Monthly Archives: July 2022

New Moon in Leo, July 28, 2022 – Let the positive change happen

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Summer is almost half over and all I hear is the heat is unbearable. I have always thought summer is hot normally. I let myself get into a rut lately and now I said no way it is going to stop me from leaping forward. Where are you today? Are you truly being your truth no matter what the world says or does? By the way, how many of you were glued to your cell phone today? Is it helping you find your passion? I decided that it is time to truly delve into the purpose of who I am which is something I have done on some level for years yet I feel now is the time of jumping into the truth totally. On the other hand…it is amazing what I notice in my life these days. The fear of living is humongous. Why do I say that? Well, Dear Ones I continue to observe the actions and words of those around me or even those who come in for a brief moment. The fear is all there is.  And I have never heard so much superficial conversation in my life. Perhaps you need to step back a moment and search for meaning in your life. And you say the truth is what is going on. And I say there is no truth in the world today. It is hidden behind the need to produce fear. And fear seeps through when your root/base chakra is blocked.  If you know history this is a repetitive process that has continued since after the so-called Civil War. Oh, what do I know? I know almost nothing since much is hidden in the cracks in the walls. Is fear your favorite place that brings out your truth? Everything you have in your life you have attracted to yourself because of the person you are. Can you understand that? What you think is what you get. What you feel is what is drawn to you. I ask you to take that feeling and thinking and let it open to the deepest part of your heart so that the New Moon can bring you a passionate new beginning. ”Don’t give into your fears, if you do you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” (Paolo Coelho)

Can academic life at universities get any worse? If you speak the truth, it is a big uh oh. I feel sorry for all the children who will never know history. The cracks in the wall are silent. Were you aware that there is a patent for subliminal acoustic manipulation of the nervous system?  Many food supply freezers are failing. Why? Are you prepared? Can you imagine what is compromising immune systems out there? According to the Lancet medical journal…it is none other than the vaccine. And please remember to get your insects instead of meat to eat. Where am I? Why are they lowering benefits to veterans yet paying illegal aliens? And all I see (in news and otherwise) is almost nude chicks displaying everything and celebrities telling you how grand they are. The distractions are leading you to be controlled totally or it is my imagination. Did you know Amazon now owns a good part of the healthcare industry? And the most interesting news of this week-Dr. Birx knew that the vaccine would not protect against the COV19. No surprise!!!

The grand New Moon in Leo arrives on Thursday, July 28, 2022 at 1:54pm EDT; 10:54am PDT; and 5:54pm GMT in 05°38′. The Sun will be in the exact degree in Leo. What will it bring to you?  First of all it lightens the energy and says get your passion back on track. It is time to find that joyous point within and then you may wish to spread it to others. Bring about your creative piece that you have ignored for so long and get it out there and make it happen. This Leo New Moon is also about opening your heart. Do you truly know what that means? The ego wants to compete and be recognized and the heart wants to compromise and help others. What do you choose to do? Will you be able to bring them both into alignment so that you can speak the truth and move into that place of joy? That is exactly what this New Moon in Leo is saying to you. Connect with your joy. Connect with your inner child. Find your creativity. Can you bring that authentic you out in the open and watch how others start to see your sunshine. Yes, it does work. And maybe it is a bit ego but you are just going with what drives your passion. If you dislike what you are doing and your interest is not present, then find something that makes you roar like the lion of Leo. All the energy is helped with Jupiter in Aries being trine the New Moon.  It will help you bring in high spirits and enthusiasm. Your self-confidence gets a boost.  It is time to fight for what you need. Then again Jupiter In Aries goes retrograde the same day as the New Moon shows up and says if you have a habit that is out of control then it may give you an opportunity to get rid of negative habits, addictions and behaviors which no longer serve your highest good. You may feel a bit like you wish to slow down and that creative moment may be a bit stuck.  You can still proceed forward in a slower manner and work on any blocks. It is time to make sure you are on track and without being impulsive or erratic in your actions. If something shows up that is uncomfortable address it in a good way. Jupiter goes direct on November 23.

Nervous tension may appear as Mercury in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus the day of the New Moon in Leo. Watch for arguments that may show up due to a misunderstanding. A breakthrough may happen due to the fact you may be looking at life from a different perspective. Your concentration may be off so check things out before going with a plan. You may just want to go out and have fun and oh well about anything else. Mars in Taurus conjunct Uranus may create disruptions in finances.

Creatively speaking you can accomplish something beautiful if you actually stay positive and bring your heart into it. Are you willing to choose happiness in the present moment? Those most intensely affected are Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus at 2-8 degrees and birthdays of Leo (July 25-July 31); Scorpio (October 26-November 1); Aquarius (January 23-January 29); and Taurus (April 23-April 29). If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at the degrees then those will also be affected.

Aries-Take constructive action and you may find yourself involved with children or creative ventures. A big boost of confidence shows up.  Open up to love.

Taurus- Is redecorating on the plate? Something new that comes in may feel uncomfortable. Be the real you in expressing yourself no matter how others act.

Gemini- Lots of activity in your daily life including communication and you may feel that there is no one to relate to.  A short trip may help. Think outside the box.

Cancer-Some money issues come up since you want to splurge. The may be some confusion hanging around. It is time for a change. Added money comes.

Leo-You can charm anyone now so push it to the limits and make some wishes they may just show up. Let the light shine since you are the center of attention.

Virgo-Raw emotional trigger shows up in either a business or intimate setting behind the scenes. Go with any new ideas that may pop up at the last moment.

Libra-A possible new beginning in your social life can take place with networking peaking. Enjoy the camaraderie with new friends or those from before.

Scorpio- Your public and career sector are put out your good intentions.  Do you have a new direction in mind? Stay in the positive.

Sagittarius-Take the long-range view and watch for an opportunity that can show up as you look to the future. There is a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Capricorn-New Moon emphasizes finances and sexual intimacy. Keep love seeds planted. Be kinder to yourself and move into powerful self-empowerment.

Aquarius- Is there a new intimate connection coming or is the one you have getting better? Togetherness is good. Use energy now for a reset in partnership.

Pisces-Good time to initiate plans for your well-being and take a look at what is working and not at work. Take some down time and make a vision board.

Thank you for reading and sharing, Dear Ones.  Keep those heartfelt thoughts flowing and stay in the moment. The Lion’s Gate Portal opens on August 8th. I will have an update on this near that time. Sending well wishes and blessings to you as the New Moon energy comes in. Until again, blessings, Love, Jan

FULL MOON in Capricorn, July 13, 2022 – Let go and take a leap forward

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Summer is in full swing and if you think about it the year is half over. How can that be? The eggs in the nest on my porch are now 2 baby robins who were hanging around the porch for a short time and now they are off and I see them in a tree now and then. Each one has a new life as they fly from tree to tree. Amazing they are! Do you think your life is amazing? Do you feel your heart glow when you know you are doing what you came here to do? Why am I asking these questions? As you celebrated the birth of America on July 4 it is disturbing that many young boys and girls and even those who are older do not know who USA declared independence from when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Unbelievable it is. It is time to open your eyes and see what is happening in the world as the powerful energy comes to you. As I have often said, nothing is as it seems. There is a hidden revolution going on and you are seeing the chaos that comes from it. The ongoing struggle between the old matrix ways in which we have been trapped for centuries is now on the way out. Those who have created this are hanging on in any way to continue to control and bombard you in any way they can.

Some news tidbits: Were you aware that on June 28 2022 the FDA granted the Pharm Companies the right to alter their drug makeups without clinical trials? Sri Lanka government has collapsed. The heat is getting worse in the western part of the USA among other places in the South. What is going on in Lake Mead? The water is low.  Many earthquakes are happening around the USA. What can be causing them? DOJ January 6 docs have been leaked to The Gateway Pundit. Now see what happens. A natural gas plant in Oklahoma has exploded and there may have been an explosion in Texas too!! Where are the Supreme Court Justices lately?

The Full Moon in Capricorn shows up on Wednesday July 13 2022 at 2:37pm EDT; 11:37am PDT and 4:37pm 21 degrees 21’. The Sun is at the same degree in Cancer. It is within 6 degrees of conjuncting Pluto in Capricorn at 27 degrees and it is opposite Mercury in Cancer. Capricorn is a deliberate and practical sign and can be too serious at times. And it has always been more patriarchal and masculine. The Sun in Cancer encourages us to value our home life and our family roots, especially familial attachments and relationships, but the Moon in Capricorn persuades us to consider our sense of duty and responsibility in public and professional life. It could be considered that this Full Moon embodies the balance of unconditional and conditional love. The Full Moon lights up where this is needed.  It is about getting rid of any relationship, situation or unhealthy habit that has overstayed its visit. The Sun in Cancer encourages us to value our home life and our family roots, familial attachments and relationships, but the Moon in Capricorn persuades us to consider our sense of duty in professional life.

This is an intense time in your life. The Full Moon itself brings attention to your home versus work; and family and intimate relationships into focus. This Full Moon can bring about big reactions and disagreements too? How will you handle this discord? With Pluto close to the Moon it can suggest the solution is there if you look for it. Or it may just show up. Maybe if you let your intuitive side come in and also think outside the box it may keep you out of any arguments. As much as you may get pulled into the worldly chaos it is wise to think about going within and becoming One with self so that you have a better perspective instead of jumping into any kind of argument. This Full Moon conjunct Pluto also is set to jump into intense sexual action. On the other hand, Pluto opposes Sun in Cancer. This is a time to be honest. There may be a true feeling of being alone. Both the loneliness of being an individual and the connection of being One with the Universe can exist simultaneously. The power struggle is present in the background too? Will you allow it to take you off track? This Full Moon wants you to take responsibility. It asks you to step up yet stay out of the drama that someone else may bring in. In fact, if that happens then it is time to pull back and go within for a short time and reflect. So if someone triggers you what do you do? You respond by going within and stay grounded and emotionally in tune. Release trying to control everything and everyone.

With the Full Moon also opposing Mercury in Cancer you may find yourself caught between using your head or using your heart to come up with solutions. You need to chill out and relax or there may be anxiety, confusion and indecisiveness. Meditation can help sort it all out. And take a look at any feelings that may be holding you back. If you need to make important decisions take your time doing so. And to remind you that peace is always right there in front of you at this time since the Full Moon is sextile to Neptune in Pisces. The Full Moon is trine Uranus in Taurus which says you may wish to act more spontaneously, be creative, initiate change and move on from unhealthy relationships. New friends may be in the picture that is if you choose to open to them since Mercury in Cancer is sextile Uranus in Taurus and this may help change your thinking to more positivity. If you are unsure you are on the right path then The North Node in Taurus trine the Full Moon may show you that you are. Venus is still in Gemini until July 17. You will want to continue communicating your love.

Those affected more intensely are those who have personal planets from 18-25 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Birthdays are approximately April 8-15; July 10-17; October 12-19 ; and January 9-16. Just happens that the Full Moon is within a couple of degrees from my natal moon. It is telling me it is about finances or transformation.

Some tidbits for the Sun signs and rising signs-

Aries- Frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities. A whole new chapter in life has arrived for you.

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspire you onward. It may be very practical. Let go the past. It is a chance to shine.

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up some financial matters. Good stuff.  More abundance comes your way. Maybe even some good intimacy comes.

Cancer-Your independence can put you at odds in a relationship. You are in driver’s seat. Yet, somehow love may seem magical now. Focus on pleasure.

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. Watch your health. Will you switch one job for another? Possibly!!!

Virgo-You can make some improvements with your creative enterprises, children or lovers. Embrace your heart at this time. You can be very busy now.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through. You may be moving or fixing up your abode. Family time too!!

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions no matter what. Are you writing something now?  Let your heart thoughts be shared.

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management needed.  Will there be money coming in? Are you looking to find new resources?

Capricorn- Some differences come to light and are charged up. Rebuild on solid ground. Transformative year begins and may put you in the spotlight.

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. Some urgencies in your daily work possible. Take a chill pill and relax and rejuvenate body and mind and spirit.

Pisces- Look for that friend or community ally to help you get that project going. You can do it. Celebrate with friends the good things and ne ready to leap.                                                                   

If you wish to use essential oils to lighten up the energy–Lemon essential oil is good to cheer up your serious side if you choose. Bergamot is good for too much work. Neroli is good for inner peace,

Thank you for reading and sharing if you choose. With this powerful Full Moon it is wise to stay focused and go within for the love to support you even though the world is flying in all different directions. Have a blessed Full Moon and stay in the moment. Be well, until again, Love, Jan