Monthly Archives: October 2022

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio, October 25, 2022 – How far will love take you?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sitting looking out my window and see the leaves are losing their brighter colors. The last weeks were a beautiful picture. As the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse comes in there will be a shift in your life yet many will fight it and continue on the way to nowhere. It has love in the mix so how will you handle that? There is much going on in the Universe and much is unseen. The old world is collapsing and much that is going on will be thrown out. In my own life when I speak to others there is no real conversation. It is just ho hum and all that is shared is how the injection is so necessary.  I am so sad that those out there are letting life pass by without any purpose. And a good portion of society are now doing what they are told because why?  Gullibility is the word of the day. Fear is continuing to be rampant. As I look around many of you are stuck in the bubble of this so-called free society. Do you truly believe you are free to do whatever you choose? If this goes on much longer you will be wishing you paid attention to the truth that was right before your eyes. Following the crowd is not about freedom and that’s what many of you are doing. When I speak to others about a variety of topics it is quite noticeable that hatred has a big part. You hate this one and that one until you are on such an automatic pilot that you know longer know what is true and not. And why do you hate so much? It has nothing to do with anyone except you. Hate comes from within and if you have no love for self then the hate blooms bigger. Look within again and be your own authentic self. Are you worried those will not like you if you do not go along with them? When was the last time you felt joy? It is truly yours if you choose joy and love over the negative. What a beauty that is!!

The propaganda continues blatantly. Soon you will be eating bugs. Are you ready for this? I am sure there are many who are unaware of this plan. And don’t forget the weeds for salad. Ok, you do not believe me, your choice. Some other tidbits: There is a lawsuit to force the release of documents regarding the assassination of President Kennedy in 1962. I am sure the evidence will be a shock to many. And soon the children will be forced to get another VAX on their platform of injections …one for CV19 and then they will be allowed to attend school .Will you allow them to do this to your children? And babies too!!! My heart goes out to those who have left the earth under these circumstances because many were in good health. Were you aware that all people in Saudi Arabia are tracked in real time? The illegal migrants continue to flow across the border into the U.S.

The New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse shows up on Tuesday, October 25 2022 at 6:48am EDT; 3:48am PDT; and 12:48om GMT in 02°00′ Scorpio. The Sun is in the exact degree in Scorpio. A Solar Eclipse helps you put plans in motion for the future since this one is more harmonious and time to pamper yourself (Venus conjunct New Moon) yet does have a bit of wish for reaching your goals but may bring dissatisfaction if there is a lack of balance between what you want and what you need (New Moon quincunx Jupiter.) There is creative action in the mix along with dance, money and even with good investments. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Scorpio can be suspicious at times and can be secretive about their motives. This is due to the fact that sometimes Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. Scorpio Moon/Sun has great ambition. They dislike the spotlight. The New Moon is about new beginnings in intimate relationships since it is closely conjunct Venus. This New Moon in Scorpio gives to you an insight regarding love. Through this feeling you find the power of the soul and heart. What is your heart’s deepest desire? This is a time that you can shift the patterns to which in many cases you pay very little attention. At times Scorpio is so deep that others around may not quite fathom what is actually going on within you. And another item that comes up is the fact that life is not just about material or professional success. Where does the New Moon fall in your chart? What are your feelings? It falls in my 5th house and it truly is about experiencing a high in my life, creating a new project, romantic loving or going out and having fun. I am so ready!!! Also there can be some healing in my life since it is near my Chiron (the wounded healer).  You need to look deeply within to discover whether you are on the right path to bring you the love and prosperity that you so wish for. And try to work on any emotional burdens that you hang onto in your life. And one more aspect is it falls on the South Node. Endings bring new beginnings.

Moon in Scorpio is just two weeks ahead of the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus which is on November 8 (Election Day for Midterms), its opposite sign. Eclipses bring major unexpected shifts and shakeups. The energy of the New Moon Eclipse lasts about 6 months. The New Moon energy lasts about 4 weeks. If you gravitate to the madness of the world in the next couple of weeks then the energy needed to begin again in a new direction, relationship or wherever else it takes you will be less focused and you may still be in the same place. Get out of the craziness and see how shifting happens within. Put your intentions out there and see where it takes you. Keep negatives out of it.

Most intensely affected by this New Moon in Scorpio are 1-5 degree of Fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius and 29-30 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Those of you who have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) around those degrees may be affected also. Some tidbits for Sun signs/ Rising signs

Aries-Gains can show up. Shared resources are in the mix. Please watch who you share confidential information with. Control issues about money/sex.                                                                                                    Taurus- New phase in relationships arrives. No time for being a hermit. Someone new around you has amazing potential. Listen to any feedback from a partner.                                   

Gemini- It is time to transform your well-being with a long-term plan. Is there a way that you can help others also with their problems? Be gentle with your actions. Organize at home and work.          

Cancer- Good fortune in love and it expands even more. Express yourself creatively. Travel may be in the picture. Self-confidence helps you get your executive ability going.                                                                                                Leo- What big changes are coming in your life this month? Make no changes that unsettle your security. Positive new developments show up. New job maybe?                                                                                  Virgo – Are you feeling lucky? There may be a reason. Get your ideas out there if you are feeling creative. How about some humor in your conversations? Social activities are favored.  

Libra – Are there some fears hanging about? What are they saying to you? It is time to transform your fiscal affairs. Look for ways to let it grow for the future.

Scorpio-   Magical thinking appears. Be optimistic. Do you really think you can solve everyone’s problems and transform them? There is a new sense of leadership and drive.      

Sagittarius- What do you need to change and so that transformation can occur? If you feel vulnerable you need to let others be aware. Opportunities come to you. Was that one?     

Capricorn- Give thoughts to future plans. Connect with those important people. A happy friendship can expand. Are your ideas too set in stone? Victory in some area comes soon.    

Aquarius- So you are controlling your emotions, are you? And the magnetism that comes through may come in handy. Transformative new start in business is available.  

Pisces – Whatever you are visualizing can be real. Future plans are on the docket. Stay on your path and no matter what; create how you intend it to be in the coming months.   

Some essential oils for New Moon in Scorpio: Begamot-helps boost self-confidence after releasing stagnant feelings; Majoram-breaks down walls of the heart; and Lavender lets you break down walls and express your truth.

Thank you for reading, sharing and staying in the New Moon moment. Keep yourself grounded no matter what the world energy is doing. Lots of shifting is happening. Get  ideas out there. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Aries, October 9 2022 – Let the wounds surface and heal

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I look outside my window on this gloomy day and wonder where the birds have gone? I saw one the other day flying near a tree yet there have always been many flying in and out of my yard. They have disappeared. Strange t is. How is the balance in your life? The past New Moon was reaching out to you to bring it about? Did you accept it? The darkness continues to fall earlier each day to go with the darkness of the world that is almost totally surrounding you. Love has truly disappeared from much of the interaction between those out there in the grand scheme of the world. It also has been punched down into the ground among many of you. Why do you continue to live in fear rather than love? Has the Divine energy left your life? It is important to find the goodness within and share it with others instead of the hate that many continue to spew. Now, I am aware that there are many who know love is truly magnificent. Yet, there are multitudes among you that have no love whatsoever. Why? Who do you blame? I had much love in my life and thirty years ago my loving husband went to the Lord on this Full Moon day. He was too young to leave. Since I had to pull it together and move forward at the time. I grieved on the surface but never went deep. It was a life-changer. So I have now done so and I can say he is very happy. I had to share so that I can take a leap. Enough said. Ok, I will move on. I choose to send love to those who have no interest in the truth of the current situation that is imploding in this country. There are many who refuse to see that what you see is a fantasy and you follow it and believe it. I am astounded at how many of you do not see the real history that is stuck in the crevices of some library back in time. So much is a scrambled mess and a good portion of society does not see it. I am sorry about this. How will you handle the truth within and what goes on out there?

Some news tidbits: Those in charge are desperate and have begun to come apart at the seams. There has been a flip flop with the student loan rules and now there are some lawsuits. Florida is a disaster after Hurricane Ian. And after this there were FEMA barges in the area. Oh my. I wonder why the Navy Seals sank one.  And now the terrorizing of parents continues. Open your eyes and see the truth. It is so important that you do. So Kanye West’s White Lives Matter shirt is violent and dangerous according to Vogue. Oh my. And by 2035 both California and New York intend to have only electric cars. Are you ready to have a bike? It has come out that many teens have suffered inflammation of the heart after the Vax.

The Full Moon in Aries arrives on Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 4:54pm EDT; 1:54pm PDT; and 8:54pm GMT in 16°32’. The Sun in Libra is in the exact degree as the Full Moon. This is a passionate full moon and also good for relating. Have you had any harmony in your life? This is a time to find it. The Full Moon is conjunct Chiron in Aries and that tells you part of this is partly a healing moon, Chiron is about inner wounds and any continued pain within. Much of the time it is related to an inner wound connected to your mother. Do you fear being vulnerable and showing how you feel to others? Many of you are totally afraid of this expressing of emotions. The bottomline is to acknowledge your sore spot and come to understanding of it. Do you feel you are not good enough in this world of ours?  Instead of looking to heal you may have had the urge to achieve which is more important than anything else and that makes you feel better. Or maybe you choose to just go out and spend your money on designer items, look for compliments from others, sex, and acceptance. Do you hope that these things make you feel whole? Well, they are far from doing that. Will you allow it help you go deeper within yourself even though you feel that your body is all it is about? You can deeply let go of the wound if you allow the energy to go within and help you recognize what is keeping you from moving ahead in life. Will you allow wounds from the past to come up and be healed? There is a step that you need to take to create something new.

The Full Moon conjunct Chiron is opposite to Venus conjunct the Sun in Libra. Love does work for healing yourself. It is a time also relationships may play a part in the dynamic. Know that love does help to heal. And even though the energy is fiery it can still bring good things. If you have not been riding with your own true self then it is time to address this. There is also a grand trine between Sun in Libra, Mars in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius. This will definitely bring ease to anything that appears. And do not forget that Mercury has gone direct in Libra on October 2. Just note that there still may be some scrambled communication until October 16.

The most intensely affected are the following Signs/Rising signs at 13-20 degrees: Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer.  Those birthdays affected are: October 7-14, January 4-11; April 3-10; and July 6-13.If you have personal planets (Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus) at or near the degrees affected in those signs then you will also feel the intensity in some way. 

A few thoughts at the Full Moon for the Signs/Rising Signs:

Aries-Are others creating chaos? Lots of shaking going on! Take a walk or get a massage. Is there a lesson? What do you have to give others?

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen. Take a deep breath and clear out the past.

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. BE true to you is the answer. Create something.

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting. It is almost time to leap.

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. You will feel the power within if you focus on talents.

Libra- Will you allow other’s behavior to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward. Love yourself already.

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self.

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different.

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Disrupting forces in home/family area! Stop trying to keep things the same way. Don’t let the upsets keep you off course.

Aquarius – Time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom.

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. House of Money is in the limelight. Break free from old thinking.

You may choose to affirm this statement at the Full Moon: I AM releasing all that is not aligned with my highest and greatest good.  I suggest using the essential oil Chamomile to calm down since it may get mighty crazy out there and you want to be able to release anything that no longer is part of your path forward. Stay in balance.  Some intentions to release at this time are: blocks to partnerships; constantly feeling rushed; your anger and frustration that do nothing to help you.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I would love to hear your experiences as the Full Moon takes place. Use the energy wisely. Stay in balance even when any shifting takes place. And stop letting the energy of those who are not in your favor stop you from leaping forward. Keep your heart open to love. May you be blessed. Until again, love Jan