Monthly Archives: November 2014

New Moon in Sagittarius, November 22, 2014 – Speak the Truth to Oneness

The New Mon is soon on the horizon. Where are you on the day it rises? Life has become a circus and you and I are part of it if you stay in the Matrix. If you choose to be in the world and not of this world, then your life is changing in a dramatic fashion. As I write this Sun is in the last degree 29 of Scorpio (an anaretic degree which is Karmic in nature.) That degree is quite sensual. It also indicates that you may be running out for a sweet snack at midnight. Intense interactions show up also. When an anaretic degree is part of your chart then there is a lesson for you to learn this lifetime. Check out your chart to see where it is found. As the sky darkens with the coming new moon you are being asked to let go of the Venus afflictions that may have shown up in your life whether it is about money or love or a disconnect from your path due to excess. Bill Cosby obviously didn’t get that. It blew up in the Scorpionic way. A source informed me that what is happening is true.

As the sun leaves Scorpio during the morning hours the hard work that you have had to endure will now change its tune. Oh, hard work may still be present in your life BUT it is about being more ambitious to get to your land of dreams. Any old wounds that are still hanging on can be released on the energy before the New Moon arrives. Watch for Saturn making you moody. If it seems to be difficult then do some primal therapy. Watch if you go up on the roof to scream. It may be icy. Well, if you are in Buffalo it will be. (Why do you think the weather changed so abruptly? Was it Mother Nature or HAARP? Look at the HAARP charts, you may be surprised.) Oh, and by the way, stay away from the flu myth. The false flu season is in full gear and if anyone has gotten it, I doubt it is the flu. NO vaccines please. Do you have mold in your house or close by? That may be the reason you are feeling lousy. Think about it. Stop letting the PTB keep you in the fold. Lies abound out there in this fantasy world. Wake up!

The NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS at 1 degree shows up at 7:32am EST, 4:32am PST, and 12:32pm GMT on November 22, 2014. Are you ready for adventure? Will you be traveling in the next few weeks? How will you use the New Moon’s enthusiastic energy to your advantage? The New Moon asks you this question? What are you doing here? Do you know where you are going? The veil between worlds tends to be thinner than usual as the New Moon comes in square (conflict) to Neptune. This means there is a more spiritual bent to the energy. Look for your intuition to be heightened and your compassion to be more present. If you have strong beliefs then it is time to look at them an see if they are supporting your Oneness. Do you walk your talk as you share love or do you fail to act true to Spirit? Are you following a path that will fulfill who you are this lifetime?

Sagittarius is about candid speech, sometimes too much so. This moon is impatient. It may look to travel and take big leaps without thinking. It may teach you or you may just teach others. New Moon in Sagittarius is a free spirit and optimistic. Will you allow that energy to come in and help you figure out what you are doing? Oh and this New Moon definitely likes honesty. Lies are verboten because they come out in right time and then what will you do? Many news items will be showing up where the lies are surfacing whether in big business, entertainment or health biz. You name it because truth is another word for this New Moon. What truth will confront you in the next few weeks?

Venus is conjunct this New Moon energy. Are you lacking pleasure in your life? Now is the time to seek it. Watch for faulty judgement since there is a square between Mercury/Saturn and Jupiter. Good time to tone down any blunt words in your interactions. With Jupiter in Leo as the New Moon comes in, it saves us from imbalance since most of the planets are in a locomotive pattern. Jupiter stands away from the grouping. This energy gives you the impetus so you can take another small leap instead of being stuck like some of you have been in the past months. Wherever Jupiter is in your natal chart is where you will have fun, love and maybe some drama. You can even take some risks in this area. Go for it. the New Moon in Sagittarius is conjunct my South Node. What past strength do I have that will bring about my new truth? Time will tell.

This New Moon in Sagittarius will also bring some valuable lessons in the next few weeks which will give you an opportunity to see that change and choice will be a matter of importance. There is within everyone something that is being churned up that will manifest itself as the days go on. It is a new truth that is important to each individual. Walk through the energy and allow it to be present.

Set your intentions after the New Moon arrives. Any release work for those old patterns that you continue to hold onto can be released as the Moon is leaving the sign Scorpio today, November 21. In order for intentions to come about, you need to believe that they already part of your life.

Who will be affected most intensely? Those of you who have planets in signs of 25 degrees-3 degrees of late Leo/early Virgo; late Scorpio/ early Sagittarius; and late Taurus and early Gemini; and late Aquarius and early Pisces. Remember that Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries are still in square mode and this is ongoing so it affects all you dear ones who have your Sun in Cancer or Sun in Capricorn between June 30 and a July 10/December 30-January 10. Life is changing. Major transformation is on the way. Open to the energy. No resistance please. Some unexpected changes may show up too!

For those who celebrate Thanksgiving, have a happy one. To all of you please stay in the moment with love in your hearts. Share that love and see how life changes for the better. Thank you for reading. Please share with others. Life at the moment is not what it seems. Until again. Love, Jan

Listen tonight November 21 at 11pm EST. You can even call in and ask a question.

FULL MOON in TAURUS, November 6, 2014- What really matters to you?

This is a time for shadow dancing. And it brings about the flow between holding on and letting go. It is so dark already at 5:30 pm in the Eastern US that I want to just curl up and read or do absolutely nothing. Reminds me of the bears in the north woods except I don’t think they read. Laugh. I have to put on every light in the house to actually see how dusty it is. I am going back to my book. Nothing has changed in the world in the past two weeks except the elections and I do believe there are some of those in power who may be hanging on the edge. Well, is this actually something new? Doubt it! Radiation is killing the small whales in the Pacific. According to the Washington Post article there will soon be apps for your Smartphone that can tell you someone is lying. Oh joy! Invasion of the emotion-snatchers are on their way. And now the Full Moon is almost upon us.

The Full Moon may be visible as you gaze into the sky tomorrow, November 6, 2014 around 5:22pm EST, 2:22PST and 10:22 GMT (In the Eastern PA region it calls for rainy weather). The FULL MOON is in TAURUS at 14 degrees 29’ with the Sun being in Scorpio. As I mentioned in the opening words there is holding on (Taurus) and letting go (Scorpio) in aspect here. Which do you choose as the energy comes upon you? The Taurus Full Moon energy is a grounded into the Earth and stable whereas the Scorpio Sun is opposite and will destroy that which is no longer working. As the New Moon Eclipse (from 2 weeks ago) energy lessens, it asks you to continue cutting away the debris and the energy drains which have been present in your life. The New Moon energy that will be around for a few more months says it has been time to reveal what has to die to be renewed. So, has it touched your comfort zone? Have you felt like running away from your internal workings, thoughts, feelings? If you have already let go then most likely there is just some residue which has to be burned out and transformed. The tone of that New Moon continues forward.

As the Full Moon appears in the sky it will ask you to reach deep within and see what you really value? What matters to you at this time and as you walk forward? Will you allow the shadows pull you deep down into the abyss? This may be a good thing to let happen since this is a time to find your power within and transmuting those fears that are present. What needs to be let go so you can finally take a big leap forward. Notice what no longer works for you. The Sun and Venus are together in Scorpio so the FULL MOON is saying relationships may be affected. Look at what needs to be addressed so that new beginnings can take place in an appropriate timeframe.

Have you been looking at what you truly desire in your life? Do you feel stable enough to examine that which has no meaning anymore; that which has outworn its presence in your life? Dig deep within to unearth the shadow that holds on and holds you back. As you do this you find yourself honoring you as you truly are and your self-worth expands and comes forth with a surge. You are true to you. You value yourself totally. As you value yourself the energy creates a magnetic energy which brings those to you who are helpful and joyful and your ability to manifest may appear. If you refuse to open to the self-worth then you become stuck in the mud instead of flying with the help of the Scorpio eagle. The swan glides along peacefully as it lets the energy mesh with its own. That is what it asks you to do. Burn away the sludge, the muck of the shadow at this time and you will see relationships change for the better and those no longer to be, dissolve. Also any issues with others will come to the surface so you can transform your thoughts and feelings about them. Once you do this you value yourself and are able to transform yourself on your path for the next leap.

Along with the Full Moon energy a few days later on November 10, 2014 Mars and Pluto in Capricorn are together (conjunct) and it trines the Full Moon in Taurus. If you don’t have a partner at the moment I suggest you use all that very intense energy to open up your urges to be creative in art or music. Otherwise you will find yourself lashing out at someone and it will not be too pretty. Do take advantage of this momentary madness. Another Dali or Beethoven may emerge. The Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn with planets between 7 degrees and 15 degrees will be affected. Also Mercury which has been in direct motion leaves the shadow on November 10. This means that it no longer has contact with the planets it touched in retrograde motion. Communication becomes clearer. Watch on November 12 for Mars square Uranus. Can be a bit electric charged energy hanging about. Venus is conjunct Saturn on the 12th so kiss and make-up if there has been any tension. It can be a truly healing moment with Mars sextile Chiron in Pisces also involved.

Are you ready to transmute the shadow and value yourself and all those things that matter to you so that the big leap can lead you in a new direction in a relationship or on your life path? Sometimes it takes a wound so deep to give you an opportunity to open up to your gifts and talents. Keep that in mind as you meander the path in the brightness of the FULL MOON in Taurus.

Those of you who are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius with personal planets or angles between 9 and 18 degrees of those signs will be most intensely affected. I have the Full Moon in the 12th house trine my moon in Capricorn and conjunct my Sun in Taurus. Dreams may be filled with messages that reveal inherent talents that can help others. Some interesting unexpected new beginnings may show up.
Are you ready to leap? It may happen unexpectedly. Pay attention. Stay authentic. Be open and ready to receive. May you all be blessed! Thank you for your support. Until again. Love, Jan

Tune in -My radio show on BlogTalkRadio/Unseen World is on November 7 at 11pm EST.