Monthly Archives: January 2017

NEW MOON in Aquarius, January 27/28 2017-Will you allow your independent authentic self to emerge?


How have you been in this craziness the last couple of weeks? I am amazed at the amount of untruths that continue to pop up in the media along with the basic fears showing up for so many individuals. What is the fear about? I keep asking myself am I living in a dreamland filled with those who are real; or am I living in reality and everyone else lives in a far off land to which I have no connection. So what is really going on here? I find it fascinating that so many avoid the inner wisdom and prefer to jump into the maelstrom of vindictiveness, crazy actions and hiding behind other’s beliefs. This New Moon in Aquarius may help set it all straight in a very unexpected way. I guess it will manifest the way one intends it to do so. And along with the New Moon the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster arrives on the same day. If you are looking to climb to new levels in all areas of your life then here is your chance. This won’t happen if you are just sitting on your couch.

In the meantime I am absolutely astonished regarding those who continue to not think for themselves. Aquarius is about the visionary, community involvement and friendships. It is about free-thinking and independent spirit. Maybe the Aquarian New Moon will give you the opportunity to open your eyes to a different perspective on what is going on in your life and the world in general. Maybe it will also whisper in your ears that you can make a difference without name-calling, slurs and all negative actions that I have seen in the past few months. This is leading up to a wake-up call for many. I am totally befuddled by the attention-seeking behavior of women these days. Yes, the feminine principle has long been in effect yet kept in check by many. A lot of it will just be a verbal circus and not to be taken seriously. At present with this new moon in Aquarius there is a different masculine energy that emerges also. What will happen is up to you?  In the meantime there is lots of resentment. There are ugly words and anything but peaceful protesting obvious to me in the marches by women around the world. Do you really think the comments by Madonna and Ashley Judd will take women to a new place in society?. I guess I must be from the other planet because I see this so differently than most. But that is ok since it is a necessary thing to happen so eventually those who continue to walk in the dream state or live in the bubble will wake up. Because I am a woman I have my rights. Yes, I  do. Get a grip because life will continue to change and if you continue to be negative then that is what you will get from others-negativity.

The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on January 27 2017 at 7:06 PM EST, 4:06 PM PST and 12:06 AM GMT.(January 28) at 8 degrees 15’. The Sun is also at the same degree in Aquarius. There is no major aspect affecting it. There is a conjunction with Isis and Osiris asteroids of Egyptian realm which may bring more focus on twin flames and the abandonment issue in relationships. It lends a very strong energy to your relationship and many fear the depth of feelings that come up. Does it mean a coming together of more twin flames with deep love this coming month? Isis and Osiris are about the balance between the masculine and feminine and since they are in Aquarius right now it says something unexpected or unusual will be in the mix along with a freedom-bent. So for now during this New Moon energy it tells you to let go of preconceived notions about a possible twin flame connection. It will be what it is.

In the meantime Uranus rules Aquarius of the New Moon. In the ancient world Saturn was the ruler. The energies of Uranus are electric and crammed with change. Uranus is forward-looking. Uranus dislikes tradition and celebrates your individuality and creativity. Negative expression of Uranus is being a rebel without a cause and taking no responsibility. When Uranus is not developed, it reacts; but when natives are truly in tune with its energies, Uranus is highly intuitive and that urge will help bring about originality. It is time to focus on your individuality. With Aquarian Moon it asks you to liberate yourself from some situation that has bogged you down and then you will find that you can start a new creation with this New Moon. All the planets are direct now at the New Moon so you no longer are held back in taking big leaps forward. Are you going to do this? I hope you find a way to find the inspiration to do so. Create now and you will be amazed at where it takes you. Use some Neroli essential oil for this New Moon.

Venus in Pisces is squaring (in conflict) Saturn in Sagittarius. So it is saying that old karmic stuff is rearing its ugly head if I may be so trite. Yes, it is time to realize what you need to finally let go depending on where it falls in your natal blueprint. What causes most fear in you regarding your belief about love? Is that what needs to be released. I think so. This can cause big problems in all forms of relationships whether in business or your romantic life. Try not to push partners away, and work towards taking the initiative towards breaking through any walls that may have built up. Marriages can be rocky at this time if touched by this New Moon. Either you or your partner could feel unappreciated by the other. Why not reach out with a big hug?  Watch you aren’t taken for granted even in work arena. Also, be sure to look carefully at contracts or other agreements made at this time. The good news is that if the romance or business collaboration makes it through this New Moon test phase it should go into a finer place as you create a new beginning. Venus is also about money. You may feel a bit more ambitious and work much harder this month to stand out amongst others.

This can also be a time when you arrive at a crossroads and must make some firm choices, or when circumstances might force you to change your direction. The outcome is up to you and may be different than what you looked for.

Mars moves into its own sign Aries (the same day of the New Moon) where it commands its world. This is the beginning of a new cycle since it has been two years since Mars has been home. If you have Mars in Aries in your natal chart then you will be ready to start again and move forward. Where does it fall in your chart will tell you where the new cycle starts and what is the main focus. Mars is about progress and achievement. It is a good time to set those intentions for the year. If you lost your passion now you may feel a new surge of such. Will you sense a rebirth? And Mercury finally leaves its retrograde shadow on the New Moon day. This means the confusion, delays and miscommunications of the last 2 months have mostly dissipated. Look for more choices now. Look for a new decision or a way of understanding may be better. It is time to take another look at whatever the question you put off during Mercury retrograde.

Thank you for reading and do share with others if you choose. I wish you well and thank you for you and all you do. Bring out the individual within and create a new direction. Tune into Going Beyond Astrology on SGN Tuesdays at 9pm EST and check out (new article on Looking for Love with Venus and love asteroids; also other great articles). May the Divine shower you with love and blessings. Get those intentions out there. Until again. Love, Jan


FULL MOON in CANCER, January 12, 2017-Where do the intensified feelings take you?

full-moon-wolf-moonHappy New Year to one and all! Hope you are enjoying the new beginning in your life. Have you finally let the fears behind? Have you grabbed your pen, your paintbrush, your sketchbook to stir up the vision that you choose to create? It is now time. Yes, now!! Not yesterday or tomorrow. Life is quickly going by, the energy is intense and will get more so as the year progresses; so do it now. Did you start anything while Mercury was retrograde at the New Moon in Capricorn? You may have to reevaluate and revise as it just went direct Sunday, January 8, 2017. But it can also be the harvest time for some. Let’s take a look at a few worldly things and then I will talk on the Full Moon.

From Sputnik News: “A highly-anticipated declassified US intelligence report, aimed to prove that Russia supported Donald Trump, has turned out to be a huge embarrassment. The annex that contained factual material that was thought to provide evidence of RT influencing the American public was compiled in December 2012, right after the reelection of Barack Obama.” Yes, that is very true. I just read an article about how the future is being shaped right now in ways that would blow you away in a mind-altering way. What am I saying? Are you ready to deal with cyborgs? On another note it looks like Mr. Trump wishes to go all out about autism in children. That is the best news yet. Don’t worry you can go back to your phones. Never mind. Snow in Venice. Canals are frozen. Antarctica has a huge chunk of ice ready to let go. Did you hear about any of this? And one more thing- states are beginning to reject Common Core education. Hopefully the states that have not even considered doing so will wake up already. Are you paying attention at all or are you just stuck in media speak? Remember if you do not learn to think for yourself then where will it take you? You haven’t seen anything yet. And since today is another 111 portal, some may be surprised at the opening that arrives in the next 7 days. I refer to those who have been paying attention and working on themselves energetically. Enough said.

Full Moon in Cancer visits us on January 12, 2017 at 6:33 am EST; 3:33am PST and 11:33am GMT in 22 degrees 25’. The Sun is in Capricorn at the same degree. Capricorn is about the outside world. And Full Moon in Cancer is about the inner workings of the emotions. Are you feeling the energy building as the Full Moon approaches? It is getting intense now and emotionally volatile. It could go lots of different ways due to the presence of the Grand Square with Jupiter in Libra opposition Uranus in Aries/Eris (goddess of discord) which squares the Full Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn. Are you feeling insecure at this time due to Pluto in Capricorn being involved also since it is conjunct the Sun?  Cooperation and patience will be needed with this aspect. Pluto is opposite the Full Moon and it wants to transform it. This Full Moon is saying to you even if you are feeling insecure you need to find your independence. Yes, you read that right. Where will this Grand Square take you? How nice to have the lovely Uranus /Eris couple sitting in your home at this time. Maybe just lock them away somewhere. Just joking since I am sure they would not like that and would stir the pot even more since Uranus is about the unexpected and Eris loves the discord.

This is a time as with all Full Moons that is telling you that others may be a mirror to help you learn about your own behavior which helps with personal growth. Something may emerge which may call for compromise between partners. Along with this you may be emotionally sensitive.

At last you can feel instead of thinking. How wonderful is that?  No thinking now. It is time to really go deep within and feel the inner being that is you. What does that heart of yours tell you? Do you go with the feelings that come to you and may feel overwhelming at times or will you allow the outer expanses of your daily living to overtake the feeling? You tell me what you choose. I say let the emotions rise; let the feelings come about and see what occurs.

This Full Moon may take you back to your childhood in regards to actions by parents, siblings and/or children involved. Do make sure you stay in balance if something occurs in your home or other setting that triggers a past event in your life from childhood or even past life memories.

In the meantime Mars (passion and drive) and Chiron (wounds) are both in Pisces trining the Full Moon in Cancer. Exciting it is. So if you are looking for the final release on those past patterns, fears and you name it (all those things that have been hanging on and I have talked about for months) then you just might have the gumption to take one final push and say bye to them. What a relief that will be if you can get on board and do it now. Whew. And if crying is part of the process just allow the tears to flow so the healing can take place.

This is an especially good time for looking at relationships and see if they are in balance. If not, then what actually may be causing it to have any disharmonious factors? Are your intentions and their intentions on the same page and how do they play into the whole energy pattern? Now is the time to really dig within and come up with a solution. Along with the Full Moon effect going on then there is Venus conjunct Neptune. This brings about a romantic essence to this moon energy. It may make you a bit dreamy about your relationship or may sweep you off your feet. It is highly intimate. Of course with everything else going on you may just pull back totally and not get involved right at this time. Will it be beautiful or just not going to be a part of your life anymore?

Since Jupiter in Libra is opposite Uranus in Aries you may find yourself wanting to have a good time and something comes into the mix to shift it. Are you rebelling now against something so that you can keep on doing what you want? It can open it all up to success if you allow it. Is there something unexpected that comes up and throws it all out the door? How will you react? Anyone who is more Uranian may find that you get major inspiration. On the other hand,

Saturn the taskmaster in Sagittarius helps steady the whole dynamic  through respect and having discipline. But since Saturn is inconjunct the Full Moon you may feel a bit uncomfortable with the whole partnership angle even though Jupiter/Uranus is saying what issue. Just do it. Before I take a look at the Saturn influence in your life right now here are some tidbits about the Full Moon for the signs and rising signs:

Aries- In your 4th house of foundations– Engage in practical negotiations. Balance your career with your family and home and things will be ok.

Taurus- In your 3rd house of communication- Major changes may be afoot. Look at what improvements need to be made.

Gemini- In your 2nd house of money and resources-What are you willing to let go and transform?

Cancer- In your own sign/ first house of self tells you that you can put your needs to the forefront and also look at how you relate to others. Take care of you!!!

Leo- In your 12th house of Secrets the Full Moon says no matter what you say others are the mirrors of your soul. You may need to make changes that favor your well-being.

Virgo- In your 11th house of Friends and Community says that you may want to ask others to help you in your quest and stop doing it all yourself. You are still the artist.

Libra- In your 10th house of Career and make yourself visible to those important in your life. You do deserve all that comes to you so be open to it. Watch any power struggles.

Scorpio- In your 9th house of Higher Truth says to you that stop being insecure if you do not have the credentials you need. Some of your beliefs may truly shift. Dramatic time.

Sagittarius- In your 8th house of Deep Sharing-Create a healthy balance in your financial life. Throw out what you no longer need. Transform something in your life.

Capricorn- In your 7th house of Partnerships- Drama may show up. Release that which no longer works and then you can move into a relationship that does. Take your time.

Aquarius- In your 6th House of Work and Health- Time to address any work or health issues. You do gain emotional security from a regular routine.

Pisces- In your 5th House of Love and Creativity- Something may need to be realigned. Speak with your heart not your mind. Make changes starting now that make you happy.

The Sun signs/rising signs that are affected most intensely are Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Aries in17-25 degrees. Birthdays affected are: July 10-July 18; October 9-17; January 6-14 and April 6-14.

I pulled three Pages of Shustah cards for general influences of the Full Moon in Cancer. They are: (The Candle) which says to throw some light on the issue and ( Lord of Contemplation) says think before acting and (Divine Horse)you get what you need.

Thank you for reading and I wish you lots of blessings for a grand New Year which brings all that you desire now. Check out my radio show Going Beyond Astrology at 9pm EST Tuesdays on SGN. and look for my new January article in which is Hawk Medicine and Mercury Retrograde. Stay in the flow at this intense Full Moon in Cancer. Until again. Love, Jan