Category Archives: LOVE and FEAR

Full Moon in Aries, October 20, 2021 – Shake Up!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. How is life going for you? I feel as if I am living in an alternate reality since most around me have no clue about life as it presents itself. Now, please understand that my life is different only because I choose it to be. What do you do that is more unique than it was say ten years ago? Have you aspired to your greatness? Have you released the past? Have you found your specialty in the grand scheme of things? I am interested in knowing what you are doing as the craziness continues. As the world turns it clamors over who is going to be rich; who is going to take down those who disagree; and who is on track. What is it that hounds you so much that you need to continue to live in the illusion that is brought to you by those who hide in the depths of the back pages of humanity? It is time for to take a breath and actually regroup. As I finish writing this post I ignore so much out there. Fear-mongering by the mainstream media is so boring and ridiculous. And it continues on and on. How many of you actually believe them? Dear ones, I am asking you to wake up because life will not be the same if you allow this charade to continue. And I am not talking about the mundane that may infiltrate your daily living. I am speaking of your freedom. Those in charge are desperate and have begun to come apart at the seams. So what can you do to bring back a real country of true values, spirituality and support for you? Please wake up or it may shake you awake.

The FULL MOON in Aries (Sun in exact degree opposition in Libra) arrives on Wednesday, October 20 2021 at 10:56am EDT; 7:56am PDT; and 2:56pm GMT. It is in 27°26′ Aries. This Full Moon opposes Eris and Mars in Libra and squares Pluto in Capricorn which forms a T-square. This can indicate deep tension and/or a tug of war. This Full Moon in Aries is also about taking power. (That sure says it all.) Manipulation may occur (Pluto square Sun and Moon); and also watch for tense relationships. The Sun is conjunct Mars and Eris in Libra. This part of it states that adventure may present itself and doing something that may not be familiar. You can even do something extraordinary. Since Mars rules Aries it may be time to get rid of the fears that have been within for a long time. Since Mars is the warrior you may find it beneficial to take action in the upcoming weeks. Is there fear involved in the forward motion that comes to you now? Are you hesitating because you are pulled into the dread that you hold within you? Did your set intentions from this past year come to fruition or did you drag your feet and stay stuck in the fear that encompasses your desire to act. Take a look at anything you have put out there and see if it happened or not. If not, fear was the bottomline. This time with the Full Moon in Aries is a reality check.

Mercury goes direct on October 18 and as it proceeds forward it will for a moment shine the truth upon you. It lasts briefly so if you aren’t paying attention it may be difficult to see. Will those who have been attacking others continue to do so? This is a time when the truth comes forth as to how you have been acting. Will you notice or will you let some major mistakes come into the mix? Mercury in Libra is opposite Chiron the planetoid and the Wounded Healer mythically. Watch for misunderstandings. Use this time to reevaluate what has occurred and make new decisions. Mercury retrograde brought craziness in communication and travel plans and all those other tiny things that made your head spin. The Trickster is finally going to be moving forward. Mercury retro is about revisiting what isn’t working particularly in relationships this time around and how much your ego is ruling your life. Did you reorganize your thinking in the past three weeks? Are you going to stop the hatred and the bullying that is still showing up out there in fantasyland? Jupiter is going direct on October 18 and that will eventually take it out of Aquarius in December away from Saturn. It is now the time to begin to move into the thinking of truth and freedom on a global scale collectively.

Do you wish to make the cosmic leap? That is your choice since at the moment much of the negativity and control that is happening in your life is here to stay unless everyone truly wakes up (which I am sure is happening). For you to dance with your truth as you go forward in your life it is an important factor to raise your vibration and fear does not allow that to occur. So again I mention that darkness within has to be released in order to take that leap. Those out there in the control faction have no interest in your becoming your truth or getting you out of the dark. The controllers are not going to give up and will continue to keep it going for as long as they can. This is just my perspective on it. Life is challenging at times and this is why I feel that many of you do not wish to experience your life totally. Walk through what you create, connect with the God self and your vibration will be high and major shifting within will occur.

Sun goes into Scorpio on October 23rd. It is about exploring your passions and probing the secrets within you. There is an intense feeling and Scorpio challenges you to take a closer look at how that intensity manifests in your psyche. What are you passionate about and what fires up that passion? There may be a transformative effect that may bring about a rebirth for the next few weeks until Sun leaves Scorpio. What makes you feel alive? Pull yourself out of the routine and see what happens.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs that are affected most intensely are: 24-30 degrees of Sun signs/Rising signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at these degrees they will be influenced. Birthdays included are: April 15-21; July 17-23; October 18-24; and January 15-21.                                                            

Aries-Are others creating chaos? What do you choose to do now? Take a walk or get a massage. Nurture yourself. Find balance between you and others.

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen. As you take a relaxing moment things start to unfold.    

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. Be true to you is the answer. Lots of social activity is possible        

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting. Your true direction in life may show up.        

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently. A new vision may appear.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. You will feel the power within if you focus on talents.                                              

Libra- Will you allow other’s behavior to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward.                                                                                  

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self.                                         

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different.                  

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Disrupting forces in home or family area! Stop trying to keep things the way they are. Don’t let the upsets keep you off guard.            

Aquarius -Time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom. What do you wait for?

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. House of Money/Finance is in the limelight. Break free from old thinking

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing this post! The bottomline of this Full Moon is Aries is whether you can let go the old stuff and slowly go forward either alone or leading the group. What is the shake up about? Stay in the moment as it arrives. Lots of blessings to you as you move forward. Until again, Love, Jan

Full Moon in Libra, March 28, 2021 – Will the love flow or not?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I love stepping out of the chaos energy and just enjoying the silence of the moment. What is going on with you as the world turns darker and darker? I refuse to go to that place because life is too short to begin with. The light is flickering brightly for a good many of you out there; yet, those who are angry and fearful see no light. Spring has arrived and a new astrological year has begun as of the Equinox and it tells you to take whatever intentions you have for the next months and put them out there. You do not have to do it all at once. What do you wish to take forward? And another thing is to declutter whatever is still hanging on in your home, your garage, your bedroom and within yourself so that it is all cleared out for a fresh new year. If you get upset about what someone says or does and it really makes you crazy…it may be something to do with your own inner self and taking a look at what you need to change within.  There is much manipulation going on out there in the world from the last New Moon energy and it has been created to keep you hooked to other than the truth. It keeps you from awakening and being a spiritual individual who walks forward with joy, love, peace and harmony.

Are you a willing participant in the downward spiral of this country? Do you even recognize the show that has been produced and is now on the big screen in front of you? Nothing is as it seems. NOTHING! This country is being destroyed by those who choose to make more money, have more power and control. Is this what you wish to have happen to you? Many have seen this and are holding the ground for the right moment to take action. I ask you to give up the fear. If you cannot do this, then how will you respond to the control on all levels of your life? Do you think that this is what life is about? As I continue to say – much will be shocking down the road if you choose fear. Have you ever heard of self-mastery? You are in charge of your own life. That is what the God seed within you is about. It is time to wake up to what you dislike about yourself and walk through it. It amazes me that many years ago I was quite annoyed, angry and out of sorts at times. Years later I now laugh and sing and dance and I have been asked how I can be laughing when so many people are dying. So this is the only time others have died? You tell me. Do you know anything about the Rockefeller Agenda from a long time ago? How about the Nuremburg Code? Mega ship stuck in Suez Canal. It will take a couple of weeks to remove. Oh and by the way what happened to 15 days to slow the spread a year ago? And those masks that you love so well are making things worse.

And now the Full Moon in Libra is making an appearance on the grand stage in the sky on Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 2:48pm EDT; 11:48 pm PDT; and 6:48pm GMT in 08°18′. The Sun is opposite the Full Moon in the same degree in Aries. And those first decan Aries are a crazy, wild bunch. The Moon will also make a perfect grand trine to both Saturn and Mars, which can bring harmony and protection. The Full Moon is opposite Chiron in Aries and that says it bringing to mind mainly past things including relationships. Will you allow it to be pleasant memories or will you hang onto old hurts? This conjunction will help your healing process within or with another. This is a time to start anew with no baggage and even form new bonds. The Sun is conjunct almost exact to Venus and Chiron. This helps with love in your life. if you are looking for a partner it may be a good time to be open to it. This Full Moon is saying to you to go for it because it is a time of manifesting something that may be way better than you expect. No hesitation is needed. On the other hand since Chiron is about healing – any past love wounds may appear and you may have to address these first so healing can take place.  If you are fearful of commitment or of rejection it may be due to some karmic wound.  That could bring some emotional pain. Address and walk through it. Then you can begin again.  Is there something that makes you feel unloved? Sometimes Full Moon in Libra gets into this mode. And then you may lower your standards as to who you will date or with whom to get involved. This happens because it is opposite Venus in Aries now.  Full Moon is also trine Saturn which I mentioned earlier. You can resolve old issues that pop up and traditional values may be a help also. Libra loves the partnership but can go to the extreme of living through it. Aries loves the freedom and independence and may refuse to compromise and does not give in to the intimacy due to fear. Mending relationships is favorable.

Relationship differences may be exposed during this Full Moon. This is a good time to find some romance in your relationship or in some new connection. With Venus in good aspect to Saturn this will be favorable for the financial scene including investments.  Aries is governed by Mars which is now in Gemini during this time. Since it finds itself in conjunction to the North node, Mars in Gemini is encouraging us to find the facts, process information, and get the message out there.

And one more thing- Are you always concerned about what others have and are doing or are you taking care of you? This is a big question at the Full Moon in Libra. Why does it matter what others do or say? You can listen and be kind even if you disagree. Think about that. On another note some enlightenment to you regarding what you are doing or something you are feeling may show up and illuminates the path forward.

Those more intensely affected by this Full Moon in Libra are the following: 5-11degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in any of these degrees then you too may be affected a bit more. A few tidbits about the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Keep your cool with partner or companion.Are you fearful of being vulnerable? Free yourself already from the past.

Taurus – Others may be act unstable at this time. Balance work. Is your life working in your favor? You are definitely feeling introspective.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them? Be creative. What is keeping you from being your truth? Just asking!

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life. Is the past still influencing your beliefs? Some good professional things going on!

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through? Has your communication changed?  Search for the truth.

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security. Where are the imbalances in your life? Too much giving and not allowing to receive?

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now. You may want to make yourself a priority at this time.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry. Yet, on some level you are looking for a connection.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list.Look closely at your projects, your inner stability and authenticity.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through. Keep the balance in your life especially professionally.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Watch what you say to others. Work it out.You are looking for adventure.  Are you thinking of publishing something?

Pisces – Search for peace is on the docket. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure. Something pivotal is coming financially or personally.  

Celebrate a relationship whether personal or business if you are on track and if not then reclaim the balance within so that you can then resolve what needs healing. Thank you for reading and commenting if you will. Share also the link to those who may not know about it. Keep your power instead of giving it away. It is time to enjoy the relationship as an authentic part of your life and also enjoy your independence. Blessings for a magnificent Full Moon in Libra! Until again. love, Jan

FULL MOON in Pisces, September 1-2, 2020-Become the dream

OCMD full moon pisces 2020Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. So where are you at this time as the summer days get shorter? Are you still hiding?  I feel deeply for those who were affected in a catastrophic way in the path of the storm Laura.  And all those children who have to wear masks and be on the computer at home for their lessons. How does one who is in elementary school learn without in person interaction? Have you been pulled into the chaos that is almost an everyday thing? Or have you found your heart and let it guide you so the Light can shine upon you? It is your choice you know. As I look around and talk to those with whom I have contact at this time I find that many are so fearful (this seems to show up in my writing very much these days). What is the fear about? Do you actually believe everything spouted out today? Goodness me, why? When was the last time you did the research, the truth seeking? Speaking of fear… a few days ago I went out to get the mail and a friend was standing up on the hill in front of a neighbor’s home calling to me. Come over. And I was in the middle of something and thought ok, will take a short break. So, I walked up the lawn and he said take a look at the neighbor’s porch. Oh, my. There was a bear lazing on the front porch. And then his peaceful nap was interrupted and he jumped over the railing. He then walked casually up the driveway around the house where I stood on the far end of the lawn and disappeared in the backyard walking toward the next street. I guess in many eyes I should have run for the hills away from the bear. I stayed in the moment and fear was absent.

A word about the MASK – it is useless and does not keep anything at bay. Gaslighting is happening. Look it up.  It is the worst thing you can do for your body and mind and spirit. Scream at me and say according to CDC it is important or not or sometimes. Which is it? Go ahead and when your teeth and gums get worse from dry mouth …keep wearing them. This is a total control factor. It is about keeping the love in your heart clamped down so your life is not yours. August 30 UPDATE from CDC – 9210 deaths from Covid. All the others had underlying conditions. On another note it is disturbing to see all the riots and shootings as they continue in Portland and other places. What is happening is truly the biggest psyop I ever saw. Oh, by the way did you know that calling it a riot is racist according to NPR- is this a joke?  Children are finally being rescued from those who took them in the past and continue to do so. I see that the NBA has decided to politicize its approach. I will not watch again. Will you take the vaccine when it comes out? Do you have the proof that it is real? Dear ones, when was the last time you made a decision for yourself? Bobby Kennedy Jr. was in Berlin at an anti-VAX protest in Berlin Germany and it was shut down after a short time. Hawaii has created a testing protocol when driving on one of the main freeways. Get tested and keep getting tested. Wake up.

This FULL MOON in Pisces is not your usual energy from the fishes. It arrives on Wednesday morn September 2, 2020 at 1:22am EDT; 5:22am GMT: and {September 1 2020} Tuesday evening 10:22pm PDT in 10degrees 12’. The Sun is in Virgo at the exact degree of the Moon. The main aspect to this Full Moon is a sextile (within less than a degree) to Uranus in Taurus. Sounds pretty exciting in a good way! Maybe a surprise or two to make your day! There may be a focus on home versus work or what you want versus what you need. How will you let it affect you? Full Moons are naturally about your new moon intentions and those coming to fruition if the time is right. On the other hand, they are a time of release and maybe it is time to finally do some of that work. The Pisces Full Moon is usually about dreams, inner peace (that can be a good thing now), a time to bring balance to the mind and body. Intuitive powers come to the fore. . It activates our psychic awareness. It may even open hearts more and bring in unconditional love and peace. Is that at all possible in this chaotic world at this time? Yes, if you stop getting pulled into the current state of affairs. It is saying to you that you can tune into the collective, be sensitive, and yet stay out of the negativity. Just know what is real and what is imaginary.  It is a good time to listen to more peaceful music. Try to be in a clearer environment without tons of distractions so that you can resonate on a higher level. Great to meditate now! Through your dreams you may get signs or symbols of importance. Could be the answer you are looking for! Be more compassionate. Write some poetry to a lover or someone you would love to know. Pisces Full Moon may say to just relax, refresh and get more sleep. Not such a bad idea, now is it?

Mercury is trine Pluto in Capricorn September 1. This is a time for you to express yourself. Write down any ideas you have. An opportunity may show up. Mars in Aries is square Saturn in Capricorn and is triggered by Venus on Full Moon day. Watch out for any impatience in relationships or financially since Venus is also opposite Saturn and square Mars. Let go of grudges and good luck may show up. Take time to sit quietly and see what comes through. Follow your heart always.

My prayer is that people wake up to the truth and do what they came to do. And when one comes from the heart the fear is vanquished. Maybe there may be adjustments that need to be made yet so what? The world has been ambushed through the last years and now America is in the crossfire and much of the world.

The Sun/Rising signs more intensely affected are 7-13 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) at those degrees may be also affected. Birthdays are: May 29-June 3; August 30-September 4; November 29-December 4 and February 28-March 4. Some tidbits:

Aries-Since Mars is in the mix take advantage of the electric energy that you may feel. Recent goings on regarding work and health may come in focus. Take down time for you.

Taurus- This is all about finding those who are in sync with you. Raise your frequency and you will be uplifted and attract those who are in tune. You look to help others now.

Gemini- Think about what you want from life, and make your plans accordingly. Career/home interests are pulling at each other. Are you ready to take charge?

Cancer- Don’t dismiss dreams of a different future. Decisions you make right now could open up and give you a some meaning and purpose. You may choose to travel.

Leo- The secret is to let go of whatever needs to be let go of, and allow yourself to be changed. Do not let fiscal issues get out of control since something may confuse you.

Virgo- Find a balance between what you need and what others would like. There may be partnership tests at this time or you may meet someone who is truly special.

Libra- Focus on the reality of moment and find what needs to be healed within and around. Stay calm and protect your health since you may be vulnerable

Scorpio- You might discover something that really gives you joy. You may be quite creative at this time. A love connection may take you to a new feeling.

Sagittarius- Finding time for home and family matters may take some doing and may bring some agitation to the forefront. it is time to prioritize work/ family.

Capricorn- Some accolades that you were not expecting may show up. If you are working on a project it is important that your ideals are in tune with practicality.

Aquarius- Look at what makes you comfortable. Watch that your security is not overturned by unusual behavior. Balance the give and take of intimacy.

Pisces-See the uniqueness within and look for self-discovery. Be assertive. Your connection to others is intensified. Where do you allow it to go? Take the lead?

The Bear Totem is about strength and courage.And the Pages of Shustah say:  Go into deep meditation and think before acting; then prayers may be answered; communication is important.THANK YOU for reading and sharing. It is a pleasure to know that what I may write may trigger an “aha” moment for some of you. Do laugh a bit no matter what is going on.  It may bring some new insights in. Try it more as the days of summer start to wind down. Go with the flow of the Pisces moon energy and let go the past and dream. Be blessed, until again, love, Jan



NEW MOON in ARIES, March 24 2020 – Be still and open your eyes

new moon in aries 2020

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The sun is shining and I am thrilled because glorious spring just arrived on March 19, 2020 11:49pm EDT and it is a new beginning. And as spring approached I was all ready to watch the NCAA College Basketball March Madness but another kind of madness has come upon the world which I live in. In a thousand years I would never have guessed that the population of the world and precisely America would go off the deep so easily. You can yell at me and ask me as to how can I be so laid back about this. Well, I am not laid back. I am in observing stage and following the money and the behind the scenes movement regarding this whole scenario. Does any one of you know the truth about the government actions? The reality of what is going on? If you do, good going!! I dislike being locked down and having this entire escapade affecting my First Amendment rights and all the other ones since the Constitution is in quarantine. I know that there are deaths that have come about since the beginning of this novel COVID-19. It reminds of many novels. Oh, that’s right nothing but fear allowed. It has been a fear-mongering media from the start and everyone out there has bought it. Well, maybe not. Do you not see the truth about what is going on? Open your eyes Dear Ones. In my perspective it may be a fight between the Darkness and the Light. MONEY talks!! Yes, I know. Stop saying what the programming brings in. I am sorry that some have died due to this charade. I hope they are at peace. So why did the US CDC advertise for Infectious disease quarantine officers in November 2019? Yes, they did. Oh my, what is really going on here? And if you do not take it seriously you are shamed. Maybe you should investigate and see the truth. Check out If you research then you will find where it started. The fear which is being promoted is beyond insane. So what is the bottomline here? Perhaps it is part of an illusion for a transformation to take place. In the meantime the New Moon is almost here and brings a stillness to it and that may be what everyone needs at this time. It may help with the social distancing which is upon you or not.

This past Full Moon in Virgo was about finding new ways to do things and not sticking to the same old programs. How many of you have been stuck in the programming? Have you even noticed this? Or has the panic overshadowed the truth. Oh, my, that says it all. And deception is still ongoing maybe even scandals that hang on. Think about it and you may find your answers as the New Moon arrives. Here comes the warrior and explorer of the world – Aries. The NEW MOON in ARIES shows up on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 5:28AM EDT; 2:28AM PDT; and 9:28AM GMT in 04 degrees 12’. The Sun is in Aries at the exact degree. Is there a fire burning within that can take you to a new place instead being stuck amidst the muck of the insane world? It looks like there will be a waning of the intensity of that which is now in motion as long as you can quell your fear and panic state. There is no fear is you are awakened and attuned to your heart. Remember what you think is what comes to you. This is a big truth and no matter what anyone says I have said this for years that if you change your thinking your life will change. Period! Try it and see what happens. Most will not due to severe programming from out there in fantasy land. There is a Chiron conjunction at 5 degrees 17’ Aries with the New Moon in Aries. Since Chiron is about healing it may be enough to take you to that place in your life. Remember to heal there must be release of old junk as far as I am concerned. Healing comes only when you are able to let go that which keeps you stuck in the fear of your own making. If a new issue pops up then take care of it promptly. This period is great for anyone who woks alone. Where the Moon falls it does not emotionally lean on anyone and most likely will work solo. Those touched strongly by this Aries New Moon are also not taken in by what is popular or listen to other individual’s expectations. It is a time of projects which are unique.

Saturn in Aquarius is in sextile to the New Moon/Sun in Aries but will start to get further away as the New Moon moves on. A bit softer atmosphere may begin to appear. Perhaps this could mean that the current energy surrounding the pandemic will start to wane and eventually go away. That certainly depends on taking responsibility for your own life. Do the right thing already. There may be some lesson that you have to learn and through this history which is repeating itself may bring it about. It is time for self-discipline and courage along with integrity. Mars and Pluto are conjunct (together) in Capricorn and are intensely present when you are going after your goals. If there is any kind of manipulative behavior then it will stand in your way and attract enemies into your realm. While this is going on there is an addition to the mix of Jupiter which can bring to you insights that open up to what is truly going on and is a blessing. Positivity reigns if you allow it and good outcomes come to the surface. Mars in Capricorn is trine to Venus in Taurus which makes for good interactions in love and relationships. Be open to receive and a new level of pleasure and love are more powerful than before. Open up to love.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 1 – 7 degrees. If you have personal planets (Mercury, Moon, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it will have some effect also. Birthdays affected more than others: March 21-28; June 21-28; September 23-September 30; and December 21-December 28.

Aries- This is about you at this time. Go out and shine your light brightly and soar high or just know that good things show up in time. Be true to self.

Taurus – You feel a bit laid back and private. At times just  do it yourself. Is this your feeling now? Delve deep with the fiery spirit and insights show up.

Gemini – Who are your true friends? Time will show them to you. Maybe keep in touch with them by texting and video chatting. Spread your ideas this way.

Cancer – Where are you going professionally? Who can help you? Keep in touch and know that it is a good time for working on your career ideas.

Leo –May be time for an adventure, new courses to take or even a new start wherever you choose to take it. Make sure those around you support your ideas.

Virgo- Put your needs first. Work on some investment planning and let the inner part of you come forth in order that transformation takes place. Sexual loving?

Libra –Relationships especially regarding partners and business associates are in the forefront. If you have an inner circle now is the time to pull it together.

Scorpio – This energy can put you out there as a mover and shaker showing others how to do it in the workplace or healthwise. You can make it right.

Sagittarius- Now is the time to put your efforts into your creativity. If you have a creative project in mind, then go for it.  Is love in the cards?

Capricorn – What is you choose to fix with your home? Or is this something you can choose to do with your family. New insights emerge and you leap in this area.

Aquarius – What do you wish to communicate at this time? If you need to catch up on emails this is a great time for that. Avoid gossiping. Do family bonding.

Pisces – Now is the time to leap forward in the money game. Fix any past errors and you do well. Also work on the budget. Something new is coming down the road.

I am always open to questions or even if you choose to know more about your own life through the aspects let me know in comments. I do readings and counseling and look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for reading. Share if you will. Do take a breath. Look for miracles along the way. Put out intentions in the first 24 hours of  New Moon. Be blessed.  Until again, love, Jan


Happy Valentine’s Day 2019/ Venus-What’s love got to do with it?

valentine day image

Happy Valentine’s Day! How deep is the love within your heart? Love comes around to most of you at some time in your life. Do you go with the feeling or do you fear it? Some of you dislike yourselves so much that when you think you love you create dissension between you and your partner because you are fearful of commitment or expressing your truth to another. Many say hate is the opposite of love. Nope, Fear is. And once that fear is conquered the love you hide so deeply within can emerge and light up your life.

As this Valentine’s Day comes in the news continues to spew hatred and discontent. How many of you are caught in this energy that destroys your own ability to love unless you jump off the bandwagon. Do you really think that what you feel is love by hating anything? What throws your fear into high gear when you do not get your way? The hate covers up the fear and therefore how does love even play into your life? If someone else loves you fear it and then the hatred shows up. Oh my, a cycle of craziness. Would it not be a grand thing to look within and see what it is that this hate is about? And on a deeper level you are afraid to love and this is about being free within.

I look out there and see so many stating men are at fault. Well, sweet pea if you don’t have men you would not be here. Oh, I know eventually many of you will support the total in the lab creation of humans so men and women have no contact. Yet you go out and celebrate Valentine’s Day pretending to love someone. I feel in this year of 2019 that many have a dislike to loving at all. Is that you? Why would it even matter to me? Because without love what is there?

Through many years I have witnessed this craziness. You dislike this, you dislike that. Why? How do you feel when you feel no love? Do you even know what it feels like to love? When you have gone within and felt the deep pull of you heart and shared it with others that may be love. Or it may be a deep knowing that you are in balance that the world around sings to you. What caused this lack of self-esteem that you have created? And how does love feel to you? I would like to hear from you in the comments or a private message. Thanks.

Venus has much to do with how you love and what attracts you. That is just a start to the love cycle in your chart and when you compare it to another. When I was in college I came home for the weekend not too long before I would graduate and my mother said I need to understand other people. And I looked at her – huh? She went into a deep explanation about to get along in life one must be able to read others so that one can get along and learn to love each other. Ok, Mom, I know you are psychic and I know you do this. No, Janice, you need to read this basic astrology book and understand. Oi vey! So I did eventually and then after I was married she gave me another one that she underlined and added names. EEK! Yep, and it all started way back when and I just cannot get away from it. She saw something I did not at that time. So, as I got married and had children I read and studied and read and studied and in-between all else I read and studied. And to this day I want to throw it away, yet I still do the same. And love showed up once I began to understand myself and others. You do not need to know astrology to love but in my life that helped me get to the fear within so I could attract the love to me.

Looking around the Net I see many ways to check for compatibility between you and your newly found attraction. How does your Venus and Mars stack up with his or hers? Well, that is ok on some level yet I feel that one has to have more than compatibility. What are the Sun signs involved. Very basic it is. Ok, it is a place to start but do you really think that if you base your love life on just the Sun signs that you will find the love of your life? No. In my case when I first met my late husband I knew he and I had some good aspects but his Sun was incompatible with mine and I guess I could have just walked away. I got to know him and saw that we had many things in common including an independent outlook which was a really strong basis for our partnership. Our commitment to each other was real. At times the intense part of the connection became a heated discussion yet the interconnectedness of the energy kept us going. There was a spark that came out when all else disappeared and kept the light glowing. We had to learn and grow and I loved the challenge and he hid from it. That was the issue. Fear on his part at times. I energized him and he supported my endeavors. Love was the commitment to follow through no matter what went on. And our love of humor held the bond intact.

So, what does love have to do with it for you or me or anyone else? Astrology has many ways of telling you what can occur in a relationship. Some believe it, some do not. That is ok. I find that at times I just go with my gut about what is going on in a relationship and by doing so when I look at the chart it supports my feelings. It is not just about the planets that I take into consideration regarding a relationship. There are lots of asteroids, fixed stars and the like which have an effect. Would I follow the general compatibility interpretation? Not really. If that was the case I would never have married my husband since there were a few difficult aspects that stood out. And our basic sun signs were supposedly incompatible along with a volatile aspect between Mars and Pluto.  Astrology to me in my heart and mind gives me clues as to what I do have to work on together and how well I interact on many different levels with a partner. Venus, as I said is a main player, and will give you some kind of basis for how you approach love. Look up your Venus and see what it says about how you love and how your interest loves. If you do not know, then ask me in the comments and I will let you know. Venus is currently in Capricorn. Here are just a few fun tidbits about Venus in the signs:

Venus in Aries – They look for trouble in love. They love to be worshipped. Competitive they are. They love to have their faces touched.  They can be aggressive and want to be number 1.

Venus in Taurus – They are collectors. They love the good life. They love to cuddle more than most. Love pleasure and good food. And they probably marry for security. Dynamic music!

Venus in Gemini – They need good talk then they are hooked. Love to kiss. They like refinement. Can be jealous – more often than not. Likes variety. They like changes in relating.

Venus in Cancer – They so love care and feeding. Dislike ridicule. They love to get regular cards and E cards. Terrified of rejection. Love mementos. Way to heart is through the stomach.

Venus in Leo – Get their attention by laughing at their jokes. Praise is important. Love backrubs. Love lively companions and good cuisine. Act like a millionaire or rock star to get them looking.

Venus in Virgo – You know they love you if they pick on you. They like the together look. Men like the models; women like the workaholics. They want to do it all for you. Love serving you.

Venus in Libra – They love to spoil you. Will do just about anything for you. Forget taking out the trash. Love to do everything together. Easy life they want. Do they love you or trendy friends?

Venus in Scorpio- They dislike aloneness. They love depth and craziness. Love mysteries and secrets. Loyalty is important to them. And do not snoop around in their stuff. Detached at times!

Venus in Sagittarius – Love and romance are a game to them. Adventure calls. You never know what they will do. Magical!. Blurting out the truth. Have a strong code of honor. Love changes.

Venus in Capricorn- If you can act like a chambermaid or a polished executive that is good. Can be mercenary. They are a bit frosty. Love lots of kisses but no one else knows that. Likes to be useful.

Venus in Aquarius- Seems to have to try harder than others. Could be a cold fish. Faithful from habit not heart. Some do not like the romance thing. They show their love in funny ways.

Venus in Pisces – Tell them you love them and do not forget. They see God in you. The best place for Venus. They sacrifice for you. Keep to the ideals and they stay forever. Do not-bye.

How appropriate- As I am writing this post a ladybug landed on my upper back. It tells me to live life fully in the now. We must let go of our fears and go back to our roots, to love. Trust in the universe and have faith so that we get over ourselves, our egos, and allow life to take its course going with the flow. Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing. Keep love in your heart. Wizards Within back on air February 20 2019. Blessings, Until again, Love, Jan



New Moon in Virgo/Fall Equinox, September 19-20, 2017- Let the wound heal and find your heart

Hello again dear ones. What an amazing shifting of energy as the Solar Eclipse is in the background. Many of you are feeling a bit dragged down especially if you have been giving too much to others without replenishing your own energy. How many of you refuse to acknowledge this thought? You know that it is true yet you continue to take no time for you and your own interests. Then it becomes the martyr syndrome. Right? Could it be that this keeps you from recognizing what you truly desire? What do you think? What do you feel? Don’t know because you haven’t ever discovered it. Maybe it is time you do.

Briefly- Did you know that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines? Doctors in Florida found out…and unfortunately they are dead.  If you do not think the weather is being manipulated (I know you do not) then you need to do some research.  This is not Mother Nature dear ones. I know just another conspiracy theory. Hurricanes do not come in threes. They happen one here; one there; and then somewhere else. I am asking you to wake up to what really is happening here because in the next months you are going to find it really difficult if you believe everything that is told to you by those running the world. This week is the tell all up until September 23. Then too, maybe you may choose to read the “Creature from Jekyll Island”.  Enough said. Find your own truth. Good luck, dear ones.

This current New Moon energy is about giving and receiving. It is also about love and service. If it is going out one way only it is not love. Love is opening to receive also. Otherwise, it is totally out of balance and that is why you have not discovered your truth. And without the truth there is no soul growth and then love disappears. Why would you wish to leave love out? Oh, I know, because sometimes it triggers those deep wounds. Well, if that is the case then maybe it is time to look deeply and allow the healing to take place. That is what this NEW MOON in VIRGO is all about -reaching within for the gift(s) that is yours. This New Moon in Virgo takes place on September 20, 2017 at1:29 am EDT; 5:29am GMT; and 10:29pm PDT (September 19, 2017) in 27degrees 27’. The Sun is at the exact degree as the Moon. Chiron in Pisces is opposing the New Moon. That is why it is about healing yourself and the helping humanity. Chiron is the Wounded Healer. This New Moon says to you to stop covering up the pain of the deep wounds and begin to address how to heal them. If you shift the expectations slightly then you may feel more comfortable addressing the woundedness. Or would you prefer to continue to have the pain? Why? Too embarrassed to look at how you truly feel?  Too ashamed that you wish you were perfect but are not? The Sun is opposite Chiron so you may feel less confident and possibly depressed. Walk through it or get help. One thing—Do not try to do the victim dance upon others.

Vesta is conjoined with the New Moon in Virgo. Vesta is saying just go do it. What is that you keep thinking about doing yet sit back and ignore it? What are you waiting for? Show others how to do what you want to do. Put your actions out there. Stop talking about it and lead the way. On the other hand Vesta in Virgo can create the hermit within. Ignore that feeling because you will do nothing. Is that what you desire? Vesta will help you if you want to go out and help others right now.

This New Moon is the first one in the cycle since the Solar Eclipse on August 21. And do you know what? If you started something in Eclipse energy then it may be good to take it to the next step. Think about how to do that and gather the ingredients to take a short leap with it. There are changing conditions with this New Moon since it is inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus in Aries. Are you having some difficulty moving that goal forward? Then this aspect says you may need to alter the plans a bit to keep it going. With the Sun in Virgo quincunx Uranus in Aries there may be a feeling of anxiety because you are picking up some kind of drama or an unexpected

event which may show up. So what kind of pain are you now feeling? Face it already because then it will help you move ahead. And more wounds are showing up with the Saturn in Sagittarius square to Chiron in Pisces. It is amazing how this all brings healing to the fore if you allow it to happen. But sometimes it just rolls on and on and you get tired of dealing with it. Why don’t you open to it and then you can reach out to others with unconditional love. Isn’t that what it is all about? On another note there is a Grand Trine between Pluto in Capricorn, Pallas Athene in Taurus and Mercury and Mars in Virgo. This can be a step to healing the Earth using visions and dreams. Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces which may create illusions around you. Use the magic of Mercury in its own sign to change your reality with the right words and thoughts. Bring your awareness to the mix and things can shift in a big way.

It is time to tune into your own gifts and helping others since Jupiter in Libra is opposing Uranus in Aries. Stop sitting there thinking negatively about you own ability to create and do something with the talents you have. It is time to take it to the next level and stop worrying about where the money is going to come from or how you are going to do it. This is all coming together and don’t let the opportunity which shows itself go by the wayside. It is also a time to honor the Divine Feminine and Masculine within.

As I was writing this post I took some time I was wandering in my garden with a friend. I haven’t been out to weed in a month and it is quite overgrown in places. She helped put me on track by taking a short time a weeded some places. Now, in my heart of hearts I have the incentive again to go out there and spend time seeing how lovely it is and making it a gem again.

As the New Moon in Virgo energy takes effect two days later dancing in the sun is the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2017 4:01pm EDT; 1:01am PDT and 8:01pm GMT. It falls in Libra so it is about getting relationships in balance. Funny thing, you have noticed they are a bit off, huh?

Relating with love, healing, balance and service are the main words to describe this New Moon in Virgo and Fall Equinox. Those more intensely affected are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in late degrees (22-29) of the signs. Birthdays affected are: March 13-20; June 13-20; September 15-23; and December 13-20. Love and service are the keys.

For some further info I asked the Pages of Shustah cards to give some insight and 5 cards came up instead of 3. Here is what they said: The question or root of this New Moon is the Ouroboros– This is a snake with the tail in his mouth. It states that you are one with all. It is a circle of love. Love yourself so you can love others. Everyone is connected. Be there. The situation of the New Moon is told by 3 cards- Scorpio– Time to let any wounds go and rise up and be healed.  Pisces- Open to the energy. Divine energy is flowing in. Open to it to clear the blocks. And Pisces is also unconditional love. Diamond- What is shining in your life? Or what has to be polished a bit more to bring it a shine? The outcome of this is The Pale Horse- This has a lot of power but something is bringing fear to you. If that is the case then the Pale Horse does protect. If you need to act swiftly then this helps you. Walk away if it no longer works.

Be blessed at the New Moon in Virgo and the Equinox. Thank you for reading and please share if you will. Stop hiding and get out there with love but keep the service and your relationships in balance. You can do it. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Until again. Love, Jan

NEW MOON in LEO, July 23, 2017- Let the free heart speak kindly

leo the lion

So have you been stirred up with fear and depression as the Full Moon energy is leaving? Where have you been as you wandered through the last weeks? Some of you were hit with some darkness shaking up the dregs so new can be reborn. Now there is a new energy coming in which will take you on a ride that is upbeat and joyful. Could it be about heart? Yes, heart reins in the truth now and it brings in love. If you have been ignoring that loving place within that heart of yours now is the time to allow it to emerge from your depths to manifest your desires. I faced some darkness for a couple of hours and knew that it had to be so I could release the junk that held me down. And then I went back to Tapping again (EFT) and it made a total difference.

The news is so filled with drastic actions it makes me wish to not read anything but positive material and maybe just take long walks. I was appalled at the situation in Minneapolis where the policeman shot an Australian woman as she was reporting to his partner about a possible assault in the alley outside where she lived. Dig beyond the dirt. It is not what it seems. On another note: a senior member of Congress has stated that out of nowhere in a sudden way President Trump will be taken out. Wow. This country has hit the bottom. How many of you would go for that? No comment. The upcoming Solar Eclipse in August is sitting right on his ascendant. Anyway, soon they want to put chips in hundred dollar bills so they can track your money too. Life as we know it no longer exists.  Little kids are becoming junkies. Yes, they are obsessed with phones too.

On July 21, 2017 Mercury conjoined the North Node in Leo. What kind of communication or interaction have you had? This is giving you a glimpse into the future. What was the energy like? Is it the kind you desire to have in the future or do you wish to let it go? This is the time to decide what you truly desire. Once you decide then it is good to communicate it with compassion and humility. Get it out there. You may be surprised what comes to you.

On a positive note the NEW MOON in LEO is coming to visit on July 23 2017 at 5:45 AM EDT; 2:45 AM PDT; and 9:45 AM GMT in 0 degrees 44’. The Sun is also in Leo at the same degree. What is it going to say to you? First of all it lightens the energy and says get your passion back on track; find that joyous point within yourself and you may wish to spread it to others; and reach down and find that creative piece that you have ignored for too long and get it out there and make it happen. How does that sound? Better than all that fear gunk, dear ones.

This is truly a time to rebirth yourself. Mars in Leo at 1 degree 52’ and conjoins the New Moon on July 26 exact at 4 degrees. It is time to bring your heart to any concern no matter how much fear shows up. The masculine Mars warrior is at the forefront of the energy. Your vitality, passion and motivation are in the mix taken to another level at this time. Use your heartfelt energy as things arise to help you wend your way through any situation. Mars helps to burn away the old paradigm of any expressions that are now not needed. Of course, some may show up as the negative Mars in Leo as the egocentric or bully. And then there are those of you who will go back to the childish ways. I suggest you stay in the heart.

Mars in Leo with the New Moon in Leo is about action, war, sex and lots of aggressiveness. Can you handle it? It can be truly positive and heart can be present. Yet, Mars can be fierce and just wants his own way. And since Mars squares Uranus, oh my, it brings a more erratic and explosive energy to this lovely heartfelt New Moon in Leo. So, where will you allow it to go in your life? You need to get all those deeply held desires which are ready to explode, but get them out in a safe environment. And keep them from becoming so intense that it becomes a danger to you. Watch impulsive actions because there may be shocks. Get yourself in a creative mode and work the energy this way.

Looks like a time of some kind of breakups since Uranus in Aries at 28 degrees is squaring the New Moon in Leo. Does not mean it definitely will occur just that the energy is saying make-up already or move on. And this also includes the basic family where some are more in a cult-like bubble as opposed to a family of all included. Some early trauma from childhood can pop up in your memory and maybe it is time to just recognize and let it go already. It is not an easy task but is recommended since it is interfering with your moving forward. And Uranus is saying be who you are, that unique self who is always true and if others disagree, that is their issue. This is not a time to fit in. The free heart speaks.

Some of you who have been in a childish mode for one reason or other have a challenge to work through it and get to your true self without bullying or trying to get your own way. Yet this New Moon conjunct Mars does bring you closer to those you consider family. On another hand there may be explosions in the domestic area and you feel like you are at war. Stop being provoked. Are you projecting your old behaviors or those that serve your higher purpose?

Where have you been limiting yourself? Jupiter in Libra continues to square Pluto in Capricorn and will bring out your fears, beliefs and desires and show this to you. Then you can look for another approach to anything that is occurring in your life. That brings on an exhilarating feeling. This is definitely time to transform who you are.

Chiron in Pisces is trine the New Moon in Leo and helps bring healing. Those who haven’t healed old wounds will sink into self-pity. And others who have will go the other direction and reach into the higher consciousness. If there is something you are stuck on, then dig it out and heal it. It is time to do that, dear ones.

Saturn is retrograde in Sagittarius until August 25, 2017 when it goes direct a few days after the Solar Eclipse. If fear has been an issue then Saturn may be trying to get you on track. There are some lessons that you may have learned in the retrograde period. This has been a time of regrouping and looking at anything that you may be developing. This way you can change anything that needs change before it goes direct and you move forward with desires. Any relevant issues which you have been facing now can be revamped and prepared for the next phase.

As the energy of the Solar Eclipse (2nd New Moon in Leo) arrives on August 21, 2017 there is another eclipse on August 7 (lunar Full Moon in Aquarius). Find the peace within your heart now; stay out of the doubts and fears; and allow the moment to take you forward to your desires. Life is changing in ways beyond our imagination which is bringing you what you desire. Do you recognize that? And these times of intense energy are dramatically transforming. If others tell you different then they are still back in a bubble of the past. You need to allow the freedom of your own heart to take you to the path of your soul purpose.

Those signs intensely affected and with any personal planets at these degrees: Taurus (Aries 27 – Taurus 5 degrees, Leo (Cancer 27-Leo 5 degrees) , Scorpio (Libra 27-Scorpio 5 degrees) and Aquarius (Capricorn 27-Aquarius 5 degrees). Birthdays: April 17- April 25; July 19-27; October 18-26; and January 16-24.

Keep those heartfelt thoughts flowing and stay in the moment. Thank you for reading, dear ones  Don’t forget to set your intentions in the first 24 hours after the New Moon. Sending well wishes and blessings to you as the New Moon energy comes in. ”Don’t give into your fears, if you do you won’t be able to talk to your heart.” (Paolo Coelho) Check out offthecuffe-zine for an article about Saturn and fear. It is a great magazine. Until again. Love, Jan


So much is going on dear ones. Who slept fitfully last night? I know that Moon was opposing Mars in Virgo and boy what a restless high energy night. Now I feel so tired. EEK! The eclipses did their jobs of starting the ball rolling and now it is up to you to continue the energetic to finding the truth in all. What a wild ride that affects us all. There is so much change in the air that even though you may feel it, there are others of you are oblivious to it.  Layers upon layers of the old paradigm fall away. Those who have the riches of the world will soon be in turmoil since they have stolen what belongs to all of you, not just the select few. It has been setup like that for eons of time and the last hurrah for those who have power is coming to seek them out. You also have power and have you ever thought about actually being in the power? That inner power will help you weather whatever shows up in your life. Some of you will be thinking, what is going to happen? Fear thinking may show up. Did you ever find that fear wins the moment? Does fear offer you truth or love? Heck no. It appears because you forgot you are LOVE. Look at it as a perfect way to gauge whether that love is buried deep within. When the door opens and fear appears, ask it to leave. It has no power over you anymore.

You may wonder why I continue speaking of this fear that seems to show up sporadically. Well, it is obvious to me that many of you still hang onto this for some unknown reason. Is it fear about money or not having something that you think you need? Is it fear about not being loved? Is it fear of something happening at your workplace? Fear is everywhere as long as you allow it to take over your life. Let’s go beyond fear and face the demons and bring out the truth and what a difference life can be. This feeling that comes over you, the anxiety, fear and otherwise, is unreal. It appears to teach you. Love is.

Have you ever noticed that when you are in a place of love within, the place where the Divine resides, that your life flows smoothly with very few bumps. And now that Jupiter goes into Gemini at 1:22pm EDT on June 11, 2012 and it is going to be there for a year until June 26, 2013. Things will start to feel somewhat lighter. People will want to talk and communicate but our nation’s fiscal woes may get worse since everyone seems to be scattered doing too many things to concentrate.  It joins the Sun and Venus in Gemini. If you have any planets near the first 5 degrees of Gemini, they will be overly energized by the positive Jupiter vibrations in the next few weeks. Some of you may find new opportunities especially if you have a North Node close by. This will happen through others and if you don’t pay attention, they disappear. So please open to anything that may help you on your true path. Jupiter going into Gemini can also mean a time of hyperactivity. Your brain doesn’t stop thinking, worrying and finding more ways to make you crazy and anxiety-prone. You want to talk about chatty things, gossip and be superficial. Oh joy. Know this and keep yourself from getting pulled into this kind of scenario. Then there are those who may question your thinking or actually prod you into a controversial debate. Do you need that? This is a time to get to the larger truth along the path and get rid of all those empty concepts. On June 13/14 Jupiter will touch on the Solar Eclipse point from May 20.

The energy that is slowly rising in this timeframe can truly make you feel like you are drawn and quartered if you are off track. Seriously! Whatever is coming up for you it is time to stop pretending and walk through all the junk that is being thrown at you. Yes, I mean you and you and you. You are being poked and prodded to listen to your heart. Forget what MS Media says. Are you still holding on to beliefs from your parents? Look at the bottomline. Are you worthy? Are you living your life for you or other people? Why does it the old junk have such a hold on you? Where is this self-talk taking you? Does it enhance your life or have you convinced yourself that life is a struggle and as long as you can ignore it, it will go away? Not happening this time. It is off base in this new paradigm. If you are living your truth, life flows. If not, Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall. The only way to put him back together again is to have a reevaluate and move through it.  When you are off base, then things go haywire and it is distracting and distressing. So, what will you do about this? Changes are arriving in everyone’s life. The changes come to say, pay attention. If you choose to ignore the shifting energy, then you may feel very beat up and a bit worse for wear. No joke. So, let’s move forward on your path and take a small leap. The tipping point is coming to your neighborhood. Will you be able to face the music? It is time to look at your life and see what is working and what is not. And then decide if you wish to keep on living in a way that is untrue. Your choice.

Enough said. May the blessings of the Divine flow through your life and bring joy and love to you and much prosperity. Thank you for all your support. Until again. With love, Jan

Valentine’s Day, Love, and Whitney Houston -Feburary 14 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day – the day the world stops to celebrate love. There is a frenzy to buy cards, gifts and any bauble or bangle there is for your favorite sweetie. I am a big fan of the day. I thought I would get lots of cards.  Of course, Valentine’s Day is only one day. Celebrating love for one day and forgetting it the rest of the year is crazy? Do you forget about expressing love beyond this day? If anyone has an answer for me I would love to hear it. How many of you actually tell your dream girl/guy that you love them on other days? Do you say it more than once, every so often? Many have told me you don’t need to say it all the time because it is understood by your actions. Well, honey, I love to hear the words and you know what, why not give me what makes me feel good? Oh, I know, no one can make another happy, but it sure does boost one’s mood at times to hear those three words. If it makes your dream girl/guy’s day by hearing those three little words, what is the hesitation? By failing to express one’s feelings, doesn’t that build up some kind of volcano ready to explode? And then one day you no longer can keep it in and along comes a big bang. Tell that dream girl/guy that you love them if you do. Possessing someone is far from love. I see that too often around me. Are you one of those who gives love little credence and prefers to sacrifice that part of your life for approval, control and money with so little interest in intimate partnerships? How many do that? I think it is a rampant disease. Love is worth it. Have you ignored expressing love due to old patterns, habits, desires? I hear some of you saying you don’t really care about love. Well, no one said you had to care about it. Just express it, show it, and send it out to everyone. Too many are jaded and want the easy road. So, you were hurt a few times along the way. BIG DEAL! What’s the fear about? May get hurt again…obviously you didn’t understand why that person came in your life. Maybe it was bad timing. Maybe you needed to have a trigger to clear out the sludge of the past and see the truth about yourself. Love is. How sad to go through life without feeling LOVE. God is Love and Love is God.

There is no hesitation for me to express how I feel. That is being authentic. When I feel good I allow myself to share my joy. If I am having a down day for whatever reason, then do I share my feelings? Should I hide in a corner and wait for the mood to pass so others see only the positive in me?  Hey, wonderful you, my need to express is just as important as your need to express. Of course, sometimes you and I both get carried away and say things that may be insensitive or hurtful. (I am not talking about abusive relationships here.) Should we break off the connection because that happened whether in friendship or love? Heck no. That’s taking it personally and nothing is worth taking personal. Get over it already. Yes, there are some who would say I haven’t gotten over some stuff. Oh, I have. Takes longer sometimes to clear out the debris and let go the old habits, patterns involved. And in right timing it is released. Nothing happens instantly unless you have mastered it. And if it does, believe me it comes back sooner than later to check you out and see if you really let go. Have you?  Love has no controls. You cannot demand a partner or a friend to be the way you fantasize them to be. Wouldn’t that be a fun time? Hey, love, be in my life filled with sharing and laughter but if I choose to control you, I will. Love and control have no connection. Love is always about the other. The more you give love, the more you get back a hundredfold. And it will come back in ways that you least expect, sometimes so far different than what you intended that you may fail to recognize it at first. Remember it is for your highest good.

When I mentioned about repressing feelings and eventual explosiveness, I found something in Whitney Houston’s chart that indicated this. She was an angel sent from above to share her gift with the world. I had the pleasure of seeing her perform many years ago in the 90s. It was extraordinary. What a personable lady (very Leo) with lots of verve. Yet there was a dark side that reared its ugly head when she met and married Bobby Brown (my opinion). She began to feel insecure and not being able to live up to the adulation. Although she was magnetic and filled with charisma before her marriage, the darkness crept in through projection. The last few months she had Pluto transit squaring her Mars in Libra which gave her more ambition possible. Pluto pumps up the energy and since Mars is energy, it is over the top. With whom did she have a power struggle at this time? The other side of the coin is any suppressed anger still lingering within could bring some very shady characters to her life or danger. It is not what it seems. She ticked someone off recently, maybe even that day, because she did not agree with what was said and it was very emotional for her. She stuck to her guns about her feelings and someone did not like it. It had to do with a partnership. She was NOT going to kill herself. Why would she? Have you jumped on the media bashing bandwagon before all the facts are in?  Maybe you need to think for yourself. Didn’t she fly to California for this celebration and the Grammy’s? More to this then anyone is saying. Who was in her room before she died? Mars was retro in her 7th house of partnerships conjunct her fated VERTEX. Wow, now I wonder if…..?  And I bet the ranch it wasn’t done by her. It was building for weeks. Someone was not happy with her. If she wanted to kill herself, why fly out to the West Coast when she could have done it anywhere. I was appalled that they actually had that party when she was dead in another part of the hotel. Crass. Why not wait until the next day and then do a tribute party? Is this what America has become? I doubt that was a loving response on their part. Can you say zombies? We will always love you Whitney. RIP.

Sending you all blessings and lots of LOVE today and through the coming days. May your dreams become realities. Thank you so much for who you are and what you do. Until Again, Jan

Manifest Your Dreams with Love Energy in 2012

Well, it’s 2012 and here we go again. Warmongers are set to blow the world up, the doomsday people are ready for the gloom that they want to manifest, and the Earth is crying her eyes out. We need to help the Earth heal and stop this craziness before it takes us away into oblivion that many are trying to bring about. There was a video I saw recently about that which said in order for the Earth to shift into a higher place of consciousness and heal it needs you and me to help it. What can we do? If you are reading this blog you probably feel the same way I do. Let’s awaken those who continue to sleep in their cozy existences. There are many who will choose to abandon the highest ways as they continue on their paths to doom. Yet, you and I are looking to rise up to higher consciousness and awaken others. How can we do this?  Affirm that “I am willing to shift with my beloved Mother Earth.” It is recommended to say 3-4 times per day.

 So much is going on around me and my favorite topic, the energy of LOVE and how it can help you get through the year. It is interesting how different I feel in this year of 2012. It is like something shifted immensely and here I am still going ahead, feeling better than I did just a few weeks ago. Did any of you feel some shifting within, or around you? This past weekend there was a Venus/Neptune aspect which was truly romantic. How many of you experienced a breakthrough lovewise?  It was almost ethereal. And Venus now has come upon Chiron in Pisces in the last day or so which could bring about major relationship healing. On the other hand Chiron can manifest from a negative place and be truly insensitive because of its woundedness. Chiron is the wounded healer. So, did you come from the higher place or did you unconsciously hurt someone? It is a beautiful aspect if you stay on the higher ground and the deepest healing in a relationship can take place. Have any of you experienced this in the last day or so? Still is possible in the coming week. Look for it. Come from the deepest love and heal your relationship if needed.

 Have you ever noticed how love motivates you? When you have a loving interaction and are involved with that special someone, don’t you feel uplifted? Inspired? I know that being in a loving relationship has always inspired me to go beyond the ordinary, silently telling me that I could conquer the world. Do women do this? Well, you know what I mean. The feelings that surface are joyful and can be magnificent if you are coming from that positive side of yourself. Have you noticed that love makes your mind clearer? When you truly love someone you stop feeling sorry for yourself. You love yourself even more unless, of course, you never did and that is what brings about any difficulties that may arise, lack of self-love. Love attracts love. So, if you have buried love so deeply because you fear loving, then do you really think you will find it manifesting in your life? Love is God.

 If you find yourself acting out, do you think that it is a reflection of the partner’s feelings which may be coming from the unconscious? Does he/she recognize that? Or is it taken as a negative against them? Since we do tend to be mirrors for other,, that is possible. Sometimes there may be a past life issue, many in fact, which will trigger something within you or your partner and will start to be a burden on the relationship due to unsolved issues which haven’t been recognized. Or there may be a previous relationship which is now being played out with you because your partner didn’t resolve it with the other partner. Or you may be doing that also. Complex…not! Just layers of an onion which have to be peeled back to see what is truly happening and let go once it surfaces.

 My suggestion to start the New Year in love is to forgive, have compassion and understanding, Love in your life manifests many things positive. It is a deep spring which flows from the Divine within and without. You are created to be love. Do you run from it because it scares you? Take love out of your life. What do you think will happen? That’s like taking the Divine from your life. With the Venus/Chiron aspect it is telling you to open to that healing within. If you do that then you can manifest it in your relationship. Let love energize you. Stop pushing it away and staying stuck in the muck of your own junk. There are really sweet things going on so please take advantage of any opportunities that may show up the end of the week Venus/Pluto can bring pleasure and boundless healing for those who are open to it. Keep that smile intact and as John Michael Montgomery says in a song,

“…If you’ve got love you can move a mountain
A little bit further down the line
You can do it all at once or one rock at a time
You can turn an ordinary picture into a priceless work of art
It’s what you can do if you’ve got love in your heart…”

 What a fantastic time to be alive. Love will help you take a leap further than before. Love is all there is, dear ones. Let it be manifest in your life this year in a magnificent way. May you be blessed until again. The Full Moon shows up on the weekend. Pay attention and thanks for reading.  Love, Jan