Monthly Archives: December 2016

New Moon in Capricorn, December 28/29 2016-Manifesting dreams by releasing all but the authentic you


What an unusual holiday season! How is it going with you and yours this time of celebration? This is a time of new seeds as the New Moon approaches as it is at every new moon. Do you have intentions for the time period and also the coming New Year? Where will it find you in 2017? Same old same old? Or will you take that leap that you have been pondering since the beginning of this past year? And have you let go of the many things that no longer are pertinent to you like grudges, rivalries, past patterns, habits, fears and old behavior? Just wondering how you intend to move forward with any negativity holding you back. The energy that has been coming in has been affecting many of you and you cannot figure out why or what is happening. This energy will continue to get stronger because it is here to wake you up. Yes, that is correct. So, if you are still holding onto the past, do not. Get yourself into a peaceful place and stop bellyaching about who, what, when where and why anything happened in the past to you? Take a look at it and you know what, let it go. Seriously, it is important. It is a very positive thing to do. Try it. I have and have been successful at the releasing of the old.

Odds and ends of the world are beyond my interest anymore. It is as if it is all a bunch of gobbledygook and who cares. It is filled with lies and deceptions so deep it makes my head spin. Oh, yes, there are things that would be good to take a look and assess before going off the deep end. Many famous personalities have passed on this year. They probably got fed up with the craziness- George Michael, Carrie Fisher, of course, Prince, Alan Thicke and a whole lot more through the year. Violence in Germany is out of control. Another earthquake occurred this time in Chile. Snopes has a prostitute checking whether the facts are accurate. And the best I leave for last that President Obama has signed a bill two days before Christmas that makes it illegal to have an alternative news website. Does that mean a blogging website can be taken down? Life is getting really weird.

And now the New Moon in Capricorn arrives on Thursday, December 29, 2016 in 7 degrees 59’ at 1:53am EST, 6:53am GMT and 10:53pm PST (December 28, 2016).  The Sun is also in Capricorn at the same degree. This New Moon can go either way. It is conjunct Mercury Retrograde and sextile fixed star Skat. In sextile to Skat in Pisces it can help to bring good fortune to you especially if you worked hard to get it. It is also sextile Mars in Pisces. Capricorn is the mountain goat. It may be slightly slow in movement yet very little gets by the goat. So what exactly does that mean for you with this New Moon in Capricorn? Well, since it wishes to take everything to the limit it is about leaping within and putting every bit of your mind, spirit and body knowing that it is time to address your mission in life. Are you ready to do this?

Capricorn is an Earth sign so it is grounded and it brings that to you. How can you take the goals you have and fulfill them? One step at a time is the best way since the darkest days are passing and setting them now will bring those dreams and goals to fruition as the light of day becomes longer. Since this New Moon takes place as the old year is ending, it is a time of introspection as to where you have come from, what when on this past year and where in the world you are heading. Some of you have found the 2016 year a total conundrum in more ways than one. I found it fascinating since I relocated with many delays in the process and so many asking me why I chose where I did. The questions were the strangest yet on some level they opened my eyes to more than was obvious. Something occurred in my life that turned my thinking around and what a pleasant surprise when I really found my flaws and chose to release them. How different I feel now. So, yes, it was a chore at times, yet it was growth-producing in such positive ways.

This New Moon may bring some regeneration to you depending how it affects your natal blueprint since it is widely conjunct Pluto in Capricorn also. As I mentioned it is sitting with Mercury Retrograde. That makes it very interesting since retrograde motion is about revising, revisiting, renewing, revamping and you pick whatever “re” word you like and that’s what it is about also. What can you bring forward with you into the New Year? What will you need to release? Did you learn from your mistakes of this past year? It is time to take a good look at what fears you still hold, what failures kept you back? Then once you do that you can take a leap forward in the long-term. New Moon in Capricorn conjunct retrograde Mercury is about perseverance and once it climbs that mountain it excels. You basically have to go back to move forward in order for those intentions to take hold. And it is important to stay in the present more than ever as you do this. Being authentic is part of the process. Say what you truly mean but watch your words. Keep in mind that encouraging your loved ones is a big item now.

Some other aspects include Jupiter opposite Uranus. And there it is right in front of you an opportunity of a lifetime. Will you even recognize it? Will you even choose to do anything with it? I hope you do. Remember not to sign anything until Mercury goes direct on January 8, 2017 and to tell you the truth I would wait until around the 13th of January.

What is your most passionate desire regarding your move forward, your goal? Take action upon one goal. The Fixed Star Skat in 9 degrees Pisces sextiles New Moon in Capricorn. That tells me that since Skat is a very favorable star it is about a wish. Is there something that you truly wish in your life? Then Skat will help you get those hopes and wishes if you really deserve them. Since Mars and Neptune are also conjunct Skat and sextile the New Moon in Capricorn it tells you that if you have kept your life running smoothly in many ways then you can manifest your dreams. And on top of that these aspects give you a feeling of romance and sensuality so if you are looking for that dream prince/princess then you never know they just might show up. To help the process overall those inner demons need to be let go. Banish them.

The most intensely affected Sun signs and personal planets are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 3-11 degrees. Birthdays affected are March 23-March 31; June 23-July 1; September 25- October 2 and December 23-31. Stay positive!!!

I pulled an Animal Powers card and it is the Horse for strength. Horse will help you with stamina. The Horse meditation will help you move forward on your path.

“Horse spirit, please come to me. I thank you for leaving the freedom of the plains behind. To lighten my load with your strong body and helpful way. And take me to far foo places faster than I could ever go. You help me learn the ways of others and teach them mine. You help me jump over all obstacles on my journey. Your selfless service is an inspiration to all beings.”

Blessings for a very Happy New Year filled with peace, joy, love and good health and lots of cash coming to all. I am so grateful for every one of you who reads Cosmic Leaping. Thank you for you and all you do. Be your authentic self always. I will be back on Going Beyond Astrology again on January 4 at 9pm EST. And check out the where I wrote a new article for the January 2017 issue regarding Mercury retrograde and Hawk medicine. Keep your heart light. Until again. Love, Jan











FULL MOON in GEMINI, December 13/14, 2016-Communicate with truth kindly

yellow-3-butterfliesFull Moon is around the bend. It is about communication and maybe once and for all releasing old wounds regarding it. As the energy builds to the Full Moon truth is seeking you out since the past new moon. Have you allowed it in or are you going to resist seeing what it has in store for you? Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them. Is there something that you would rather be doing than enjoying the momentary lull in the madness that came from this past new moon?  It is certainly up to you yet, I feel there is some kind of hesitance with many who continue to sit in the past and therefore nothing changes. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth? Stay with the thought that you and your world may have to go up against those who are wishing to destroy your freedoms. Keep that in mind as you move through the energy that is getting more intense as the days go by and will shift considerably in the next couple of weeks.

Before I talk about the Full Moon in Gemini since the energy is changing that is why there have been so many unusual events occurring leading up to the election and continuing into the present. There have been earthquakes, asthma clouds (really?-no comment), and now here comes that Arctic blast of frigid air. The Full Moon is right on Mr. Trump’s Sun in Gemini/Moon in Sagittarius. That makes life very interesting for him in the next couple of weeks. Will there be no election or will someone totally different be placed in power? The Pennsylvania recount has been halted. Trump needs some bulletproof glass in front. I guess there will be an answer after the Electoral College meets on December 19 or even in the next few days. Of course, what happens in the meantime may be beyond your wildest imagination or maybe just a bone-chilling event. There is something going on so do pay attention so that you can take a leap without being caught up in the consequences of those who wish to control the world.  Hopefully the White Hats are going to swoop in and take care of biz.

On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 7:05pm EST, 4:05pm PST, and 12:05am GMT on Wednesday, December 14, 2016 the Full Moon arrives. It is in 7 degrees 42’ Gemini and the Sun is in the same degree in Sagittarius. It is saying to come from a spiritual perspective instead from your fear-based thinking. Are you still out there fighting or will you come from a place of balance to speak to those who are not thinking like you are? Gemini is about communication about hearing the truth since Sagittarius is about truth. So will you be able to discern the information that comes to you regarding this truth or will you block it out? The Full Moon is opposite Saturn in Sagittarius which is conjunct the Sun. Chiron in Pisces is squaring (90degrres) the Full Moon in Gemini/Sun in Sagittarius so it is also about seeing what truly is in your hearts which is the truth. Are those old emotional wounds drowning your dreams? Are you on track to see what you need to heal? My new business card will have an old saying which this Full Moon states boldly-Change your thinking, change your life. You may wish to join me in that mantra and write it down and hang it in view on your desk or fridge.

There may be so much information overload that you see or hear nothing. This is what you are using to distract yourself from knowing the truth of you. Why would you choose to do that?  What are you failing to let go at this time? Are you still holding onto an old belief or thought pattern?  Dig deeply to find out. As I said in the beginning it is about communication since Mercury rules Gemini and Mercury is in Capricorn catching up with Pluto as the Full Moon energy is in progress. Pluto and Mercury are conjunct also as it retrogrades on December 19. The Electoral College will be meeting then as I previously mentioned. It is also about possible sudden changes in relationships since you are shifting in frequency. It is about looking within and hearing the inner voice so that you may know your truth.

Have you been communicating with your heart or have you been being passive-aggressive? This is a time to watch what you say to yourself and to others because it may set off a deep wound which you have carried since childhood. Why not come from a place within which offers a bit of nurturing. If you cannot accept nurturing then you are still living in the wound. How do you choose to heal if you refuse to accept that? This Gemini Full Moon is also telling you to stop talking and start listening. Oh, now, wait a minute that says whoever is talking is talking too much and not letting others in on the conversation. If I may be a bit over the top asking but when was the last time you had a real conversation. You have been too immersed in your phone, your TV or social media. C’mon now. How about just being and see what happens? You may be surprised that there can be a lighthearted interaction which can be fun. Sorry to disturb you…go back to your phone and don’t be surprised when you suddenly find yourself not knowing what just happened. It is a time of peace, joy and love. Open up to it no matter what else is going on and see how good things arrive in your life.

The Gemini Full Moon does take part in a grand trine (favorable) with Mars in Aquarius and Jupiter in Libra. This is so nice for a change. Use it to your advantage especially if you have planets in the Air signs near these planets. Jupiter in Libra is about relationships. Where is the balance in your relationships? If you have Sun/Moon or rising in Libra, Aries or Capricorn-these signs desire lots of change. Can you say complete revamping of personal, family and work life? There may be an opportunity coming to you depending where it is in your natal blueprint. Something is flowing so go with it. On the other hand you still have to be observant and in balance since Jupiter is in a T-square with Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries. Otherwise it may get chaotic and you lose out. Along with these aspects guess what is coming up? Oh yes, Mercury is going retrograde on December 19. How kind of this trickster to show up right on that important day! Mercury is saying at that time to plan your next steps and pull back a bit and revise, revisit any part of your ongoing plans. More on Mercury retrograde in the next post.

The Full Moon in Gemini intensely affects those who have Sun/Moon and any personal planets (Mercury, Venus and Mars) in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 19- 26 degrees. If you do not have your natal chart go set one up on This is wake up time for many of you.

Pages of Shustah card pull for the Full Moon in Gemini- Lord of Benevolence/The card of Self/the Butterflies. Amazing!!! Surrender and call in the Spirit/Will you show up with ego or the true self / Change comes to help move forward

Thank you so much for reading and I wish you well as the changes come to everyone. Listen to your heart so that then you can change what needs shifting. Better you change it then outside energy does. Have a beautiful time and know that since today is 12/12 it is an important portal for many who wish to leap. Next opening is 12/21. Be well and many blessings to you. Until again. Love, Jan

For more involved insights tune in Tuesday evening at 9pm EST for Going Beyond Astrology . Also, check out which I have an article about Pluto and Rebirth among many other interesting writings by those who have insights to share. I will have an article on Mercury Retrograde in January’s e-zine. Check it out. Patricia Nixon does a great job with this online magazine.