Monthly Archives: September 2016

New Moon in Libra, September 30/October 1, 2016- Power stalemate or harmony in love?

moon-sun-harmonyUh oh. How do we get past the power struggle that may show up with the New Moon in Libra who very much wants harmony to be present? How do we move through the conflicting energy when Pluto in Capricorn asks to shift something so you finally can move forward and Mars in Capricorn will be pushing for battle? Keep that in mind for a few minutes as I look at some other worldly stuff going on.

 EBS sent out message yesterday which I saw on TV on my way to go to Yankees game. Then it is saying today the train crash in Hoboken was a drill. Absolutely ridiculous! The Hilary email scandal is getting hot and heavy. Keep your eyes open, dear ones, because this is not going away. But then again you may not even care about it. It is only this country that is in peril. Oh well. Just another day in the neighborhood! Seems like the a certain Infantry division of the Marines was called back the other day and North Carolina is on Alert. Who would have guessed that the rioters in Charlotte were bussed in? Wonders never cease in this debacle. And will the election take place. I have listened to and read about so many scenarios that those who have some inner sense or not say that it may not happen. And Russia continues to be in the limelight. Nothing further needs saying now. Wake up to who you are and life will continue on in so many good ways. Follow the crowd and nothing is promised. It is going to get really “hot’ out there soon. Please pay attention.

The New Moon is in Libra (both Sun and Moon are conjunct) on September 30/October 1, 2016 at 8:11 pm EDT, 5:11 pm PDT, and 12:11 am GMT in 8 degrees 15’. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. Since it is in Libra as I said in the opening that it is about harmonious interaction and balance since Libra is about both.  How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual? What you put out there is what you will get in return. And remember this is a Black Moon since the month has 2 new moons. Energy is a bit more intense than normal.

Libra is about the opposite side. Who you are and who the other individual is has Libra’s name on it. It is about coming together with everything and integrating the aspects of the selves that are different. If you have disowned parts of yourself then you will attract that to you in stronger measures than you may choose. What I am talking about is the patterns, the beliefs and any disharmony you may have. Yet on the other hand you may also repulse them. That is, of course, up to you.

Old Mars just went into Capricorn on September 27 and will square this New Moon. Mars in Capricorn is more disciplined and helps you go forward but it does not like the New Moon in Libra. It is looking for a fight. Ugh. And will you be the one to start it with your boss or your partner? Mars doesn’t let down. So watch your actions in the next couple of weeks. And also the transformer Pluto in Capricorn at 14 degrees is also squaring the New Moon in Libra. That is saying to you if you are trying to control or manipulate someone or a situation…or the other individual is doing it to you, look out for a major power struggle. If you don’t want a break up wherever it is touching your chart do stop the fighting. It may well be your shadow side which shows up here. Stop it before it creates chaos that is not to your liking.

Jupiter is conjunct the Sun and Moon in Libra. Remember, when Jupiter transits your ascendant you can easily…I mean very easily put on weight. This is especially true if Jupiter is hitting the natal ascendant, Sun, Moon, or Venus. Watch for overeating and sleeping too darn much. And of course, those drinks go down pretty easily right now for the next year. Keep an eye on your intake if you don’t want to see the expansion in your body.

It suggests you look at how you are relating and what is the role you tend to play in your intimate relationships.  Get through some of those obstacles you keep putting up and walk through them as you see the truth. Maybe you can be kinder, more joyful and loving with this New Moon. And don’t forget to forgive too!!! Those already in a relationship can bring more optimistic interactions if you stay positive. Even those who are not in a relationship can intend one coming to you. Think of what you can offer to that relationship.

The New Moon is sextile Saturn in Sagittarius. Watch what you believe since it will have a big influence on your current place in life. A new paradigm can come through especially in your interactions with others. Will you go with it?

Sun was exactly conjunct Jupiter on September 26 and continues to be there as the New Moon takes place. Go within and let the spirit of the real you arise from the depths. Let go of blame. Compassion would be a great thing to show right now in an honest way. Let your horizons broaden at this time.

Even if you aren’t going to be feeling the effects of Jupiter’s transit of Libra in a big way, Jupiter is always benefits you in some way. You will still want to look to the house of your natal chart that Jupiter will be moving over to see where there’s potential for success and where you may be able to take advantage of the good vibes. If you are willing to take a chance in the romance arena in the next 2 weeks until the Full Moon then I suggest no matter what goes on, even if there is a bit of the power thing or otherwise, it will help you grow in a major way and that if good. So go out there and relate. Get out of the house and socialize and have some fun. It will be good for you in the long run.

Under any Pluto transit, we feel pressured to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. When Pluto is transiting retrograde, we are urged to let go of attitudes, thinking or communication patterns, security drives, rigid emotions; a time to undergo an internal form of house cleaning.

The final week of September wraps up with Pluto entering a direct phase, and a Libra New Moon. Both of these influences are a green light go ahead. After many highs and lows, and several months of snags, September ends on a high note. September 26 at 11:01am EDT is when Pluto went direct. It will start to move t things forward in your life. Pluto is in Capricorn which means that something outwardly tangible is coming from this transit. As Pluto is in action running just won’t do. Hopefully you have changed what needed to changed and alter your reactions. There may be other Pluto stuff coming at you but you will be able to move past if you did take the time to purge out the old behaviors and beliefs. Many of you may have faced difficult ordeals in the past 5 months.

 And don’t forget to make your intentions clear. Write them out (10 at most) and look at them in the morning and at night. What are you looking to create in your life? New Moons energize those intentions and you never know what just might show up. If you have a Libra rising sign/ascendant then you need to watch for new opportunities to show up when Jupiter crosses the rising sign into the first house in your chart.

Most intensely affected are birthdays which are Aries, March 26- April 3; Cancer, June 24-July 1; Libra, September 26-October 3 and Capricorn, December 26-January 3.

Thank you for reading and celebrate you and your relationships at this New Moon in Libra. Check out my radio show Going beyond Astrology (on Spiritual Guidance Network)-Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT. There is also an archive. Stay in the moment! Until Again, Love, Jan

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, September 16, 2016-Find a way to cut the anger and irritability so things can shift


I don’t know how your days were this week but a couple days ago mine was crazed. I had no time to look and see what the energy was like before I left the house but I wish I had checked. I have never encountered such aggression in drivers, delays in action, and just plain weird events. Well I did see this today and it totally makes complete sense. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo square Mars in Sagittarius characterized a quite fiery and impatient day.  Were you looking for a quick fix like I was…well you may have felt like I did with all kinds of roadblocks and stuck in the muck energy.  A good example is when I was getting on the turnpike to come back to my home I encountered a woman in a Mercedes who was being quite impatient waiting in line at the tollbooth. So she decides to start backing up and since I was not able to do this as there was a car in back of me…she was pushing. And I beeped my horn. She kept saying get out of my way. So I did and moved into the other lane where 2 cars were ahead of me…and she beeps her horn as she sits now behind me…and then takes off like a bat out of hell, give me a very unkind sign and speeds through another lane. In the meantime I am sitting waiting because the guy two cars ahead of me says no tickets are coming out of machine. Oh my. Well, I waited and for once was patient and a lady came by and gave me a ticket. Yes, Mercury square Mars was right on with its energy. And it still continues on a short while. Your mind may see what needs to be said, but you could wind up blurting it out before you’ve had a chance to choose your words more carefully. Figure out what you really want, and when you feel a bit calmer and more grounded then speak. If you have been inhibited now may be the time to make the move toward solving something.

As the full moon in Pisces approaches with its lunar eclipse accompanying it is time of intense intricacies of letting go, purging and finally getting ready to look for a restart in many ways. Since the Solar Eclipse New Moon took place on Sept.1 life has been very interesting. How many of you have taken a look deeper than usual within yourself? Have any of you actually let go of all the junk that keeps you from taking big leaps forward. I know…I sound like a broken record but in order for you to do what you came to do you need to be free of the craziness of the past whether in relationships, the work place, family or whatever part of your life that keeps you stuck. So have you considered this at all? Have you worked on allowing your true spirit to come forward to begin the trek again? Ask the angels and the Divine for help to do this.

This particular lunar eclipse Full Moon in Pisces is another doozy.  It takes place Friday, September 16, 2016 at 3:05pm EDT, 12:05 PDT and 7:05 GMT in 24 degrees 19’ Pisces. Sun is at the exact degree in Virgo. With this being an eclipse it is telling you it is about taking big leaps on your soul’s path. It accents the motivations you have that are below the surface. Think back to September 16, 1997 and see what was the main focus in your life. Is that particular issue still bothering you? Have you learned from what was going on in your life? Have you built upon the good that surrounded you at that time?

 It is truly about healing the disconnect you have between feminine and masculine energy. Also says how about healing the imbalance between head and heart. It is very much telling you to stop the fear existence within and bring out love to others. Stop pushing others away and start interconnecting with those in your realm and out of your realm. The Full Moon is aspecting Chiron in Pisces and also square Mars in Sagittarius. That is saying time has come to let go of all those beliefs that have been thrust upon you from the patriarchal system which thrives in this world. The deception that has sprung from this has to be released so you can feel the authentic love of both yourself and others. Don’t you wish to be the self that the Divine intended you to be? For some it may turn into a very romantic time if you keep love shining and stay away from any critical remarks. And please suppress that need to be a know-it-all or it will bring much drama. Do you really need that? Anger may pull on you. How about maybe actually clear out any emotional baggage that has been hanging on for the past 6 months. What do you say? Are you still frustrated? Well, what will you do about it? Find a way to stop reacting and being so irritable.

 And then there also is ol’ feisty Mars in Sagittarius trining (good aspect) to Uranus in Aries as this lunar eclipse takes place. Hey, dear ones, it’s saying that you are going to say it anyway, so emotional expression is highlighted and you know Mars…leap first, think about it later. So, what do you need to say these next weeks with gentleness? What are you failing to reveal? You will do so, you know. So get it out there with tact.

 What else can you do …pay attention to your dreamland. You may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may remind you to just relax, refresh and get more sleep. Not such a bad idea, now is it?

 The Sun in Virgo is opposite Chiron Pisces 22 degrees. This transit can bring a challenge to your sense of personal purpose versus the vision of possibilities. Perhaps you are feeling a conflict between what you want to gain on a personal level versus a higher vision of what you could be capable of. To reach out to the possibilities you have to move beyond your comfort zone. Do you worry it may make you feel inadequate? It is between what is and what could be. Later it will be time to take further action, but for how it is important to think about what is going on so that you can make a decision.

Mars in Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces. It may be time to confront issues in your life that involve how/why you get hurt by others, how you yourself hurt others, and how healing can take place in either of these situations. Are you only looking to satisfy expectations from others? This may try to push you in a healing direction, possibly by showing you how and why the path you have been on does not lead to where you want to go. If you start to feel overwhelmed, take some time out from the stress to get grounded and make sure you are centered. 

Jupiter has just entered Libra and whatever house it falls in tells you where your confidence and level of joy is increased. You also will feel motivated to improve or gain in these matters. You will feel more free and confident. Be self-assured but do not overdo. Jupiter does have a desire to expand and it reminds you to believe in yourself.

So be ready to see what the Light is shining upon within you and be ready to take the next step. Where will it take you? Mercury moves out of retrograde on September 21 and Pluto goes direct at 15 degrees Capricorn on September 26. New options are coming to light between September 13 and September 18. Do pay attention.

Most affected by the Full Moon in Pisces are those whose birthdays are March 12-19; June 13-June 19; September 12-Septembr 19; and December 13-20.

Have a wonderful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Look within and let the answers arise to show you the next step on the horizon. Shine your light! Thank you for reading. Radio show Going Beyond Astrology is on Tuesday nights at 9pm EDT. Tune in on the 20th for how Pluto is affecting your life. Until Again. Love, Jan