Monthly Archives: November 2020

FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Gemini, November 30, 2020- Let go already!!!!

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The days certainly are getting shorter. It boggles my mind when I have to turn on a light at 4:30 in the afternoon since it is almost dark out there in fantasy land. It is such a strange world that no one sees anyone anymore. Will that take away my happiness? Nope. Do you know why? Because my faith is deep and no one will take that away. There are many things that I would like to say on this post yet I feel at this time it would be censored eventually. SO, one day soon I will have my website up and things will be said and shared. In the meantime I will continue to give you what I know about truth in your life according to the stars. Since this is a Lunar Eclipse Full Moon it is about getting rid of that which is no longer pertinent in your life and once that is addressed then you may wish to think about things like love, financial needs/security and your own health/well-being. What keeps you from getting what you choose in life. Focus on that and let go what no longer is needed.

What can you expect from the FULL MOON in Gemini? Please Geminis you do not have to run for the hills. Look, I know the world is currently in a heap of trouble. I do know that there is something positive always within. Tap into it! Many have accused me of being too lighthearted at times. It is a game, dear ones. LIFE IS A GAME. I dislike games immensely yet I watch them being played around me. So, what does this have to do with the FULL MOON in Gemini? This is a time when you may not know it is a game. The shadows are immense and the tricks are out there. Why does everyone want everything free, no families and hatred? I know most will say fake and more fake…Do you not know we are being manipulated so that the family can be destroyed?  (Of course, that is far from what the mainstream anything says.) Wake up dear ones since there is so much more than your bitterness, anger and backstabbing. If you do not see the true picture of what is happening here, then I send you blessings because life as it is will stand in your way and that will not be to your liking and that is for everyone involved in this country of ours. Coming from your heart works miracles if you choose it. Love wins; fear loses. Keep that in mind.

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini arrives on Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:30am EST; 1:30am PST: and 9:30am GMT in 8 degrees 38’. Sun in Sagittarius is at the exact same degree. This Full Moon is one that stimulates turning points and “a ha” moments. It is the second one this year on this axis. It is about making changes in your life. It is saying to come from a spiritual perspective instead from your fear-based thinking. Are you still out there fighting or will you come from a place of balance to speak to those who are not thinking like you are? Gemini can change their mind in a minute.  And their quick wit keeps others entertained. Gemini is about communication about hearing the truth since Sagittarius is about truth. So will you be able to discern the information that comes to you regarding this truth or will you block it out? The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Gemini is also about seeing what truly is in your hearts which is the truth and bring it out to others. I feel there is some kind of hesitance with many who continue to sit in the past and therefore nothing changes. Life will bring great joy if you truly change your belief. WILL YOU choose to do that? On the other hand are you willing to fight for what is rightfully the truth? This Gemini Full Moon is also telling you to stop talking and start listening. Oh, now, wait a minute that says whoever is talking is talking too much and not letting others in on the conversation. If I may be a bit over the top asking but when was the last time you had a real conversation. You have been too immersed in your phone, your TV or social media. How about just being and see what happens? You may be surprised that there can be a lighthearted interaction which can be fun.

Keep in mind that since it is a wide square to Neptune in Pisces the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse may put out some misinformation which has to be looked at closely to see what is untrue. The Full Moon is quincunx Venus in Scorpio which brings love to you yet it is not as much as you give out. Relationships may get a bit tense if you let the imbalance continue. Sometimes this aspect is about taking a good look at your own self-love and just how you do feel about yourself.  If your mother was emotionally distant to you this may bring up unresolved issues from the past that needs to be brought into balance. Think about how to approach this so you can feel good again. The Sun in Sagittarius is quincunx Uranus in Taurus which increases some anxiety.  Is there freedom on your mind? What will happen that will change your behavior or plans? What is the unexpected about? Some kind of adjustment is needed. Will it be major or a minor change? Sometimes if you approach things in a different way will help to clarify the situation.

Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus which says there is some uncertainty in relationships and tension appears. No affairs please. It will exacerbate the whole relationship situation and not be good for either of you. Separation from out of the blue may show up. New relationships for those in the dating field can be exciting. This is not the type of aspect for commitment. If not in the relationship mode there may be windfalls financially or losses. Stay away from gambling now.

Those with SUN/Rising Sign within 5-11 degrees of Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces and Gemini or birthdays that are August 27- October 2; November 28-December 3; February 23-29; and May 25-May31. Those with personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars) at those degrees can be also affected. Some tidbits follow:

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to communicate. Some travel shows up too. Improve communication with your siblings. A breakthrough moment may come?

Taurus – Tense about finances? Resolution comes about. Take a break; relax. Do stand in your power and know that there are gains on the way. Feel good.

Gemini – What is best for you at this time and long term? Cooperation comes in personal interests. Make decisions to get your needs met finally. Heart counts!

Cancer – Make adjustments in everyday living.  May have to drop some obligations at this time! Get rid of toxic relationships and see how things change.

Leo- Some excitement appears in your social network. Good time to surround yourself with those who love and care for you. Plans are on track to workout.

Virgo – Are you being pulled in many directions? It is not about what you do but how you do it.  Is that recognition in your career finally showing up?

Libra- What are you looking to do?  What is the inspiration behind your thoughts? You may wish to travel. There may be new possibilities out there.

Scorpio – The past is dead. Let it go already. Embrace a new way to move forward when the time feels right. Investment possibilities! Time to share with partner.

Sagittarius –Relationships are the focus. What do you really want from a partner? Talk about it and share. Reach inward for intuition to help you with relationships.

Capricorn – It is time for health and wellness.  Are your habits more positive than negative? Daily living needs some extra attention. Let go.

Aquarius – A partner brings comfort. New people come in. Communicate what you truly feel in a romantic relationship. Creativity may be a new road to take.

Pisces – With courage and faith you can move mountains.  Your home life and family are important at the moment. Build a nurturing energy to share.

Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Thank you so much for reading and I wish you well as the changes come to everyone. Listen to your heart so that then you can change what needs shifting. Better you change it then outside energy does. Be well and many blessings to you. Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Scorpio, November 14/15 2020 – Stay grounded and heal to move forward

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. What a wild couple of weeks and for those who think that it is a shoe-in I am sorry to say that it is not. As Yogi Berra said: “It’s not over until it is over.” It matters not who you voted for because what you will witness in the next couple of months will take you to a place you have never been. Nothing is as it seems. The Divine will bring what is most desired to those who keep the faith. This is a wake-up call for America. Beyond the election itself I feel that the hatred that is spewing from those who are in Tech, Media, various Government agencies plus the American people is outrageous. This is far from the Constitutional Republic that I learned about in school. Why do you hate so much? And others I ask why do you fear so much? It boggles my mind to see such animosity and fright.

As I sit and write about the New Moon something flew by me close to my face and not knowing what it was I swished it with my hand and it landed near my laptop. I looked and it was a ladybug which was very interesting to me. Someone I know refers to me as Ladybug. And thank goodness I did not hurt it. I put it on my windowsill and I hear it periodically. It is a sign of good fortune. As I pondered this occurrence I realized that it was a message from my highest self which has been sitting in the background the past few days. Life is changing and to me it is about release of your past totally. Good fortune comes to those of you who believe it does. Do you know who you are and what you are here to do? Do you believe in the polarity of everything around you? The actions of those around you and me are quite interesting. What is within you is what you see around you and it goes on and on. What am I saying? First of all the world is at a standstill because there are hidden areas which many do not choose to see. Just like within your own self there are hidden areas which you choose to ignore. Why do you do that? Fear and more fear and complacency are part of it. You feel there is nothing you can do so you do nothing and to me if you cannot do anything at least do what you are here to do. And I do not mean rioting. Life is changing as the weeks go on. And nothing will stop the change in reality.  Choose truth over deception. Clear anything which you have chosen to keep hidden now. Purge it out as the New Moon arises. The coming months are going to shift considerably. Wake up to your truth.

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 12:07am EST; 5:07am GMT; and Saturday, November 14 at 9:07pm PST in 23 degrees 17’.  It is a great time for a fresh start. How can you progress forward from here? That is the question to keep in mind. It is a time of new beginnings. It is time to reset and release. Once you do this the transforming effects can come through and put you out there in a new way. Are you ready to do this so new growth can come in wherever things have remained stagnant? Have you ever said yes when you meant no then now is the time to align with your soul gifts. It is also time to speak your truth with love and an open heart. No holding back anymore!!! Just keep in mind what you wish to create!!! The New Moon is in good aspect to the Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. It is sextile to both of these planets. It brings some optimism and confidence with Jupiter. Financial success is optimal. The Sun is sextile Jupiter also on November 15 and tells you to open yourself to new possibilities and opportunities. Be careful of overindulging with this Sun/Jupiter aspect. Enjoy this energy. Be self-confident. The New Moon is also sextile Pluto in Capricorn. This is a good time to regenerate and transform. And the New Moon in Scorpio can bring about major wealth and success if you are on track in an upstanding way. Morals win out here. There is a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto on November 12 2020.This is the last transit with these two planets for another 13 years. What are you most passionate about? What are you goals? You can have it all if you really truly choose it. Get out there and do something already. Wealth, travel, promotions are in the mix. Some spiritual self-development may be a good thing to look at. Stay out of greed and revenge because it will come back and get you. Good morals and ethics are part of the plan if you wish to succeed. Mars turns direct on November 13th and goes through his retrograde shadow until January 2 2021. Thank goodness. You still have to work through some issues that are hanging on. It does give you a new perspective on what you went through the last months. It is time to process what you have seen and how you reacted to the goings on in the next couple of months you need to look at what you thought you knew and take what you have learned and integrate it within.

Venus is opposite Mars on November 10, 2020 and you are fighting yourself. Basically your receptive side is battling with your assertive side which does make things interesting. The energy is still there for a couple more days. If you are the sensitive type you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed with anyone’s aggressive behavior. A new balance in the cooperative mode is what you are looking for with this opposition. And just what most of you love to hear…Mercury went direct on November 3 and it enters Scorpio on November 10 until December 1. Secrets come out and going within to the psychological shadow is important. It is a time to find grounding and healing now and remove what is toxic. If you find yourself saying things that are wounding it is going to come back to you. Be careful with your words.

Some essential oils for New Moon in Scorpio: Begamot-helps boost self-confidence after releasing stagnant feelings; Majoram-breaks down walls of the heart; and Lavender lets you break down walls and express your truth.

The Sun signs/Rising signs most intensely affected are: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius from 19-26 degrees. If you have personal planets in any of these degrees you will also be influenced. Some tidbits for the sun signs/rising signs—

Aries- It is a great time for a catharsis of some kind. Look at the fiscal situation and plant a seed. Also look deeply at anything else that pops up.

Taurus- It may be time to say what you truly feel. A relationship may go to a new level. Is there a new magnetic attraction showing up?

Gemini- This is a great time to act on new ideas. Start a new health or work plan. it is time for you to revitalize and see what happens next.

Cancer- What do you wish to create? Or you just may wish to have some fun. Do it. Now is the time to find the romance, the pleasure and any doings with children

Leo- What do you choose to change about self or your home? Also lots of energy goes to emotional foundations, home and family.

Virgo- Good time to share thoughts and ideas and you may wish to listen also. Be receptive. A change in scenery will do you some good

Libra- A great time for financial new starts by asking for what you want. Think of ways to manifest what you need.

Scorpio- Use your perceptive powers to help others. This is a time to accomplish more than you have been. Dream big!!

Sagittarius- An important insight may pop up in your life possibly in a dream or meditation. Access your inner wisdom.

Capricorn- This is a time to focus on what you would like in your life. It is time to do things differently.

Aquarius-If you are looking for new developments in career then now is the time. If you feel a need to start over, do so.

Pisces- Take that idea and let it fly out there no matter how big or small. Nurture the idea and you will be pleased at the outcome.

Thank you for reading. Please share if you will!!! It is going to be a truly big regenerative time in the upcoming weeks. Stay in the moment and find what is most important to you so energy can shift any changes to be made which will help you take that leap that you haven’t made yet. Wizards Within is on Monday night at 9pm EST. Until again, love, Jan