Monthly Archives: November 2018

FULL MOON in Gemini, November 22/23, 2018- Clearly communicate and go within for answers

full moon november 2015 Welcome again to Cosmic Leaping, dear ones. The world is unfortunately in disarray as holiday magic is almost here. Will you allow the free flowing magical energy in or fail to feel it? Full Moon in Gemini has communication as the theme and maybe once and for all releasing old wounds regarding it. As the energy builds to the Full Moon truth is seeking you out since the past new moon. Have you allowed it in or are you going to resist seeing what it has in store for you? Did you get to see who people really are in the last weeks? So many openings are occurring yet many of you refuse to accept them. Is there something that you would rather be doing than enjoying the momentary lull in the madness that came after this past new moon?  It is certainly up to you yet, I feel there is a kind of hesitance with many who continue to sit in the past and  nothing changes.

On the way to the Full Moon the news is outrageous. I am perplexed that there is so much racism coming out in this country. It is appalling and I feel that if this need to divide continues this country will implode or just disappear. Even Oprah said -you can look it up—that old white people need to just die (because she was a victim of racism from a store clerk.) I am a white woman and have always supported all races and creeds unlike an overwhelming number today. Along with the bashing of those who do not agree there are several other types of news in the mix. The wildfires in California have happened again. There were several in the past summer and now just recently the town of Paradise was destroyed and many were missing and dead. I am going to send blessings to all out there instead of making any statement about it. Migrants are continuing into Tijuana and I just saw a video where one guy gave a middle finger salute to the patrol and said something about down with Trump. Yep. Did you see that on the mainstream news? Celine Dion has a disturbing commercial for her clothes line so that babies are looking like they are the same sex? Really?

Why does everyone want transgender children, no families and hatred? I know most will say fake and more fake…Do you not know we are being manipulated so that the family can be destroyed?  (Of course, that is far from what the mainstream anything says.) Wake up dear ones since there is so much more than your bitterness, anger and backstabbing. If you do not see the true picture of what is happening here, then I send you blessings because life as it is will stand in your way and that will not be to your liking. This whole scenario is a total whitewash to what really is going on now. Many do not recognize the take down of the family life as we have known it in the past. Whether married with family or not I am sure there have been relationships of all kinds that have taught you to reach within and find your truth. That is what it all is about. No offense intended. If I come off as a bit crazy at times I have Moon inconjunct Uranus/Ascendant (it is a 150 degree aspect and it constantly asks me to make adjustments).

The Full Moon in Gemini arrives on November 22/23, 2018 at 12:39am EST; 9:39pm PST (November 22); and 5:39am GMT in 00 degrees 52’. The Sun is in Sagittarius at the same degree. Although the Full Moon is a time of completion and purging that which no longer belongs, the degree that it falls in is about something new since it is a critical degree. It is saying you may be heading in a curious direction with a stronger base than before. Do you relate to this? On the other hand you may have to face your shadow. It gets mighty dark as this unfolds and may be lots of putting the junk out there on those around you. Uh oh! Even though there may be harsh words running amok in the world, the timing may be good for saying what you really think and be willing to hear the truth back at you too!! Let’s see how that works out for those who live in denial. Where is your mind today? How about your communication? Are you ready to shift your thinking or perhaps even to trust what you do not see. Are you willing to take responsibility for your situation or will you put the blame on others? The Moon is square Jupiter which is usually not too harsh but can make you to be tactless. I suggest you pull back and stay centered which may be difficult to do. I know you can do this, dear ones.

Do watch what you throw out with the bath water as the saying goes. Think first. And stop being pulled into the game. Stay on your track and go within for answers instead of listening to the lies of the Media. I am serious about this or it will come back to haunt you. It could be a time of peace due to the Full Moon being right with the main star in the Pleiades Star Cluster but Mars in Pisces is square (conflict) the Full Moon and it brings out the anger and disagreements to the maximum effect. With Mars in Pisces square Jupiter in Sagittarius it is at the apex of a T-square.  Be moderate in your thoughts and actions or trouble may arise from the shadows. And forget about taking up someone’s challenge. Foolhardiness is not a good thing now. Overall the effect of Mars in Pisces (arrived there on November 15 and stays there until December 31) says to observe and see what is happening as if you are in a dream state. Do you have any unconscious feelings and perceptions (about yourself or others)? Watch for any poor me and victim mentality. Good time to do more spirit-connected things. Some of you may feel spacey.

Since Venus was retrograde until November 16 and it just went direct I ask you this – did you recreate a relationship that was not to your liking? Did you take a look at how you deal with your money? Since Venus is now forward in motion moving through Libra at this time it is saying to you to keep an eye out because a creative moment may just appear when you least expect it. Guess what just went retrograde on the same day Venus went direct? Yes, the Trickster, Mr. Mercury is moving backwards in Sagittarius until December 6. This is not the time to make permanent decisions because something may change or you may choose to change it. If you feel bogged down or have some miscommunications it is typical of this Mercury influence. Have things been a bit crazy the last few days before and after that date of November 16? Even if you feel a bit off in your direction find a way to keep going. If you just do not know if you are going the right way then stop and examine your priorities and see if there is something that needs to be looked at more closely before going on. Something may need to be redone. Keep your humor. Remember Mercury the Trickster loves to have fun. And take note of what items you may buy during the Mercury retrograde phase because I have always bought clothes that I did not wear once. So maybe wait until after the 6th.

Jupiter has moved into Sagittarius for the next year and it is a time of stretching your mind and questioning the judgements you may have through being more adventurous in traveling; pursuing philosophy; taking a look at academia; examining your belief systems; and reading good literature. Some may even want to explore the legal system. And if you have something you would like to publish, this may be the year to have it happen. I am ready.

Those who are most intensely affected are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. The degrees would be late Taurus 27-Gemini 4; late Leo 27- Virgo 4; late Scorpio 27- Sagittarius 4 and late Aquarius 27- Pisces 4. If you have personal planets (Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars) in those degrees you too can be affected in some way depending which house it falls in.

Thank you for reading and sharing this post, dear ones. Have a dynamic and freeing Full Moon and many blessings for those who celebrate Thanksgiving. Until again, Love, Jan


NEW MOON in Scorpio, November 7, 2018- Plant new seeds and dream big

night sky 2

Oh my, that is my song when I see what is going on as the day goes by; shouting and storming as things go down, everything and nothing is the blatant cry. It is a crazy world as I write this post and if you can stay in a place of heart then the peace will surround you with its positive energy. Otherwise watch out…the fat lady has not yet sung and it is far from over. I am saying this since Uranus (the shocker of the planets) is going to be retrograding back into Aries (me me) on November 6, 2018 until March 6, 2019. (It stations direct in Aries on January 6, 2019 right after the Eclipse on the 5th. Ooh wee!!!) Many surprises individually and collectively and even finding out who you really are is indicated. Of course, you may not like what you find or else you may be dancing in the street when the truth comes to you.

It has been a bit stable for the last months in so many ways, yet it is now going one more round with the upstart Uranus. Have you been ranting and raving lately or have you found your inner calm and walk your path without being affected? I know finding that inner peace is difficult for many of you. Why? Because you march with the crowd since it may be easier that way. No problem with that if it gives you the impetus to work on yourself and be your truth. If not, then what keeps you in that mindset that completely shadows the real you? I am asking because it is going to get quite unsettled out there in Fantasyland as the New Moon comes in and I am showing you that you may dislike the whole scenario depending on your thinking. And thinking sometimes can whitewash the actuality of the situation. So, come to the dance with an open mind and heart and things may turn out better than you can imagine. And you are saying huh? Well, the Mid-term elections are on the day after the New Moon and since the Full Moon energy is still in effect it will magnify the differences that are showing up. And that continues as Uranus is in Aries. And one more thing- anything that is not fulfilling in your life will be shaken up so that you can make changes.

This week moving towards the New Moon does not bring good fortune to those having to make clear decisions since Mercury in Sagittarius is square (conflict) to Mars/Neptune midpoint. It is better to wait until the a couple days after the New Moon arrives to see things better. Let’s take a quick look at the world around us before I continue. If you are not paying attention then you will not see the closet communists who are screaming and yelling about how I am a racist and you are a racist and it continues on and on. I do not care who you vote for in the elections –I do care about the truth. And until the truth comes out you most likely will ride the bandwagon that has been going on for a couple of years. How do I know this? I do not know. It is staring at me so strongly that it makes me wonder why some do not see it. If you believe the individuals are immigrants as such, then look again. The deceit is rampant and the masses are entranced with the media. Good luck with that eventually. Mexico is helping yet the migrants want nothing to do with working there. It may be stalled for weeks. I suggest you begin to hide since rape is not out of the question. Barnes and Noble has books in an anti-white display. Wow. Oh and keep this in mind…62% of jobs in the US do not pay enough to support a middle class family. And if you are middle class do I hear an uproar? The family is being taken apart by those who want a one world government. Do not believe me…just know where this is heading if you do not speak up. And I am not talking about free stuff here. That’s not what America is about. Period! And if you ever look on a Google map and look for Palestine…good luck unless you happen to zoom in as far as possible. Move on unless you are a tribe member.

New Moon in Scorpio arrives on November 7, 2018 in 15 degrees 11’ at 11:02am EST; 8:02am PST; and 4:02pm GMT. The Sun is also in Scorpio at the exact degree. It is a new moon which means a new start to something you choose to do. Is the goal a reality? You can have whatever you choose by knowing you already have it It works wonders and I know this because I experienced this through my life. Scorpio is always about power, sex and money. Scorpio is suspicious at times and can be quite secretive about true motives. Usually this is due to the fact Scorpio feels vulnerable. Scorpio has emotional intensity and when it is channeled properly it can give great endurance. Scorpio Moon/Sun has great ambition yet has no interest in being in the spotlight. The New Moon is about new beginnings in intimate relationships, increasing passion in your sex life, self-mastery, empowerment, and crisis-management skills. If you are looking to fix any issues in relationships or find the ideal lover take advantage of the energy. If disappointment shows up in any part of your life, maybe take it as a hint to move on. This is truly about a more spiritual outlook since the Sun/New Moon are trine (favorable aspect) to Neptune in Pisces. Even though you are entranced by someone does not mean to give up your sense of self. As the Moon trines Neptune you find yourself wishing to nurture the world or you may find yourself jumping into a creative project-art or spiritual. The Sun in Scorpio trines Neptune and brings about a euphoric feeling. If you get lost in this you may find yourself trying to wend out of what you got yourself into after it wears off.

Since Uranus in Aries is square the True Node in Leo it may be best to let go and forget about any specific outcomes for now. The North Node goes into Cancer on November 6, 2018  The North Node is where you take in new energy, go in a new direction, It is time to learn about the sign Cancer which is about nurturing others and yourself. How you relate to the past may show up. It is all about feeling and caring about others whether family or just you. The South Node is in Capricorn. That is saying to you it will take some concentrated work to make it happen as to whatever vision you may have.Venus is back in Libra retrograding until the 17th of November when it goes direct again -moving forward. This will help keep relationships in sync since Venus is trine Mars in Aquarius. You may find yourself not as serious and talking quite a bit to your significant other. And remember that Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8. What will change for you?

Those Sun/Ascendant signs most intensely affected by the New Moon in Scorpio are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius in 11-19 degrees of each of those signs. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees/signs then you may also be affected. Birthdays are: May 2- May 10; August 4-12; November 4-12; and February 1-9.

Tidbits for the signs:

Aries needs to look at the fiscal situation and plant a seed. Also look deeply at anything else that pops up. Taurus finds a relationship may go to a new level. Is there a new magnetic attraction showing up? Gemini it is time for you to revitalize and clear out. Look at total cleansing of mind/body and spirit and any clutter. Cancer the creative muse may show up and now is the time to find the romance, the pleasure and any doings with children. Create something!! Leo a new look at long-buried stuff from family may be an interest. Also lots of energy goes to emotional foundations, home and family. Virgo you can get and give support. Also maybe a change in scenery will do you some good. Libra if a relationship needs looking at now is the time. Take just a quick exam of the money scene. Scorpio who has you walking on air? Time to make a big wish and it may just show up. Dream big! Sagittarius it is time to nurture your inner self. Ask your spirit guides for help in regenerating. Capricorn your friends may help you get your goals back on track. Network and dreams happen. Aquarius fertile seed planted in your business area. Lots of hidden meanings and motivations there! Pisces any strong feelings about a big dream show up. Your perception is extremely accurate.

Thank you dear ones for reading and if you will share the post. Lots going on out there in the Universe and it says to me to just stay centered and no matter what goes on, a dream may show up. Tune into Wizards Within Wednesday nights at 9pm EST on Facebook Live and . (Will be back on November 14.) Have a wonderful New Moon. Until again, Love and blessings, Jan