Monthly Archives: September 2018

FULL MOON in Aries, September 24/25, 2018- Is it me or is it you? Letting go too!


Good day dear ones. The Fall Equinox is here and is the turning point for much of what is going on in the world. Deep secrets are still present. There is a picture which presents itself to you which is really something else. You know this already. As it beckons you to make sense of your life and what is happening in the world, I ask you to just listen to the voice within which you cannot hear if you are in a mind scramble all the time. Do you know how programmed you are becoming? How about those phones that have taken over you and your children’s’ lives? They are unequivocally programming your minds. Does it matter to you? I have many who ask me why I have this old phone and do not want one of those new IPhones. Why would I need it? Think about this when you have some free time off your phone. No one knows how to converse anymore. And with this upcoming Full Moon there are many things which will come up to haunt you. It is time to reevaluate all in your life again. Are you ready?

In the meantime the world clamors over who is going to be rich; who is going to take down those who disagree; and who is on track. What is it that hounds you so much that you need to continue to live in the illusion that is brought to you by those who hide in the depths of the back pages of humanity? It is time for to take a breath and actually regroup. Will you choose to do this? Find that place and allow the world to be as you find your peace within and it will bring amazing thing to light. It is your choice naturally. The words and actions of others are surely affecting your insights and ability to discern. Please take a look at what actually is occurring and why. Those who are on track will know exactly what I am saying and those who are caught up in the scandals and war-mongering influences will continue to do just that. Oh, I almost forgot, the flu shot phenomenon is upon us. I saw that eventually it may be a mandatory thing.

This Full Moon is known as the Harvest Full Moon. And as I just said it is time for a slow-down in your activities although it will take much for you to do this. Choose to do so before you are too overwhelmed to do anything else. Slow-down and relook at where you are in this life and what your intentions are. Yes, it is also a time to release those fears that hold you back. Look for an alternative way to release them instead of taking prescriptions to bury them. Seriously, a shifting is taking place and it can be very positive if you let go. Full Harvest Moon comes in on Monday/ Tuesday, September 24, 2018 at 10:52pm EDT; 7:52pm PDT; and September 25, 2018 at 2:52am GMT in 1 degree 59’ in the sign of Aries. And that to me is the inner fire ready to come out and to face the issues that you buried forever. And they will pop right in your face if you have not addressed them. Be ready. With the Full Moon in Aries being a take charge type this may be the perfect time for you to rely on you instead of others. It is a most favorable time energetically and you will begin to feel less anxious about most things that show up. On the other hand Aries Moon loves to just take charge and do it. That is not what this Full Moon will allow you to do. If you just put your foot on the gas and burst ahead, will you go into a rage or will you let fear take over? Then again you may wish to lead the group instead of going it alone since the Sun is in Libra. Keep the anger at bay since it can get nasty.

The Sun is in Libra at the exact degree opposing the Full Moon. Mercury is conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon also.. It is time to slow down (seems to be coming from all directions). Sun and Mercury are riding with asteroid Ceres, the compassionate mother type. She also tends to withhold the unconditional love and replaces it with anger. Both of these influences help the mind, body and spirit. Moon in Aries is ready to take command and the Sun and Mercury are saying let’s compromise a bit. This is a time to watch what you say in any interaction especially if it has tension involved. This happening in the next couple of weeks could cause an uprising. Then again the verbal explosiveness may be what is needed to get things moving forward and you taking a leap. Sun in Libra says join together in balance and working as a team which help you move toward your happiness and success at this season of the year. Celebrate all your accomplishments. Feel the blessings that come to you and enjoy them. Do you look for improvement in your connections/relationships? Now is the time to do it.

Chiron in Aries is conjunct (less than a degree) the Full Moon and that this aspect reminds you of the birthing process which affects every one of you. Was it easy or was it difficult? Are you still screaming your head off or have you walked through the pain? Chiron the planetoid is called the Wounded Healer mythically. What are you still crying about as the child within? It is time to recognize and voice the feeling and let it go so you can heal already. What is it you are unwilling to see from the past? You are being pushed to face those things you have buried deeply.

On the other hand with Saturn is In Capricorn squaring the Full Moon and Chiron and opposing the Sun then you may be a bit restricted depending where it falls in your chart. Full Moons usually inspire to action and since it is in Aries, you would think that. The Saturn aspect is telling you to take a breather as I mentioned before and slow the heck down. Stop running around in circles and take time out for you. Remember Aries is about ‘I” and usually wants to run through the fire. Well, not this time. Regroup is the word. Trust your inner voice and move forward in a productive manner slowly. One more thing- Mars is now back in bounds (declination) as the Full Moon takes place. Some patience may be needed as this occurs. You will feel more on track and normal as it moves onward in Aquarius. Soon Venus will go retrograde in Libra (October 5) so if you are looking for cooperation go for it.

Pluto in Capricorn goes direct on September 30 and it indicates a time of moving out of the catharsis that may have been affecting your life for the past months. The authentic you may fully emerge from the depths and no matter what goes on the shifting has been worth it.

Essential oils that you may wish to use for the Full Moon in Aries are: Rosemary-helps with that solitude you may desire and clary sage-to help with warrior wisdom.

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing this post! The bottomline of this Full Moon is Aries is whether you can let go the old stuff and slowly go forward either alone or leading the group keeping in balance. Stay in the moment as it arrives and know that much of this will carry on through a few months since this is the first Full Moon of the season. Would love to hear how it affects you. Comments are always welcome. Lots of blessings to you as you move forward. Until again, Love, Jan









New Moon in Virgo, September 9, 2018- Bring in the creative and heal

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Where has summer gone, dear ones? How could it fly by so quickly? I blinked and it is just about over. The energy is still intense as the days go by. How has it affected you lately? There is a major shift going on and tiredness is part of the package. Are you feeling it? Have been staying off much social media and it has made a big difference. Of course, it does pull me back at times yet I am feeling more balanced without it at the moment. Have you tried doing that for a short time? It is amazing how different it is when you do what you love instead of being hooked to your phone. Try it sometime for a few days. It is my challenge to you. And I would love to hear about what you manifested by doing so. The upcoming new moon energy is also taking over. Will get to that shortly!

In the meantime President Trump has been a mirror to many. Oh no, you think. First of all, stop thinking. What do I mean by the mirror aspect? Well, for those with such dislike and hatred for him, what do you hate about yourself? He has stirred you to your core for better or worse. Sorry, did not want to touch that sore spot. Let me share something with you that I feel is important to know. President Trump has his natal Pluto conjunct (right on) the USA North Node (direction in life). And that is about power personified in a way that takes what is present within the country and transforms to the hilt. I did not say it was good or it was bad…it just has the transformative power to bring up old things that you do not choose to acknowledge yet no matter what happens there will be major change within the country. And if you are looking to impeach him, I have my doubts. This is all about a power play with those in the background. And on another note – it is not at all what it seems to be. Pay attention and stop letting your emotional fervor regarding politics take over your life. How can you do what you came to do if you are so hooked on the frenzy of the political state? There is a psych war going on. Not a good thing…FEMA and FCC are going to take over everyone’s cell phones on September 20 in a nationwide test. Stay tuned.

The New Moon in Virgo arrives on Sunday, September 9, 2018 at 2:01 pm EDT; 11:01 am PDT. and 6:00 pm GMT in 17 degrees. The Sun in Virgo is at the exact same degree. What does this New Moon wish to share with us? New moons in general are for planting new seeds yet have no real picture of where it can take you since the Sun is not illuminated. It is best to listen to your body instead of those habitual decisions you tend to make at times. That way you can head in the right direction. It is in the second decan of Virgo (10-20degrees) so it is good for healing. Virgo is the sign that is about the body, healing and taking care of your health. So, what can you do to keep yourself on track at this time?

This would be great energy for taking a plunge into an exercise program. It is also time to make just a minor dietary adjustment. If you eat one type of vegetable all the time, try to vary that a bit. Or you may choose to approach your health a bit differently if you have any minor issues. An adjustment may be all that is needed. On another wavelength it is a good time to delve into creativity of your mind and spirit. What do you have within that is clamoring for you to take a good look and then push forward with it? Art that is profound; writing that is a bit deep and even coming from the shadow and quite powerful is favorable.

Some of you may attract support from an individual due to there is a sextile to Jupiter in Scorpio from the New Moon in Virgo. If you are looking to get published it is a very beneficial energy. Put your heart and soul into any creative project that you have dreamed about. There will be opportunities to increase your wealth if you stay on track. New projects will turn out well. Start them in the two weeks following the new moon.

There is some confusion and deception possible due to New Moon opposing Neptune in Pisces. And even some fear that you have may show its face to you. Walk through it and resolve what needs to be resolved so you can move to your goals that have been waiting for your focus. If you are able to overcome your fears then you may find yourself with more positive outcomes. Stay far from gossiping, lies and secrets, dear ones.

Another influence is Pluto in Capricorn trine the New Moon in Virgo. It may help you uncover any deception in your life. Also, this aspect is good for dealing with those who tend to be assertive and competitive. It gives you more power to do so. Also Pluto is sextile Jupiter in Scorpio which brings about success. There is power behind the throne here helping you to advance and grow to a higher level. It is time to dig for deeper truth since Jupiter is in the sign that Pluto rules. This sextile (favorable) Is exact on September 12, 2018.

Another aspect which occurs in September is Saturn in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus. You may choose to experiment with unique ideas yet not buck the system. Saturn keeps you on track while you try out new and different approaches.

One more thing—September 8 has Mars in the last degree of Capricorn squaring (conflict) Venus in Libra (last degree). Are you looking for an affair? May not last that long if it happens. Also, you are more attractive and tend to be more sexual. Watch out for anger showing up or even hostility. And keep yourself calm and stay in the moment when interacting.

Keeping your body healthy is important at this time. Take a bath with lavender and Epsom salt. Listen to good music in the key of D. Smoky quartz helps any past emotional blocks and amethyst influences keeping your goals on track.

Those of you who have Sun/Rising sign in Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces at 17 degrees (within 2 degrees) will be intensely affected. If you have other personal planets around 17 degrees -Moon, Mars, Mercury, or Venus in those signs you may also be affected. Wherever the New Moon falls in you chart will be the area of your life that is emphasized for a new start.

Many blessings to all of you! Thank you for reading and sharing with your friends. Keep your energy flowing this time around by getting some exercise and eating well. And remember to take a moment from all the details that need organization. The ride is getting crazier than ever. Stay in the moment, dear ones. Until again, Love, Jan