Full Moon in Taurus, November 12, 2019 -The Fire Within

full moon fire within

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Happy Veteran’s Day, November 11, to those who are serving now, served in the past and came back and those who gave their lives. As you journey through the next few days do remember and honor the Veterans who served this grand country throughout our history. Many of those Vets who have been in my life came back and did well helping others. On the other hand I had a college friend who sacrificed his life and at times it still pulls on me.

The crazies are out in force they say, taking down Veteran silhouettes and throwing them away. The hatred that inspires more hatred is a malignancy that will destroy those involved. Unfortunately most individuals who are mired in the depths of this lunacy are unable to extract themselves from the muck. This swamp envelops them because they are so brainwashed and possessed that they are unaware of what they are doing on a basic level. Why do I even bring this up in this world today? Does anyone really care about truth and love? I find that there are many who find truth threatening and one day soon will see that one cannot run from it. I feel love is all that one needs at this time.

Are you out of the moment?  Rage, accusations, projection are the words of the day. Your hatred of the President has brought you to a no turning back point. What is it that you hate so much about yourself? You are projecting something. In all my life I have never witnessed so much darkness regarding the people of my America and the World. It is at a turning point since the idea out there is to get rid of those who disagree. In fact YouTube has a new demonetizing policy. What riles you up so much? Do you not see how you are being played? If what I say is difficult to believe then it is due to my Kassandra asteroid (no one will believe the truth at times). And guess what I love you anyway because I see what you are failing to recognize within and around you. Once you do, your world will change and your love and beauty will arise from the depths. Darkness will try to put out the Light always. Are you swept away by this ominous energy that is wrecking havoc?

The Full Moon in Taurus arrives on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 in 19 degrees 51’ at 8:34 am EST; 5:34 am PST; and 1:34 pm GMT. The Sun is in the same degree in Scorpio. This full moon is about finding balance between soul urges and your inner wisdom. There is much sensitivity around and it is about staying in your own power and noticing the energy that others emit. Full Moon energy is time to purge the things from our lives that are no longer needed. It is up to you to do this without letting others force you to do so. This Full Moon is ruled by Venus which is a thing of living in beauty and bringing it out in creativeness in many ways. The Scorpio Sun which is ruled by Pluto is about bringing about transformation and letting the soul come out.  It is about authenticity. Full Moon is trine to Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn in Capricorn. Let the purge take place and allow the new to come from the old. If you follow the Full Moon it is exalted in Taurus. It loves the pleasures of the home and will do what has to be done to have that. As you are enjoying the home life you may wish to organize your finances. You may wish to stop living in the past and getting bogged down in the future. Be in the power of the moment. Neptune in Pisces is sextile the Full Moon and this says that any spirituality ventures will create material gains. It may not be quick to come yet will bring gratification. Someone new who transforms something may enter your life if you are looking for a relationship due to the Moon trine Pluto.

The Full Moon in Taurus is conjunct Vesta asteroid which is really about fire and purity. It is also about sacred sexuality. Vesta is about devoting self to something that is important to you…what pursuit do you wish to follow? It is the sacred flame within. So this Full Moon in Taurus may bring this out and depending where it is in your chart tells you what lights up the Spirit. This Full Moon falls in my twelfth house with Vesta being there also natally. Will I finally wake up to my dream and find the fire within to bring about the transformation? The sacred fire is part of everyone. How will it affect you? Vesta asks -what do you have to give up in order to get something else? It may be time to pull back and find some peace and quiet and rejuvenate your Spirit within. In the meantime the Sun in Scorpio is conjunct Mercury (within 2 degrees) many hidden things will surface down the road and you may be shocked if you are living in outer space. This may show up due to the fact that Pluto in Capricorn is sextile the Sun and trine the Moon. Pluto is about digging deep and hitting one with a two by four if you go off track and hide the truth. And with what is going on in Washington D.C. with the upcoming drama, get out the popcorn. Mercury is still retrograde until November 21 and if you have not taken advantage of clearing out the past junk it is time to revisit and regroup and let it go. Keep anxiety in check.

Anyone with Sun, Moon and Rising sign conjunct 19 degrees 51’ Taurus will feel this even more powerfully along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from16-22 degrees. If you have any personal planets also near the degree then you will also be affected in the house it falls. Tidbits- Aries -Are you paying attention to your real gifts? What are you invested in? How is it working? Pay attention to what you are doing financially; Right action grows love and money/business.

Taurus -You are oozing sensuality. Be your true self and results may be amazing. Stay poised since you are in the limelight. Make changes now. Relationships- shifting a bit.

Gemini -Avoid the crazy energy that is out there. You may wish solitude and that is good. Some peak healing may come in a dramatic or subtle fashion/letting go of the old.

Cancer- Be alert to flashes of ideas that come from the future! What you like may now be changing. New friends or old will play a bigger part. Watch triggers. Be creative.

Leo -You might sense it’s time for a bold move, or that work and home life are out of balance. It is time to bring the family together and enjoy the time. What brings you joy?

Virgo -What you are doing needs to have soul purpose/ deep meaning. Interactions with those in law, travel, relatives or education requires commitment and decision-making.

Libra -It is time to break away from toxic situations and go for deep inner changes. Are you selling your soul to feel safe? Someone motivates you to go with a new idea.

Scorpio -Intimacy comes when you bare your soul for once. Partnerships become better if you let go and share. A new idea pops up and may come about down the road.

Sagittarius -What are you doing to strengthen your daily workings? Share the new ideas / treasures that you have kept hidden. Watch your resources! Use to start a new project.

Capricorn -Want to attract-look great. You are in the creative mode. Enjoy connections. Your intuitive powers are very strong. Stop pushing and take time to enjoy.

Aquarius -Think how you are in the home and also out there in the world. Fixing up your abode is a good thing. Passion comes back to you in your creativity. You are recognized.

Pisces -How can you get the social energy working to your advantage? Amp up the interactions and maybe there is some travel. Discard the old patterns and life will shift.

I pulled three Pages of Shustah cards – the message is: As you are moving forward; set the desire before the open door and let go any barriers; and then replenish that fast-burning fire within so your dream can manifest. Thank you for reading and sharing Take those steps forward. Keep getting rid of the old beliefs and see how much clarity you have. Let the fire that is burning within help you leap to places not experienced before. Blessings to all, until again, love, Jan


About Dr. Jan King

Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor; Holistic Health Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Jan has been a Hypnotherapist since 1989 and a Holistic Health Practitioner since 1992. She focuses on relationship and stress-related issues. Jan has studied astrology for over 35 years and combines her counseling skills and holistic health background to ensure clients get a comprehensive session. Jan uses her clairsentience to focus on many of the issues and then makes suggestions. Jan also has been studying astrological technique and interpretation for 35 years.

Posted on November 11, 2019, in FULL MOON and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Hoping to be moving into a new home by early Dec. So hard going from 3 stories to a rancher. I have been doing a lot of weeding as has been in my Aquarian horoscope. I agree there are bad, but good also in the news. What do you think/see the situation will be in the future of air quality because at the rate the EPA is going, I see our great grandchildren being in distress like china. Thanks for your continued friendship. Happy soon to be Thanksgiving.


    • I see things changing rapidly on some level yet there is some illusive quality to the whole scenario. Things will begin to show up that are unknown right now. Hope your move went well. Have a Merry Christmas with many blessings. Keep in touch. Thank you for you and and all you do.


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