Monthly Archives: February 2015

NEW MOON in AQUARIUS, FEBRUARY 18, 2015-Ready, set, take a breath and shift

Wow. Another new moon is almost here. Life gets more interesting every day, every week and every month of the year as rumors fly and lies take hold and nothing is as it seems. A-Rod sends out an apology and now what? Of course, when I saw he was having Barry Bonds advise him, then I think the world has gone mad. Those I have come into contact with are so self-involved it is pathetic yet I know that they have no love for themselves and have to reach deep into other’s lives with negativity so that they feel better. Coptic Christians are on alert due to what ISIS is saying. And what about the port closure in the Pacific which I think will begin to have effect on a variety of things in life? I was sorry to hear that a terrific journalist is no longer with us due to a horrific accident in Manhattan. Bob Simon of 60 minutes was a passenger in a vehicle that crashed. He was not driving. I want to know who he ticked off with his Ebola investigation.

Anyway, the New Moon is in Aquarius, or it could be in Pisces (so close yet not really there). No, it is Aquarius and it is at 29 degrees 59’. A few minutes real time it is in Pisces. It occurs today, Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 6:47pm EST, 3:47pm PST and 11:47pm GMT. What do I think about where it falls in the chart? I am sticking with the Aquarian side of things although there is a feeling I get that there will be some Pisces influence. This is a special New Moon since it is the second new moon this year in Aquarius. On the other hand, it is in an anaretic degree which means some change may be thrust upon you and affect you emotionally and unexpectedly since the moon is void of course (it aspects no other planet at the moment of rising).

As you sit and await the arrival of the New Moon please know that whatever that you have yet to release from the past that you no longer need in your life, then let it go. I have said this for months now and it is now the time to do so. On my radio show this past Friday I spoke of how important it is to address that which is no longer important yet something exists that holds you back from allowing it to leave. And this unknown fear of doing so keeps you from making big leaps to your open path ahead. Many of these fears come from past life incidents or interactions. I know some may say that they come from childhood issues. This is true also. Why hold onto those negatives that interfere in the goodness of your life path? Why do you choose to get bound up in the trivial imperfections that plague you on a daily basis? What is the fear telling you? Hear what it has to say and move through it. Identify the issue from the past even if you have to get a regression, counseling or open to your own intuitive flashes. You have the answer within. Find it. Open to it. Messages come when you open to them without your rational mind taking over the scenario. Be kind to yourself and see what direction it takes you as you release and allow the New Moon energy to come into your realm.

This New Moon in Aquarius has a couple of aspects which is Saturn in square a few hours later. How does that affect you? Sounds like it may make you feel uncomfortable and also alone on your path. Get a hold on you and know that this mood will pass. It also sets some limits (boundaries) which are so needed right now. This New Moon is about what you know intellectually in your life and world and taking it to your heart. It is about allowing yourself to open to the soulfulness that is screaming to come out. Your heart is about feeling yet it asks you to bring your mind into its space and let both work together already. This will help soul energy emerge and you can immerse yourself in the beauty of what life truly is. That’s when your path opens to the Oneness that is waiting to speak to you and guide you to a shifting in your life. Some of you are resisting I know. Others are saying I am ready to go. Not everyone has a handle on the energy yet. But give it some time and you will, I bet.

And then there is Jupiter, party animal per se, who wants to just have fun and he is all alone on one side of the chart while the others are saying it is not that time. I think I feel like Jupiter right now. And the beat goes on to tell you that Pluto in Capricorn sextile Chiron in Pisces quincunx Jupiter in Leo is not about fun times. It is about taking a good look at what it is this energy is expressing. Pluto wants you to transform something and Chiron is saying to you go deep let go and heal. And then Jupiter has a trine (good aspect) from impulsive Uranus. Guess what it is all up to you to find the answers. “I did it my way.” No one else is doing it for you. What else is new? Sounds pretty familiar to me! “Where are the clowns?”

As the energy of the last square between Uranus and Pluto comes into being in mid-March where will you find yourself? The Pluto/Uranus energy is now affecting birthdays around the first 10 days of April, July, Libra and Capricorn. This energy has been in effect since 2012. What changes have taken place through those months? And what changes have you seen in the last month since the first Aquarian New Moon in January? As the energy leads you into the next month past the Full Moon and to the Solar Eclipse New Moon on March 20 (in 29degrees of Pisces) there will be change. You are ready for it. It is time for the past to go and the new beginning to enter your life. Maybe some bumps appear yet you are ready to take the biggest leap of your life to this point even if it is just a plan or idea. Those most intensely affected by the New Moon in Aquarius are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius birthdays from May 16-May 24; August 19-August 27; November 19-November 28 and February 14-February 22. Please note that if you have any planets near the 29 degree of those signs you also will be affected.

One more thing- Mars is in last degree of Pisces right now and will be taking off into Aries. Are you ready to join that new start letting all those unnecessary things behind. I am.

Thank you for reading and please share if you are inclined to do so. Be ready to up the pace. The leap is almost ready to take you wherever you choose to go if you leave behind the fear. Be blessed. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in LEO, February 3,2015 – Going beyond to light up your purpose

Let’s ride the stars to a far off place and find ourselves in Divine Grace. Let’s put the past where it belongs, and strike up the band and sing a song. Oh yes, the Full Moon is arriving on Tuesday not too far down the road. What have you been doing to purge your life of anything that still sits in the closets of your mind or the closets of your home? I know that a large proportion of the world sat and watched the Super Bowl yesterday. And it mimicked some of the energy of the Full Moon. Stars galore came together. For a moment the speculation and the distress-causing rumors were quelled and the focus was on the main event- those playing their best or not- on the big stage they call a field. The most unlikely ending came to a precision-oriented game of the Patriots and the questionable decisions by the Seahawks. Did anything else go on yesterday? Most of the watchers would not have known.

This Full Moon is occurring in Leo with the Sun in Aquarius at 14degrees 47’. It happens at 6:08pm EST, 3:08pm PST, and 11:08pm GMT on February 3, 2015. I am glad I am not following the moon phases on the Weatherscan on my TV since it said it was on the 4th of February which I know will be true in Sydney AU, not here. Obviously, Mercury is still retrograde as that may be why the error appeared. Since full moons are about getting rid of stuff and letting go, what are you choosing to release at this time? Oh, now, do remember it still has other factors going for it? The Full Moon in Leo is saying to you let’s have a good time and dance the night away. Leo loves the limelight as you may already know. It is about finding that creativity within and going beyond the self and sharing it.

So, what else is the Full Moon telling you? If there is something in your life that needs to be blasted out, like old karmic junk…what are you waiting for? This is a perfect time to do so. There is also a Yod aspect in the Full Moon chart. It is like a bow and arrow which points right at the Leo Moon. And what does that indicate? How about some forceful woman who shines in your life is right there for you? Who is that in your life? Since Venus in Pisces is quincunx the Full Moon it also says something that pleasure is in the mix. In my chart the Full Moon is in house 3 and Pluto in Capricorn and Chiron in Pisces are sextile in houses 8 and 10. For me it is about thinking makes it so. Onward! Those affected most intensely are Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus individuals between 10 and 18 degrees.

As the Full Moon appears there are other items of interest to ponder. The Full Moon is a pretty happy due to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and jubilance right near it. How sweet it is. Take advantage of the bells that ring in your head and the happy place you can share if you choose to go in that direction. Or you may take expand upon the Jupiterian influence and find the purpose to your life. You can now connect your purpose to the greater good. Take your talents and gifts to others out there. The world awaits your sharing wisdom, song and truth. Do it in a dramatic fashion. Be confident in your approach. Leos love being sharp and on target. And since the Sun is in Aquarius do take that out of the box thinking and use it to garner support for your projects that will help your image and bring some notice to you. Oh, there is something more. This is a grand time to connect to a Higher Power or the God of your belief. This also is saying to look within for your answers and your purpose. I spoke about these things on my radio show last Friday night. I said that this was about you and who you are within. If you have a relationship and it is bringing you the best there is, then flow with it. If a work situation is in need of adjustments then let the energy flow through you. You are what you believe. Know that. If someone doesn’t like what you say, so what? It is his/her opinion. Listen and decide. If you don’t agree, let it go. You are here to believe in yourself. Any struggle that appears, see the opportunity instead.

Keep in mind that as you shine you still need to purge out the past. Just get rid of it already. Go beyond the resistance and seek be the truth. Can you do that? I know many of you are putting effort into finding your truth and taking some leaps. Kudos to you! And since Mercury is still retrograde until February 11 your plans may be changing slightly. You may notice that anything that you have been doing for the past couple of weeks may be shifting as you head to the Full Moon and beyond. Dig deep in the trenches until Mercury goes direct. No signing anything major yet or it will not turn out as the original agreement.

Still out there in the mix is the Pluto in Capricorn/Uranus in Aries square. That will be coming to the seventh time it is in exact square. What does that mean? I will review it closer to the time in March. It is currently affecting those with planets in and around 10-15 degrees of Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra.

The Full Moon in Leo is pretty much in a slightly quirky mode. So, whatever you choose to do with the arrow that is coming at it, use it wisely. Be clear in your approach to others. There are lots of grey areas in this Full Moon energy due to the various quincunxes and other aspects that are a bit stuck. So, whatever you are looking for may come to you in totally different ways then you even considered before. Some things may be hidden and when they come out you may have to decipher their meaning. You may just want to blast out the truth if you choose to do so. Good luck on that. It may be truly worth it.

Looking for a sunny day to chase the clouds away. Leo Full Moon may just do that. Be well and thank you for reading. Share if you choose. Until again. Blessings and love, Jan