revolving around achievement of loved one. Creativity needs to be released where you are stagnant. Children count.

Taurus- There is a free feeling regarding changes in home, property, or career matters.There may be a breakthrough that shows up quickly. Will it disrupt your life?

Gemini-New perspectives show up. Communicate and network; travel.  Be a good listener. Release what you are not in tune with your siblings.. Talk to neighbors.

Cancer-What choices are shaping your finances/ cash flow? Watch impulsive actions. There may be a bold move that comes about quickly.  Will you go out and do it?

Leo-Love and cheers come after some shifting takes on your big frustrations. How do you perceive how others feel about you? You are a star right now. Shine.

Virgo-Meditation helps clear your mind and brings insights. Climax involving work/health!  Are you going to sit there or move on from a project? Go within deeply.

Libra- Go out and create some great friendships which are joyful. Let go of frustrating moments. Emotional issues may be intensified at this time. Let it go and be social.

Scorpio– What’s going on professionally? Go get that extra income. Conflict comes to a head. Career moves are possible so what holds you back? Pay attention for success!

Sagittarius-Are you arguing over money? Let it go and find some interesting foreign flavor. Will you travel far or near or look for a brand new start in an educational course?

Capricorn-Who is demanding what? Financial affairs need to be set right. Have a plan. Will you be shifting your financial plan or is there money showing up? Transform it.

Aquarius-Partnership issues arise. Turning point comes and then joy shows up. Will there be a new level of commitment that comes into being? How will you deal with it?

Pisces-Diet/healthy living are the focus. Stop rebelling and count your blessings.Look to the bright side of life and take care of what are needs at work and health.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment since this is a more intense Full Moon and will have greater influence on parts of your life. Many blessings and love, until again, Jan

New Moon in Sagittarius, November 23, 2022- Let your passion flow and keep your faith going

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here! Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It snowed a bit last night which I did not even notice at first. Most has melted away. The New Moon appears the day before Thanksgiving in America. What is happening in your life at present? Are you sitting in your life being grateful for all those things that have brought you to where you are today? I look to spending time with family. Will you allow the noise around you take away the good things that you have in your life? This is a time to look deeply within and see just what is creating lack of joy in your life. When was the last time you truly laughed …I mean laughed so hard you almost became tearful with so much joy? I fail to see that much laughter except with a few individuals. Most others are truly angry or just extremely self-involved. Do you find yourself living in the past continually? Do yourself a favor and let it go because the resistance will push you so far back that life will pass you by. And then what will you do? Life is beautiful as you choose it to be. And if you keep your focus on what you want in life, it will come to pass if you do not let other things interfere. Find your own truth and let it expand. Look deep within and forget the noisy band. Bring to the surface the love and goodwill. Then you will find that you need not a pill. The vibrations are so intense lately that any anger, greed, self-pity, fear, you name it….is going to show up around you in others. Detachment is what is needed at this time. DO you like living in a mirror of 1984?

News tidbits: A Tesla exploded on I80 in Pennsylvania and it took 2 hours to put out the fire. No comment on the FTX scam. Don’t forget to get some solar panels in case you don’t have enough heat this winter according to WH. The FDA has approved lab-grown meat. I certainly am not going to try it. LA is now saying masks again. ???? Court docs of Epstein’s associates are set to be released. What will Elon Musk do next? Will there be no censorship on Twitter?? Kari Lake is not going away. If you are thinking of going to law school then you will not have to take the LSAT exam. It is time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history. USA Men’s Soccer will be having a rainbow crest on their uniforms. I am unsure how that represents America since our flag is red white and blue. And – Maggie Hassan got 1100 votes in a New Hampshire town with population of less than 800.

This New Moon in Sagittarius arrives Wednesday November 23 2022 at 5:57pm EST, 2:57pm PST, and 10:57pm GMT in 1degree 38’. If you are looking for turning points then this is it. It is in a fire mutable sign which gives you an opportunity to leap forward if you choose to go there. How many of you will do so? Of course because Sagittarius is mutable it can bring an unpredictable influence to your leap. Have you been feeling stuck because you continue to be in the past? Are you yearning for a different path to come into play?  Sagittarius likes adventure and exploring the world. Will you allow the truth to emerge from your depths to show you what you came to do on this Earth? Open to the energy of the Sagittarius fire and see how your mood changes. Fiery Sagittarius asks you to think about your next passionate step. Open to this energy and see how your mood changes. The depositor of the New Moon is Jupiter which is out of sign trine to Uranus. Oh, wow, this can actually indicate that those strong personalities out there can get along with others at this time. This is more in the political realm yet can also occur in the family type situation. Harmony can be present. Since Sagittarians like to think in a different way at times it may be good at the New Moon just to stay on track. Just because you are on track has no reference to being resistant. With the New Moon/Sun trine to Jupiter you may feel adventurous and want to explore different avenues. Boundaries are something Jupiter does not like but it can bring about generosity. Perhaps you may choose to sponsor a grand party for a good cause So, what do you choose? It matters not what pops up in your life because Jupiter is sending out those optimistic vibes to help you walk through what turns up. And guess what it is saying stop the blame game and the frowns. How about some joy no matter what?

As you know new moons are about setting intentions. Sagittarius is about truth and purpose and a new meaning. The Sagittarian is generous with time and money. Fires burn wherever desire takes them. The Sagittarian can shoot the arrow into the air and it can go out there, anywhere it chooses or can shoot and the arrow comes back and hits them with a vision. it is time for possible travel, bringing to fruition new possibilities and for developing deeper understanding.

Venus conjunct Mercury is a few degrees from the New Moon and still in Sagittarius. It will be a great new moon for sales – art and fashion. This combination is a dream for advertisers and commercial artists getting treatments, buying clothes or visiting the hairdresser. Time for fun and light-hearted things. Negatively- Antares is between Mercury and Venus which can bring violence.

Remember that if there is something that you want in life then you have to stop the negative thinking. I have been saying this for a very long time. If you say something and then negate it – guess what, it does not show up. Frankincense is the ideal oil to use with this New Moon. It is good for balance and it helps you go within and see your truth and how you relate. This is also good for supporting the immune system

Those affected most intensely by the New Moon energy are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces/0-7 degrees of the Sun signs or Rising signs). Birthdays are approximately: May 21-28; August 23-30; November 23-30; and February 19-26. Tidbits for each Sun/Rising sign;

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate. Want to travel this is a perfect time. Open your heart and let your thinking stretch a bit. Bring out your best qualities.

Taurus-Trust comes in relationships to further a deeper love connection and joy. Open your mind to unfamiliar ideas may bring new opportunities. Common sense works.

Gemini- Break new ground and get out of your rut. Excitement in relationships shows up. Think hard before commitment in personal or professional relationships.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Love! Stop the overload of tasks. Is there a new job on the horizon? Find joy in what you do.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. Some innovative ideas may show up. Take a chance as confidence grows with enthusiasm.

Virgo – Open your home and your heart. Is it just a loving sweetness or commitment? Let your emotions flow. Let others see who you really are. Keep some self-control in mix.

Libra- Don’t go overboard but you can be out there feeling liberated and celebrating. Iit’s also about opening your mind to ideas that stretch the boundaries of your current beliefs

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Some feeling of ideal love comes to you. Exhausting yourself or your income on foolish matters is not desirable

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. Discover new truths about yourself -encourages you to promote your ideas with passion

Capricorn- Small group get-togethers are joyful. A good friend brings love. Look inward. Giving yourself time and space to meditate, be with nature and let your mind run free.

Aquarius-Stop brooding. Lots of excitement! New people come in. More mobility You have greater faith which makes you a powerful spokesperson for an ideal. 

Pisces- Dreamily affectionate. Make new business contacts. Your greatest value is as a visionary and motivator of other people. Avoid getting bogged down in details

Stay positive and passionate and know you are a creator who can make your life a fascinating adventure. Go after what you enjoy and be your truth. Have a wonderful New Moon and find the light within. Many blessings to all and thank you for reading and sharing! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! Until again, love, Jan

New Moon in Taurus, May 11, 2021 – Turn the dream into reality!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As the New Moon approaches the world is still spinning in all different directions. Are you doing the same? Spring is here and the flowers in my garden are so beautiful and I wish that all of you were showing your beauty to others. I know some of you are doing so. What about those around you? Are they in a joyful, loving place? Or are you playing the victim and looking for someone to save you. You will be waiting a long time. Many years ago I learned that without love shining from your heart you will only see the darkness that wishes to take that love away. Why allow that to happen? A 555 vibration (5/5/5(year of 2021 adds to 5) just happened on May 5. There was such good energy coming through and I hope that you felt it. If you were in a negative place it had minimal effect upon you. Much of what is happening out there is interfering with the Light within so the high vibrations that are trying to come to you are just thrown off and have little influence. That is why positivity is a must in these times of chaos. As I look out over the mountains I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention. Then there are those of you who are in constant need to fixate on the news that the mainstream media suggests is real and you see only what they want you to see. What does your heart say? Just a note- Life is not here to scare you. It is time to see that what you think is what you get. And know that fear gets you only the same. Stay in fear and the Matrix continues. If you can get out of your past and stay present your life will change for the better and the joy and love will descend upon you. Live in the NOW!!!! And if you are allowing programming, then program love!

Some tidbits – Apparently one of the largest US pipelines was cyberattacked. Gas most likely will be rising in price. And the money keeps flowing into Big Pharm. As the injections continue do you even notice this occurrence? And why are so many dying from the injections? I see the Clippers and Lakers now are implementing “vaccine” only seating at the Staples Center And I see that is also true about the Yankees and Mets -separating the compliant from those who are dissenters. Oh well move on. I see the separation has truly begun since they are saying churches need to do this also. Wow. And the Matrix continues and life as you know it crumbles. Did you hear about the new group out there by the name of the Branch Covidians? Businesses now are hurting because they cannot find anyone to work. Maricopa County is being kept from the audit.

The lovely New Moon arrives in 21°17′ Taurus at 2:59pm EDT; 11:59am PDT; and 6:59pm GMT and makes a harmonious sextile aspect to Neptune. The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. You all know that Taurus loves money, the good things of life and sensual and other pleasures. Taurus is the representative of basic survival needs…food, clothing and money. Since it is ruled by sensual Venus then it also is about sensuality, pleasure and beauty. Taurean energy brings a sense of serenity, comfort and joy in simple things.  Since Taurus is about Earth you may choose to spend time in nature, and being grounded. It is a time to nurture your body. Your emotions may be more sensitive at this time. There are some deeper aspects going on with the point of Black Moon Lilith which indicates you may have to deal with some things coming up that you buried. It is ok.

Neptune is sextile the New Moon and it is saying that you may find more inspiring moments which open the door to creative ideas flowing to you. If you are into music or writing or some other creative mode and are stuck then ask for help from someone who is already creating a vision for themselves or who is just a supporter who knows what you need to do to take a step forward. Neptune is also about dreaming. Keep a dream journal. Keep in mind that you are here to do what interests you not what everyone else tells you to do. Neptune will help you keep the faith going. Allow it.

Now is the time to look at some new long-term goals that you will to achieve as the New Moon in Taurus will support this. The New Moon itself is about what you wish to spend time on or what you value in your life at this time. Do you enjoy what you already have? This New Moon can find you prancing around looking for more and more of whatever it is- beauty, money and good times with lots of pleasurable pursuits. Hey, wait a minute, don’t you have enough of it all or are you just going to keep spending because you are compensating for something that is not present in your life? In the positive sense Taurus New Moon is about being in the NOW. Go for the dream and it will show up if you let the past go.

If there is a monster around face it squarely without fear according to the New Moon trine Pluto. This aspect is favorable for influencing others to support you. It is a great time to have a needed conversation or just help you to communicate with confidence. Pluto is retrograde and it is a good time also to clear out what no longer works so better things can come into play. The New Moon is also square Jupiter in Aquarius which says stop hoarding the wealth and share. Mercury in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius and Mars sextile Uranus are positive aspects in the New Moon chart also. A reminder -Jupiter will be entering Pisces on May 13/14. I will talk more on this next time. And remember those intentions that are good to put out there at present…do it because Mercury will be going retrograde on May 29 and it will be a wild ride. I can hear the moans already.

Those who have Sun/Ascendant at 18- 24 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will be affected more intensely. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) it may also have some effect. Keep the dream alive and have faith. Emerald is a great gem for this New Moon and so is rose oil in your bath or Chamomile tea. By the way take a break from that screen that is taking up precious time in your life. It is making you be on autopilot. Tidbits:

Aries- Take a time out and look at your financial plans so that you can recreate if you need to do so. What direction do you choose to take now?

Taurus – Accept yourself for who you are and double down on your confidence. You have the way to keep things going. Make things happen. You are the focus.

Gemini – It is time to just pull back a bit and go within to find the grounding needed. Take time to align yourself with your truth so you are ready to leap soon..

Cancer – Look for those who are similar in their thoughts about values. Expand your social media friends as you reconnect with others whom are in your social circle.

Leo –Show the world who you really are. Expand your expertise in your field even if you are working from home. A new chapter may open up. Stop hiding your true self.

Virgo- Open your eyes to your potential and look for a new perspective. Some travel issues may show up or is it connecting to the spiritual?

Libra – Good time to create new future plans. Look at your financial affairs. Looks like a fresh start may be coming to you. Good things can show up.

Scorpio – The New Moon is sitting right over you partnership house. How will that give you some gladness or madness? You choose. It is time for healing.

Sagittarius- Everyday living becomes the focus. Are you planning on new job or health routine? Or are you paying too much to your partner’s stuff? Bring back the magic.

Capricorn – What do you enjoy the most? Go for it and take down the walls. That creative bent may show up. Inner child wisdom comes. Maybe just sit back and smell the roses?

Aquarius – You get some clarity in your daily life. Some things may need to be looked at. What can you do for your home and family? Take a deeper look at your ancestry.

Pisces – You seem to have lots of communication going on these days. Have you thought about writing something interesting? Change your words and see what happens.

Thank you for reading and sharing. May the New Moon in Taurus take you a step up on your path and inspire you to great heights as the energy continues for the next month. Will you allow it to do so or will you be pulled back into the chaos? It is your choice, dear ones. Many blessings and until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Libra, October 16, 2020 – Think before speaking

Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The fall has arrived in full splendor as the trees are now as colorful as ever in my area. There is a chill in the air in the night and soon who knows what will happen on another plane. Life is not what it seems. When I look around I see that many have taken sides without being true to themselves. You were born to be in charge of your own being. You have free will to choose as life inspires you. Why do you allow others to rule your basic existence? Why do you follow the crowd? Do you know where the crowd may take you? I cannot imagine what would have happened in my life had I been anyone other than my true self. It would have been an insane dance. Why would I say that? I sit and watch as many have given the media their souls and have no ideas of their own due to gaslighting and propaganda. So sad it is. It is beginning to look like pre-World War II. And when I look at charts of those who happen to pop into my life I wonder how they manage to move forward. Do they? Maybe! The bottomline of this message is that you are here to live a life of joy and love and no matter what comes up you deal with it, walk through it and know that your truth is always the way. To many of you the darkness will continue to creep into your lives unless you find that love that has escaped you. This is what is shifting and those who control the world have no need for love. Is that what you choose also? Why not reach within and find who you are truly and love yourself. In this way your inner wisdom will bring that love out to others. The consciousness is shifting even if you are one who is resistant to any kind of change.

Some tidbits- Now the WHO (not the band-someone has to laugh already) has said that lockdowns are not good. Wow. And the CDC has said in the depths of their writings that the Covid 19 virus has never been isolated. There is an article in a medical journal that says this is a fact. An op-ed in the NY Times supposed newspaper said that the UN needs to stage an international intervention to stop President Trump from being reelected. Wonders never cease. By the way, you are given natural immunity when you come to this earth and a vaccine is not going to do you any good. I do not care if you throw a hissy fit about this. Go for it. It is so a matter of control with the vaccine if mandated that you might as well jump off the bridge now. There is no way that a vaccine can be developed in such a short time when the virus has not been isolated. WAKE up already everyone out there. You are in charge of your own body. The government and technocrats are not. Liberty is about your choices. Or do you prefer tyranny? What is it about this you fail to understand? Oh, one more thing-take a look at Australia and keep that in mind when it occurs in America. Are you a member of the Covid Cult? Just wondering.

The New Moon is in Libra (both Sun and Moon are conjunct) on October 16, 2020 at 3:31 pm EDT, 12:31 pm PDT, and 7:31 pm GMT in 23 degrees 53’. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. Since it is in Libra it is about harmonious interaction and balance since Libra is about both.  How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual? It is about coming together with everything and integrating the aspects of the selves that are different. If you have disowned parts of yourself then you will attract that to you in stronger measures than you may choose. What I am talking about is the patterns, the beliefs and any disharmony you may have. Yet on the other hand you may also repulse them. That is, of course, up to you.

Retrograde Mars is in Capricorn and with an opposition to this New Moon. Mars in Capricorn is more disciplined and helps you go forward but it does not like the New Moon in Libra. It is looking for a fight. Ugh. And will you be the one to start it with your boss or your partner? Mars doesn’t let down. So watch your actions in the next couple of weeks. Find your patience already if you are feeling irritated by something.

And also the transformer Pluto in Capricorn is squaring the New Moon in Libra. That is saying to you if you are trying to control or manipulate someone or a situation…or the other individual is doing it to you, look out for a major power struggle. If you don’t want a break up wherever it is touching your chart do stop the fighting. It may well be your shadow side which shows up here. Stop it before it creates chaos that is not to your liking. If you come from a place of balance there will be less drama and conflicting opinions showing up. It is TIME to release any toxic pieces in your life whether it is in diet, relationships or in your own mind. DETOX is a big word for this NEW MOON. Find an exercise program and avoid sugar and alcohol. Saturn in Capricorn is also square the New Moon in Libra. Watch for any challenges which test you. Keep your confidence up if any restrictions come in or there are extra responsibilities that are brought to you. Another test of patience may come in.

And let us not forget that Mercury in Scorpio has gone retrograde on October 13, 2020. Oh, joy!! It ends on November 3, 2020 (Election Day in America). Certainly will make it all interesting than most. Mercury is the planet of communication and of course is known as the Trickster too. In the retrograde phase communication, travel and technology may be turned upside down to some degree. It is a time of redoing that which needs fixing particularly any communication errors. And there may be travel delays and having a look again at financial commitments. New ways to share your thoughts can be a good idea.

Venus in Virgo is trine to Uranus in Taurus and it can bring an electric connection for some of you. Lots of freedom is desired and you may be distracted. Even when you are out and about you may have an unexpected meeting or surprise.

Those signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in degrees of 19-26. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in those degrees then you may be affected. Birthdays are approximately April 8-15; July 9-16; October 11-18; and January 8-15.

Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes.

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers.

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home.

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel.

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan.

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word.

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you.

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal old wounds. A trip may show up.

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move.

And don’t forget to make your intentions clear. Write them out (10 at most) and look at them in the morning and at night. What are you looking to create in your life? New Moons energize those intentions and you never know what just might show up.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for those who follow this blog. Take a breath as the new moon arrives so that if balance is needed it comes to you. May the new moon bring you lots of joy and peace no matter what else goes on!  Patience does work wonders. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan