Monthly Archives: April 2017

NEW MOON in TAURUS, April 26, 2017- Stay in the moment and dance away the dark

taurus new moonSpring and my flowers are finally blooming. As the New Moon is ready to descend upon us there are many who are out of sorts. Spring to me is a time of joy and renewal as the days get longer and our hearts are warmer. Or are they? Some of you continue to hold onto the past maybe redirecting your energy to things which are in need of revising or revamping since there are planets retrograde including Mercury. As I look out over the mountains I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention. Then there are those of you who are in constant need to fixate on the news that the mainstream media suggests is real and you see only what they want you to see.

Just saw this- The Washington DC area will be having a exercise/drill scheduled for April 26 in case of terror attack. And Dale Earnhardt Jr. will retire at end of season. And it seems like Le Pen in France has had a mediocre run so who knows what will happen on May 7 when the election takes place. Everything is being recycled (nothing ever changes) everywhere it can be. Is that due to the retrograde motion of the planets? Were you aware that they want to build a pipeline through Syria into Europe and that is why they are destroying buildings and towns? So Guam just had a magnitude 5.0 earthquake at 4:20am. Did you hear about it today, Tuesday? Of course you did not. Move on. Nothing major going on. Back to your phone you go. Looks like the some employees at Merck are wishing to make a few statements which they will not…tied to MMR vaccine link to autism. Why would the news report the truth? And just one more thing is the Operation Gotham Shield which is taking place in the NJ/NY metro area. Practice in case there is a nuke attack. Wouldn’t we all be gone with the wind if that happened? Is there a False Flag on the docket maybe? Onward.

Here comes the New Moon in Taurus on Wednesday, April 26, 2017 in 6 degrees 27’ at 8:16am EDT; 5:16am PDT; and 12:16pm GMT. There are no main aspects with this New Moon. The Sun is at the same degree in Taurus. You all know that Taurus loves money, the good things of life and sensual and other pleasures. Since the major aspects are missing then what is really going on? Well there are a couple of fixed stars that may bring out the hidden demon within or even a tendency to dictate. Sound familiar???  That is the fixed star energy that may show up or not. And if it does let it be revealed so that it can just move on. The influence lasts up until the next New Moon in Gemini on May 25. If you are looking to begin anew in some area the time until the 10th of May is when to start. This is also a time to address any darkness within and finally rid yourself of it since those Fixed Stars are helping you to do this.

The New Moon itself is about what you wish to spend time on or what you value in your life at this time. Do you enjoy what you already have? This New Moon can find you prancing around looking for more and more of whatever it is- beauty, money and good times with lots of pleasurable pursuits. Hey, wait a minute, don’t you have enough of it all or are you just going to keep spending because you are compensating for something that is not present in your life? In the positive sense Taurus New Moon is about being in the NOW. Taurus loves the NOW and that indicates once you take time to create the resources, take care of investments and to be grounded, then you feel good. You will then gravitate to beauty and good times but continue to stay present in the moment. It is time for you to feel good about what is going on in life and keep from being attached to the material world once all things are in order. Be calm and keep good thoughts going and if you have to pretend to stay in a good place or regarding your resources then do so. Believe you are rich and you are. Know that you attract what you think or did you forget?

This is a time to keep the distractions to a minimum otherwise you will be plodding through the gunk again and not flowing as the New Moon would like you to do. Watch out for getting too involved in the sensuality of the New Moon instead of thinking about how to be moving forward. You may have some luck now with real estate or family property.

Venus, ruler of Taurus, is just about into Aries again after retrograding back into Pisces. Venus is in the last degree of Pisces and ready to bolt into Aries on Friday April 28 early morning. So whatever you were doing while Venus was retrograding and now still moving forward in Pisces it is time to be ready to feel something different. Think about what you were doing while it has been in Pisces and it is now time to let it go and hope what you did will be perfect in the area you have been affected. Venus is still conjunct Chiron in Pisces and squaring Saturn in Sagittarius bringing a feeling or awareness of lack. It is time for you to be patient since some things continue to unfold as each day passes. Accept it as it is right now and then begin to fine tune. And with Venus coming into Aries it is time for a bit of a new dance. Venus is uncomfortable in feisty Aries since she likes to languish in the sensual nature of Taurus or the spiritual side of Pisces.  Mars has been in sextile to Venus and will be that way until June 25. Mars has the upper hand in Gemini once Venus is back on April 28 in detriment in Aries. What action will you take at this time? You most likely will be more active than sitting and going within.

Is there anyone around who may be stubborn or will it be you? Mercury is still retrograde and conjunct Uranus in Aries which makes things a bit erratic especially in communication. What unusual thoughts are coming up? How radical are your words?

And speaking of retrograde—Pluto just went retrograde on April 21, 2017. What does that mean for the world and you? It is a time of internal house cleaning for you. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is intense and wants you to let go and regenerate all. It will push you and prod you to do so. Are you ready? This is when you are to look at what you need or don’t need. Are you giving away your power? Pluto will show you. It is about any inner workings of you and what you can do to better yourself. Perhaps a detox would work well or taking a look at your inner self.

Those most intensely affected are birthdays; April 21- 29; July 26-August 3; October 27-November 4; and January 22-30. Signs/Rising affected more: Taurus 1-9 degrees; Leo 2-10 degrees; Scorpio 3-11degrees; and Aquarius 1-9 degrees. Any personal planets around 6 degrees 27’ will also be affected.

Pages of Shustah draw—The Divine Horse says you will get what you need and Black Cat says please but stay centered in case any negatives show up. And the Gnomes say your hard work will pay off.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Have an enjoyable New Moon in Taurus and let the darkness vanish. Keep yourself grounded no matter what the world energy is doing. And please stay in the moment since that is what Taurus moon likes. Many blessings!  Check out the articles in (May issue I wrote about lunar nodes). Until again. Love, Jan









FULL MOON in LIBRA, April 10/11, 2017- Share your harmonious insights with others

pink moon2017

Oh so late in getting this out to you. My tax clients are on the front burner these past weeks. Spring is here and there you go around and round and how will you grow? Use your intuition to guide you to what’s real once you look it over with your mindful zeal. The madness of March has fallen away so what is your plan for the coming spring day? Will it be filled with some joyful interaction or will you go out and follow the underlying faction? I sit here and wonder how anyone can exist these days…even survive by being of the hive mind. Not going into this as of the present but will continue to ponder that question as time goes by. The Full Moon is just about here. How will you approach your life as it magnifies your relationships and more importantly the balance factor within?

As the energies heighten I am surprised about the Syrian situation. Here we go with the good, the bad and the ugly. Why all of a sudden is President Assad a bad guy? So why was there an article about the wife of Assad saying how wonderful she was and what good things the President was doing for Syria? If you are going to believe this kind of stuff again, go right ahead. Do you really believe he is the evil dictator that is being portrayed? Just tell me why the Islamic radicals are invading that country and therefore our government is helping the radicals. Our sovereignty is on the ledge…our freedom of thoughts on the edge…What the heck is the need for the extreme photos from Syria? This way the government and media can get you revved up to say yeah…bring on war. Come on. Stop being pulled into this game. The sheep will react in fear or total outrage. Can you say prepackaged solution? Are you going to buy it? President Trump obviously has been pulled into the toxic mix and it is too bad. In my honest observation I think he was threatened about something in his life and guess what now he is on the bandwagon. Wake up already.

There is a culmination of the energies which were found with the Sun in Aries opposite Jupiter in Libra in the past week. So this Full Moon in Libra is also about the Ego self vs. Union with others. The Full Moon in Libra arrives Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 2:08AM EDT, 11:8PM PDT (April 10, 2017) and 6:08AM GMT in 21degrees 32’. The Sun is at the same degree in Aries. It is a time of a heightened stress feeling due to the Grand Cross forming between planets in the middle 3 of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra and Capricorn). This stress comes if you get involved in the lower energies of those signs. The Moon and Jupiter are in Libra opposing the Sun and Uranus and Eris in Aries; Pluto is Capricorn square both groups. And there is Vesta in Cancer which completes the Grand Cross. Watch for unexpected things going on including any outbursts!!!

It may find you focused on partnerships. Have you stood up for your truth in the past? Or have you felt that being diplomatic was more the way to be in most cases since others would look upon you with judgement and try to veer you off your course. Most likely that is what happened to many of you through your lifetime no matter how old you are. Right? This Full Moon may find you going into a new direction depending where it is in your chart. Now, it does not indicate that it is completely a different kind of path, just that it may be something new in an area in which you are already focused.

Some of you may get some insights or fulfillment and others of you may find that some pattern that has been present too long between you and your partner is finally thrown out. It is time to get rid of the baggage around love and maybe even learn that lesson once and for all in the love arena. Venus is going direct on April 15 being retrograde since March 4 which helps any love interaction. You feel ready to be involved again. Venus just went back into Pisces on April 3. There is excitement in the air and for maybe even a life changing event for some of you with the Sun conjunct Uranus in Aries. Since Jupiter is in Libra and the Full Moon is in Libra and Venus is the ruler of Libra, relationships may play a pivotal role during this time.

Mercury is now retrograde in Taurus going back into Aries until May 3. Since there are many planets which are also retrograde this Full Moon timeframe the energy is a bit heavy. How will you address the issues that need to be revised and reconciled? What is showing up that you need to reconsider? Retrograde is about relooking at things that keep you from going forward in a particular direction. Have there been any communication issues which need to be resolved from the last months? This is the time to go within making adjustments and then when it is time to move forward you are ready to go. Mercury retrograde is not a negative time. So many I know think this is like a curse. No it is not. It is about realigning with that which has gone a bit off course and it gives you an opportunity to straighten it out, especially in the communication area. And yes, you know that this is when the hiccup comes…the mail gets lost; you go around in circles (that helps no one who is a tax professional –it has been a whirlwind and it wasn’t even retrograde in the past couple of weeks); and communication issues are rampant).

On April 6th Saturn, our planet of limitations and boundaries, went retrograde. A window of opportunity may open up in either a professional or life situation. With Mars in Taurus at 22degrees and inconjunct (150degrees) the Full Moon in Libra may bring minor annoyances which make you a bit crazed. Under most circumstances that is all it would be, but since it is aspecting the Full Moon it is a bit over the top annoying. Also Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries is affecting the Full Moon as I previously said. This is one last show on the horizon since soon it will be out of range and will be waning in its effect. This aspect has been around since 2012. Some decisions made at this time may well be final since Libra is about decisions. Will they be major? There is a kind of one last hurrah transformative effect with this Full Moon in Libra. Where is it taking us? I think to an interesting outcome eventually.

Those affected most intensely are birthdays of April 7-15; July 9-17; October 11-19 and January 8-16. The Sun signs and rising signs affected approximately are 17-25 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

A few tidbits about the Sun signs/rising signs:

Aries – Open you heart to others at this time, Help someone that needs it.

Taurus – Check in on a regular basis with significant other. What you do daily really counts.

Gemini – Share your thoughts and inspirations. Who cares if anyone likes them?

Cancer – Domestic matters to the forefront. Somehow they are interconnected with work life.

Leo – What kind of decisions are you pondering? Is there a new opportunity coming through?

Virgo – Your finances are affected by your mindset. Do not undermine your security.

Libra – What is it you need to change? Maybe you need some freedom and space right now.

Scorpio – Looks like you need to recharge your batteries. Use imagination instead of worry.

Sagittarius – There is a world of possibilities that open. Socialize if it is on your goal list.

Capricorn – Sudden changes may bring a breakthrough. Set a good work pace/follow through.

Aquarius – Your routine may be shaken up. Think before you say anything.

Pisces – Be careful with your money matters. Stop fighting the flow for you may find a treasure.

Thank you all for reading. Share if you will. I truly appreciate it. Have an outstanding Full Moon in Libra. It may take you in a new direction of helping others to find their dream. And love may come unexpectedly for those who are open. Check out the where there are great articles. I have one this month about Joyful Inspiring Jupiter. Many blessings. Until again. Love, Jan