Monthly Archives: December 2022

New Moon in Capricorn, December 23, 2022 – Transcend as you climb the mountain

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Jan King here! Happy Holidays! I sit here listening to jolly music since many around me are too busy to take a breath and enjoy this season. Hanukkah has just come in and many wishes go out to those who celebrate. Winter Solstice is almost here. After fighting with the lights on my Christmas tree I decided to let it chill a bit and I will sit down and write. The lights would not come on and then as I touched a branch they lit up. Thanks much I told them. Anyway, have you gotten yourself so stressed that the energy pulls you down and you are having no fun as Christmas approaches? The robots are out and about as I did some shopping. How do you shop if you are on your phone? Oh, never mind I will never understand that. I just saw a blue jay this morning and it was the first time in many months that one was around. It was quite interesting to watch it fly into my tree outside my window and go from branch to branch. Then I realized that a blue jay was sending me a message. Speak up and investigate. So, then I remembered it represented the throat chakra. I think it was telling me to express myself so I decided to blog today. Thanks Blue Jay.

What is going on out there is power at its most dangerous and you and I will be paying for it if the window stays shut and you see nothing but illusion. Get real and find out the truth. Oh, by the way, watch your money because it may not be there unless you start paying attention to what the bankers are looking to do.. How many more illegal immigrants will come over the border and be supported? Looks like Kari Lake’s election fraud case is going to trial. Will this be the end of America as it has been since sexual morality is in a free fall at present? For those who believe the Covid jab is for your good, think again. Why are so many coming down with ailments and dying? Zelensky is TIME Magazine’s Man of the Year. Wow. So, now it comes out that the FBI is tied into Social Media. This is getting better all the time! California just had a 6.4 earthquake. Congrats to Argentina and Lionel Messi for the World Cup win!! And one more thing: Soon some of you will be kicked out of places because the scanner picks you up and knows where you work. It keeps getting better.

As we move into the winter season the Winter Solstice represents the return of the Sun since it is the longest night of the year. It occurs on Wednesday, December 21, 2022 at 4:47 pm EST; 1:47pm PST; and 9:47pm GMT. The Solstice can happen anywhere from December 20-23 but it falling on the 20th or 23rd are rare. The days will begin to get longer until the Summer Solstice in June.

What is a New Moon? It is a burst of new energy which lasts until the next new moon. The best time for making a fresh start and for beginning new projects is during the first two weeks of this new moon cycle. The New Moon in Capricorn arrives on Friday, December 23, 2022 at 5:17am EST; 2:17am PST; and 10:17 GMT in 1 degree 33’. Sun is also at the same degree in Capricorn. It comes between the Solstice and Christmas. The New Moon asks what responsibilities are you to fulfill in the next few weeks. Capricorn says to you that it is about stewardship and respect for the matter. So many today are totally consumed by domination and avarice, the negatives of the Capricorn New Moon. Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat which is climbing towards spiritual service no matter how many difficulties come across your path on the way. Sometimes the unicorn may represent Capricorn. And the unicorn represents the third eye pineal gland or 6th chakra). It says to me to trust what you see. Even if you do not like what you see- stop putting blocks in the way. Are you tired of the craziness and drudge? Then hop on the back of the unicorn and ride up the mountain and transcend the ordinary. Or ask the mountain goat to help you climb up. In order to manifest that what you want stay in the moment and stop getting pulled into the slave game at work or otherwise. The more you stay in the moment the more the good comes to you. Let it flow to you. It is looking for you…oh yes it is. It is time to sit down and visualize your goals so that you can begin a new journey in 2023. Keep in mind that there are five planets in Capricorn.  Structure and focus are main points.

The New Moon is square to Jupiter in Aries which just arrived there. Good chance of overdoing something. Jupiter in Aries in general says this is a time it calls to you and says “just do it”. New Moon in Capricorn though is all about taking your time and see how it is working out. So there is feisty Jupiter in Aries taunting Moon in Capricorn. Where will it take you and how will you get there? Mercury, Venus and Pluto are all in Capricorn which is helping you get motivated and passionate about what you are doing. Yet do remember that Capricorn likes structure. Ceres in Libra makes a T-square with the Sun/Moon and Jupiter. Here we go again. A turning point is staring at you. Where will it take you? By the way United States has a Pluto return on December 28. Oh boy, that will be interesting. Pluto is at the same place that it was when this country came into being. And it transforms all that is unnecessary to move forward. Uranus in Taurus is conjunct the North Node. Lots of old stuff going and unexpected paths open up.

If you have the Sun/Rising sign in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn at 0-6 degrees and 29 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) you will be more intensely affected. Any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) at those degrees it may also have some affect. Birthdays are March 19-March 27; June 19-27; September 22-30; and December 20-28. Tidbits for the signs:

Aries- What are your goals?  Try envisioning what you would like to do. New career and business prospects open up. Where do you wish to take the direction?

Taurus – Travel and networking possibilities. Try seeing your world from a new perspective. Do you wish to study a new interest? Explore new thinking.

Gemini – There is a situation that you need to release. Finances, budget need work. Is there some intimacy that is coming to you? Respect your traditions!

Cancer – Possible surprises regarding relationship. Transformation may bring tension. Could be a mew development that shows up personally! Take a risk?

Leo – Real estate /shared assets may be in the works. Some relationships are rumbling. Be organized in next steps. Loyalty to a partnership may be the key.

Virgo – A happy time with your loved ones. Decisive action re: children and creativity? Let your unique talents take you to a new creative insight.

Libra – Is there a change in how you live? Watch for unexpected expenses. Take action.  Some good times revolve around long-term plans. Home is important.

Scorpio –Is it time for a new start? Energy around the neighborhood may have an effect. Be honest.. Communication is important as to what you do in long-term.

Sagittarius – It is all about your money. Make good focused decisions in that area. Prioritize your financial stability. Let go of old mindsets that limit you.

Capricorn – Focus on wellness /your good reputation. Destiny is in your hands!!!It is time to recharge your inner and outer reality. Know you can succeed!!

Aquarius – It is all about surrounding yourself with peace. Let the healing begin.If you have a fear about something let it go so you can be supercharged.

Pisces – Favor and good fortune in social area /friendships! Find your dream/live it. Do you resonate with your friends/associates? Let the higher vibration in.

Be safe out there with the snow, ice and Arctic blast which is on way. Stay calm.

Thank you for reading. Share if you will. If you have any questions, ask in the comment section and I will gladly offer a response. Happy Holidays to all!!! May the Light of the Divine shine upon you! May the New Year give you the impetus to uncover your deepest truth so that you can leap forward with a new beginning!  Until again, love, Jan

FULL COLD MOON in Gemini, December 7,2022 – Watch your words

Hello Dear Ones. Jan King here. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Did you let your gratitude flow with the Thanksgiving holiday? It is a Full Moon where you can still bring the gratitude to the forefront. Now it is coming to a season of joy for many. Of course, if you listen to those out there in the land of fantasy it will be more depressing than ever. Stay on track and let the goodness of your heart lead the way. Stay in the moment as you wander the stores or prefer to be the online shopper. That is not the bottomline of this season. Too many have forgotten that life is love and joy no matter what else is going on. Do you believe it? Yes, life is what you think. No misinformation. Can you take a leap and just have some fun and give up the fear? How many of you go out and have fun? How many of you talk to your friends and associates? How many of you have real conversations? I am being serious about this. Are you truly seeing your purpose in life? If not, then allow it in. It amazes me that in the past years I have had the opportunity to do so many things to help others and I choose to continue to want to be out there doing so. How do you feel about relating to others in person and finding how to move forward in your life? Communication is important no matter what the world says. Keep that in mind since you may be kept from doing so in the future if things continue the way they are.

The Full Moon falls on Pearl Harbor Day. +Millions of people gave their lives fighting fascism and imperialism, but Pearl Harbor was the event that forever changed the course of human history.” – Sam Graves. That was a major turning point in the American history. As life goes on and it is 81 years later it still steps in as a reminder of where life can go. If you do not see the true picture of what is happening here and now, then I send you blessings because life as it is will stand in your way and that will not be to your liking. Did you know that the new Disney Christmas Show has kids standing with signs saying We Love you Satan!. Many do not recognize the takedown of the family life as we have known it in the past. It matters not if married with family or not I am sure there have been relationships of all kinds that have taught you to reach within and find your truth. That is what it all is about. Are you aware that China owns TikTok? And this gets better – Klaus Schwab and the WEF says that Jesus is fake news and God is dead. And who knows what will happen in Arizona with the election challenge. Oh yes, the “laptop” will be a big surprise for many.

The Full Moon in Gemini/Cold Moon is the last full moon of the year and arrives on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 11:08 pm  EST; 8:08 pm PST; and 4:08 am GMT(December 8) in 16degrees 2’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. The energy is building. Do you intend to be caught in the crazy holiday mix and have it take over your life?  Where is your mind today? How about your communication? This Full Moon is more on a mental axis where Gemini rules the lower mind and Sagittarius is all about the higher mind. Gemini is more about staying in the neighborhood or local area whereas Sagittarius likes to venture out and explore new possibilities. If you haven’t been into much communication lately now is the time to reach within and find those feelings and express them.  Although there is much mental interaction between the two signs it is a truly emotional time for you. Look back at your achievements in the past year and pat yourself on the back and then t is a major time to release those things that are no longer in your life yet you keep hanging onto them. You can do it. Go with the Full Moon energy and intend the release of all things that hold you back including being in the thinking mode too darn much. And do not forget to intend to allow yourself to get off the freaking screen already. Take a breath and take a leap. At least do it for a couple hours a day to start. It is time to reflect and look forward.

The Full Moon in Gemini is conjunct Mars in Gemini. And the energy gives you the desire for fulfilling anything that you are passionate about. The energy brings lots of courage. And don’t forget the sex appeal! Watch your words so you do not get yourself into a fight or attract a rude individual. Since Mars is retrograde you may choose to look at how you care about others and not try to control them. The Full Moon wil occult(hide)Mars as it rises for a short time. Full Moon in Gemini is also square Neptune in Pisces It is a T-square with the Sun and Neptune. Neptune is the planet of intuition, so we may find ourselves receiving confirmation for something we have had an intuitive insight about for some time. But your intuitive side may be off since Neptune is not in a good mood and may bring delusions instead of truth/facts. So what you hear and see out there is not coming to you in clarity. One must dig deeper for the facts or you may find yourself in lies. Many things may not be as clear and beautiful as they could be.

Mercury which rules communication and Venus, attraction planet both enter Capricorn on the 6th and the 9th.  Practical matters may be discussed at work or home. Mercury and Venus together bring out clear communication and diplomatic efforts. No big decisions at this time as the Gemini Full Moon conjuncts Mars and there will be a lot of excitable energy interfering with rational thought!.

Stop sometime in the middle of the Full Moon time this week and be open to the Divine blessings that come in and around you. Appreciate those spiritual blessing that help you move through the chaotic time. Some essential oils which are great now are patchouli, geranium, frankincense, and myrrh. Gem stones are serpentine, hyacinth, peridot

Those affected most intensely will be Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces (Sun signs/rising signs in 13-19 degrees. Also the birthdays affected: June 4-10; September 6-12; December 6-12 and March 4-10. If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mars, Venus, and Mercury) at these degrees, than it may have an affect also. Some tidbits for Sun/Rising signs:

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate. Some travel shows up too. Find more spirituality in your life You may wish to expand your mind too.

Taurus – Finances and investments are in the forefront. Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax and find time to meditate.

Gemini – Relationship joy comes. Cooperation comes in personal interests. Watch words. Try to get out of your rut. You are in the limelight. Go for your big desire.

Cancer – Make adjustments in everyday living. Lots of vitality and optimism is present! Restructure your personal goals. Make adjustment in relationships.

Leo- Some excitement comes in. Watch sensitivity. Some balance in group affairs. A journey of the heart shows up and new insights appear.

Virgo – There may be some changes in home life or even in the business arena. How does your career seem to be? Maybe some new insights regarding home.

Libra- Do not go overboard. You can be out there feeling liberated. It is a prime time to be communicative and to go forward with a new project.

Scorpio – New financial goals in the making. Watch out for emotional extremes.What do you value most? Is there a bit of intimacy or new ways of thinking?

Sagittarius -You are adventurous. New way of life can come into being. Take a chance. Is there a loving way you approach your relationship?

Capricorn – Small group get-togethers with family. Love from a friend. Look inward. Spend some time regrouping within. It is a period of renewal.

Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. No more indulgence. Reach out to those who you have not seen lately. Have fun in love.

Pisces – Dreamily affectionate! Make new business contacts. Have fun with family. Decorate your home in new ways. Stay focused and it will be worth it.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for those who follow Cosmic Leaping. Stay present and pay attention since this can be a confusing time. Watch your words and know that some deception may be present. Have a great Full Moon and look for the New Moon post right before it shows up on December 23. If you have a question about how it affects you message me. Until again, love, Jan