Monthly Archives: September 2017

New Moon in Virgo/Fall Equinox, September 19-20, 2017- Let the wound heal and find your heart

Hello again dear ones. What an amazing shifting of energy as the Solar Eclipse is in the background. Many of you are feeling a bit dragged down especially if you have been giving too much to others without replenishing your own energy. How many of you refuse to acknowledge this thought? You know that it is true yet you continue to take no time for you and your own interests. Then it becomes the martyr syndrome. Right? Could it be that this keeps you from recognizing what you truly desire? What do you think? What do you feel? Don’t know because you haven’t ever discovered it. Maybe it is time you do.

Briefly- Did you know that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines? Doctors in Florida found out…and unfortunately they are dead.  If you do not think the weather is being manipulated (I know you do not) then you need to do some research.  This is not Mother Nature dear ones. I know just another conspiracy theory. Hurricanes do not come in threes. They happen one here; one there; and then somewhere else. I am asking you to wake up to what really is happening here because in the next months you are going to find it really difficult if you believe everything that is told to you by those running the world. This week is the tell all up until September 23. Then too, maybe you may choose to read the “Creature from Jekyll Island”.  Enough said. Find your own truth. Good luck, dear ones.

This current New Moon energy is about giving and receiving. It is also about love and service. If it is going out one way only it is not love. Love is opening to receive also. Otherwise, it is totally out of balance and that is why you have not discovered your truth. And without the truth there is no soul growth and then love disappears. Why would you wish to leave love out? Oh, I know, because sometimes it triggers those deep wounds. Well, if that is the case then maybe it is time to look deeply and allow the healing to take place. That is what this NEW MOON in VIRGO is all about -reaching within for the gift(s) that is yours. This New Moon in Virgo takes place on September 20, 2017 at1:29 am EDT; 5:29am GMT; and 10:29pm PDT (September 19, 2017) in 27degrees 27’. The Sun is at the exact degree as the Moon. Chiron in Pisces is opposing the New Moon. That is why it is about healing yourself and the helping humanity. Chiron is the Wounded Healer. This New Moon says to you to stop covering up the pain of the deep wounds and begin to address how to heal them. If you shift the expectations slightly then you may feel more comfortable addressing the woundedness. Or would you prefer to continue to have the pain? Why? Too embarrassed to look at how you truly feel?  Too ashamed that you wish you were perfect but are not? The Sun is opposite Chiron so you may feel less confident and possibly depressed. Walk through it or get help. One thing—Do not try to do the victim dance upon others.

Vesta is conjoined with the New Moon in Virgo. Vesta is saying just go do it. What is that you keep thinking about doing yet sit back and ignore it? What are you waiting for? Show others how to do what you want to do. Put your actions out there. Stop talking about it and lead the way. On the other hand Vesta in Virgo can create the hermit within. Ignore that feeling because you will do nothing. Is that what you desire? Vesta will help you if you want to go out and help others right now.

This New Moon is the first one in the cycle since the Solar Eclipse on August 21. And do you know what? If you started something in Eclipse energy then it may be good to take it to the next step. Think about how to do that and gather the ingredients to take a short leap with it. There are changing conditions with this New Moon since it is inconjunct (quincunx) Uranus in Aries. Are you having some difficulty moving that goal forward? Then this aspect says you may need to alter the plans a bit to keep it going. With the Sun in Virgo quincunx Uranus in Aries there may be a feeling of anxiety because you are picking up some kind of drama or an unexpected

event which may show up. So what kind of pain are you now feeling? Face it already because then it will help you move ahead. And more wounds are showing up with the Saturn in Sagittarius square to Chiron in Pisces. It is amazing how this all brings healing to the fore if you allow it to happen. But sometimes it just rolls on and on and you get tired of dealing with it. Why don’t you open to it and then you can reach out to others with unconditional love. Isn’t that what it is all about? On another note there is a Grand Trine between Pluto in Capricorn, Pallas Athene in Taurus and Mercury and Mars in Virgo. This can be a step to healing the Earth using visions and dreams. Mercury in Virgo is opposite Neptune in Pisces which may create illusions around you. Use the magic of Mercury in its own sign to change your reality with the right words and thoughts. Bring your awareness to the mix and things can shift in a big way.

It is time to tune into your own gifts and helping others since Jupiter in Libra is opposing Uranus in Aries. Stop sitting there thinking negatively about you own ability to create and do something with the talents you have. It is time to take it to the next level and stop worrying about where the money is going to come from or how you are going to do it. This is all coming together and don’t let the opportunity which shows itself go by the wayside. It is also a time to honor the Divine Feminine and Masculine within.

As I was writing this post I took some time I was wandering in my garden with a friend. I haven’t been out to weed in a month and it is quite overgrown in places. She helped put me on track by taking a short time a weeded some places. Now, in my heart of hearts I have the incentive again to go out there and spend time seeing how lovely it is and making it a gem again.

As the New Moon in Virgo energy takes effect two days later dancing in the sun is the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2017 4:01pm EDT; 1:01am PDT and 8:01pm GMT. It falls in Libra so it is about getting relationships in balance. Funny thing, you have noticed they are a bit off, huh?

Relating with love, healing, balance and service are the main words to describe this New Moon in Virgo and Fall Equinox. Those more intensely affected are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in late degrees (22-29) of the signs. Birthdays affected are: March 13-20; June 13-20; September 15-23; and December 13-20. Love and service are the keys.

For some further info I asked the Pages of Shustah cards to give some insight and 5 cards came up instead of 3. Here is what they said: The question or root of this New Moon is the Ouroboros– This is a snake with the tail in his mouth. It states that you are one with all. It is a circle of love. Love yourself so you can love others. Everyone is connected. Be there. The situation of the New Moon is told by 3 cards- Scorpio– Time to let any wounds go and rise up and be healed.  Pisces- Open to the energy. Divine energy is flowing in. Open to it to clear the blocks. And Pisces is also unconditional love. Diamond- What is shining in your life? Or what has to be polished a bit more to bring it a shine? The outcome of this is The Pale Horse- This has a lot of power but something is bringing fear to you. If that is the case then the Pale Horse does protect. If you need to act swiftly then this helps you. Walk away if it no longer works.

Be blessed at the New Moon in Virgo and the Equinox. Thank you for reading and please share if you will. Stop hiding and get out there with love but keep the service and your relationships in balance. You can do it. There can be reconciliation or new romance.  Stop the fear and leap. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in PISCES, September 6, 2017- Opening to the depth of feelings

full moon in pisces 2017

Well, here we go again, dear ones. It is just another day in the neighborhood of big bucks, big egos and not so smart individuals. I feel deeply for those who were affected in a catastrophic way in the path of the storm, Harvey. If you think it was the Divine who created this storm, maybe I can sell you a piece of arid land in the middle of anywhere. It is getting murkier out there every moment of each day that goes by. So, here comes the Full Moon in Pisces to add to the dance of those who have the hidden agendas. Oh, you didn’t know that???  All the carping about the President and all the motions of the divide and conquer dance just make my head spin.

So you have survived the Solar Eclipse of the Century. Were you aware of the entire picture or were you spiraling out of control on the path? Or did you find a peace within that is taking you forward or are you still stuck in the debris of yesteryear? Wake up. Wake up to the new day that has begun to show its face. Oh, no, it is just a mirage. There is no new beginning because the same stuff hangs around. SO what will you do about it? Back to the same you go. Why do you insist upon taking on the negative effects of the eclipse instead of forging ahead as you wipe the board clean? I have witnessed so many who are caught in the maelstrom.  Oh well, I move on.

As the Eclipse’s effects take hold and carry into the months ahead I wonder what will occur to continue to take you off path. And getting back on track will take much effort and help from those who are willing to do so. Now, I see there is another storm on the horizon which has suddenly manifested as a Cat 5 in a couple of days. How does that happen? Well, if there was no geoengineering then it would not do that. Believe it or not there are machines –on land water vapor generators which cam stir up the conditions for such an event. Check out the physics around it. Sorry, did not mean to go there. Do you not see the truth yet? C’mon. This is a war of those in charge and those of you (ewe). Oh, no, how can I say that? Ok, ignore it and I will continue on.  Just know wherever that Solar Eclipse energy fell in your natal chart will give you insights as to what area of your life is now being amped up. You can read the September article in about how it affects your chart. Do pay attention. Thank you.

On Wednesday, September 6, 2017, in the very early morning at 3:02am EDT; 12:02am PDT; and 7:02am GMT, the Full Moon arrives in 13 degrees 53’ Pisces. The Sun is in the exact degree in Virgo. Pisces connects us to the feeling state. It activates our psychic awareness. It may even open hearts more and bring in unconditional love and peace. Is that at all possible in this chaotic world at this time? Yes, if you stop getting pulled into the current state of affairs. It is saying to you that you can tune into the collective, be sensitive, and yet stay out of the negativity. Because with Neptune in Pisces sitting conjoined with the Full Moon it is more than likely you can miss the boat and jump into a massive illusion since the Sun opposes Neptune. Now if you are artistically inclined then that would be beneficial since you can create a masterpiece with the vision that comes in.

It is opening you to shift in consciousness. Have you been inspired? Well, guess what? If you haven’t been maybe you are continuing to be hooked in by the electronic universe which has overtaken your life. And by this complete fascination with your phone and the mainstream media when would you even have time to find out what inspires you and pushes you forward into a higher energy. With this higher energy then you would see things differently and access the truth of you.

Mercury retrograde goes stationary direct right on the Eclipse point of 28 degrees Leo on September 5, 2017.  Since Mercury is about communication think about what was going on with you around the Eclipse on August 21. You may have wished to say something or were thinking about issues and just never took action. Now with Mercury going direct right on that energy you may find yourself speaking passionately about things you refrained from saying a couple weeks ago. Do you have a different viewpoint? And to top it all Mr. Mars in Leo just joined in on the Eclipse point with Mercury on September 3 and will have an effect until the 7th.  It is a quite fiery mix. Watch your anger so it has no hold on you. You really want to say something, don’t you?  Maybe that heart-opening communication will make itself known. Also the Sun in Virgo is reviving the energy too since it joined in on August 31 with Mercury. Whoa!!! So, how are you feeling today as the Full Moon approaches. Pluto is in Capricorn sextile to the Full Moon and helps to ground the energy.  I notice strongly that in my own life something has shifted and what is, is ok. And it amazes me since along with the Full Moon energy I have Pluto conjoining my Moon which is so intense and I am sitting thinking no big deal. Maybe I have just got used to the energy.

The Full Moon in Pisces is also inconjunct Venus in Leo which may make you extremely sensitive to any criticism and then you will get very upset. It really wants everyone to be happy and more loving. There is also a grand trine between the Sun in Virgo, Pallas Athene in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn. This helps you to stay grounded in the midst of the craziness and also gives you the opportunity to channel your sensitivity. Mars, Vesta and the Sun in Virgo also tell you to take it one step at a time to building what you dream and getting that vision out there.

What were your Eclipse intentions? You will get more information now as Mercury goes direct. Yay! Now you may even feel comfortable taking a step in a new direction which is beginning to show in your life in the area affected by the energy or in a place yet to reveal itself. There are things in your life that are ready to bear fruit whether in relationships or business or in the collective in general.

This Full Moon is about intuition and dreaminess. Just know what is real and what is imaginary.  I read something that it is a good time to listen to more peaceful music and let it tune to 432 hz. Try to be in a clearer environment without tons of distractions so that you can resonate on a higher level. Great to try some hypnosis! Maybe I will take on some clients right now and see what occurs.

It is time to let things unfold without pushing. Life now is like a birth and you need to allow it to move at its own pace. It is time to honor you and what you have become. It is about going within so that you can come out as your true self and follow your passion. It is time to go to the child within and heal so that the magical energy of those past days can bring wonder to you and those around you. One more thing…this week you may have more dreams than usual. Do take note of what they are saying to you. And remember that with noise you may hear nothing that your higher self is saying to you. Take time to sit quietly and see what comes through. Follow your heart always. Full Moon in Pisces is also about Unconscious Collective energies. Let no one pull you down.

Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected by the Full Moon in Pisces are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces from 10-17 degrees. Birthdays are: June 1-8; September 2-9; December 2-9 and March 1-8.

May you be blessed at this Full Moon in Pisces! Thank you for reading and sharing I you will. Comments or questions are always welcome. It is a time of silence for many so that the truth can rise. Go with the flow of the Pisces moon energy and let go the past and dream. Until again. Love, Jan