Monthly Archives: April 2023

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries, April 19-20 2023 – Is there a new reality coming in?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. This post is a bit later than usual and I am sorry it got delayed/. Am I on this Magical Mystery Tour which is going to take me away? I have never seen so much negative energy ever. Those who are behind the scenes just do not let up. As I traveled the last few days for my Easter the energy of those on the roads and in stores was so drastically chaotic. What is wrong with everyone? I feel like I am trapped in box with constant craziness. Spring did show up for a bit and one day it felt like summer. And now the temperatures keep rising and is that something that will stay or will the cold come back? Enough said. Life is supposed to be good no matter what is happening around you. I know many will say that laughter has no place in this world. Why not? Life is truly about you being your authentic self as I will talk more about this further on. Life has become unreal to me. What does it feel to you? Do you feel anything at all? Your intentions out to the Universe matter at this time since new moons are always there for you to set them and get them out there so they manifest in some form. Just stay in the moment right now.

Amazing it is. Gone with the Wind, the historical novel is now being said it is about white supremacy. Really? There is now a preface that says it is racist. ????? So now another part of history is being falsified.  If you know history no Southern man ever enslaved a black man. Pfizer just lost in the UK Court case over misleading info about Covid vaccine safety. Who do you think ordered the FBI access to Mar a Lago docs? Fox News is being sued in a Delaware court for conspiracy theory reporting. Just wondering if you are going to go down the toilet with the rest of the world. By the way God did warn you!!

Aries is the warrior, the leader, the pioneer, the initiator, the fearless explorer plunging into the unknown and leading the charge into battle. So this new moon allows us to plant the seeds for the rest of the year, to evaluate what we stand for and what we are attempting to grow, to assess our individual worth and power and decide just what battles we’re charging into since there is an unknown factor involved. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries comes in on April 20, 2023 at 12:12am EDT; 4:12am GMT and 9:12pm PDT on April 19, 2023 in 29° Aries 50′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Aries. It occurs in the last degree of Aries which is called an anaretic degree, pointing to strong impulses and pivotal feelings. This energy can last up to 6 months total. If you are looking for control it may not happen. Many changes which are long term are in process. It is a karmic point in life If you are looking for courage, independence and any personal plans it will affect them. New beginnings are truly a big part of this eclipse. If you are not being true to your authentic self this energy will push you a bit to look at that part of you. Are you ready to take charge of your life? This is a good time to focus on it. And how about taking that risk that you have not done? Remember if you are going to assert yourself you may choose to do so with confidence not brashness. Are you fearful of changes? This is a good time to give up something that no longer is in your best interest. At first you may not recognize what this is so you have to keep your inner wisdom working to face the unknown. It still may feel good even though you may not know yet what it is. Depending where one is in the world, the moon may produce a momentary “ring of fire” effect, in which the edges of Sun burn through, or shut out its light completely. This is an astrological reset in Aries. Gateway to a new reality is set.

This New Moon is the best time to lay the groundwork for a new venture; a truly new beginning to a project that you have desired to do for a long time. I am repeating this so you are paying attention. It is the perfect New Moon to reach within and find the initiative and spirit to start fresh and it will pay off down the road. I know Aries just wants to leap yet it is paying attention this time around. New Moon in Aries is square to Pluto in Aquarius. Where is this going to take you or take those around you? Good question…I would suggest just stay out of those situations that may trigger something that you may not like. Watch out for ego conflicts. Power struggles are more prevalent now. Take a look at your fears and ambitions. The New Moon is conjunct Jupiter and that brings a bit of joy if you are open to it. The presence of Eris and Jupiter together does indicate some volatility yet a well=balanced energy. Remember, when Eris is concerned, there is discord because Eris knows that a better way can be achieved. One more thing- Mercury goes retrograde on April 21 the day after the Solar Eclipse. Look out for scheduling issues, misunderstandings and disagreements since Mercury is the planet of communication. Travel, technology and communication can be a bit difficult. It lasts until May 14 2023. Do not begin a new job. Do re-think things at this time.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 25 degrees-29 degrees – 0-2 degrees of(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. If you have personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees then the New Moon energy will bring intense flavor to any of those also. Birthdays affected more than others are: April 17-24; July 18-25; October 20-27: and January 17-24.

Aries- This is about you.. Go out and shine your light brightly Be true to self. Love yourself totally. Keep positive people around you. Did you accomplish anything?

Taurus –Sometimes you just have to do it yourself. Is this your feeling now? Delve deep with the fiery spirit and insights show up. Take a risk and blaze a new track.

Gemini – Who are your true friends? Time will show them to you. Spread your ideas this way. And lead those who are joining your path. You will love to interact with others.

Cancer – Where are you going professionally? Who can help you? Know that it is a good time for working on your career ideas. Be secure. Spring board to your dreams!

Leo –May be time for an adventure, new courses to take. Make sure those around you support your ideas. Are you ready to venture into the unknown?

Virgo- Work on some investment planning and let the inner part of you come forth in order that transformation takes place. Take a risk! You may feel vulnerable.

Libra –Relationships especially regarding partners and business associates are in the forefront. If you have an inner circle now is the time to pull it together.

Scorpio –You are there as a mover and shaker showing others how to do it in the workplace or healthwise. You can make it right. Refocus on your well-being.

Sagittarius- Creative efforts are more effective now. If you have a creative project in mind, then go for it.  Is love in the cards? Enjoy yourself. Channel your inner child.

Capricorn – What is you choose to fix with your home? Or is this something you can choose to do with your family. New insights emerge. Bring new joy into interactions.

Aquarius – What do you wish to communicate at this time? Catch up with others. Avoid gossiping. Do some family bonding. Be honest and direct with others.

Pisces – Now is the time to leap forward in the money game. Fix any past errors and you do well. Something new is coming down the road. Budget!

For a new moon generally some of these work well- Myrrh (calms mind and emotions), Orange (optimistic and detaches from drama), and Jasmine (helps resistance to change). It is time to have red flowers around since Aries loves the color red. New Moon in Aries comes about, bringing a new creation as you flow, no fear allowed as you walk on through, stay steady and confident In the know.

I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own life through astrology let me know in comments. I do readings and counseling and look forward to hearing from you. I also do Reiki teaching. Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Do release the fear. Look for miracles along the way. Put out intentions in the first 24 hours of New Moon. Many blessings! Until again, love, Jan

Full Moon in Libra, April 5-6, 2023 – Heal the emotional wounds

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How were the 2 weeks leading up to this Full Moon?  I am curious to hear your thoughts or feelings. Easter and Passover are almost upon us. I do hope you bring the goodness to your inner self so that you can be at peace. Life is so beautiful if you choose it to be. So many of you are still living in the craziness of this current world and I just wonder how you can deal with anything other than the illusion that it presents. Yet, there is still joy to be found. Do you choose to be happy? Life is not about the phone, the new AI technology that is overtaking everything or how much money you have. I choose to live a life of reality and bring the goodness around me. Will you choose that? Do you ever stop to just take a breath and stop beating yourself up with every negative that is available? Take a chance and look at you and what you are doing. Are you choosing a life that is yours or do you live for someone else? You tell me. When I go out I am happy and laughing and I know many do not even want to be in that kind of place. Why? Walk through the junk that is thrown at you and see how different life can be. If you are in a relationship and continue to harp and moan and yell at your partner then why did you choose it? Take a chance and do what you love to do and also have respect for the others in your life and what they choose to do. It is time to let the healing take place within and then it can do so with others.

Have you noticed how things are rapidly shifting as the minions are trying to keep us entertained with so much chatter with fear and doom? The indictment of former President Trump took place and now the arraignment happens on Tuesday, April 4. What is their true motive regarding this entire fiasco? I think I know. Dig deep and the truth will set you free. It is in effect the Stalinization of the government when he is being charged and the documents are sealed.  Ben Franklin stated: “Those who would give up a little bit of freedom in exchange for more security deserve neither.” And what is happening has all kinds of issues which are not appropriate to what is going on. Are you ready for the RESTRICT ACT? It is really not about TikTok. It is about the control of free speech in America. By the way if you are on the climate change bandwagon which is ok with me, just remember that evil carbon dioxide is a vital compound which plants need and so do humans since it synthesizes into oxygen. Why did the individual who was the Nashville shooter have on one pair of sneakers at first and later a different pair? Just curious! If you do not learn from history, you are bound to repeat it. Keep that in mind as everything begins to unfold on a deeper level. Censorship is in full force as life moves forward.

The Full Moon in Libra comes in on Thursday, April 6, at 12:34am EDT; 9:34pm PDT (April 5); and 4:34am GMT in 16 degrees 07’. The Sun is in Aires in the same degree. Aries likes to be independent and do its own thing. As for Libra it likes to be around lots of other individuals and groups. Libra is about relating in partnerships, committed relationships.  Are you committed? Not to the asylum, but to your partner? The Aries Sun wants the freedom to blaze trails, to take risks and believe me, likes to leap. Wherever that Aries Sun and Libra Moon falls in your chart is where you need to balance that relationship.  And even if you do not agree there is still a place for harmonious interaction. Aries is about finding your own identity and Libra is about giving up your own desires for the good of the partner. As you move through this full Moon in in Libra become aware if you need more boundaries between yourself and others. Creating strong boundaries is an important part of being in healthy relationships. When you maintain your boundaries, you can align with the soul’s mission more easily. You can also prioritize your needs while still showing up for other people. It is important to stay in the love principle. Staying within the higher vibration of love is not always possible; you are affected by many things within and around you, including the people we interact with each day. Uranus in Taurus quincunx the Full Moon in Libra says that the lunatic fringe may appear somewhere along the way. Stay away from it please.  Emotional outbursts, uncertainty and anxiety are some of the common items that show up. Some new events that are unexpected may bring new opportunities. Be calm about it.  Chiron opposes the Full Moon. This opposition signifies the need for a deep soul searching and inner healing. Chiron is about opening up the old wounds to be healed. Is there something that wounded you in the past that you have not dealt with? One step at a time and Jupiter is conjunct Chiron and also opposes the Full Moon. This potent cosmic influence only intensifies the need for restoring the self. Mars in Cancer trine Saturn in Pisces will bring you some structure needed to complete any difficult task that appears. And since they are connecting to Mercury then any creative ideas will be easy to understand.

Guess what? Oh no! Mercury the Trickster is going retrograde April 21. More on this in the New Moon Solar Eclipse post. Be prepared in advance- do not sign major contracts, important agreements; stay away from making major purchases; and do celebrate what you have in a relationship instead of starting with someone new.

Sun signs/Ascendant signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (13-20 degrees). Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those Sign degrees may also be somewhat affected. Wherever this Full Moon falls in your chart will tell you where you need to re balance.

A few tidbits about the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner or companion. Are there any relationships that you need to release?

Taurus – Volatility comes out. Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work. Letting go of any unhealthy habits and addictions are good to do.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative. Pay attention to your children. Find that creative place again.

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life. This is a perfect time to resolve any family issues that are present.

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through? Do you feel a need to explore more education?

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security. How can you monetize your creative skills? Think about it.

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now. This is a great time to overhaul lifestyle and let go of old beliefs.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry. Try meditation at this time. Release old stuff.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list. Good time to meet new people. Let go of those who do not resonate.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through. Try to reevaluate your image in public. Avoid burnout.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch what you say to others. Work it out. Travel abroad may be an interest. Have you thought about relocating?

Pisces – Search for peace is on the docket. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure. Release and purge what no longer is for your highest good.

As Easter comes in on Sunday many forget that Jesus Christ was fighting those who kept the truth from the people back then. He spent his adult life speaking truth challenging the status quo of his day. Remember He did push back against the Roman Empire. Search for the truth always!

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Life is changing as I write this and I ask you to stay in balance as you make decisions and let go what no longer is part of your path. You will know what that is if you take a breath and allow it to come to you. Keep your faith and let go of fear. Happy Passover and Happy Easter to those who celebrate and many blessings to all! Until again, love, Jan