Monthly Archives: April 2021

FULL MOON in Scorpio, April 26/27, 2021 – Go to the depths!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Sorry that this is a bit later than I usually post. Tax clients are to the forefront. So many changes are going on in our world and no matter how much the fear-mongering continues the Light is present and continues to help you if you truly pay attention. It seems so crazy that it is almost May and the birds definitely are in the trees and sometimes they disappear and other times they are flyi8ng around. Have you been clearing out what needs clearing yet? And have you sat outside under a tree or near the water just taking in the earth energy that will calm and soothe you? I know many have not since the strangeness of these times have made many of you so introverted and fail to reach out to others in ways that are filled with joy. Life gets more interesting every day. I know there are some who are crying the blues as usual and others are so enmeshed in their own little circle that they cannot see that the world is imploding and if they do they complain and go back to what they were doing. To me much programming is taking place and the last year has proven that. Why would I even say that? Well, show me the truth and I will say, yay, now you are free to be the real you. I think many are fearful that the truth will scare them beyond measure so that is why those of you who continue to listen to the news instead of your heart makes it difficult to do anything that will bring you to a new sense of calm. That is just my perspective. You are free to choose to do what you wish. Just remember what you follow will either keep you in truth or push you into a place that may be destructive to your inner wisdom.

Some tidbits: A lecturer from a university in England said that in East Sussex there have been sheep standing in concentric circles in a field. He said it was an eerie site. Were you aware that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was not the flu at all but a manufactured bacterial meningitis vaccine? The Spanish Flu mimicked the flu and the “vaccine” was given to 6 million soldiers and also to civilians. Most died from the vaccine. Do you get the picture yet? No problem. Your choice! Why did Joe Biden not have an American Flag behind him during the Climate Change session and why did he wear a mask on that Zoom call? Now doctors are being silenced by FDA when they promote Vitamin D, C and zinc for Covid19. I see that many of those who got the ‘vaccine’ are now dying. Wake up. Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? The cryptocurrency market took a big plunge.

And here comes the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26/27, 2021 in 7°06’at 11:31pm EDT; 8:31pm PDT; and 3:31am GMT (4/27/21). The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. This is a time to watch your reactions. Many will be triggered in some way and by having this occur you can look at any deep patterns and beliefs which now surface and can be released. Since Pluto rules Scorpio it is a time of rebirth but, hold on a moment. Rebirth only comes after you look at yourself and begin to act in a new way Stop creating more stress and apologize if you need to do so in case you went over the line with your words. Scorpio Moon is a Supermoon since it is closer to the Earth. What are you going to dig up from the depths? Things may occur in ways that are indirect or sneaky with this energy. Any truth that is present will be hidden just below the surface. It is not going to be in your face. The Full Moon is about digging deeper into how you look at certain areas like sex/passion, money, power, death of ego/real death and obsession. Sounds intense!  If you have negative feelings about yourself then you need to deal with them. This Full Moon will help the transformation of you inner self. Any inner negative feelings about relationships may rear their ugly head. This may help you get rid of disharmony.

The Full Moon is opposed to Uranus in Taurus and this is all about the unexpected. Try not to be too impulsive in your actions in the next couple of weeks. Some of you may feel like rebelling against something or someone. The Full Moon, Sun in Taurus, Venus and Mercury in Taurus are in a square to tough Saturn in Aquarius who wants to keep you from jumping into something too quickly and may bring up some obstacles with this tense energy which only keeps things from moving on. If you need grounding in your life then this will definitely help you stay in that place. With the Uranus energy shaking things up a bit this Taurus stellium will keep you centered. If you choose to make changes then you have the ability to go with it no matter what Uranus does to shake it up a bit. The Full Moon is trine to Mars in Cancer which helps you be assertive and more direct in you communication. This helps you get through the Saturn square to the planets in Taurus.

Pluto which rules Scorpio is in Capricorn and is stationary retrograde on April 27, 2021. That means whatever is going on now in inner world will still be going on through the next 5 months. Oh joy. That inner world transformation that you wish to take part in will help you down the road. What control issues do you have in your life? This is something to address with the Pluto retrograde energy.

I am asking you to wake up because this Full Moon is about facing the darkness. Whatever it is that shows up, you will be able to deal with it if you choose to do so. Much of the shadow side will be brought to light and will you deal with it or just push it back down again? It is a good time to be near water and take time to meditate, pray and be still. And remember to breathe deeply. Listen to some good music (key of D) and essential oils that are good at this time-myrrh and ginger.

Those signs most affected by or sensitive to this Full Moon in Scorpio are the Fixed signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (3-9 degrees of each sign). Birthdays are: April 23- 29; July 27 –August 2; October 28-November 3; and January 25- February 1. If you know where it is falling in your chart, you may wish to check out the house so you know where more truths will show up in your life. Keep your reactions in check.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others. Stand in your power.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Talk about any issues with loved ones.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Work with others to create your visions.

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Others are willing to support you in creativity.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Find a way to create a new inviting space in which to thrive.

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Try loving yourself much more.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or create a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. Create boundaries so you stay on track.

Scorpio- What do you want in a relationship? You have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  A new direction is possible.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. Taking risks will definitely expand the mind. Looking for adventure, are you? Take a leap of faith.

Thanks so much for reading and sharing. Have a transformative Full Moon in Scorpio. Let go of all that is no longer part of your inner depth. Life will start to look differently if you do this and your intentions can soon be moved forward. Let the Light shine brightly around you and stand in your power. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

New Moon in Aries, April 11, 2021- Ready, set, leap!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I apologize for getting this out a bit later than usual. I feel like I am part of a magical mystery tour that has come to take me to some other reality or not. Life has become unreal to me. What does it feel to you? Do you feel anything at all? Your intentions out to the Universe matter at this time since new moons are always there for you to set them and get them out there so they manifest in some form. When I go out and about I feel the energy that is so disturbed at times and I wonder when those who are asleep will wake up. It is a truth that is so overwhelming that many see nothing at all except what is controlling their thinking or their actions. Is that what you have decided to allow in your life? It is so much easier to be in control mode rather than free spirited. Life is here for you to live. Yes, live is the word. When was the last time that you laughed? Some of you probably have not laughed in months; maybe even not in a year. Why? Please consider opening your heart and following that instead of someone else’s banter. And do use your beautiful mind to think of things that are important to take you forward and live the life to the ultimate. When was the last time you followed your passion in a grand way? I know some of you are doing what you love and others do not. Why would you let life pass you by and you do nothing that brings you to an exciting place within? This New Moon helps out.

At the moment I sit and peruse my tax clients’ information and I wonder when the day will come when the taxes will disappear out of your life. Oh, yes IRS is not what you think if you keep up with the history of it. There are many things which are out there staring you in the face as you wander down the lane not paying attention. Many in power protect their kind. Oh, yes. So the powerful are certainly not in your best interest. Some of you already know this. And some of you do not care. It is always important to have no fear. I have met so many individuals in the last year who were scared of the happenings in this world. What is the fear about? If you have fear you will not ever have love in your life. And now is the time to get involved with allowing the fear to go. Do you face that fear ever? This New Moon is the time when you can move forward by getting that fear faced and released once and for all. If you choose to live with fear then when you make your intention then the fear will stand in your way. Once in my life I allowed fear to come over me and stop me from moving ahead with a major project. The project now is being addressed and I know that it is my passion. It took some time because I thought certain individuals would laugh at me. Well, that’s over and gone. My feelings are that it is my dream and I do not care who likes it or not.  I will mention a few tidbits of which you determine whether they are important to know or not. Did you ever read the Constitution during your school years? Did you understand it? The Founding Fathers are rolling over in their graves as this past year imploded with the emphasis on taking rights away from you. Does it bother you at all? In my life free speech is important to me. If you take offense to something I say then one has to look within and find out why. Do you like what is happening in this country and around the world? Just curious I am. Divisiveness is not what life is about. You and I belong to one race – the human race. Did you hear about the jabs for the testing for the virus? I didn’t think so. How about how they are reporting those who have had the virus? It amazes me how happy people are and spouting out on social media about the injection.  

The assertive New Moon in Aries arrives Sunday April 11, 2021 at 10:31pm EDT; 7:31pm PDT; and  2:31am GMT (Monday April 12 2021) in 22°25’. Aries New Moon is a cosmic reset; a new beginning for all. It is tempered by Mars (the ruler of Aries) sextile in Gemini. This brings a more intellectual approach to your intentions. Just do not rush into anything before you give it some thought. Aries is fiery and fearless. Aries chooses to go out in and assert its place in the world. Of course on the shadow end it is really selfish. Which do you choose? Your passion lives in Aries and so does your drive and your ability to just get it done. If you want confidence then Aries is the energy for you.  The New Moon and Mars are in harmony to Jupiter in Aquarius. This tends to bring about some harmonious energy along with positivity. Venus in Aries is still conjunct the New Moon entering Taurus on April 14. Venus likes what she likes in Aries and does not want to wait for it. Nor does it matter what others think. But since Venus is square Pluto in Capricorn what you want may be on a Divine time schedule and not your own. So keep that in mind when you are going after whatever you choose. You may be inspired creatively since Venus is sextile Jupiter in Aquarius. This also can make you more self-indulgent.

Mercury entered Aries on April 4 and will be there through the New Moon until April 19. Watch your words at this time especially if they are out of anger. The right words now will help get your intentions going. Also it is good for getting ideas out there. It is also good for speaking your truth. Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries-Words may wound, but they can also heal. This aspect may bring new awareness of the ways that you need to heal and perhaps the ways that you wound yourself or others, especially through thoughts, words and attitudes. Keep that in mind as you go through the next couple of weeks. Do watch for that negative self-talk.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 19-25 degrees. If you have personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees then the New Moon energy will bring intense flavor to any of those also. Birthdays affected more than others are: April 8-14; July 12-18; October 13-19: and January 10-16.

Aries- This is about you.. Go out and shine your light brightly Be true to self. Love yourself totally. Keep positive people around you.

Taurus –Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. Is this your feeling now? Delve deep with the fiery spirit and insights show up. Take a risk and blaze a new track.

Gemini – Who are your true friends? Time will show them to you. Spread your ideas this way. And lead those who are joining your path.

Cancer – Where are you going professionally? Who can help you? Know that it is a good time for working on your career ideas. Be secure.

Leo –May be time for an adventure, new courses to take. Make sure those around you support your ideas. Are you ready to venture into the unknown?

Virgo- Work on some investment planning and let the inner part of you come forth in order that transformation takes place. Take a risk!

Libra –Relationships especially regarding partners and business associates are in the forefront. If you have an inner circle now is the time to pull it together.

Scorpio –You are there as a mover and shaker showing others how to do it in the workplace or healthwise. You can make it right.

Sagittarius- Creative efforts are more effective now. If you have a creative project in mind, then go for it.  Is love in the cards? Enjoy yourself.

Capricorn – What is you choose to fix with your home? Or is this something you can choose to do with your family. New insights emerge..

Aquarius – What do you wish to communicate at this time? Catch up with others. Avoid gossiping. Do some family bonding. Be honest and direct with others.

Pisces – Now is the time to leap forward in the money game. Fix any past errors and you do well. Something new is coming down the road. Budget!

                                                                                                                                                                           I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own life through astrology let me know in comments. I do readings and counseling and look forward to hearing from you. I also do Reiki teaching. Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Do release the fear. Look for miracles along the way. Put out intentions in the first 24 hours of New Moon. Many blessings! Until again, love, Jan