Monthly Archives: September 2020

FULL MOON in Aries, October 1, 2020 – Clear the deepest wounds

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sitting here looking out at the change of season as it is foggy and gloomy and many are feeling just that. Yet I see that certain plants are thriving still and the birds are still flying about. If anyone looked out my window they would not see that life in this America is getting crazier by the moment. I feel like I am back in 2016 but now it is a thousand times more insane. Nothing seems to stand in the way of everything being a reality show of disdain, name-calling, accusations, lies, and any other thing you can think of. Is this really happening or have I been transported to another place in the universe? If you think this is weird then wait until you see everything that is coming up shortly. Fear-mongering by the mainstream media is so ridiculous. And many of you believe them. Dear Ones, I am asking you to wake up because life will not be the same if you allow this charade to continue. And I am not talking about the mundane that may infiltrate your daily living. I am speaking of your freedom.  Desperate is the word of the day. Why are you being pulled into the chaos? What can you do to bring back a real country of true values, spirituality and your rights? Please wake up or it may shake you awake. Life is about sharing your love and joy and being in your truth. Perhaps if you truly look within you will understand what is going on. Are you thinking for yourself, digging deeply to find out who you are? Amazing how the blindness has crept in and the programming that has taken place. Stay in your truth (not someone else’s opinions) and you know it will help you immensely.

A few tidbits- “There is NO science, meaning no randomized control trials, which suggest that wearing a mask might have any impact in reducing the spread of a virus.”  Mayor DeBlasio said anyone in NYC who doesn’t wear a mask will be fined. Voting is disrupted with mail-in ballots are being thrown away. Just heard the 911 lines were down across the country. I wonder how many stores will stay open down the line. It is getting ridiculous out there with all the state restrictions still going on. New SCOTUS nominee Amy Coney Barrett is getting more harassment than anyone could imagine and I wonder what her real truth is. More Napa Valley wineries are hit by the fires. And on Tuesday night the first debate between President Trump and former VP Joe Biden takes place in Cleveland. Ain’t seen nothing yet!!! And that’s exactly what I saw. Unbelievable! The President of Belarus turned down $940million aid to lockdown his country. Good for him. It was offered from the IMF and World Bank. Interesting to say the least!

The Full Moon in Aries arrives on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 5:06pm EDT; 2:06pm PDT; and 9:06pm GMT in 9 degrees 8’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Libra. It is a time of fertilization, romance and relationships. Whatever you started at the previous New Moon can come to fruition. So the Sun in Libra says it likes to compromise and feel good about relationships. Whereas the Moon in Aries is all about asserting the self and going out there doing courageous things. It is about independence and desiring companionship. Within you something is brewing so that you cannot hold it within anymore. You will need to express it and you will. Release is the keyword for any Full Moon. And much of the expression may not be exactly easy to say.  Is there something you wish to initiate that has been poking at you for some time? What shows up that you now know is important to your relationships and now you express it? Stand in your truth/power as you also stand up for others reconciling the balance of opposites. Onward!!

Well, here comes the revved up energy that makes the actions out there in the world even more intense. Go away I say. On a personal level drama may show up and thrill you to pieces. Not. Chiron is conjunct the Moon in Aries so the since it is the wounded healer it brings more healing energies in. Go beyond the drama and see something in a new light so that you can now feel much better than you have been. Whatever is holding you emotionally hostage is now ready for release. Chiron aspect is the only aspect that is close to the Full Moon and may open up the present time so you can see what is down the road. Are you ready for the beginning of where this is going in the fall season? Prepare.  Jupiter in Capricorn is loosely square (8degrees) to the Full Moon in Aries which says watch out for hot tempers and things being exaggerated. Stay in the Libra Sun place of being fair without being pulled into any turmoil. I noticed that Venus in Leo is sextile the North Node in Gemini and if it doesn’t feel good right now then I suggest you go sit someplace special and watch what shows up after you just relax. What love is there that you put aside? What goodness evades you because you see it not? Are you fearful of the magical energy? Remember Mars is still retrograde in Aries and that can bring many projects to a slowdown. And soon Mercury goes retrograde in Libra (October 13 2020 –November 3 2020).

Dear old Eris dwarf planet in Aries is in the picture sitting right with Mars in Aries (about 5 degrees away) and also square Pluto in Capricorn. This started in 2019. I am running and hiding. It is important to know the truth now. She is a Goddess of discord. Oh, yay. She wants to change and reform what is necessary. She is like a feminine Mars and is supportive of the feminine side of you. Do know that she wants change and change it is. And as you look at the Eris-Apple of Discord in some eyes (President Trump) it will be noted that he may be playing this role whether anyone likes it or not. Change is the keyword and be ready for it to come about. And it will continue into the beginning of next year.

The most intensely affected are the following birthdays: Libra/September 30-October 6; Capricorn/ December 28-January 3; Aries/March 27-April 2; and Cancer/June 28-July 4 at 6-12degrees.  If you have planets at or near the degrees affected in those signs then you will also feel the intensity in some way.  A few thoughts at the Full Moon for the Signs/Rising Signs:

Aries-Are others creating chaos? Lots of shaking going on! Take a walk or get a massage. Is there a lesson? You are in the limelight even with a wound that may show up from the depths.

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen.  Soul-searching in your work, health or within may precipitate changes.

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. BE true to you is the answer. Romance and friendship may need some work..

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting. Balance needed between career and home life.

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently. Some topics come to conclusion.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. There may be some soul-searching regarding emotional intimacy or financial concerns.

Libra- Will you allow behavior of those around you to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward. What is it saying about your partnerships?

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self. Balance both areas of work and inner self.

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different. Use your creativeness to soar.

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Are there some disrupting forces in home or family area? Stop trying to keep things the way they are. Don’t let the upsets keep you off course.

Aquarius- It is time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom. What are you waiting for?

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. Your money/finances are in the limelight. Break free from old thinking. Values matter.

Thank you for reading and sharing if you will. Full Moon in Aries will definitely change something in your life. It is the first of two full moons in October. The other is on October 31 2020. Best wishes and blessings for whatever comes in. Tune in to Wizards Within on Monday October 12 for insights on the New Moon in Libra and other interesting things to help you on your path. Until again, love, Jan

NEW MOON in Virgo, September 17, 2020 – Details matter

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Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Wherever you find yourself in this world as it chimes right now much is not what it seems. Much attention was focused in the last week around the 19 year anniversary of the Twin Towers going down. As I sat and pondered that scene from way back when so many lost loved ones on that day. May the families continue to be blessed.  Many insights have come through and many disputes as to what actually occurred. Not for this time…perhaps down the road. And you say, sure it is exactly that which is happening is what it is. Whether then or now it is way deeper than you think and it may be good to look beyond the veil. With so much chaos going on it may be time to just focus on your inner workings and daily doings instead of getting caught up in the insanity at the moment. Many have let their minds rule and hidden their hearts which says to me that you are uncomfortable to resonate with love. By being in your mind you may think that some things may have to go because it makes you feel uncomfortable because the mind makes it uneasy to deal with. So, instead of looking within the heart core and allowing the truth to appear, many will just say the following:  I am done with this and who cares what happens or else many will just follow the crowd. The discomfort is just too much and instead of walking through it, many of you resist the energy which is helping clear out the past patterns, negative thoughts, stubbornness, and fear.

As I sit by myself wishing I was interacting in person with others much of the time I have decided that life is too short to be in fear. And so many that I encounter out there are terrified or just not present to the moment. I hear that the lockdowns according to Dr. Fauci are going to go beyond the fall through the winter. Fear factor, it is. What does he know that no one else does?  Sorry, this is beyond my comprehension. According to something I found to be interesting is that when one hears there is a spike in the virus it is because more testing has taken place not that there are new cases. Pennsylvania and Ohio are now being challenged due to their lockdowns among the rest of their doings. I feel so sad that California is being burned to the ground. And it is not due to climate change or that bunk. It is being done by arsonists who are being supported to do so. And the LA County Sheriff has challenged LeBron James, NBA player, to match the reward for finding the gunman who shot two deputies in Compton Saturday night. If he does not, I think much of NBA is going to be on the hot seat. Many are no longer watching due to the politicizing actions. And I saw there was a protest closing the George Washington Bridge the other day. Unbelievable!

The New Moon in Virgo comes in on Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 7am EDT; 4am PDT; and 11am GMT in 25 degrees 1’. The Sun is in Virgo at the exact degree of the Moon. The New Moon is trine to both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Some things that Virgo rules in your daily life are physical health, hygiene, those who serve others and many other things, It is about the service you give to others and your daily habits/ routine, the working environment, pets.Since the New Moon in Virgo is about purification, it is time to clean out your body and mind and that around you. And it is also about healing aspects of you. Healing hands can help you. You may experience something magical. With the New Moon trine to retrograde Pluto in Capricorn and also is trine to Saturn which is also in Capricorn. Wow. You choose to transform your life then start doing it instead of sitting there on the chair and lazing about. This is a time when it is easy to flow with finding daily routines in exercising, nutrition and anything like that which will benefit you in the long run. So what are you waiting for? Set your intentions to lose weight, change your diet and get everything back on track with your health and wellness. New Moon in Virgo wants you to take responsibility for this. With it trine to retrograde Saturn it says to break down your biggest dreams into many smaller intentions/goals to make them more workable. Those small leaps can lead to Pluto helping you have major transformation.

The New Moon in Virgo is quincunx (imbalance) Mars retrograde in Aries. Uh, oh!! Mars retrograde which began on September 9th may stall the moving forward a bit. Much impatience is indicated and some frustration. Watch out for impulsiveness which may bring out angry outbursts too. Keep the temper tantrums to a minimum unless you wish to be stuck. Take one step/day at a time and clear out any negativity. You think that ego defenses are good for you; well they serve as a mask in some ways. And you know what? Ego masks do not work  So let the reactions go out the door. Remember anger is not the answer. Figure out what you really need to do and walk with it.

Mercury in Libra is square to Jupiter in Capricorn on the day of the New Moon.  it will expand your mind and what you think about. Jupiter just went direct on September 12 2020. For those who are earth signs it is a good opportunity to take a leap. Jupiter has been retrograde since May and it gave you some time to look at how you can bring about a more joyful time in your life and also for the world. Of course in this year to me it was not as obvious yet I found myself saying no matter what was going on I was staying in a place of heart and joy. And those with whom I came in contact sort of looked at me with strangeness because the world was certainly not a place of joy and having faith that all will turn out the way you allow it to do within and then it happens. And as it goes direct it is beneficial to take that joy and let it shine brightly on you knowing that your faith is helping you be who you came to be. Uranus also is retrograde in Taurus at 10 degrees. Be your authentic self.

As the New Moon in Virgo energy takes effect five days later dancing in the sun is the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2020. It falls in Libra so it is about getting relationships in balance. Funny thing, you have noticed they are a bit off, huh? Those more intensely affected are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in late degrees (21-28) of the signs. Birthdays affected: March 12-19; June 12-19; September 15-22; and December 12-19. Here are some tidbits:

Aries -This is an excellent time for connections of all sorts. New work may come into the mix in the next couple of months. Lay back a bit so you stay in good health.

Taurus –Creativity and romantic involvements are highlighted and children too!  New love may enter picture. Watch out for any critical commenting. Is there a new project ready to run?

Gemini –Are you looking to bring more beauty to your home or getting a new one? Or is there going to be lots of entertaining in your surroundings? Or is organizing it the key?

Cancer – It is time to get away on a short jaunt. Take a drive or go take a walk in the woods and see how your energy changes. Reach out to others in your daily life.

Leo –Your self-esteem gets a charge. Financial talk and planning may take you in a new direction and even bring in some added revenue to the table.

Virgo- Now is the time to look for a new routine for your health and who you are. Big changes come in the next few months. Start fresh and look at how to better yourself.

 Libra – You are running all the time. Take some time and go within and try some quiet time and meditate. It is time for a slowdown and release what is holding you back from moving ahead.

Scorpio – New goals are in the picture so go for it in the next months. Also, new friends show up and old ones are ready to be there. Enjoy the camaraderie.

Sagittarius- Where is your career headed? Do you have a new direction in mind? How do you intend to advance? Stay in the positive. Dreams may come true.

Capricorn—Intentions about work, travel and good interactions will make this a grand time. What new skills and talents are waiting for you to take up?

Aquarius – is there money coming to you out of the blue? Is there a new intimate connection coming into your life or is the one you have getting better? Transform something.

Pisces –In your relationship give it your all and plant more loving seeds. Remember to stay practical and stop sacrificing so much. You may have a reason to celebrate together.

Thank you for reading and sharing with others. Bring your heart together with your mind and the world around you will open to brightness. New ideas are waiting for you. Watch that temper and keep your cool. Check out Wizards Within podcast every other Monday night at 9pm ET. Until again, be blessed, love, Jan