Category Archives: FULL MOON

Full Moon in Scorpio, April 23 2024 – Will you stay in your power?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  Wow, the sun is shining. I must be dreaming. The weather changes as quickly as I blink my eyes. I do not remember it being like this for a very long time. You probably wonder why I mention the weather in regards to life as it is. One day it is raining. The next day it is sunny and warm. Then it is chilly. It feels just like the world is today. I see this constant change in those out there in fantasyland. And now I realize that many of you are still sleeping as to what truly is happening in the world.  Life is here for enjoyment and doing what you came to do. How many love what you do? Are there any of you who truly stay in the moment and stop and go with the flow? I see very little of this in the past few years. Then again, most of you with whom I am in contact are living a totally different life. That is ok if you like to worry all the time and choose to live in a bubble.

Why do you keep jumping on the Mainstream News storytelling? Do you really believe that the war-mongering is necessary for your betterment and all others? Dear ones, the darkness is present like never before and you will tell me, oh, no, this is about Israel and Iran or any other place that is in the predator’s reach. This is all about depopulation. Do you not see this? There may be another plandemic in the works. There is certainly no reason for you to enjoy life these days. That is what it seems like to me. Everything is in a shambles and do you care? The Divine is not surprised by the actions of those who want control of you and everything else. Did you know that the US government is sending taxpayer dollars to a military lab in China to make bird flu viruses more dangerous? And what is going on with the judge and Trump is unbelievable. Things may get weirder by the moment yet there may be a surprise down the road.

The Full Moon in Scorpio intensely arrives on Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:49pm EDT; 4:49pm PDT and 11:49pm GMT at 4 degrees 18’ The Sun is in the exact degree in Taurus. It is in the First decan (0-10 degrees of Scorpio). It is also known as the Pink Moon. The Moon in Scorpio and the Sun in Taurus are both square Pluto in Aquarius. At this time of the Full Moon there is something that has been building inside you and it is time to address it and let it go. It can be more on the intimate side. The Sun in Taurus deals with more personal values, security and material things. The Moon in Scorpio is about change, getting rid of shared possessions and transformation. Scorpio wants you to explore your inner self to the fullest, so now is a good time to do just that. Since there is a square between the Sun, Moon and Pluto there may be some resistance to letting things go. It also can bring out what has been hidden from you. It may be a good idea for you to strip away what is no longer needed and out there or within your own self. It is associated with deepest fears and your true desires, hidden pain and unexpressed gifts, Time to release what is not good for you. This Full Moon illuminates the truths within and may be uncomfortable to face. It also brings out your relationships to others and their resources and sexuality and power. It is a time to face your shadows which influence your behavior.  It is important to express how you feel with this Full Moon since the energy has been building and in the next couple of weeks it is a good thing to do. Take the time to purge what is no longer needed and then make sure it does not try to come back in. For instance, beliefs, old habits and even those who no longer resonate with who you are now, are good examples of what you need to let go and say goodbye. If there is much negative energy in your workplace, home or someplace else you find yourself then this is a time to clear the energy since this Full Moon energy is the perfect time to do so. Letting go now is the perfect thing to do for your best interest at heart.

Mercury is conjunct the North Node in Aries which tells you that you can express yourself more and find new ways to bring it out to others. And with both conjunct Chiron in Aries it is saying to you that focusing on old wounds in communication and learning which you need to work on in order to move forward towards what your true Soul purpose is in this life. The last conjunction of Mercury and Chiron is on May 5 which says to you to clear all old communication patterns and allow a new beginning in that area. Jupiter in Taurus meets up with Uranus in Taurus on April 20 before the Full Moon. This is an end of a cycle and the beginning of a new one. This is a 14 year cycle. The last time it occurred was in 2010/2011. And if you want a better view think about what was happening in your life in 2000 when there were seven planets in Taurus. At this time it is about changing your direction and moving forward. It is not an instant action. It can take a few years or may begin to show up in steps not too far down the road. It is a great opportunity energy that shows up just before the Full Moon in Scorpio. Keep your eyes open to see what it is telling you. Be open to new opportunities and magic can happen. Just a reminder – Mercury goes direct on April 25. It will be in the (direct) shadow zone until May 15.

Those signs most affected by or sensitive to this Full Moon in Scorpio are the Fixed signs-Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (0-8 degrees of each sign). Birthdays are: April 20-28; July 23-31; October 23-31; and January 21- 29.

Aries –The Full moon is in your fiscal zone so watch what you do with your money. Be careful of your communication with others and news may come regarding money.

Taurus- What will you do that will surprise others? Relationship will come into focus in the next couple of weeks. Do talk about any issue that may arise.

Gemini – Need to find balance in your work and home life. You may find yourself irritated and stir up something for the heck of it. Chill and find time for you,

Cancer- Emotions rise and you may find yourself wondering about a connection to a child or lover or friend. Communicate your feelings to lessen any tension.

Leo – There is a turning point in career or home life. Be calm and stay in the moment.  Will you find yourself in the middle of a conflict that is not really necessary?

Virgo – When was the last time you really looked within at your own workings?  And if you need a discussion, do so in a knowledgeable way. Travel would be a great dream.

Libra – Think before you undermine security or creates a loss with some purchase that is not really needed. And keep any power struggles out of the picture.

Scorpio- You seem to have a knack to problem solve with others. Important developments with your close relationships may come to light. Shifts are coming

Sagittarius – Good time for healing in major ways. Stop letting worries get you down. Some exciting thing may occur that is unexpected. Take time to breathe deeply and rest.

Capricorn – Great time to see that your motivation and goals are now paying off. Watch your approach to others when communicating especially with those close to you.

Aquarius – Looks like many good things in home life are coming to fruition. Stay in your power when out there in the work world.  Good things are showing up again.

Pisces – Changes are coming and most likely positive. There are lots of things you may choose to do with neighbors or siblings. And maybe some vacation plans in the making.

Thank you so much for reading. Please share if you will. Spring is bright. Take a leap and give a big shout. Do stay in the moment and remember to pay attention. Be well and blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra, March 25, 2024- Find the balance and thrive

Hello dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Full Moon is rising along with some strong storms in the Eastern and Southern states of America.  These two weeks before the Full Moon have been so crazy in my life. How were your last two weeks? The New Moon in Aries brought in a ton of energy and it had me run, skipping and jumping around like a nutcase and I still have not got it all done. Out there in candyland is unbelievable as to what is happening across the globe. It was so nice to get away for a weekend to join the leprechauns dancing in the streets. And in that timeframe the individuals hanging about the various places were so freaky. In the meantime I also took some time off from Facebook and the online scene and sometimes I feel like not going back to it. I only get this way once in a great while.

It is a time to set your yearly intentions. It is still time enough to do it. What do you choose to create and have it happen next year at this time? Think about it and send it out there into the higher realms and do act upon your intention so that it may manifest a year from now. Look for signs in your life that will help you make that leap to a new start.

The Easter season is now upon us and the Full Moon is the day after Palm Sunday.  Since it takes place during the week before Easter in the Christian faith maybe there is something most forget that Jesus Christ was fighting those who kept the truth from the people back then. He spent his adult life speaking truth challenging the status quo of his day. Remember He did push back against the Roman Empire. Search for the truth always!

News tidbits: Well the days of March Madness are to the forefront. I watched parts of some games and the referees are still favoring the top seeds at times. I watched a foul being called and the player touched the ball not the other player. Foul. Why are the referees so blind? A bunch of malarkey it is. The State of Tennessee has passed a bill banning Chemtrail spraying. Looks like Kristi Noem and Justin Trudeau are on the same page since they both want to put you in jail for your opinions that are not on line with theirs. The Pope is putting down “anti-vaxxers” and says it is an act of denial. Some states are telling people to stock up on food before the Solar Eclipse of April 8th and also saying have other forms of communication besides cell phones. So what are they really saying? The Solar Eclipse on the 8th lasts a few minutes and most places in this country can see something of it. Ron Paul warned of a black swan event.

And now the Full Moon in Libra Lunar Eclipse is making an appearance on the grand stage in the sky on Monday, March 25, 2024 at 3:00am EDT; 12:00am PDT; and  at 7:00am GMT in 5 degrees 07 ’. The Sun is opposite the Moon in the same degree in Aries. And those first decan Aries are a crazy, wild bunch. This is an individual new beginning, yet it is also felt on the collective level. The Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is asking you to look at the place in your life that you are acting out of balance and also to see both sides before you make any decisions. IF you know the house in your natal chart where the Full Moon is then you can see what area needs to be balanced. Libra Full Moon may give into others instead of standing up for their own principles. It is time to look at both sides before making any decisions. Libra loves the partnership but sometimes they go to extremes. Let harmony reign supreme in your life now. Aries loves independence and being free. Many times Aries will not compromise. Fear may show up regarding any intimacy. This is a time to take a look at your relationship and try to make it better. Can you bring in more harmony? Are you creating separation or are you allowing the boundaries to expand?  Did you close the door on something that is real? The Moon is trine Pluto in Aquarius which says there can be bittersweet obsessive thoughts about people who are not of the goodness. Stay clear in your mind and keep yourself from involvement with those who are not in your best interest.  Can be a truly seductive aspect or you can use it to investigate any corruption that may have shown up. Venus in Pisces sextile Jupiter in Taurus brings about a happy time to socialize and even be intimate. You feel upbeat and joyful and want to interact with others. This occurs a few days before the Full Moon. Eclipses present an opportunity to break any cycles and release what is no longer working. Watch for unavoidable conflict since there is so much energy focused on partnerships.

Just a reminder -Mercury goes retrograde on April 1 2024-April 25 2024. The energies that are around you now may be stressful so slow things down and keep the burnout away. It can bring a lethargic feeling to you and you may wish to do nothing at times. Some may have general anxiety disorders and lack total motivation. Indulge in positive self-talk if you have self-worth issues. Try not to sign any major documents since they may have to be changed. Also technology may be not working properly and communication may be a bit off.

Sun signs/Ascendant signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer; Libra and Capricorn 1-9 degrees. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those Sign degrees may also be somewhat affected. Wherever this Full Moon falls in your chart will tell you where you need to rebalance. It may also bring about a turning point in your life. Birthdays are: March 22-30; June 23-July 1; September 25-October 2; December 23-31.

Some tidbits:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner or companion. Release all unhealthy connections. Are you fearful of being vulnerable? Free yourself already from the past.

Taurus – Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work. Is your life working in your favor? You are definitely feeling introspective.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative. What is keeping you from being your truth? Flirty feelings are good.

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life. Is the past still influencing your beliefs? Some good professional things going on!

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through? Has your communication changed?  Search for the truth.

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security. Where are the imbalances in your life? Too much giving and not allowing to receive?

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now. You may want to make yourself a priority at this time.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry. Yet, on some level you are looking for a connection.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list. Look closely at your projects, your inner stability and authenticity.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through. Keep the balance in your life especially professionally.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch what you say to others. Work it out. You are looking for adventure.  Are you thinking of publishing something?

Pisces – Search for peace is on the docket. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure. Something pivotal is coming financially or personally. 

There has been something building inside of you, a personal nature, and now is the time when the cosmic energy demands that you let it out. Over the coming months, you will discover what this declaration means for you. You need to express your feelings and not sit on them. Your larger work should focus on reaching a good balance. Enlightenment in the weeks following the lunation provides you with a golden opportunity to explore your emotional needs which can help lead to good decisions and actions.

Stay in the moment and keep yourself in balance. Be blessed at this most holy time. Thank you for all you do and stay in peace as any shifting occurs. Please share this post if so inclined.  Until again. Love, Jan

Full Moon in Virgo, February 24, 2024 – Keep your communication flowing

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sorry this is so late in going up. It has been an interesting time the last few weeks. How are holding up in this maelstrom of anger and negativity that abounds out there in the world? The energy has been very disconnected and I feel many are not sure how to handle it. It feels to me as if a cover has been placed over the world and you can see only what those in highest positions want you to see. How have you been feeling?  Are you choosing to let the news take over your life creating inner turmoil? I wonder why there is nothing happening to quell the continued takedown of this country and those that can do nothing.  Of course, I am only saying this because life is what you make it and if you choose the negative then that is where you will sit- deeply entrenched in the garbage. “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche

News tidbits: 7.2 million Illegals have entered across the border under this administration. That number is more than the population of 36 states. Will free speech continue to be a part of your life? It is not looking good. Why are doctors dying suddenly around the world (54 in last 4 months)? So Bill Gates continues his desire to block the sun and Canada goes along with him. The current Administration is deliberately trying to destroy the US Military. Fani Willis and her lover are in danger of being disqualified from Trump case since it was discovered they lied under oath. Well, nothing new about Google having a new anti-white AI tool. :What is going to happen to Julian Assange once he is extradited to the US?

The Moon is opposite the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. It is time to fine-tune any projects that you began at the last New Moon on February 9th. This Full Moon energy lasts until the March 10th New Moon in Pisces. Take those goals to a new level at this time.

The Full Moon shows up on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 7:28 a.m. EST; 4:28 am PST; and 12:28 pm GMT in 5º 23’ Virgo.  The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. It is a polarity and it is about your higher self in opposition to your earthly self. Through the next few weeks your new awareness is unfolding and expanding and the Virgo Moon is lighting up your path. Will you pay attention to what it is revealing? Or will you allow it to bring out the victim within you? This Full Moon also is about problem-solving in your life. It is not about overthinking but flow. Wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what the issue may be and just notice it and allow it to come to you-the answers. Stop pushing towards the goal. Whatever the dissatisfaction may be will dissolve if you just open to the truth of it. The Sun in Pisces is all about faith, some mystery and divine. The Moon in Virgo is about perfection and getting the job done right. The Full Moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces and this makes you feel like you need some freedom. Is that what you are looking for? You may wish to chill out and take a look at your goals and where they are actually in your life. Are you feeling disconnected at this time? Some of you may be feeling this. Pallas Athene is in Sagittarius and forms a T square with the Full Moon. This has to do with your physical versus your metaphysical energy. Try looking at them as a reflection of the other. Venus and Mars are both in Aquarius square to Jupiter in Taurus. This brings out the energy that does not wish to back down in work or relationships. Taurus totally likes things to stay the way they are. Aquarius is about changing the dynamic.

 Mercury is in Pisces and is right there with Saturn and that says no communication is going to change right now and it can be a bit critical. Sometimes it indicates that maybe you are just going to say nothing and play the silence game. Think about how you say things at this time so that there is no offense in your communication. And do not let anyone prod you into reacting in a volatile way. That is what they are looking for so the individual can say it is your doing. And also Chiron is conjunct the North Node in Aries. Chiron is about your deepest wounds and North Node is your soul purpose and direction in life. This basically happens on a subconscious level and that is where changes can take place. The Full moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces. Look at your goals and see what will work best. You want some kind of freedom at this time.

A cleansing of your home with Palo Santo smudge stick or incense will be truly a good thing. Go get some and let it clear out all the stagnant energy that has been building in the last months. Since the Full Moon in Virgo is about organization so get going with getting things in order so that life will go smoother.

The Sun Signs/Rising Signs most intensely affected at the Virgo Full Moon are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in 0-8 degrees. Birthdays are: February 19-27, May 21-29, August 23-31 and November 22-30 . If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus) within a few degrees then they will be influenced.  Tidbits:

Aries – Will you get some recognition? Stay in the moment and pay attention to your well-being at this time. You need to let go of something.

Taurus – What will you do to become more organized on a daily basis? Where will you allow your creativity take you? No fretting since it is falling into place.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. Are you lacking structure? Bring balance in.

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax? Dreams about the future come into play. Remember the dream needs action now so it opens doors.

Leo – Seems like finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Stop fretting and let the details create a new way to shine. Partnership is in mix.

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Intuition helps.

Scorpio – Is this really you opening your heart to love? Do keep it going! Imagination and creativity sing out. Any questions poking at you? Just ask!!!

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Whatever happens jobwise is positive. New solutions come in. You may leap forward.

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. It is time to establish stronger commitments. Your dreams can become a reality.

Aquarius – Do you really have to spend that much money? Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. New friends enter your life. Possibility of new job prospects! Stay grounded.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment.  My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if it is minuscule to begin. Many blessings, Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Leo, January 25, 2024 – Emotional eruption or creative fun?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping.  I called the snow stopper and asked him to stop it. He obviously heard me and now he changed his mind to bringing in the rain. Oh well. Anyway, I have to joke once every so often so I do not go off the deep end. Life seems a bit dramatic these days and probably will get even crazier than ever.  Those out there in fantasyland will probably get more creative in their approach as to getting others to see it their way. I know all you Taylor Swift fans are jumping for joy since the Chiefs won. She is not good for the NFL in my thinking. But what do I know? I guess one will see if the Chiefs make it to the Super Bowl and how the Swift picture will increase. Have you succeeded in reaching your goals and or intentions that you put out there during the New Moon in Capricorn? As the Full Moon comes in you will want to take a look at how far they took you. Did they manifest? Answers outside the box may be what you need to get where you choose to go since the Sun is in Aquarius. And Aquarius is a visionary sign which will open up different ways to proceed. It is a good time to be creative.

The Primaries are in full force in the States.  Trump took Iowa and now Ron DeSantis stepped out of the race. Now it is New Hampshire which pits President Donald Trump against Nikki Haley. Should be an interesting day Tuesday!  Did you hear about the Haley staffer named Joan who distributed $1000 prepaid gift cards to Iowans last week? No one knows who that is. I find it interesting that air conditioners are bad for global warming yet EVs are not. That is a good one. The CDC warns about salmonella infections linked to Costco and Sam’s Club. According to Klaus Schwab elections will be a thing of the past. The WHO is starting up a Global Police Force to arrest those who post nonmainstream content on the Internet. And now there are those who want to tear down the Statue of Liberty. Censorship is likely to become a larger topic of discussion, and a strong attempt to hide information is likely. And this is already happening out there.

The Full Moon is in Leo at 5 degrees 14’ and it takes place on Thursday, January 25, 2024 at 12:54pm EST; 9:54am PST; and 5:54pm GMT. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius.  Sun in Aquarius likes to be different. Wherever Aquarius falls in your chart will tell you the part of your life which is different. Full Moons are a good time for releasing anything that is no longer flows for you. Full Moon in Leo comes from the heart. It is a loving and efficient Full Moon which has you at its center. It is the actor in you choosing to come alive to the applause as you seek the real you and present to all who choose to be there for you down the road.  It is the drama planet, the star, the dancing queen, the entertainer. The Full moon in Leo is quite creative. The full moon illuminates your feelings, your emotions. It is a time to let go; purge the past. Whatever you started on the New Moon in Capricorn may come to fruition now as I mentioned earlier.

Where will you be taken in the next year or more? Do you have any idea about the truth that has not been revealed as of yet? What you put out there is how you feel within. Are you aware of this? It is a time for you to say this – I will continue to dance and feel joy no matter what goes on. That is my life as the Divine inspired it to be. This is all about heart – Coeur.  And the root of Coeur is courage. A very special man once wrote a song which was titled Jan de Mon Coeur.  And impressive it was. This is a time to open your hearts (Leo Moon) and your minds (Aquarius Sun).  Find the time to dig deep into your heart finding the courage and love that it holds. This Full Moon is about thinking about how the needs of you compare to the needs of the group. It is paramount that you release what you need so that love, money and anything else in your life flows and when it does you know your magnetism has been released from the burdens that you have been carrying. Now is the time to envision joyfulness without letting anyone get you riled up over something that is not important to releasing and moving forward.  The ego will be on full display this coming week if you access the lower energy of the Full Moon. When we see someone flaunting their ego, more of us than usual will recognize that the ego is an act of the false self. Those that are self-absorbed and guided by narcissism won’t be able to easily hide their motivations. Constant moaning about everything and anything will also limit your life to a very superficial existence. Remember that Moon in Leo likes to be authentic in your expression.

Since Jupiter in Taurus is square the Full Moon it says it is a time to release so that abundance can come through and expand it .This is definitely about letting go what is not part of your heart’s truth. It also says that you can expand and create and go out and experience some joy and expand what life offers you. Uranus in Taurus goes direct a couple of days after the Full Moon and it can shake things up a bit since it is the planet of revolution and can bring more social changes. With Pluto again entering Aquarius a few days ago indicates that your emotional experiences can get a bit intense and also can help you identify where you are stuck and stagnant. Pluto is also about transformation so what will you allow to be released and shift accordingly. Mercury and Mars in Capricorn both square Chiron in Aries and the Lunar Nodes. It can get a bit testy. These are about karmic blocks and wounds which keep you from going out there and taking risks and also your ability to communicate on some level.

The Full Moon in Leo has an intense effect upon signs Taurus, Leo and Scorpio and Aquarius and for those having personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mars and Mercury) or their Ascendant (Rising Sign) in those signs at 1-9 degrees. Birthdays:: January 21-29; April 21-29; July 23-31; October 23-31. Some tidbits for signs-

Aries – If you’ve allowed pressure to build up inside, the release valve is finally pulled. Let it come out. And remember to enjoy the time either out there or creatively.

Taurus – Finding balance between your professional life and your personal life is tenuous at best. What are your true priorities? It brings out things not seen and also family.

Gemini – How do you share your ideas with others in your daily conversation? What changes have popped up in your environment or social media group?

Cancer – Being completely honest about your values is the most direct route to happiness. Reassess your income. Extra money – go find what you like.

Leo – Treat others with respect with the same kind you expect for yourself. Thoughts about personal stuff and how you fit in is the question. An awakening comes!

Virgo – How will you bring your dreams to reality? You may look at what has gone on in last months and be ready to clear out and take the right action.

Libra – If people aren’t encouraging you to shine brighter, it could be time to ask yourself if you’re being genuine or just putting on a show to please everyone.

Scorpio – If you truly want to be respected for your achievements, speak your intentions softly. Walk slowly daily toward progress!  Do you really like what you do?

Sagittarius – Use the smaller details to reach your big goals. You may redirect them. Have faith.  You are truly beginning to see what you want in life.

Capricorn – Business it is but you really are looking for a deep connection. How will you approach that intimate thinking? Will you choose to transform something that shows up?

Aquarius – Do others expect you to be the adoring audience? Your opinions are important too! True feelings come to light and you find out how others truly are.

Pisces – There is emphasis on the little things you do for those around you. Be authentic without a need for approval. Job offer or changes in work or daily environment

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will. Make no major decisions the day of the Full Moon. Stay in the present moment and feel love within and stay out of drama. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Cancer, December 26 2023 – Where will your emotions take you?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The holiday season is in full gear and I am hoping everyone is taking a deep breath and staying in balance. Yes, I know there much going on out there in candyland. Have you allowed that particular energy to pull you off track? The time is now to open to the truth from the last new moon and continue to focus on the now. Have you ever heard of a Godwink moment? There are many who have experienced it including me yet many may not pay attention to that energy. It is real even though others call it coincidence or other things. When that moment shows up it is time to truly let it happen whoever or whatever is involved. And since it becomes a strong feeling allow it to come to your heart and feel the depth within. Many of you celebrated Hanukkah and now Christmas is here for many others. Perhaps the Full Moon will bring you a Godwink moment.  It will be interesting to see where it takes you. This is a time of joy and love and no one will stand in the way of that unless you choose to take part in the angry mob syndrome. What you think is what you get and maybe for once going deep within will bring you peace and joy that may be missing in your life.

So it is amazing what is going on in this country. The American people could use much of the money that has gone to the Ukraine and continues on. Former President Trump is being taken off the ballot in Colorado. That is the American dream to many out there. Tell me what makes you hate him and others so much. I have no feeling one way or another. Yet I hear the bad-mouthing continuously You do know that what you hate about others is really what you hate about yourself. Just saying! What is happening in Israel is not what it seems. Keep listening to the MSM and you will be shocked one day as to what really is the truth. California is turning waste water into drinking water. Oh and this is even better- the big Pharmacy chains are now handing over patient records to law enforcement without warrants. Does that make you feel good? Volcano in Iceland brings toxic fumes to the capital city tonight. Major quake in China too!! Trump being kept off ballot in Colorado.

In the meantime the Winter Solstice which has the Sun in 0 degrees 0’ Capricorn showed up on December 21, 2023. This will be a great time to focus inward and meditate on those people and experiences that you wish to invite into your life and those you wish to let go. It is shortly followed by the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26, 2023. Are you ready to experience what it has to bring you? How did you celebrate the shortest day of the year? In my mind I am excited because the days will now get longer. So joyful! Hurrah!

The Full Moon in Cancer appears Tuesday/Wednesday December 26, 2023 at 4degrees 58’ at 7:33pm EST; 4:33pm PST; and 12:33am GMT (12/27/23). The Sun in Capricorn is in the same degree as the Moon in Cancer. It is an emotional time – let the romance and relationships flow. When the Sun is opposite the Moon there is a polarity somewhere in your life. An example is work versus home or being creative versus logical thinking. Lots of emphasis on your relationships and family usually occur at the Full Moon. You should learn to forgive and forget in order to avoid depression from thinking too much about things. Have you been listening to what your heart actually wants or are you just running through life on autopilot? There are so many messages that can now be revealed with Full Moon. Will you allow them to come in? It is an emotional time – a time of relationships, romance and fertilization. Being nurturing and caring about the family life and the domestic side and roots is a Cancer energy. Capricorn is about responsibility, career and the public life. This is a time between unconditional love and conditional love. Have you been focused on doing your job and out there in the world? If you have then this is the time to come back to the inner world of love and caring.—the emotional needs you have been neglecting. This Full Moon in Cancer is sextile Jupiter in Taurus and trine Saturn in Pisces. This is a time when you can feel calm and relaxed with family and friends and it may bring laughter and tears. All is good. Chiron in Aries turns direct on December 27 and will bring a feeling that you may be vulnerable yet it will give you an opportunity to find more intimacy. It also brings deepest healing if you allow it to come in. Don’t forget Mercury is still retrograde in Capricorn and will go direct on January 2 2024 in Sagittarius. It is Time to find out what resonates with your authentic self. Go for it. Mercury in Sagittarius is square to Neptune in Pisces. Watch for lies coming in and making things murky. Media probably is not on track trying to keep you entranced by their lies. As the Full Moon takes place it is a time also to let go of baggage that you are carrying within –especially emotional baggage. Once you do that you will start to feel lighter and more in alignment with what you choose to do going forward. Take the opportunity to let go and release that which no longer serves the true you and that way you will be able to take a leap forward. This way you can have a fresh new start in the New Year. This is a very social Full Moon. One more item: Venus semisextile Mercury says watch what you say because It may be all too easy to say things you don’t really truly feel.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are:  Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn at 0-8 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected. Approximate birthdays are March 21-29; June 22-30; September 24-October 2; and December 22-30. Here are some tidbits:

Aries- Home is where your heart is at this time. If you cannot see family at this time then do connect with them on the Net or your phone.

Taurus – When you open up and get real about your feelings and communicate them to others makes it a great sharing time. Speak up.

Gemini- Set your boundaries and stay in your power. Good time for all things financial if you are so inclined. Your views are important to you.

Cancer – Prioritize your own healing. Take time out to set some personal intentions and get in touch with your own feelings and desires. Let it all come out. Release!

Leo- This is connected with your subconscious feelings and it guides you toward a deep sense of healing that’s been long overdue. Relax and reconnect within.

Virgo- This energy takes you out there by connecting with like-minded friends and peers as you set intentions for the year. Go for it.  Show how much you care.

Libra – It’s great to focus on career goals for the year ahead, fuel your motivation for future endeavors. Have patience and trust that what you want is waiting.

Scorpio -Refine your personal belief system and understand your depth in a new way. Don’t be afraid to broaden your comfort zone and also forgive.

Sagittarius – You have a chance to release bad habits and even the playing field within your intimate relationships. That means reinforcing your limits. Intuitive you are.

Capricorn -Open up and state your feelings clearly. Doing so can help to strengthen your bond and alleviate some of the love life stresses that may have been building over time.

Aquarius – Will be on wellness and prioritizing the health of your mind, body, and spirit. Use the gentle moon to revamp your schedule to be more healing.

Pisces-Work on artistic endeavors and pour your feelings into something beautiful. All of this powerful heart-based energy will also light up your love life.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Everyone enjoy the season of joy. Remember to have a good time with family and just keep your wits about you when you make any decisions if you are partying hard. Many blessings to you and yours! Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Gemini, November 27, 2023 – Will you emotionally react?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and ponder as to what I will share with you for the Full Moon the weather is not my favorite. Freezing rain was out and about. Thanksgiving has gone and now the next part of the season is now here. I could not believe that so many houses had decorations for Christmas already up a month ago. Why I ask? Are some fated to be happy and others to miserable? Some positive or others negative? How do the stars affect our lives? Do we have a choice? It can be fate or free will? There are those of you who believe it is what it is no matter that goes on -nothing changes. Life is directed. Then there is the other thought process of which comes the saying – the stars condition, they do not compel. The Full Moon in Gemini comes in shortly and he will be sharing things with you. It is about communication. It is also about being kind with words in truth. Sudden changes can appear and do what? Truth has been seeking you out since the past new moon. Have you allowed it in or are you going to resist seeing what it has in store for you? Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them.

Some news tidbits- So the US said no to the Ukraine/Russia peace deal. No comment. Polls say that Hilary Clinton will run if Joe Biden does not. Really? Derek Chauvin (George Floyd’s killer supposedly) was stabbed in prison. Now there was a train derailment in Kentucky spewing hazardous chemicals. Children are dying throughout Europe after the Covid jabs. And now they are saying get the Covid jab with the Flu shot. No Americans have been released by Hamas.

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:16am EST; 1:16am PST; and 9:16am GMT in 4 degrees 51’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. The energy is building and many of you will be caught in the craziness of the holiday season if you are not there already. This Full Moon is about communication, your attitude and some kind of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Gemini wants to communicate the information that can help us see more clearly what our truth is. Sagittarius wants us to see the Truth of the matter. So will you be able to discern the information that comes to you regarding this truth or will you block it out? The Full Moon is square Saturn in Pisces. Can you feel the frustration building and taking you off to a place you don’t want to be? The Sun in Sagittarius is opposite Saturn and conjunct Mars. The Full Moon is also opposite Mars in Sagittarius. Your passion should be about working and more working and on and on. Otherwise you may become angry. Oh, yes. So channel your energy into something that is intense. Selfish motives are not a good thing. Where is your mind today? How about your communication?. Are you ready to shift your thinking or perhaps even to trust what you do not see. The Full Moon reminds us to be aware of the power of our attention, of our words, and of our thoughts and of what we’ve been unconscious of. So step back and take a look at your core beliefs then look at what you’re thinking. The Full Moon is all about letting go. Watch what you throw out with the bath water as the saying goes. Communicate with vigor but do be careful of taking things personal and getting into a big fight. If you are in business you may want to revamp some things to get the message out in a clear way. Have you been communicating with your heart or have you been being passive-aggressive? This is a time to watch what you say to yourself and to others. Why not come from a place within which offers a bit of nurturing. This Gemini Full Moon is also telling you to stop talking and start listening. Oh, now, wait a minute that says whoever is talking is talking too much and not letting others in on the conversation. Mars is square Saturn in Pisces. Watch for goals that are blocked by boss or just plain tiredness.

Mercury is going retrograde on December 13 2023 the day after the New Moon in Sagittarius. If you are looking to get a project off the ground then now is the time to collaborate even though retrograde Mercury is a couple weeks away.. Get it going anyway!  I have found through the years that when Mercury seems to go backwards then whatever I buy during this holiday season I may like less or not even wear it after the season. It seems to be just a strange phenomenon in my life! Remember that electronics may go off track or you may have delays in traveling. And please do not sign important papers during the time of Mercury Retrograde which lasts until January 1, 2024. Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces which says to you look out for deception in conversation.

Since Full Moons are about release what are you going to let go this time round? Also it is a time of release for those parts of your life that have had a hold on you and no longer have any meaning. This refers to old patterns, beliefs and wounds. How many of you have actually begun the release process? It is so important to let go of all these negative past patterns that have you conditioned. By doing so, the future, which is in the now, will show up in a truly wonderful way. This is six month point since the May 25 New Moon in Gemini. Are you doing the project that you started back then or are you shifting something within? 

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 0-8 degrees. Also birthdays affected: May 21-28; August 24-31; November 23-30; and February 19-26. If you have planets at these degrees, than it may have an affect also.

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate in a responsible way. What moral principles are motivating you to speak? Travel shows up. Taurus – Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax. It is good to consider how much you are giving away and what you are doing for self. Gemini – Relationship joy comes. Cooperation comes in personal interests. Watch words. Who you associate with is very important. Remember honesty works. Cancer – Make adjustments in daily living. It is good to lighten the load and let things fall by the wayside if it doesn’t fit. Draw your boundaries now. Leo- Some excitement appears. Watch sensitivity. Some balance in home/business. Be yourself and do not compromise your integrity. Mingle now! Virgo – Career is in focus highlighting your stellar performance on the job. Have a solid foundation to leap. Domestic concerns may undermine aspirations at work. Libra- Do not go overboard. You might be challenged by those in your immediate environment, as disagreements unfold.  Listen to both sides. Respect! Scorpio – New financial goals in the making. Watch out for emotional extremes. Be realistic in your finances. Your insight regarding intimacy is evolving. Sagittarius – Take a chance. Is there a new relationship in the mix?  What happens depends on your perception of who you really are. Ask some hard questions! Capricorn – It is all about duties and obligations. How much is worth your time and talent? Aim your ambition in the right direction and success comes. Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. No more indulgence. You want to do the right thing by everyone. In matters of heart, be cautious. Pisces – Make new business contacts. Have fun with family. It may be time for realignment of your priorities. Do right by career but do right by your heart

You are in life to live it not just sit around and talk trash and let your life be influenced so greatly. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth?

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”-Plato

Thank you, Dear Ones, for reading and sharing this post and following Cosmic Leaping. Stay in the moment and see how beautiful life can be. Know that since 12/12 is an important portal it may be a fantastic time for many who wish to leap. Next opening portal is 12/21. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, October 28 2023 – Emotional Intensity

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. What has this season brought to you? Are you staying on track to find your truth? Life is about joy and love and freedom. Yes, I said freedom. Do you know what that means? It is not about those of you who continue to wear masks, getting booster shots and falling into line and creating havoc because you are scared to death of something which is so unlike what is being said about it. Do you read and think it through? Do you love and share joy? I wanted to rant about all of the things that are being thrown in your face yet I know many will say I am just blowing hot air so I will not do so. Somewhere down the road I may get under your skin and say something that you are not ready to hear. I will not do it now because I feel like Cassandra (asteroid) who told the truth about the future and no one believed her. She is right on my Sun in my chart. That makes my life very interesting. I may throw a zinger in eventually to open your mind to the truth. Have you stayed with your heart song or have you been pulled into the darkness that keeps getting stronger and denser? The world lives on all types of screens and many out there are still unaware of what is actually happening in this grand world of ours. Keep on watching that screen because one day you will wonder why your life went down the rabbit hole and did not come back. If you do your own research it will give you a better perspective on many of the lies and games that are persisting. If you are surrounded by things that are not good for you then you may wish to check what it is that you are thinking about within. What is the hatred about? Is it your own thoughts or is it that you are following the narrative?

News – As I write this post I just heard that there has been a shooting in Lewiston Maine. Back in the day I lived not too far from there. They know who the shooter was yet no one seems to know where he is. The number keeps changing as to the dead. 22 people are dead as of last night and then now 18 are dead. How does that change?  Others are wounded.  On another note- did the Ukraine news go away? If one wants to read what is going on it is now in the background since the Hamas-Israel fracas is going on. Of course remember Iran and Jordan and US are involved. America is naturally about the money. Oh I forgot the Covid19 story that is being buried especially who was involved and what the main objective is. And yes, there is a new Speaker of the House- Michael Johnson. Interesting choice!

The Full Moon in Taurus arrives on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 4:23pm EDT; 1:23pm PDT; and 9:23pm GMT in 5 degrees 09’. Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. Changes are the word for this FULL MOON, Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. It can be intense energy coming to you. It may be a better time to look at finances for the future or you will be pulled into the very sensual part of your life. This is a time to work on clearing up past patterns that have been holding you back from personal fulfillment, particularly those that are centered around sharing, possessiveness, comfort, and self-esteem matters. Be careful who you may get involved with in this area of your life especially new relationships. You learn that you need to get in touch with your needs for a stronger connection to your physical natures and needs. To feel fulfilled, you need to acknowledge and embrace your need to take care of yourselves and feel grounded and strong as individuals. Moon in Taurus is the caregiver and wants everyone to feel good. Taurus Moon brings to Scorpio Sun integrity, trust, honor, truth, and kindness. And of course it also brings love. And it also looks for truth. It loves the pleasures of the home. How about giving up control and surrendering to the moment? Taurus is patient and will wait forever for everything to unfold as it is deemed. Now, I know there is a negative side to a Taurus energy which is resistance. That comes when one is out of balance. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus it is the creativity, arts and love. Both Taurus and Scorpio are “fixed” signs. They are persevering, and capable of commitment on a high level. Both jump into the sexual experience. Do you know what Taurus loves-to be touched and to touch? Scorpio is filled with passion and will go with the intimacy but it has to trust first. With the Sun in Scorpio opposing the Moon in Taurus something may come up from your subconscious to enlighten you since Scorpio is about transformation and the deepest part of your psyche.

However the Moon and Jupiter in Taurus are opposed to Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio.  These are hard aspects to the Moon and may bring about a power struggle. There may be aggressive behavior and my suggestion is to stay out of it. The Mars opposite Moon makes it very honest so if you don’t’ want to hear it…shut your ears. Since Mercury is involved there may be some unexpected information that comes to the forefront. Keep the projects simple and do not dive into long-term items at this time. And due to the fact that Mercury is conjunct Mars be careful of words in what you write or tweet at this time. Big mouth is a great term for this aspect. Since Venus is in a grand trine this may be good for finances and love. One question to ask-What do you value in yourself? Since this is a partial lunar eclipse also it is a far more potent lunation. Look to the house the lunar eclipse falls in your natal chart. The affairs of that house activate. Does the eclipse fall on a planet in your natal chart?

Anyone with Taurus/Rising Sign close to the 5 Degrees Taurus (1-8) will feel this even more powerfully. Also being affected will be Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 1-8 degrees. If you have any personal planets also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls. Birthdays are: April 21-28; July 24-31; October 25-November 1; and January 22-29.   Here are some tidbits:

Aries-What is missing that you start to notice? Express yourself and others come around. You may find it hard to relax. Balance the finances. Take a deep breath.

Taurus -Why are you emotionally uncertain? What can you learn about close relationships? Do not expect too much from others. Walk your own path.

Gemini-Oh, so you are in protective mode and hiding your feelings? You do find way through confusion. Recharge your batteries is good keyword.

Cancer-You need to stay in touch with your heart even when you are nervous. Stop talking yourself out of your real feelings. Find some new connections.

Leo-How many of your emotions do you bring into your workplace? You can let those around you get to know you better there. Focus on career.

Virgo-It is one step at a time. Looking for your dreams? They may just show up now. You may attend a job seminar. Use determination to follow through.

Libra-Let go of the past. Major transformation is in process. What’s next step? Not yet. Team up with responsible individuals. Reevaluate other’s intentions.

Scorpio- Your feelings are being reflected back to you. Share heart in present moment with one you love. Who is being inflexible…you are someone else?

Sagittarius – Watch for unrealistic ambitions. Heed what others say so you can make a move down the road. Look at all options before making decision.

Capricorn-You are looking for pleasure. It shows up. Spend some time on your dreams. Where do you want to take it? Creative is the keyword.

Aquarius- Stop pretending everything is fine if it is not. Address family issues. Be honest. It is time to simplify your life. Lay a deeper foundation than your ever did.

Pisces- Honesty is best. Express your point of view to those who need to hear itA higher purpose arrives if you take care of routine and build something valid.

Some essential oils for this Full Moon are: Bergamot-to help let go of control; Rose or Rosewood-for those who have any old grief that shows up; Orange-to uplift and be more optimistic; and Lavender- mental stress.

Thank you for reading and share if you will. Let the Full Moon in Taurus take you to a place you have never been before!!!! Remember to get those intentions for clearing out things that no longer matter. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Aries, September 29,2023 – Are you ready to transform?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The Fall Equinox just arrived on September 23 2023 and the leaves are beginning to turn colors. Where are you in this world of wonder? Oh my, can it be that kind of place? Yes, I do feel it can be if you allow the goodness of your heart to take charge and stay on your path. Of course, do you truly know the exact nature of that path? Are you stumbling along it or stuck way back when? You tell me what it is that encourages you to go deeper within and see who you are and why you came to this world. Do you ever choose to do so? I know at times you can be thrown off track and feel that nothing is working for you. Do you trust enough in the Divine that no matter what is happening the door will open to what you came to do? I know that many of you are struggling at the moment, yet I truly feel that you will take a leap if you allow yourself to do so. With this Full Moon you can make progress quickly unless you are too entranced by the Matrix. You decide. And if you have been stuck in a rut now is the time to look at what you are missing out there.  It is a thousand times more insane. Nothing seems to stand in the way of everything being a reality show of disdain, name-calling, accusations, lies, and any other thing you can think of. Is this really happening or have I been transported to another place in the universe?

Have you used your heart and mind to wake you up to the charade that is going on out there? You know that if you do not, things are going to get much worse than they are right now. Those in charge are getting desperate and are going to start to unravel soon. Have you noticed this? Anyway on with the show – Why is Russell Brand being targeted without getting a trial? What did he do to tick off the media? Oh, I know, he is telling the truth about a variety of items out there in fantasyland. So the Biden government is now offering up to half a million jobs to those coming from Venezuela across America’s southern border. Rapinoe did not sing or put her hand over her heart in the USWNT (soccer) game which was her last. She said because she was so talented she can do what she wants to do. No comment. If you are into stocks then just know that the SEC is linking them to your SSN and sharing info with 3,000 Agencies. The 2nd Republican Debate will take place September 27 2023. The people in East Palestine are suffering from the poisons in the water and around them. Does the government care about this?

 A full moon is when it is wise to take a time out and reflect on your life. Action is good once you decide what goal you choose to achieve. The Full Moon in Aries arrives on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 5:57am EDT; 2:57am PDT; and 9:57am GMT in 6degrees 0’ Aries. The Sun is in the exact degree in Libra. This is a time you may close the door on something that has come to fruition. It is a good energy to move forward even though it may be a bit speedy in its action. This Aries Moon will make you more assertive and ignite those underlying passions that have been silent. You probably will not care how others think of you because you feel the energy within so strongly and you want to take off down the road. Healthy relationships are important. This is when you bring out your authentic self since the fire spurs you on.  The fire of Aries will bring a shifting to you if you allow it to do so. Since the Sun is in Libra then you may want to check on the balance in some area of your life. The Sun in Libra likes harmony and balance. It is quite diplomatic in nature. Finding the energy of Libra with the Aries fiery spirit will help that inner working to bring some transformative effects to you.

Aries is always about new beginnings and warrior-like tendencies if you choose to look at it in a basic way. The Full Moon in Aries is widely sextile Pluto in Capricorn and can help you let go of projects that have no benefit to you anymore. And since Pluto continues its retrograde motion at this juncture something may pop up again for one last time so that you can completely throw it away for good. This is a time to have resilience and lots of courage to find the spiritual energy that is surrounding you. It is time to pursue your most precious goals with grand initiative.

Finding the balance between your own personal wishes and helping others is at a complicated place since Uranus in Taurus is square Venus in Leo. You are in need of freedom and this does not create great interaction with relationships. Be careful that you do not lash out due to anger due to boredom or other feelings. There may be an unexpected action by a partner if you are heading in the wrong direction. This type of energy also brings in impulsiveness in other parts of your life. Also if you are single you may be pulled into a connection with someone who may be eccentric or have an electric personality. Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus brings out a burst of optimism. This is waning in effect since it takes place several days before the Full Moon. It is a good time to get organized.

This Aries Full Moon sets the stage for you to get ready for the Aries eclipse cycle in 2024. There may be life-changing experiences once that cycle begins. This Aries Full Moon is the last regular lunar happening until the year of 2025.

Life is challenging at times and this is why I feel that many of you do not wish to experience your life totally. Walk through what you create, connect with the God self and your vibration will be high and major shifting within will occur. Have you ever done a ceremony of release? First write down anything that limits your forward progress such as beliefs, situations or habits. Safely burn the list so that you can release anything that may hinder your moving ahead.

Those who are affected most intensely are: 2-10 degrees of Sun signs/Rising signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: March 23-31; June 25-July 3; September 26–October 4; January 24-February 1.

A few thoughts at the Full Moon for the Signs/Rising Signs:

Aries- Good fortune may come about. Relationships are in forefront. Yet it truly is all about you this time around. Take that energy and be you for once.

Taurus – No matter what others tell you as to what is going on it is about your intuitive feelings that make the difference. Pay attention to this in your life.

Gemini – Someone new may enter your life. Look for people who share your ideals. New ways of thinking may come in. Watch for problems in a friendship.

Cancer – You may get charged up as usual and it may just take you to a new direction/career. Right now you need to hide nothing. You came a long way.

Leo- Good things may show up on the travel front along with education and creative gifts. Stop before a big step forward. Find a way to keep energy going.

Virgo- Use your common sense to make any choices now!  Do not take any big risks at this time. Even though the money may be tight, you do know how to do it.

Libra – It is a time for tact when broaching a topic so no one takes it personally. Good fortune may show up through those you know or meet. Light the fire within.

Scorpio – Before you open to someone and trust them take a good look at the connection first. If you believe in something even if a risk, you know what to do.

Sagittarius- If you are looking for an opportunity, then now may be a good time to open to it. It is time for sharing yourself and your gifts with others. Be generous.

Capricorn – Forget the emotional issues that are now bombarding your life. Look at those achievements that you have. Let others know you care and put them at ease.

Aquarius- Looking for a new friend then get yourself out and about in the next few days. You may want to start planning a trip so you can do something different.

Pisces – No need for emotional urgency even though this is fiscal type energy for you. Enjoy getting out there with others. Moderation is key. That ship coming in is close.

Full Moon in Aries will definitely change something in your life. It is a Supermoon and it brings unexpected things to the forefront. Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Sending best wishes and blessings to you! Keep purging the old. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Pisces, August 30 2023 – Reset

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Lately it has felt that everything has gone down the tubes in a giant way. And ever since Mercury went Retrograde I have encountered craziness with whom I have contact. And drivers are speeding more than ever; prices are through the roof and it is just another day in the neighborhood. And how are you in this turbulence? It is interesting lately that I have seen few birds in my yard. Usually they are chirping every morning and not lately. Very strange it is. I hope you are ready for what is going to happen in the next year. Life is not what it seems at this time no matter how much you are drawn into the illusion of the darkness. Are you inspired in your life? Are you laughing? Are you on your path? Or have you taken a ride on the spinning wheel and do the same thing all the time never looking at the joy within? In order to take a leap you need to let the past go and stop talking about things that no longer matter. That is what Full Moons are about. Releasing!!

So FEMA actually demanded that first responders and relief workers stop posting images and videos from Maui disaster. Wonder why the road out of Maui was barricaded? I think I understand their motivation. Yep. And aid to the Ukraine keeps going yet not a dime to the Maui incident. Governor of New York wants taxpayers to pay the bill for the illegal aliens getting jobs. And of course NBC news is making Donald Trump’s mugshot more orange. What country do I live in? And a new Covid variant is on the way. And if you are vaccinated, be careful because it may affect you (just repeating what the CDC is shouting out) And Penn State University is allowing qualifying illegal immigrants in-state tuition whereas out of state regular students are paying the usual amount.. And Tucker Carlson is in negotiations to interview Mr. Putin. I hear the screams now.

So here comes the Full Blue Moon in Pisces to add to the dance of those who have the hidden agendas. It arrives on Wednesday, August 30.2023 at 9:36pm EDT; 6:36pm PDT; and 1:36am (August 31 2023) GMT in 7 degrees and 25’.  The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo. Moon in Pisces usually is dreamy, creative, wishing to drift through life at times, needing to escape yet desiring empathetic relationships and creating fantasies. So, this Full Moon tells you some things may be stirred up that you may not choose to happen. You wish to look past the current and just drift away from it when it doesn’t fit into your plans. Since Neptune rules Pisces astrologically, some parts of that Pisces Moon may appear deceptively. Now why allow that when you can take the creative bent and thrive. Virgo Sun does help to keep you grounded during this Full Moon. If it is afflicted in your chart you may find yourself feeling a bit disillusioned. And as you know full moons can be a bit unsettling so you may wish to ground yourself in mundane chores, physical exercise and some healing body awareness techniques. The Full Moon is conjunct Saturn in Pisces. Helps you stay realistic and a bit serious and look out for family. Since Saturn is opposite the Sun it may bring some restrictions around you and you may feel uneasy sharing your feelings. Rejection may be the feeling when you connect with others. It is time to reset your self-conscious with positivity. On another note the Full Moon is about finding balance. And since the Sun is in practical Virgo it indicates looking after your health and daily activities. So many of you are out of balance due to work schedules, and everyday happenings where you have no time for you to regroup and get rid of that which no longer belongs in your life. Or you can just sit there and get caught up in the everyday junk. What else can you do …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to your partner.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces. Oh boy, watch what you say it may come out unclear and if you have to make major decisions at this time, hold off. Plans can change totally. And please watch that you aren’t taking everything said personal. Your path is waiting and timing is paramount to moving forward.  If you chart the house where Mercury is retrograding will be where this influence has a greater impact. And if it aspects a planet in your natal blueprint then that will also stir up the energy. And if the degree at which it turns retrograde is conjunct a planet in your chart it will affect the entire retrograde period. Then you will be able to release the negatives. There are many who still are skeptical. Perhaps the young souls among you hesitate to listen to their intuitive nature since they have yet to experience the flow of the universe within. It is a time to look through the veil and see the inner visions you have. Keep in mind that six planets are in retrograde motion in the two weeks following the Full Moon. You may feel like you are not in this world and quite different than others and it may be difficult to understand others. Uranus in Taurus starts its retrograde motion on August 28. It is the planet of shocks and surprises. As Uranus slows down it can bring breakthroughs. It is now trying to help breakdown that which you take for granted. Good time to take a look at what you choose and do not.

The Sun/Rising signs more intensely affected are 3-10 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) at those degrees may be also affected. Birthdays are: May 26-June 2 ; August  28-September 4; November 27 – December 4  and February 23-March 2. Some Tidbits:

Aries- Recent goings on regarding work and health may come in focus. Take down time for you. Move on and close the door to what is no longer needed.

Taurus- This is all about finding those who are in sync with you. Raise your frequency and you will be uplifted and attract those who are in tune.

Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career/home interests are pulling at each other. Are you ready to take charge?

Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could really open up and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. Travel?

Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues lead to any kinds of uncertainty.

Virgo- Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may be confused with partner.

Libra- Focus on the reality of moment and find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable

Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.

Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. Find your heartfelt feelings.

Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. Did you know the impossible is actually possible?  Let changes come into play.

Aquarius- Look at what makes you comfortable. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior. Balance the give and take of intimacy.

Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Be assertive. Your connection to others is intensified. See the positive in a relationship.

Some essential oils to use during this time frame are the following: Ylang Ylang –stabilizes the nervous system; Myrrh- a tonic that soothes; Frankincense-spiritual healing; and Lemongrass-renews and refreshes. Also good to have around are some stones such as: emerald for organizing and smooth communication, aquamarine for clear communication, and amazonite for harmonious communication. Hematite is also good for pulling out the negative energy from your body and grounding you.

I love to laugh and no matter what anyone else says, I laugh when something stirs my inner joker. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Thank you again for reading and sharing. I would love to hear your comments on anything in this post. Stay in the moment and go with the flow no matter how bumpy it gets. The shift in your life will bring magnificence unless you try to fight it.  Be blessed, until again, love, Jan

FULL MOON in Aquarius, August 1 2023 – A leap comes if you think outside the box

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. And the heat goes on and on and on. Did you know that the temperatures in 2017 were warmer than 2022? There was a map that had it colored red to make it look that worse in 2022 and the temps were not. Anyway, how is your life right now? Are you happy and going with the flow? Or will you tell me that you are stuck in the muck of the crazy world? Have you noticed how your life may be changing beneath the surface? It has been doing that for a long time. Do start paying attention to how you are feeling. Why are you here? It amazes me that life changes around you yet many are so stuck in belief patterns which are keeping you from leaping into a new reality. This keeps you from noticing what it is you are here to do for yourself and humanity.  Many do not know this yet some of you do! Find your truth and direction in life and love, love and love. Let this Full Moon help you purge out much of the past junk that is still hanging on. And see how differently your life shows up.

You do know that what is told to you on the news is not real much of the time. Are you ready to be really tracked in the money realm? If you haven’t been paying attention they want digital dollars to come to the forefront. Many countries are working on this. Will you accept this? Just think all your money could be stolen off the digital currency platform. One day it is there; the next disappeared, Wake up and do something. The chef who was on the water at the Obama’s property was found dead. He was paddle boarding. And the bottomline he was writing a book about his time as chef with the Obamas!  And now the Obamas have hightailed it out of there. How many vote for the same cheaters every election yet disdain what goes on in Washington? Wake up. How many out there actually know what the Constitution says? Ask someone under 50. What do they say? Hunter Biden has no charges; oh wait the plea deal may not work. Wow. A shift!!! Trump continues to pile them up. This is not my America. Nothing is as it seems. Do you care?

The Full Moon in Aquarius arrives on Monday, August 1, 2023 at 2:31pm EDT; 11:31am PDT; and 6:31 PM GMT in 9 degrees 15’. The Sun in Leo is opposite the Moon in Aquarius in the exact degree. The Full Moon /Sun are square Jupiter in Taurus. The Full Moon is about releasing old thought and belief patterns and becoming more aware of how you are using your mind. How this Full Moon in Aquarius will affect you personally really depends on how you handle Aquarian energy. Some will have a more difficult time to handle it than others. Some of you will feel like a blast of fresh air has come into your life. The days that follow may not evolve as you most expect. So just be open to what it brings to you. Perhaps the Full Moon will shift the current pattern. There is a new paradigm that has been trying to emerge for some time. Will you allow it in your life? It is an emotional time – a time of romance, some creative moments and relationships. Some may act contrary just because they choose to be that way. If others act out just don’t take it personally.  It is trying to hang on tightly and many of you continue to say this is me and I am refusing to let go of what rings true with me. Ok. You continue the stubborn act as a child having a tantrum yet you sit in silence in your cocoon. What do these old patterns do for you? Why is it you are fearful of acknowledging them and giving them up. Oh I know, your mother told you so. If you let your ego rule, should be a wild ride. When was the last time you felt your heart? You know those feelings of love and joy that reside in that organ that pumps the blood through your body? I bet you pay little attention to that heart because love is scary and if you even go there ego will be upset. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. Mr. Aquarius is unorthodox you might say and a bit quirky. Bottomline is that the Full Moon wants to be creative and have fun. Time will tell. It may get a bit strange. Right now take a breath and look at what is happening in your life. Has it changed? No. Do you wish it would do so? Maybe! But then you think oh, no, my friends will desert me, my children will make fun of me and my partner will dislike me.With the Full Moon and Sun squaring Jupiter in Taurus it brings you wanting to just chill out and have lots of fun. You also live in a material world and are wishing for abundance. It may feel a bit stressful because you want to do it all.

Venus in Leo went retrograde July 28 2023 and continues that way until September 3. Venus retrograde offers the chance to heal broken hearts and lighten the load which may be a karmic thing. There may be some issues in relationships which then can be healed. There may have been lies and secrets before but at this time you can transform your love life. There could be an old love that reappears in your life or old friends may show up. It helps you feel better about yourself. Venus quincunx Neptune can bring relationships with those who seem perfect but they are not or some needy people. Mercury is opposite Saturn in Pisces. There is a need for patience. Mars in Virgo is trine Jupiter in Taurus which says there is success in your doings.

Those intensely affected are those born July 27-August 4; January 26-February 3:   October 29-November 6; and April 29- May 6. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in 5-13 degrees of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio or Taurus you may also be affected.. Here are some tidbits:

Aries- Keep your ego in check. Business and home are pulling on you. Do you need the anxiety? Keep your heart involved. Do not let pride creep in?

Taurus – Why are you listening to others about your direction? Go back to the beginning now. Keep emotions in balance as things pop up. Let go of old ideas.

Gemini – Do you understand you at all at this time? Find your interest and delve deep so an expert you can evolve. Time to celebrate! Be patient. Share ideas.

Cancer – Time to share the wealth but do take care of you too!!! Look out for others who want to rock the financial boat a bit too much. It is about trust.

Leo – You are a crowd pleaser at times and sometimes you have to take the time to please you. Good developments in partnership or falling in love if single.    

Virgo- If you are star of show in your job then take a bow. On the other hand some are out of balance in part of life. Take charge softly and do something.

Libra – Too many other people hanging about and this takes you off your game. Be calm and have time for yourself even though your social life is full swing.

Scorpio – Keep the aggressiveness in a partnership to a minimum or it will go off the wall. You have an inspired creation and it is well worth sharing with others.

Sagittarius- Ruts are not you at this time. Get out and about and see how the momentum changes. There may be others who will share their ideas with you.

Capricorn – Keep others out of your fiscal area. Do something now besides your determined work ethic. Rest and rejuvenate too and see the difference.

Aquarius – Keep the drama to a minimum. Who catches your eye and pulls you into a connection? Know that you are in the limelight!!! Let it happen.

Pisces – Are you trying to make something better? No stressing even though work keeps you out of kilter at times. Balance needed. What you think you get.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Let your light shine through. Let this Full Moon energy open up new doors of possibility. Take time for fun and unusual creativeness. Keep your heart open. Until again, Love, Jan