Monthly Archives: October 2021

Full Moon in Aries, October 20, 2021 – Shake Up!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How is life going for you? I feel as if I am living in an alternate reality since most around me have no clue about life as it presents itself. Now, please understand that my life is different only because I choose it to be. What do you do that is more unique than it was say ten years ago? Have you aspired to your greatness? Have you released the past? Have you found your specialty in the grand scheme of things? I am interested in knowing what you are doing as the craziness continues. As the world turns it clamors over who is going to be rich; who is going to take down those who disagree; and who is on track. What is it that hounds you so much that you need to continue to live in the illusion that is brought to you by those who hide in the depths of the back pages of humanity? It is time for to take a breath and actually regroup. As I finish writing this post I ignore so much out there. Fear-mongering by the mainstream media is so boring and ridiculous. And it continues on and on. How many of you actually believe them? Dear ones, I am asking you to wake up because life will not be the same if you allow this charade to continue. And I am not talking about the mundane that may infiltrate your daily living. I am speaking of your freedom. Those in charge are desperate and have begun to come apart at the seams. So what can you do to bring back a real country of true values, spirituality and support for you? Please wake up or it may shake you awake.

The FULL MOON in Aries (Sun in exact degree opposition in Libra) arrives on Wednesday, October 20 2021 at 10:56am EDT; 7:56am PDT; and 2:56pm GMT. It is in 27°26′ Aries. This Full Moon opposes Eris and Mars in Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn which forms a T-square. This can indicate deep tension and/or a tug of war. This Full Moon in Aries is also about taking power. (That sure says it all.) Manipulation may occur (Pluto square Sun and Moon); and also watch for tense relationships. The Sun is conjunct Mars and Eris in Libra. This part of it states that adventure may present itself and doing something that may not be familiar. You can even do something extraordinary. Since Mars rules Aries it may be time to get rid of the fears that have been within for a long time. Since Mars is the warrior you may find it beneficial to take action in the upcoming weeks. Is there fear involved in the forward motion that comes to you now? Are you hesitating because you are pulled into the dread that you hold within you? Did your set intentions from this past year come to fruition or did you drag your feet and stay stuck in the fear that encompasses your desire to act. Take a look at anything you have put out there and see if it happened or not. If not, fear was the bottomline. This time with the Full Moon in Aries is a reality check.

Mercury goes direct on October 18 and as it proceeds forward it will for a moment shine the truth upon you. It lasts briefly so if you aren’t paying attention it may be difficult to see. Will those who have been attacking others continue to do so? This is a time when the truth comes forth as to how you have been acting. Will you notice or will you let some major mistakes come into the mix? Mercury in Libra is opposite Chiron the planetoid and the Wounded Healer mythically. Watch for misunderstandings. Use this time to reevaluate what has occurred and make new decisions. Mercury retrograde brought craziness in communication and travel plans and all those other tiny things that made your head spin. The Trickster is finally going to be moving forward. Mercury retro is about revisiting what isn’t working particularly in relationships this time around and how much your ego is ruling your life. Did you reorganize your thinking in the past three weeks? Are you going to stop the hatred and the bullying that is still showing up out there in fantasyland? Jupiter is going direct on October 18 and that will eventually take it out of Aquarius in December away from Saturn. It is now the time to begin to move into the thinking of truth and freedom on a global scale collectively.

Do you wish to make the cosmic leap? That is your choice since at the moment much of the negativity and control that is happening in your life is here to stay unless everyone truly wakes up (which I am sure is happening). For you to dance with your truth as you go forward in your life it is an important factor to raise your vibration and fear does not allow that to occur. So again I mention that darkness within has to be released in order to take that leap. Those out there in the control faction have no interest in your becoming your truth or getting you out of the dark. The controllers are not going to give up and will continue to keep it going for as long as they can. This is just my perspective on it. Life is challenging at times and this is why I feel that many of you do not wish to experience your life totally. Walk through what you create, connect with the God self and your vibration will be high and major shifting within will occur.

Sun goes into Scorpio on October 23rd. It is about exploring your passions and probing the secrets within you. There is an intense feeling and Scorpio challenges you to take a closer look at how that intensity manifests in your psyche. What are you passionate about and what fires up that passion? There may be a transformative effect that may bring about a rebirth for the next few weeks until Sun leaves Scorpio. What makes you feel alive? Pull yourself out of the routine and see what happens.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs that are affected most intensely are: 24-30 degrees of Sun signs/Rising signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: April 15-21; July 17-23; October 18-24; and January 15-21.                                                            

Aries-Are others creating chaos? What do you choose to do now? Take a walk or get a massage. Nurture yourself. Find balance between you and others.

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen. As you take a relaxing moment things start to unfold.    

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. Be true to you is the answer. Lots of social activity is possible        

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting. Your true direction in life may show up.        

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently. A new vision may appear.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. You will feel the power within if you focus on talents.                                              

Libra- Will you allow other’s behavior to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward.                                                                                  

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self.                                         

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different.                  

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Disrupting forces in home or family area! Stop trying to keep things the way they are. Don’t let the upsets keep you off guard.            

Aquarius -Time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom. What do you wait for?

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. House of Money/Finance is in the limelight. Break free from old thinking

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing this post! The bottomline of this Full Moon is Aries is whether you can let go the old stuff and slowly go forward either alone or leading the group. What is the shake up about? Stay in the moment as it arrives. Lots of blessings to you as you move forward. Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Libra, October 6, 2021 – Where will the high energy take you?

Good day, dear ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I sit and watch this country’s folk in disarray. What has happened to the heart of all? Does it take the back seat to those who wish to create the chaos that is occurring now? One can examine what is going on and many of you will fail to see the truth. Why is that? Because you may have set beliefs which interfere with your ability to see through the illusion.. How do we get past the anger and aggression that may show up with the New Moon in Libra who very much wants harmony to be present? It is time to get out of the stagnant mode and be in balance. When you’re in balance, you are at peace, centered and grounded. If something happens to throw the balance out of whack, you can usually bring yourself back to center again without too much trouble. Finding balance is not always your chosen thing to do. You may just want to leave it alone and only because it works for you. No matter how it works for you it is your track. It is about caring and compassion. Fun is no longer acceptable according to those out there in fantasyland. If you question on social media…here comes online censor. What is good for them is not good for you or me. Many of you around me and out there in the big world live in total fear. It is quite interesting to me that fear is the predominant emotion in life at this time. It has gotten so out of control that I am beginning to see through the looking glass and it ain’t good. Does your heart not matter? What keeps you in the throes of just floating through your life? Now, I am not saying you do not love. I am saying that you do not love who you are within. Fear would be gone when you love yourself. Go within and start anew to move on with a release of the fear. “If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.”— Carl Sagan, astronomer and writer

Some tidbits from out there — Many lawsuits will be coming soon regarding firings due to not getting the jab. It will be interesting. Babies are on the list for the jab. Do you know how much autism has grown over the years? It used to be 1 in 100,000 and now it is 1 in 50 children have it. That tells me that there is something deeper going on that no one is seeing. And it makes me crazy to see little ones as young as preschool to be more attentive to the phone than playing outside. How will this affect them? The volcano in the Canary Islands is more aggressive.Facebook and Instagram just went down. Fired hospital workers in NYC are burning their scrubs. Massive oil spill off Huntington Beach continues. The government wants the IRS to track when you have a transaction of $600 or more.

The New Moon in Libra arrives on Wednesday, October 6, 2021 at 7:05am EDT; 4:05am PDT; and 11:05am GMT in 13°24′. The Sun is in the exact degree in Libra. The Sun and Moon in the same sign for the next 28 days is a start of a new cycle. If you are looking to begin again then this is the time to do it and is best to start something new until October 20. The New Moon is always about looking where you have come from and where you are going. The Sun and Moon are both conjunct (within minutes) of Mars in Libra. Watch out- it may get tense and unruly. So watch your actions in the next couple of weeks. Both Sun and Moon are quincunx (150degrees) Uranus in Taurus. Oh boy, that is so out there. It can bring to you a new insight or you may not notice it at all due to a blindspot.  You may wish to do something a bit differently to make things more flowing for you and those around you. The New Moon conjunct Mars in Libra says the following- How do we move through the conflict that may appear as Mars is hanging with the New Moon? The energy is very high and can be positive or it can bring you to a place where you become impatient and annoyed and create difficulties. Positive can bring passion and romance.

Chiron in Aries is opposite the New Moon in Libra. Often what is underneath the anger and rage is a deep fear and grief that needs to be made conscious. We all need safe places where we can own the complex feelings that are arising and feel held in safety – and not judged. Sharing with friends and even writing a journal can be helpful. The communicator Mercury retrograde is widely conjunct the New Moon thus combining intuition and logic. Your timing may be right on or not due to the motion of Mercury. This also adds charm and humor. Laugh already!! New Moon quincunx Uranus can make you nervous, tense and anxious. You might find it hard to relax as your intuition senses change or some drama is on the way. There may be a buildup of electric energy within. Mars quincunx Uranus may make you impatient…tense energy builds up…you may start to feel agitated and restless. You must find a constructive outlet for this unstable energy through physical safe activity. Avoid all risks! Karma asteroid is conjunct the New Moon so be careful what you put out there. Good brings in good and bad actions are not the best choice.

New Moon in Libra is about coming together with everything and integrating the aspects of the selves that are different. If you have disowned parts of yourself then you will attract that to you in stronger measures than you may choose. What I am talking about is the patterns, the beliefs and any disharmony you may have. Yet on the other hand you may also repulse them. How do you balance your need for freedom and your wish for connection? Do you choose to control or are you compliant? Are you interested in interacting in a balanced co-creative way, tuned into the other individual?

Most intensely affected are Sun signs/Rising signs Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn, 10-16 degrees. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may be affected also. Here are some New Moon tidbits for the Sun signs/Ascendant signs:

Aries- Lots of nurturing between you and others and shared purposes. New start can happen in relationships. Watch for disruptions to interrupt the new beginning.

Taurus- A new healthy regimen may begin. You may socialize with coworkers. Rebelliousness will not work. Is there someone standing in your way?

Gemini- Romance, creativity, and expression are the main themes. Good times and play can happen in your close connection. Let the creative mode flow now.

Cancer-Emotional complications may pop up as you bring new energy to your home. Smooth over differences. Are you planning to move? Express yourself!

Leo-Busy time for connecting with others. Learn and nurture. Also travel. Be more creative in your communications or interactions with others. Harmony is the word!

Virgo-Watch the little things do not upset you. Balance you money plan and take a good look at your financial realm. Looking to make more, the go for it!!!

Libra-Nurture is the urge. Watch uneasy attachments with others. Harmony is the word. This is the time for you to shine since you are in the limelight. New direction may appear.

Scorpio- Take a chance on inner peace. Seek some balance and harmony within. Try to put things in perspective. Choose wisely in what you are looking for.

Sagittarius-Lots of pleasant friends want your company. Heal past wounds. Find harmony if you are out to party. Plan to move forward with new friends and plans.

Capricorn- Business zone is highlighted. More positive associations are coming to you. Do you wish to take a step doing something else? Good things come. Be patient.

Aquarius- Find some meaning in life- It is time to heal old wounds. A trip may show up and you may choose to take a new course. Someone new may show up at this time.

Pisces- Mutual resources and affections help you. It is time to make a fiscal move. Keep the flow going so that changes show up. Credit or purchases may be on the table.

And don’t forget to make your intentions clear. Write them out (10 at most) and look at them in the morning and at night. What are you looking to create in your life? New Moons energize those intentions and you never know what just might show up.

Thank you for reading and celebrate you and your relationships at this New Moon in Libra. I would greatly appreciate if you would share. May the New Moon bring you lots of joy and peace no matter what else goes on!  Patience does work wonders. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan