Monthly Archives: June 2017

NEW MOON in Cancer with Summer Solstice, June 23, 2017- Love and nurture to flow

night sky

The Summer Solstice is here as I sit and ponder the coming New Moon. The Solstice happened at 12:24 AM EDT right after midnight on June 21, 2017. Yes, some may have been celebrating a few hours earlier near the Pacific region and around the world at various times. And of course those in the Southern Hemisphere will be celebrating Winter Solstice. With the heat that is pounding the US I think I want to jump down to the Winter Solstice. Just a thought! As you read this probably a day or two after the longest day it still has the energy in effect with the New Moon in Cancer. The energy is about finding your true self. It is about going within and digging deep and loving who you are so that you are one with yourself. As it occurs you radiate the love out to the world and your life shifts. What a grand desire to implement. Imagine it!!! And with this coming shortly before the New Moon it is still within that energetic window. Beautiful it is.

Oh, I know I can go on about the world. But right now it is undergoing a madness that unnerves me. I notice the rudeness in others yet I stay in my moment and wish them well. All it tells me is that those in the Mainstream Media and those other Global types are really out of their minds with the darkness. So, I have no real interest at this time. There is only one worthy thing that took me back many years and that was the MI5 agent who confessed (he is dying) that the Crown definitely hired him to off the People’s Princess. You know who I mean, Diana. What a horror!! And before you say Snopes/Google doesn’t agree well there was an article in a media outlet NeonNettle in London which had the original news about the agent. If you remember she was alive in the car asking what happened. She had the goods on the Royals (must have been some dark and dank secrets) so she had to go. As for any other news at this time…saw an article about a couple who were Breatherians. They have a food-free lifestyle. They are using the pure energy around them. News must be limited these days for the Mainstream aka Fake News to be writing about this. And is Mr. Scalise alive or dead? On another note a curious happening…I guess someone does not like the fact that I have no newspaper delivered. It is so amazing that each day for the last 5 days I have received a paper. Never ordered it and when I called they were as perplexed as I was. So, now I need to take time to look through and see if I got a message in my papers. One never can tell.

Onward I go to the New Moon in Cancer. It arrives on June 23/24, 2017 at 10:30pm EDT; 7:30pm PDT; and 2:30am GMT (June 24) at 2 degrees 47’. The Sun is also in Cancer at the same degree. Each new moon is actually time for a new beginning where spirit of the Sun meets the body of the Moon. This New Moon in Cancer is intensely energized as a major turning point coming so soon after the Summer Solstice on June 20/21and still within that Solstice opening. It asks for you to reach within and find your true self. This is a time to create what you desire. Are you ready to manifest? Since the New Moon in Cancer is conjunct Mercury in Cancer it says to you to dig into your subconscious to find exactly what you desire to create. Be prepared since Chiron in very late Pisces is squaring (in conflict) the New Moon and opens the way to healing. Of course, that may indicate that old and ugly wounds may surface and you will want to just ignore them. Know that by facing what shows up from the core needs to be addressed, healed and then you may be able to assist others once it is looked at. But since Chiron will go retrograde it may still linger and pop up again further down the road. Just saying it is better to deal with anything now then wait until it gives you a punch. Got it? Good

Family togetherness goes well with the New Moon but there are some who may feel that you just do not belong anymore. It is time for compassion and nurturing with this New Moon in Cancer. Take time to breathe in the goodness and find nourishment and let your emotions rest. Remember this when the Chiron energy is you feel out of it. What emotional wound from the past continues to plague you? Are you insecure about certain factors? Once you dig deep and find the reason you may feel a bit off then you can move through it and go on to face the world and help humanity.

With Mars in Cancer and widely conjunct the New Moon in Cancer and squaring Jupiter in Libra and opposes Pluto in Capricorn is saying that someone may trigger you and then you react in a angry way. Just keep your cool no matter what. Watch out for emotional manipulation. You certainly have no reason to try that since it may just backfire. Keep that in mind. And in the background Uranus is late degrees of Aries stirring up more craziness and unexpected occurrences if it is touching one of your personal planets. Down the road on July 2, 2017 Mars opposes Pluto (thrills not!) which can make things ugly. No, you do not have to hide in the shelter just stay aware of how you respond to others. And then on July 17 (which I will go further into in another post) Mars in Cancer squares Uranus in Aries. That may bring much drama and chaos which results in unexpected and tumultuous events. Just observe for now.

Venus is in Taurus as the New Moon arrives. Since Venus is the ruler of Taurus it is a time of creativity, love and sensual moments, dance, art and your enhanced self-worth. Find the moments to enjoy yourself with others. It is right on my Sun as the New Moon occurs. Wonder where that will take me. Find it in your chart and you will know what part of your life will be enhanced with joyousness. What are you ready to express in your life?

Now is the time to take time for nurturing yourself and others. Take time to keep your emotions out of the muck and be compassionate as you walk your path. On the other hand, whatever shows up is trying to awaken you to the truth within. So drop the fear and just go with it without getting so emotionally out of kilter that you miss the reason it is occurring. The light is trying to arise within you. Let it flow out and bring you to something new. And if any volatile exchanges pop up between friends and family I say listen and watch your words. Remember the bottomline is to nurture and have compassion.

From Animal Powers I say the following: Dolphin showed up as I meditated on who chooses to send a message. Dolphin knows what is going on and what to do about it which makes them plugged into the Universal Mind. “Dolphin Spirit, please come to me help me be as playful and creative, As the sparkles upon the sea. Teach me about passion and joy. About being graceful and free. Show me how to breathe and go. With all my life’s ebb and flow.” He says to mix playfulness with intelligence once you take care of your survival needs. Dolphins are always loving each other. Thank you Dolphin!

Thank you for reading and I would love if you feel like commenting. Do share if you choose. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment without them affecting you. Thanks to the New Moon and the Summer Solstice opening. Life is getting better than ever. There is a new article about the Lunar Nodes in for July 2017. Enjoy the energy as it flows to you. Until again. Blessings and love, Jan



FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS, June 9, 2017- Purge and emerge to the truth


full moon purple

Wake up to what is happening to you and your life. Do you want to be healed and transformed or do you wish to slide through life bickering, moaning, complaining and just do as the collective says to do? I did censor what I originally intended which was a bit harsh.  Do you have any idea what beauty lies within you? How can I speak of beauty in the same breath as what I was really going to say? Take your focus off the craziness of those around you and stop being pulled into the drama of those who wish to keep you from transforming and seeing the truth. Will you do it? Will you take the next step to healing your own “stuff”? I will ask you again next time around and maybe in a separate post give you some insights about how to do it. In the meantime the Full Moon in Sagittarius shows up shortly. The Full Moon is smaller than it usually is but still very much will affect you.

Before I share those thoughts and feelings about the Full Moon let’s just briefly take a look at what is distracting you from your own beautiful transformation. Many of you are up in arms about the Paris Climate Accord. Do you have any idea what it is and what it would mean to you? More money for others and more control so that you can watch the plants die as you cheer their decision to put it into effect. It is a diabolical scheme. Your sovereignty was saved. Or would you prefer to have the scraps from the table of the global elites? Global warming aka now Climate Change is a big fat lie. Don’t tell me that you are going to buy this crap. They even said it was a lie if you listen to those in the know years ago. Do the research, dear ones. My state would lose 140,000 jobs if we signed on. So would 3 other states. That is just the top of the heap. Or maybe you cannot investigate because you are affected. What am I saying? Do you know that there were 793 million opioid doses given out in Ohio in one year? Hypnotic control as the zombie emerges. Appalling it is. And it amazes me that in this country of mine which I love dearly, now there is a need for anti-Sharia rallies which are going to be held in 28 cities. That’s a good thing yet totally unbelievable. Why do you prefer to sleep? Maybe some of you would prefer Sharia Law. And just to remind you that the Seth Rich murder is still being looked into even though they say otherwise. An FBI van was seen not too far away. Wonder what that means?

And now the beauty of the FULL MOON in Sagittarius arrives on Friday, June 9, 2017 at 9:09am EDT; 6:09am PDT; and 1:09pm GMT in 18 degrees 53’. The Full Moon is conjunct Saturn which is at 24 degrees 56’. The Sun is in Gemini at the same degree. If you hang onto rigid beliefs and old limiting stories then this moon is here to get you out of your trap. Saturn with the Moon is saying that there is a need for order and rules but it does not have to be so rigid. And since Pluto in Capricorn at 18 degrees 53’ is inconjunct the Sun in Gemini exactly then you are given an opportunity to release the past. Are you ready? This is a time to transform yourself so that your truth can be seen. But will it elude you since the Full Moon and the Sun square Neptune in Pisces which could lead to lies and deception wherever it falls in your chart. Neptune goes retrograde on June 16 so that may change the illusion This Piscean influence is telling you to stop yourself from falling into the illusion that is being presented of polarity and dissonance. Climb up to the peak of the Piscean and wrap your world in unconditional love and compassion to reap any benefits. Let the defenses that you present be softer. Let go of judgements. It is time to see what you have generated since the New Moon regarding values and love and now where will you let it take you. Those who have been on track since the early months will possibly manifest miracles.

Since Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius where the Full Moon falls is about truth and freedom. Jupiter is sextile the Full Moon in Sagittarius. What this means is that if you choose to face what shows up it will set you free. Oh, no, there is that fear again. Hanging onto something because you choose to fear the truth will only keep you stuck in the old junk and you will continue to go round in circles. So, step up and open to the truth and watch the wonder shine upon you. There is a new world trying to be born out of the chaos that reigns today and whether in the bigger world or your own private world this is time to allow the implosion to take effect. Supporting this notion is the fact that there is a Grand Trine between Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries and the North Node in Leo all between 24-27 degrees where they sit in the signs. Eris and Pallas Athene are also present in the Grand Trine.

And with Jupiter in Libra going direct not too long after the Full Moon tells you that it may be a good time to look at any relationships that are important and find more give and take in them. Are you giving more and getting less? What is it that will bring it back to a better flow? Balance may be what is needed. Love and peace in the world is what Jupiter is expressing. Are you ready for that? How about in your own life? Yes. I would hope so.

Venus just entered Taurus on June 6 and will stay in the sign it rules until July 4, 2017. This will help the work seem more beautiful since it is the sign of love and beauty. Do you know what is going on in a relationship that matters? This may help you see the truth as to what really is happening. Or you may wish to go back and start from scratch. You may wish to indulge your senses or take it to a new level. Also included with Venus in Taurus is your money and how it is affecting your life. With the Full Moon also there is a trend to really cutting down before things get out of control.

If you are a woman you may benefit from this Full Moon in Sagittarius since it is also about natural healing which emphasizes women’s health and midwifery. As I said previously the healing for both men and women can bring many transformative effects so that you can open to your authentic self. That would certainly be a good thing.

There is a kind of irritation aspect involved. Watch for sudden bursts of anger. Deep wounds may show up from somewhere in your past. Those demons just won’t stay buried any longer. Purge and purge more so that you will see your truth since that is what this Full Moon as any other one wishes you to do. Face it and let it go.

This Full Moon is also conjunct a Fixed Star named Sabik. Unfortunately there may be some quite evil deeds coming to the forefront. Magic may be in the mix depending which planet it may touch in your chart. There may be more news about child abuse and trafficking.

So, what do you choose to do? Use the energy of the Full Moon in Sagittarius to once and for all get rid of any blocks that consistently keep you from your authentic self. It is time to be your truth.

Those Sun signs/Rising signs affected more intensely are: 14-22 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Birthdays: June 4-12; September 7-15; December 6-14 and March 5-13. If you have any personal planets ( Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus,Mars) on or near the degree of Full Moon then that is also affected.

I wish you well on you journey as the Full Moon arrives. The energy stays in effect until the next full moon in July. Thank you for reading and please share and comment if you wish. Check out the where I write a monthly article along with many others. Stay in the moment and let your truth come to the forefront. Blessings to you. Until again. Love, Jan