Monthly Archives: October 2016

NEW MOON in Scorpio, October 30,2016-Will you allow your idea to turn to gold?


It is so appropriate in some ways that the New Moon will be in Scorpio tomorrow. The main question for all is to ask yourself -what are you fearful of expressing or enjoying? Scorpio brings that to you and you may not always see everything around any situation that may appear. How many of you take the leap to a new start? You can rise up to this New Moon which has a communication factor involved and can help to take you out of the root chakra to the crown chakra and bring in the higher consciousness that is available to you.

In the meantime there is so much fear-mongering that is being thrown at you daily through the mainstream media and some alternative sources? Is this the kind of energy you wish to take on and allow to rule your life? Believe me or not it is affecting everyone who is so entranced by the ongoing coverage of the upcoming turning point in American history-the next election of the American President. There has never been a time throughout this country’s history when there has been so much name-calling, undermining and chronic hate-spewed words. Many of you are caught up in this. Why?  The more fear you have the more you fail to take the high road to your own spiritual depths through the Scorpio alchemy. Is it better to be the zombie who is ignoring the signs or your own person? Just asking! Don’t let this darkness of those who wish to control take over your energetic being. Be aware. Watch what you wish for now since the veils are thin and your wishes will manifest. Stay positive. Without love there is NOTHING. You heard me dear ones…NOTHING. If you have fear there is no LOVE. Another choice for you to make!!!

The New Moon in Scorpio arrives on Sunday, October 30, 2016 on the eve of Halloween. The veils are very thin. Watch what you put out there now. It is exact at 1:38pm EDT, 10:38am PDT, and 5:38pm GMT. The Sun and Moon are both in Scorpio at 7 degrees 43’. Where does it fall in your chart? What are your feelings? It falls in my 5th house and it truly is about experiencing a high in my life, creating a new project, romantic loving or going out and having fun. I am so ready!!! Also there can be some healing in my life since it is near my Chiron (the wounded healer).

As you begin this timeframe of new beginnings Scorpio wants you to rid yourself of the fears buried deep within and since it is conjunct Mercury in Scorpio also communication is important. Now you can open to a more heartfelt energy when you speak to others. Mercury is the messenger in your life who rules the mental energies. He shows us the patterns and connections. Since Neptune in Pisces is trine Mercury in Scorpio and the New Moon also it enhances your intuitive powers bringing more compassion and also opening a line to trust and forgiveness. Are you ready to let go that which is no longer part of your world? Are you ready to make a fresh start and let it take you to a better road forward? Fear will hold you back and Scorpio comes to you to say it is time to move on without the baggage. I have been saying this for many months so you can prepare yourself for this letting go. It may be just something small or it can be game-changing. That is yours to decide. It will make a big difference in the coming days. You cannot change others. It is also about taking nothing personal. Scorpio tends to hold on at times yet now is the time to finally let it go. That new beginning is within your reach as long as you keep lines of communication open between you and others who are important to you.

It is time with the New Moon to notice what is still hanging on that no longer fulfills your essence, supports your dream or takes you back into another time which needs release. I notice that many of you hang on so tightly to past issues, situations and habit patterns. Does it create a better life for you? Does it help you begin again? New Moons are very much about new starts wherever it falls in you natal blueprint. And the new beginning cannot fully take place if you live in other than the present time. If it aspects another planet in your chart or depending on what house it falls will tell you where the new start can take place and how it unfolds. It is a good thing…this New Moon in Scorpio which can be intense on some level yet there is a enveloping dreaminess which may just help you finally transmute whatever hangs on. Lighten up with love and you will see how magnificent your life shifts to a new level.

Remember this- If you gravitate to the madness of the world in the next couple of weeks then the energy needed to begin again in a new direction, relationship or wherever else it takes you will be less focused and you may still be in the same place. Get out of the craziness and see how shifting happens within. There is much authenticity, respect and deep intimate love here between the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Let it appear by releasing the bondage of the past. You just may find that gold of the alchemical process appear in your life.

Some tidbits for the sun signs/rising signs—

Aries- It is a great time for a catharsis of some kind. Who or what do you need to let go?

Taurus- It may be time to say what you truly feel. Healing can take place now with communication.

Gemini- This is a great time to act on new ideas. Start a new health or work plan.

Cancer- What do you wish to create? Or you just may wish to have some fun. Do it.

Leo- What do you choose to change about self or your home? Be inspired and take some time for you,

Virgo- Good time to share thoughts and ideas and you may wish to listen also. Be receptive.

Libra- A great time for financial new starts by asking for what you want. Think of ways to manifest what you need.

Scorpio- Use your perceptive powers to help others. This is a time to accomplish more than you have been.

Sagittarius- An important insight may pop up in your life possibly in a dream or meditation. Access your inner wisdom.

Capricorn- This is a time to focus on what you would like in your life. It is time to do things differently.

Aquarius-If you are looking for new developments in career then now is the time. If you feel a need to start over, do so.

Pisces- Take that idea and let it fly out there no matter how big or small. Nurture the idea and you will be pleased at the outcome.

Will go more in depth with influences on my radio show on Tuesday at 9pm EDT -Going Beyond Astrology–  Thank you for reading and staying in the New Moon moment. This is another opportunity with the second new moon this month to put your wishes out there and know they will manifest if you stay positive. Keep yourself grounded no matter what the world energy is doing. Lots of shifting is happening. Get that idea out there. Until again. Love, Jan


FULL MOON in Aries, October 15/16 2016-Will you resist or flow with the changes and unexpected chaos?

With the Full Moon in Aries coming up later on tonight if you are looking for drama you just may get it. It might be a good idea to reconnect your heart and mind. Stand in your truth as you also stand up for others reconciling the balance of opposites. Onward!!


Here we go again. Life in this USA is getting crazier by the moment. Nothing seems to stand in the way of the candidates putting on a reality show of disdain, name-calling, accusations, lies, and any other thing you can think of. Is this really happening or have I been transported to another place in the universe? What a joke!! If you think this is weird then wait until you see everything that is coming to our grand land. And the joke is on you!!! Fear-mongering by the mainstream media is so boring and ridiculous. How many of you actually believe them? If you do, wow, I missed something in the last years. Dear ones, I am asking you to wake up because life will not be the same if you allow this charade to continue. And I am not talking about the mundane that may infiltrate your daily living. I am speaking of your freedom. Those in charge are desperate and have begun to come apart at the seams. So what can you do to bring back a real country of true values, spirituality and support for you?  Enough said. Please wake up or it may shake you awake.

The Full Moon in Aries is upon us. And it is about bringing the harmony back into your life. Of course there are many aspects which will affect that process. Full Moon in Aries and Sun in Libra are exact on Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 12:23 am EDT; 9:23 pm PDT (October 15); and 4:23 am GMT in 23 degrees 14’. This Aries Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in Aries (22 degrees 28’ retrograde) and Eris. And these two energies combined with this Full Moon say change is needed in a big way. Aries is always about new beginnings and warrior-like tendencies if you choose to look at in a basic way.

And now as Eris a dwarf star comes into the picture along with Uranus, the intensity is in your face. It is imperative that you and those around you know the truth as to what is going on with the world. Eris is a feminine type who is Mars’ (ruler of Aries) sister and the Goddess of discord. But she really is looking for change and reform. Eris was discovered in 2003. And guess what Eris says the feminine within has a right to be and not be subjugated to others for their benefit or pleasure. If rage shows up Eris says hey, it is part of the inner you and in balance; it is there for a reason.

Along with the need for change it is about honoring all kinds of life forms. On the opposite side there is Libra Sun conjunct Haumea. Libra is about being true to who you are and also respecting others around you. Libra is also about balance and harmonious interactions. Haumea is looking for spiritual understanding within and with others and has a sense for a type of knowing, and is about celebrating the Divine. It may bring us back to being real women and real men again. The fashion scene is boring as anything and the pornographic talk and all the rest of what is going on soon will be in for a rude awakening. Of course there are always those who will try to create more of the same and the same and coming to your life soon the world will find a new consciousness because it no longer works and the energy is so far out of alignment.

With the Full Moon conjunct Uranus in Aries this says there is rebel energy present. The Full Moon is definitely chaotic, electric and quite crazy. Oh, do you really need this? Well, some do. And you may see those around you acting out…well, guess what…they may just being their true selves. Well, they can be if they choose!!! Right? It is not a good time to suppress any anger. So express yourself. Also, it is quite a passionate Full Moon so it is either good or not so good for relationships. You choose the way it is. This is a time to see you in the other and vice versa.On another note the Full Moon can show up with unexpected changes which may not be to your liking. It could also be a disrupter in a relationship or take it in a different direction. Will you resist the changes that may come about or will you give it a chance to take you to another way forward? That is definitely up to you.

Another aspect that is affecting the energy of the Full Moon in Aries is Pluto in Capricorn which is at 16 degrees Capricorn and coming on the tail of the Full Moon in a couple of days is Mars in Capricorn catching up with Pluto on October 19.This is a volatile energy and can be used for changing your life or destroying it. Is there conflict in your life? Are you creating it or is someone else doing so? It is a tension of opposites and it is time to be your truth and come from your heart. Oh one positive thought…Venus enters Sagittarius on the 18th so there may be lighthearted romance in the air.

The most intensely affected are the following birthdays: Libra/October 11-18; Capricorn/January 9-16; Aries/April 10-17; and Cancer/July 10-17. If you have planets at or near the degrees affected in those signs then you will also feel the intensity in some way.  A few thoughts at the Full Moon for the Signs/Rising Signs-

Aries-Are others creating chaos? Lots of shaking going on. Take a walk or get a massage. Is there lesson?

Taurus- Whatever surfaces from your inner workings sit with it and gently let it go. Let the shifting within happen.

Gemini-What can you do in a different way? What you want to do and what you ought to do is the question. BE true to you is the answer.

Cancer- Changes may appear in what you do for a living. In the long term it will work if you stay grounded. Think before acting.

Leo- If your beliefs are restricting you then maybe you need to challenge them and let go. Someone may say something and you see things differently.

Virgo- If you have any unhealthy habits or dependency then something will disrupt the flow. You will feel the power within if you focus on talents.

Libra- Will you allow other’s behavior to affect you? Some positive developments may occur and if so keep moving forward.

Scorpio-What can you change in your health or work life? It will not be good to rush aimlessly forward. Take a breath and nourish your inner self.

Sagittarius- How have you been expressing yourself lately? Let go of things that are not yours to carry. Is there a new direction on the table? Dare to be different.

Capricorn- What from past shows up?  Disrupting forces in home or family area. Stop trying to keep things the way they are. Don’t let the upsets keep you off course.

Aquarius- Time to shift thinking and see things from different viewpoint. Is a habitual response holding you back? Let go of it and feel the freedom. What are you waiting for?

Pisces- Flexibility is the keyword this time around. Be detached no matter what shows up. House of Money/Finance are in the limelight. Break free from old thinking.

Full Moon in Aries will definitely change something in your life. It is a Supermoon and it brings unexpected things to the forefront. Thank you for reading and best wishes and blessings for whatever comes in. Tune in on Tuesdays to my radio show Going Beyond Astrology at 9pm EDT on SGN. Keep purging the old. Until again. Love, Jan