Monthly Archives: November 2023

Full Moon in Gemini, November 27, 2023 – Will you emotionally react?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I sit and ponder as to what I will share with you for the Full Moon the weather is not my favorite. Freezing rain was out and about. Thanksgiving has gone and now the next part of the season is now here. I could not believe that so many houses had decorations for Christmas already up a month ago. Why I ask? Are some fated to be happy and others to miserable? Some positive or others negative? How do the stars affect our lives? Do we have a choice? It can be fate or free will? There are those of you who believe it is what it is no matter that goes on -nothing changes. Life is directed. Then there is the other thought process of which comes the saying – the stars condition, they do not compel. The Full Moon in Gemini comes in shortly and he will be sharing things with you. It is about communication. It is also about being kind with words in truth. Sudden changes can appear and do what? Truth has been seeking you out since the past new moon. Have you allowed it in or are you going to resist seeing what it has in store for you? Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them.

Some news tidbits- So the US said no to the Ukraine/Russia peace deal. No comment. Polls say that Hilary Clinton will run if Joe Biden does not. Really? Derek Chauvin (George Floyd’s killer supposedly) was stabbed in prison. Now there was a train derailment in Kentucky spewing hazardous chemicals. Children are dying throughout Europe after the Covid jabs. And now they are saying get the Covid jab with the Flu shot. No Americans have been released by Hamas.

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:16am EST; 1:16am PST; and 9:16am GMT in 4 degrees 51’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. The energy is building and many of you will be caught in the craziness of the holiday season if you are not there already. This Full Moon is about communication, your attitude and some kind of adventure. Something has been building inside of us, and now is the time when the energy of the cosmos fairly demands that we let it out. Gemini wants to communicate the information that can help us see more clearly what our truth is. Sagittarius wants us to see the Truth of the matter. So will you be able to discern the information that comes to you regarding this truth or will you block it out? The Full Moon is square Saturn in Pisces. Can you feel the frustration building and taking you off to a place you don’t want to be? The Sun in Sagittarius is opposite Saturn and conjunct Mars. The Full Moon is also opposite Mars in Sagittarius. Your passion should be about working and more working and on and on. Otherwise you may become angry. Oh, yes. So channel your energy into something that is intense. Selfish motives are not a good thing. Where is your mind today? How about your communication?. Are you ready to shift your thinking or perhaps even to trust what you do not see. The Full Moon reminds us to be aware of the power of our attention, of our words, and of our thoughts and of what we’ve been unconscious of. So step back and take a look at your core beliefs then look at what you’re thinking. The Full Moon is all about letting go. Watch what you throw out with the bath water as the saying goes. Communicate with vigor but do be careful of taking things personal and getting into a big fight. If you are in business you may want to revamp some things to get the message out in a clear way. Have you been communicating with your heart or have you been being passive-aggressive? This is a time to watch what you say to yourself and to others. Why not come from a place within which offers a bit of nurturing. This Gemini Full Moon is also telling you to stop talking and start listening. Oh, now, wait a minute that says whoever is talking is talking too much and not letting others in on the conversation. Mars is square Saturn in Pisces. Watch for goals that are blocked by boss or just plain tiredness.

Mercury is going retrograde on December 13 2023 the day after the New Moon in Sagittarius. If you are looking to get a project off the ground then now is the time to collaborate even though retrograde Mercury is a couple weeks away.. Get it going anyway!  I have found through the years that when Mercury seems to go backwards then whatever I buy during this holiday season I may like less or not even wear it after the season. It seems to be just a strange phenomenon in my life! Remember that electronics may go off track or you may have delays in traveling. And please do not sign important papers during the time of Mercury Retrograde which lasts until January 1, 2024. Mercury in Sagittarius is square Neptune in Pisces which says to you look out for deception in conversation.

Since Full Moons are about release what are you going to let go this time round? Also it is a time of release for those parts of your life that have had a hold on you and no longer have any meaning. This refers to old patterns, beliefs and wounds. How many of you have actually begun the release process? It is so important to let go of all these negative past patterns that have you conditioned. By doing so, the future, which is in the now, will show up in a truly wonderful way. This is six month point since the May 25 New Moon in Gemini. Are you doing the project that you started back then or are you shifting something within? 

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 0-8 degrees. Also birthdays affected: May 21-28; August 24-31; November 23-30; and February 19-26. If you have planets at these degrees, than it may have an affect also.

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate in a responsible way. What moral principles are motivating you to speak? Travel shows up. Taurus – Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax. It is good to consider how much you are giving away and what you are doing for self. Gemini – Relationship joy comes. Cooperation comes in personal interests. Watch words. Who you associate with is very important. Remember honesty works. Cancer – Make adjustments in daily living. It is good to lighten the load and let things fall by the wayside if it doesn’t fit. Draw your boundaries now. Leo- Some excitement appears. Watch sensitivity. Some balance in home/business. Be yourself and do not compromise your integrity. Mingle now! Virgo – Career is in focus highlighting your stellar performance on the job. Have a solid foundation to leap. Domestic concerns may undermine aspirations at work. Libra- Do not go overboard. You might be challenged by those in your immediate environment, as disagreements unfold.  Listen to both sides. Respect! Scorpio – New financial goals in the making. Watch out for emotional extremes. Be realistic in your finances. Your insight regarding intimacy is evolving. Sagittarius – Take a chance. Is there a new relationship in the mix?  What happens depends on your perception of who you really are. Ask some hard questions! Capricorn – It is all about duties and obligations. How much is worth your time and talent? Aim your ambition in the right direction and success comes. Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. No more indulgence. You want to do the right thing by everyone. In matters of heart, be cautious. Pisces – Make new business contacts. Have fun with family. It may be time for realignment of your priorities. Do right by career but do right by your heart

You are in life to live it not just sit around and talk trash and let your life be influenced so greatly. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth?

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”-Plato

Thank you, Dear Ones, for reading and sharing this post and following Cosmic Leaping. Stay in the moment and see how beautiful life can be. Know that since 12/12 is an important portal it may be a fantastic time for many who wish to leap. Next opening portal is 12/21. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

New Moon in Scorpio, November 13, 2023 – Will the unexpected bring about recharge and a leap?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been crazy out there the last few weeks. Where has your energy taken you? Are you still thriving in the past and loving it? Or are you ready to move up in the new vibration? Are you allowing the world around you to pull you back into another time? Many questions are present and important for you to answer within. There is more than enough distraction around the world to keep you saddled to the old paradigm. The earth is going through transition to a new energy timeline. You can go with it or stay back and live your old life. What do you choose to do? I know many out there are still dwelling in the past and have no interest in moving into a higher vibration. If you are on your phone, watching television or anything else that depletes your energy then you are not seeing what the truth of the matter in today’s world is. Are you willing to take the leap as the energy changes? There is much negativity that is keeping you from seeing the truth as it is at this moment. By staying in your old patterns you are keeping yourself from advancing and living on a higher plane. Your intuition is being blocked by all the extensive electronics that are surrounding you.  How many of you actually prefer watching a video than reading the transcript? I thought so. With the New Moon in Scorpio coming in you may feel very intense or chilled to the max. And if you are looking for a solution then this is time to be open to it.

Have you wondered what happened to the 2000 children in Lahaina? Where are they? Did you hear there was a hurricane in Acapulco and that it is eventually going to become a 15 minute city as will Lahaina? Do you know exactly who Netanyahu is? Abortion is the keyword in life today. The abortion issue is rampant and influencing the voters. Since 1973 more than 60 million babies have been killed in the United States. Obviously that matters not! Soon when there will be no country of ours – please do not cry. What is the issue here? Texas government placed concertina wire along the border and now the Border Patrol is removing it so illegals can gain entry. Do you care about this? Oh, by the way, in the U.S. 80% of the population are on prescription medication. Are you kidding me? And Grand Central Terminal was closed for a period of time due to the Anti-Israel protests.

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Monday, November 13, 2023 at 4:27am EST; 1:27am PST; and 9:27am GMT in 20 degrees 43’. The Sun is in the exact sign and degree as the Moon. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Hot items, yes! Scorpio is suspicious at times and can be quite secretive about true motives. Usually this is due to the fact Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. It is about finding solutions yet at times the emotions get in the way. Much endurance comes if the emotions are channeled properly. How have your emotions been? Have they helped you? If not, then stop holding on to them and let them go. Do not let self-destructive feelings pull you down. Allow the heart to be present so love can free you. What is it you most love? The Scorpio New Moon will help you find out what you truly want to have in your life and how to manifest it. This is a time to align with your soul gifts and say yes if you truly mean it instead of saying no and hiding in the shadows. Keep in mind what you wish to create. On another note the New Moon is conjunct Mars and Ceres in Scorpio and opposite to Uranus in Taurus. So hot it is yet it can cool down if you wish. The unexpected related to the past may show up since Uranus is retrograde at this time. What needs to be recharged? Is there some other area of your life that you forgot to pay attention? This push through erratic energy may bring to you face to face with a new beginning.  The Scorpio/Taurus opposition may be saying to you that is time to get rid of old junk that has been sitting around for a long time. There is a trine between the New Moon and Neptune in Pisces which says you may be able to find out the reason for emotional issues or household things that have been a puzzle to you. If you pay attention this this confusion from the past may be let go and you can move forward. Much of what is happening may bring about a transformation to you in a profound way. Are you ready? Since Neptune in Pisces is trine the New Moon it enhances your intuitive powers bringing more compassion and also opening a line to trust and forgiveness. Are you ready to let go that which is no longer part of your world? Are you ready to make a fresh start and let it take you to a better road forward? Relationships formed under this influence would have a soul mate feel to them. 

With the New Moon just occurring on Monday the main question for all is to ask yourself -what are you fearful of expressing or enjoying? Scorpio brings that to you and you may not always see everything around any situation that may appear. How many of you take the leap to a new start? I notice that many of you hang on so tightly to past issues, situations and habit patterns. Does it create a better life for you? Does it help you begin again? New Moons are very much about new starts wherever it falls in you natal blueprint. And the new beginning cannot fully take place if you live in other than the present time.

The Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 17-25 degrees. If you have personal planets in any of these degrees you will also be influenced Birthdays which are in the mix are May 7-14; August 8-15; November 8-15 and February 5-13. It sits opposite my Sun. I am sure big changes are coming and I also cannot imagine where it is taking me. Interesting time it is.Some tidbits for Sun signs and Rising signs:
Aries-It is a good time for catharsis of some kind. Gains can show up. Shared resources are in the mix. Please watch who you share confidential information with. Control issues about money/sex. 

Taurus- New phase in relationships arrives. No time for being a hermit. Someone new around you has amazing potential. All systems go. Listen to any feedback from friend or lover.  

 Gemini- It is time to transform your well-being with a long-term plan. Is there a way that you can help others also with their problems? Be gentle with your actions. Organize at home and work.                                                  

Cancer- Good fortune in love and it expands even more. Express yourself creatively. Travel may be in the picture. Self-confidence helps you get your executive ability going.                                                                                         

Leo- What big changes are coming in your life this month? Make no changes that unsettle your security. Positive new developments show up. New job maybe?                                                            

Virgo – Are you feeling lucky? There may be a reason. Get your ideas out there if you are feeling creative. How about some humor in your conversations? Social activities are favored.

Libra – Are there some fears hanging about? What are they saying to you? It is time to transform your fiscal affairs. Look for ways to let it grow for the future.

Scorpio- Magical thinking appears. Be optimistic. Do you really think you can solve everyone’s problems and transform them? There is a new sense of leadership and drive.

Sagittarius- What do you need to change and so that transformation can occur? If you feel vulnerable you need to let others be aware. Opportunities come to you. Was that one?

Capricorn- Give thoughts to future plans. Connect with those important people. A happy friendship can expand. Are your ideas too set in stone? Victory in some area comes soon.

Aquarius- So you are controlling your emotions, are you? And the magnetism that comes through may come in handy. Transformative new start in business is available.

Pisces – Whatever you are visualizing can be real. Future plans are on the docket. Stay on your path and no matter what, create how you intend it to be in the coming months.

“What we change in ourselves and in our world is a direct result of the questions we ask ourselves. Are we asking the right questions?” Joe Martino, founder of Collective Evolution and The Pulse

Thank you for reading and sharing this post, and for all you do in the world. Remember to set your intentions within 48 hours of the New moon time. Let your heart rule and let the faith within come to the forefront. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan