Monthly Archives: January 2021

FULL WOLF MOON in Leo, January 28 2021 – Keep your cool

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Where are you now that the tide has turned? Where is your heart, is it soothed or now burned? Where is the depth of the truth that you know? Still hanging with beliefs that make it not so! So, where are you at this time of change? There are many who are so scared that my head is spinning from their feelings of dread. And there are others who have forgotten the past few months and are jumping higher than ever with joyous feelings. It matters not what is going on out there in the big bad world. It is all about what is going on within you. Oh, no, many will say to me that I am so off track. Well, we shall see if I have fallen off the edge. In the meantime I am so grateful that I am so blessed with the ability to dance under the stars if I choose to do so. What does that have to do with anything? Well, where will you be taken in the next year or more? Do you have any idea about the truth that has not been revealed as of yet? Oh, it is coming soon. I will continue to dance and feel joy no matter what goes on. That is my life as the Divine inspired it to be. I wish that those individuals who are in my life at times, not as many as before, would actually act in a genuine manner. What is hard about that? You can disagree with me or not. You can laugh with me or at me. You can seek the truth in ways that are staring at you. And you can just hide with phone in hand and only see what you choose to see. It matters not. Life will continue to move forward with or without you. My wish for those out there will be for living your truth and knowing that what you put out there is how you feel within.

I can tell that we are a country divided and no one is doing anything about it. What is going on anyway? Do you ever question? Does the hatred that is spewed out help the soul of those who do it? Who will those who hated the President hate now? Just curious I am. I noticed and many others did too that the National Guard who lined the streets of DC turned their backs as the caravan of cars rolled by on January 20. What was that about? Riots in Portland and Seattle on day of the swearing in – interesting it is. And the masks on everyone makes me want to throw up because that is exactly how I start feeling when I have to wear one. If I wanted to breathe in my own bacteria and other junk that is breathed in and out of my nose and mouth, I would definitely support masks. The WHO just announced that masks are unnecessary other than in the hospitals. Do the research because down the road those who wear them constantly will be faced with issues that are not to their liking. Do the research. What happened to the ability to think for yourself? Many are told what to think and follow along. Life is too short and yet, the fear is constant. Wow, if someone would have told me the current story (a story it is) many years ago, I would have laughed. What is coming for my America is not what I would have ever wished. Looks like tax dollars will be paying for Gov. Newsom’s homeless hotels.

As I sit and write this I notice the sleet coming down and apparently the weather changes every minute. The last thing I saw is that snow was supposed to be upon this area for the entire day. I guess it chose to take a break. Anyway as I await the sunshine again the Full Moon in Leo (Wolf Moon), the drama planet, the star, the dancing queen, the entertainer, arrives on Thursday, January 28, 2021 in 09°05′ Leo at 2:16pm EST; 11:16am PST; and 7:16pm GMT. The Sun in Aquarius is sitting at the exact same degree. Leo is a creative type who likes to be out there performing. What is it you came to do in this life? Maybe it is high time to get it out there in a creative manner. On another note the Full Moon in Leo is sort of emotional at this time and your words or actions may not bring the good responses you are looking for. Any emotional issues that come up now need to be looked at and let go. The Full Moon is square to Mars/Uranus in Taurus and opposite Jupiter in Aquarius. That definitely is going to make life interesting with some anger management needed by many. Jupiter amplifies the challenging nature of Mars and it is very important to have some self-control to avoid anger and impulsiveness causing harm to yourself and others. You tend to be passionate about what you are interested in doing. Watch out that you are not overly defensive. It can though bring out a happy place within with Jupiter expanding the good feelings as it opposes the Full moon in Leo.

And since the Sun in Aquarius is conjunct Jupiter exact on January 28th it helps the joy to be present and opens the door to opportunities. You can feel the Divine Light is present. It is a day that brings abundance and an expansion of our talents and gifts. The luck is present beyond your dreams since Jupiter will not be in Aquarius after this year until 2033. Be open to the grand energy.

Mars in Taurus square Jupiter in Aquarius can bring on overconfident behavior and even recklessness. However it is also very sexual energy so be careful what attracts you. Use some self-control in following your passion.  Mars and Uranus in Taurus are together and it says it may be time to get out of the rut and do something else. You are looking for some excitement. Just take it easy seeking it. Jupiter aligning with the Sun is considered a fortunate energy, and a fantastic time for launching a business, or experiencing synchronistic opportunities from the Universe.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are: Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius in 6-12 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected.

Aries – If you’ve allowed pressure to build up inside, the release valve is finally pulled. Let it come out. And remember to enjoy the time either out there or creatively.

Taurus – Finding balance between your professional life and your personal life is tenuous at best. What are your true priorities? It brings out things not seen and also family.

Gemini – How do you share your ideas with others in your daily conversation? What changes have popped up in your environment or social media group?

Cancer – Being completely honest about your values is the most direct route to happiness. Reassess your income. Extra money – go find what you like.

Leo – Treat others with respect with the same kind you expect for yourself. Thoughts about personal stuff and how you fit in is the question. An awakening comes!

Virgo – How will you bring your dreams to reality? You may look at what has gone on in last months and be ready to clear out and take the right action.

Libra – If people aren’t encouraging you to shine brighter, it could be time to ask yourself if you’re being genuine or just putting on a show to please everyone.

Scorpio – If you truly want to be respected for your achievements, speak your intentions softly. Walk slowly daily toward progress!  Do you really like what you do?

Sagittarius – Use the smaller details to reach your big goals. You may redirect them. Have faith.  You are truly beginning to see what you want in life.

Capricorn – Business it is but you really are looking for a deep connection. How will you approach that intimate thinking? Will you choose to transform something that shows up?

Aquarius – Do others expect you to be the adoring audience? Your opinions are important too! True feelings come to light and you find out how others truly are.

Pisces – There is emphasis on the little things you do for those around you. Be authentic without a need for approval. Job offer or changes in work or daily environment

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment since this is a more intense (Wolf) Full Moon and will have greater influence on parts of your life. Remember to be your truth always and stop following the crowd. My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if it is one step to begin. Many blessings and love, until again, Jan

New Moon in Capricorn, January 12/13, 2021 – One step at a time with focus

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. When the New Year came in not too long ago I thought things would shift accordingly and they did not. Oh wow and it has become a boiling pot of chaos. The sun is shining and the world is in shambles. Oh, maybe one day the sun will forget to shine due to whatever anyone chooses. Onward! I could say much about things that are happening at the moment and what just transpired in the past few days. Why would I? No one cares. The brainwashing is so complete that it matters not for many. And then there are those who know to what I am referring. I learned much in the past and history is there for you to understand. Not the history in the schools since much has been wiped out. I am speaking of the true history which is now buried or destroyed. It is still out there to find and when you do your life will shift among other things. Know that fear destroys and love creates. Pick one. And you are wondering what I am talking about. I have mentioned many items on this blog in the past years and as I have thought…if only one individual gets it each time one reads it then life is good. Somebody out there woke up and I am happy for them. The truth is out there and most are failing to allow the truth. Your choice it is. Just remember down the road when your life is limited to a certain kind of activity…you could have done something. Otherwise it will have a tone as this next statement…“We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. And if you continue to allow the truth to be hidden and let others control you and take over your life, good luck. This is not the Republic of America anymore if you keep hiding away in fear. America just had a Reichstag Fire and life will never be the same and that can be a good thing if you go with the undercurrent of good energy that is occurring. Know that what you see is far from the truth. And when the truth does show up, and it will, you will be free.

So where are you now that the New Moon energy is about to show up? Are you mixed in with the craziness or are you actually watching the country implode? There is always a purpose and when it comes to pass you may be a bit shocked. I guess it could all shift in an instant one way or another. The New Moon will arrive on January 13 2021 at 12.01am EST; 9:01pm PST (January 12, 2021); and 5:01am GMT in 23°13’ Capricorn. It is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn which says that there can be growth on a deep soul level. And also there may be too many authoritarian issues which may shift out of control to the maximum. Do you have toxic influences in your life? Clear them out now so you can find the right direction! Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn brings energy that may be truly manipulative. On another note there is much to be said about transformation of your own being or perhaps there are enemies in the mix who remain hidden and keep you stymied. If you are having any difficulties in your relationships then this is a good time to sort them out. Sometimes there is a way to let go of the old stuff with a new moon and this is one of them since transformation does bring about a clearing out. How about taking the clutter out of your realm? This is a grand time to figure out that plan that has been poking at you for a long time and move onward with it. Stay in your power and listen to what your feelings are telling you also. Since the New Moon is in Capricorn your intentions are more out in the world, business-based and actually incorporate 5-year plans. Your goals are very important with this New Moon and if they do not come about immediately just keep going with it and the tide will turn.

Mercury in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn says you may be quite talkative now and if there are secrets, you may let them come out. This is a good time to find opportunities for down the road. You are more open now to experiences from the spiritual point of view. Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius says you really want to act BUT there is Saturn in the way setting the limits to your intentions. This is due to the fact that Saturn (authority) is trying to keep you from going forward at all. Jupiter square Uranus in Taurus indicates changes that come about in a sudden fashion. You have to keep trying to find the healing in relationships. There may be issues in financial matters. Keep trying. Mercury square Uranus in Taurus says to please keep your thoughts to yourself and watch how you say anything. Venus in Capricorn is trine to Mars/Uranus in Taurus. What do you desire at this time? It may well come to you in sexual or romantic connections or in a monetary way. Just be alert to spending too much or being careless.

All the main planets are on the Eastern half of the New Moon astrology chart so it is about moving forward in a very structured way since there are earth and air signs, no fire and Neptune a water sign.

Your new intentions will be very serious and responsible. The Sun is at the same degree as the Moon. The New Moon conjunct Sun in Capricorn is telling you to make a fresh start, or even begin a new project. Where will you take your intentions this time around? ” Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

Capricorn is a Cardinal, Earth sign, so persons with planets or angles of the natal chart at 21-26° of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra will be particularly affected by this lunation.

If you fail to face the challenges then the soul does not magically shift to transformation. Does the crisis materialize? It may but if you face the challenge it shifts the energy.

Aries- What do you wish to manifest in your career/professional life? It is time to let the pressure take you to a new place. Take the passion and make it happen.

Taurus – Some networking possibilities show up. What kind of decisions will have impact? Travel may show up or new studies to help direct you.

Gemini – There is a dead-end situation that you need to release. Finances and budget are a focus.  Transform the money, the intimate connection and any fears.

Cancer – Possible surprises regarding relationship. Transformation may bring tension – stop fighting with yourself. How about some compromise and commitment? Step up.

Leo – Your approach to health and your daily living are coming up for review. Need for purging of old habits so new ideas come through and move you forward professionally and personally.

Virgo – It is a happy time with your loved ones. What decisive action is needed with children and creativity? What are your talents and how are you using them?

Libra – Is there a change in how you live? Watch for unexpected expenses. Take constructive action. Are you continuing to build on the foundation that you just began?

Scorpio –Is it time for a new start? Influences around the neighborhood may have an effect. Confidence is important so that success appears. How do you communicate?

Sagittarius – It is all about the money. Make good focused decisions in that area. There is a rebirth coming in your value system. Take a leap.

Capricorn – Personal growth and your good reputation are highlighted. Something needs you to tear it down and rebuild. How have you stepped into your power?

Aquarius – It is all about surrounding yourself with peace. A bit edgy in tone; yet it is time to release the past and live in the now. Set your boundaries.

Pisces – Are you ready to bring out humanitarian principles? Shifting friendships!  It is time to change the dynamics of your social circle. How do you impact community?

Thank you for reading and sharing Dear Ones. I appreciate you and all you do. Stay in the moment and know that shifting is going on yet your intentions are important now. Be ready to take a leap after some focused work. Check out Wizards Within on Mondays. Next show is on January 25, 2021. Until again, Love, Jan

The New Year and You -2021

The New Year has come in with a sigh

The same old thing is happening, why?

And where are you in the mix of things?

Hopping on the bandwagon, America sings (not)

Singing as a storm comes through the gate

Being locked down for some starts to grate

Take a look around as so many are hiding

As you watch as the country is sliding.

Sliding into a place against the unknown

Following the crowd with not even a groan

Is this what you wish for your life to be?

Stand in the fear so you now are not free.

Freedom comes with a take charge shout

Will all hell break loose, without a doubt?

Stand in your power and take a chance

Or you will continue to live silently in a trance.

Trances are working better than before

You can take part now and open the door

Oh, you cannot because the virus is there

Wow, is it the truth or just a scare?

Scaring you is the way that it flies

Knowing that one day everyone dies

Keeping the craziness alive and well

Your ability to see is taken over by a spell.

Spells abound in a gigantic way

Staying in your face to keep you at bay

Is that what you choose as the year begins?

Or will you step up and bring on the wins?

Winning is not about the political ploy

It is saying to you to step into your joy

Can you find a way in your deepest heart?

To bring out your truth and get a restart.

Start to release all the heaviness of your life

Take a step in the direction to rid the strife

Be kind to yourself as you walk in the Light

Never looking back and keeping the sight.

Seeing is in range of your heart today

Nothing will stop it if you continue to pray

It is you who can bring about a shift

May the New Year bring the blessings that bring you joy, love, peace, prosperity and good health.

Copyright Jan King 2021