Monthly Archives: June 2013

FULL MOON IN CAPRICORN, JUNE 23, 2013- Supporting Your Vision with Love

Hello dear ones. The summer solstice has just came over the horizon and the FULL MOON in Capricorn is also ready to come through the mountain pass. What have you been enmeshed in since the last New Moon? Did you find a new way to wend through the brambles that may keep you hooked on the past? Did you open your heart to finding a clear path that feels so right to your higher self? Here we go again and many are still fighting within those deep mired beliefs and habits which strike from all angles at the most unexpected hours.

There have been truly amazing shifts in energy going on and some challenges that may be affecting you. Yes, I know it can feel like a treacherous mountain road with no movement to be had. And this may be ongoing every minute of every day for some of you. The T-Square of Pluto to Uranus continues to affect us as we go through each cycle until it is exact again in the eclipse time in November and then again in the Spring of 2014. It hits again in 2015. It came out to play in my life. Out of nowhere it struck hard and I felt so ready to bolt to the far ends of the galaxy. Really! It was rough for just a day because everything that could come up and push my buttons appeared. EEK!. I was looking at everything through my emotions instead of looking at it with a balanced perspective. My ability to communicate went bonkers and I realized within about less than 90 minutes that I gave in to this energy. Since it was Uranus involved, the unexpected quality of the energy arrived.

It is time, definitely now, to let go dear ones and find the inner peace and truly walk through the deepest wounds (it’s only a dream anyway) and get ready for some magical new beginnings by climbing the steep mountain path to the pinnacle. Whatever needs clearing from your life will take place as you reach within to your heart. So, two things are occurring…starting again in a new direction or letting what is no longer bringing joy to be bid adieu.
The FULL MOON in CAPRICORN is at 2 degrees on June 23, 2013 at 7:32 am EDT. Venus is right with it. This tells us that many of you may be thinking about moving on to new ventures instead of the same old job or career. It will bring some of you the true path which has been elusive. Your self-worth will be enhanced at this FULL MOON. It is not too often that you experience the energy of this kind of SUPER MOON. Cancer Sun is about family and relationships. Capricorn Moon is about structure in your life. The intimacy you share within a close relationship is part of the spotlight. This is a time of sharing within your realm and reaching out to others in love. LOVE is all there is now. Have you been reaching out to those you love? The balance is necessary with this Capricorn Full Moon in partnerships. Full Moons are always about relating. How have you been relating? Or not?

Once the Moon conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn exactly a few hour after the FULL MOON, the unexpected may show up and it can be dealt with in a different way other than the previous due to Mars sextile to Uranus (supportive). Since the trine (easygoing) is still active between the Sun in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio, it is truly a time to follow your heart. Not just talking about it but actually walking that talk. This grand trine offers creative ways to solve your issues that are brought up by the T-Square. The Sun in Cancer helps you be sensitive to your own feelings and those of others in bringing about the harmonious conclusion to any problems that may appear. And remember many issues are your own that are being reflected to you by others. No blame here is necessary. Sun in Cancer is about memories and ancestry and the distant past including our childhood. Any patterns that may still hang around from your life back when comes into focus now. This Super Moon happening only a couple days after the Solstice is asking you to look at how secure and strong you feel. It is about inner strength, dear ones.

FULL MOON has many of feeling motivated ready to go out and achieve that dream and take that leap. But there of some who may just choose to rejuvenate and pull back due to the overwhelming feeling of having too many irons in the fire. You balance your inner needs now with your actions. Your self-discipline is at the forefront. Are you avoiding looking at your feelings and trying to escape that part of your climb to the top? Stop doing that, please. Do you know that depression can occur when you don’t heed your feelings and you fail to address what is important to you? This FULL MOON in CAPRICORN is about owning your power and to be flexible. Be the mountain goat and stop letting those mountain rocks get in your way. Those who have any planets around 2 degrees especially Cancer and Capricorn; Aries and Libra will be most affected.

Venus in Cancer helps to soften anything that may occur. Mercury and Venus are now together in the sign Cancer hugging and helping you tune into your inner self. This weekend is a grand time for a party and showing love in your most important relationships. It is sweet and kind. Embrace the energy and you will see how beautiful things shift due to the harmonious effects of this combination. But know that the chaos can always pop in if you are out of focus and forget to be bring awareness to the mix. Of course, there is also Pluto can bring transformation when it is poking and prodding you to change your approach and rid yourself of those tired outworn habits. And also along with other influences Chiron, the planet of wounding and healing, is going to go retrograde (backwards) for the next 5 months which will help you recognize any past wounds for what they were and how you walked through them. Then on the other hand will help you heal those that are still pulling at you to notice them. It is perfect.
Remember that Mercury is preparing to go retrograde next week on June 27th. Sign papers before then and buy no electronics during that time of 3 weeks.

May your blessings be many. Use some love to manifest your vision. Thank you for reading and have a joyous time this FULL MOON. Until again. Love, Jan

NEW MOON in GEMINI, JUNE 8, 2013 -Talk is Cheap without Feelings

Hello everyone. Hope you are celebrating all the good things in your life today. Life has been speeding by and the NEW MOON in BEMINI is upon us. It arrives on Saturday, June 8, 2013 at 11:56am EDT at 18 degrees. What ideas do you have that you can turn into reality? This is a time of a sharp and focused mind. Can you make it happen? As we allow the New Moon energy to unfold remember that there are clouds of debris that still are scattered around you and within you from the past and since the eclipse cycle is still prominent from the last 6 weeks, I ask you to let go. Before I continue with the New Moon, I have to tell you that last night I was a guest on “Unseen World” which is found on Blogtalk Radio. It was a grand experience to talk about how the eclipses are affecting all of us. Linda, the host and Jean, the co-host were such a joy and I am so grateful for their love and support.

The NEW MOON in Gemini is about connections and in the astrological chart represents the 3rd house. It is how you communicate and connect with others. It is about learning and Gemini is about siblings. TALK and more TALK is what is going on here.

New Moon in Gemini conjunct Jupiter brings to you lots of ideas and ways to move them up a level to become a reality It is time to focus on the prime purpose of the idea in order to do so. On the other hand some of you may be experiencing some belligerence because Mercury (ruler of Gemini) which is in Cancer right now is in a T-square (90 degrees) with Uranus (in Aries) and Pluto (in Capricorn). This T-square has a deep effect on those whose birthdays are December 28-January 7; March 27-April 7; and June 30-July 8. But helping out this ongoing T-square is the trine (this is where you help each other) between Venus in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. Let’s keep the Light shining upon that trine energy instead of being pulled into the T-square. And if a tug of war of words finds a way into your life, refuse to enter into battle. It is trying to change something and it will if you watch it and allow it to make changes. Otherwise it can create chaos and change comes in ways that are unpredictable.

And life is unpredictable enough lately with tornados sweeping through the Midwest and earthquakes occurring on a regular basis in many places around the world. Do you feel good about the drones flying through your neighborhood, if not, they will be soon enough, or the GMOs in your food in the USA or the upcoming healthcare craziness? Is your life on TILT??? I believe the world is about to be! And the economy…that would be a discussion for a long time. Just pay attention because there is a big illusion out there and some are still walking in that deceptive world. The Pluto square Uranus will continue to have an effect upon many things into next year.

Communication is big at this NEW MOON in Gemini and it is the mirror in your life. Gemini represents the male/female aspects of yourself and how you are thinking at this time. You have the facts but how do you go beyond this in your thought processes? Feelings must be brought to the thinking within. That is what the eclipse was trying to tell you. Can you do that? Once the feeling comes and you go beyond the thought you can then understand. Right? NEW MOON is trine the asteroid Juno who rules committed relationships. There should be a flow of good communication between your partners and lovers. Many energies have come into play at this New Moon which bring about new ways of thinking about your relationships. Have you noticed how some of you have transcended the hive mind and aren’t pulled into the illusion anymore? And then there are those who choose to ignore the truth.

Mars in Gemini is usually energetic but he seems to be squashed in by the inconjunct to Saturn in Scorpio. Mars is scattering energy left and right and just is not himself. What a drag it is! This is right on my North Node telling me to pull it together already. Yeah right…how could I when I think I have something done, another thing comes along and keeps piling up. Oh my. Mars is unhappy. I want to go full speed on my path and old Saturn is saying adjust these things first. UGH!

The next couple days are quite romantic for those who have the opportunity to cuddle! Venus in Cancer is bringing you an idealistic and realistic flavor to relationships. Some of you feel a need to put down roots with the magical effect taking place now. You are seeing the best in people but you need to watch for impulsive moves. And some of you may ask how to keep the flame burning when there is vague or little communication.

The New Moon in Gemini also is in difficult aspect to Chiron. Oh no, those words can wound. Be careful now with how you express yourself because you will be writing notes of apology down the road. And with Uranus a sharp retort can land you into a messy argument. Stay cool.

The eclipse energy is still in effect. Know that the past no longer serves you. What you choose now in your life will be the deciding factor that will fill your future. Letting go is the bottomline. Those of you who resist the flow are only creating negatives in your lives. You are here to live your purpose and anything that is not connected to your depths will be gone along with the illusions. You will feel calmness this summer and you will tend to roll with the rapids. The big testing ground will appear in the Fall of this year. Group consciousness is growing. You will begin to see how your subconscious has created your life by following the behavior of the culture. There are new ways to relate now. Feelings do matter. Bring them to all actions. Please PAY ATTENTION and keep your eye on the ball otherwise you may get hit.

Remember that song from “Flash Dance” about taking your passion and making it happen. Just might want to take the passion and bring it to all those actions this time around. Have a great New Moon in Gemini and thank you for your support. May you be blessed. Until again. Love, Jan