Monthly Archives: December 2023

Full Moon in Cancer, December 26 2023 – Where will your emotions take you?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The holiday season is in full gear and I am hoping everyone is taking a deep breath and staying in balance. Yes, I know there much going on out there in candyland. Have you allowed that particular energy to pull you off track? The time is now to open to the truth from the last new moon and continue to focus on the now. Have you ever heard of a Godwink moment? There are many who have experienced it including me yet many may not pay attention to that energy. It is real even though others call it coincidence or other things. When that moment shows up it is time to truly let it happen whoever or whatever is involved. And since it becomes a strong feeling allow it to come to your heart and feel the depth within. Many of you celebrated Hanukkah and now Christmas is here for many others. Perhaps the Full Moon will bring you a Godwink moment.  It will be interesting to see where it takes you. This is a time of joy and love and no one will stand in the way of that unless you choose to take part in the angry mob syndrome. What you think is what you get and maybe for once going deep within will bring you peace and joy that may be missing in your life.

So it is amazing what is going on in this country. The American people could use much of the money that has gone to the Ukraine and continues on. Former President Trump is being taken off the ballot in Colorado. That is the American dream to many out there. Tell me what makes you hate him and others so much. I have no feeling one way or another. Yet I hear the bad-mouthing continuously You do know that what you hate about others is really what you hate about yourself. Just saying! What is happening in Israel is not what it seems. Keep listening to the MSM and you will be shocked one day as to what really is the truth. California is turning waste water into drinking water. Oh and this is even better- the big Pharmacy chains are now handing over patient records to law enforcement without warrants. Does that make you feel good? Volcano in Iceland brings toxic fumes to the capital city tonight. Major quake in China too!! Trump being kept off ballot in Colorado.

In the meantime the Winter Solstice which has the Sun in 0 degrees 0’ Capricorn showed up on December 21, 2023. This will be a great time to focus inward and meditate on those people and experiences that you wish to invite into your life and those you wish to let go. It is shortly followed by the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26, 2023. Are you ready to experience what it has to bring you? How did you celebrate the shortest day of the year? In my mind I am excited because the days will now get longer. So joyful! Hurrah!

The Full Moon in Cancer appears Tuesday/Wednesday December 26, 2023 at 4degrees 58’ at 7:33pm EST; 4:33pm PST; and 12:33am GMT (12/27/23). The Sun in Capricorn is in the same degree as the Moon in Cancer. It is an emotional time – let the romance and relationships flow. When the Sun is opposite the Moon there is a polarity somewhere in your life. An example is work versus home or being creative versus logical thinking. Lots of emphasis on your relationships and family usually occur at the Full Moon. You should learn to forgive and forget in order to avoid depression from thinking too much about things. Have you been listening to what your heart actually wants or are you just running through life on autopilot? There are so many messages that can now be revealed with Full Moon. Will you allow them to come in? It is an emotional time – a time of relationships, romance and fertilization. Being nurturing and caring about the family life and the domestic side and roots is a Cancer energy. Capricorn is about responsibility, career and the public life. This is a time between unconditional love and conditional love. Have you been focused on doing your job and out there in the world? If you have then this is the time to come back to the inner world of love and caring.—the emotional needs you have been neglecting. This Full Moon in Cancer is sextile Jupiter in Taurus and trine Saturn in Pisces. This is a time when you can feel calm and relaxed with family and friends and it may bring laughter and tears. All is good. Chiron in Aries turns direct on December 27 and will bring a feeling that you may be vulnerable yet it will give you an opportunity to find more intimacy. It also brings deepest healing if you allow it to come in. Don’t forget Mercury is still retrograde in Capricorn and will go direct on January 2 2024 in Sagittarius. It is Time to find out what resonates with your authentic self. Go for it. Mercury in Sagittarius is square to Neptune in Pisces. Watch for lies coming in and making things murky. Media probably is not on track trying to keep you entranced by their lies. As the Full Moon takes place it is a time also to let go of baggage that you are carrying within –especially emotional baggage. Once you do that you will start to feel lighter and more in alignment with what you choose to do going forward. Take the opportunity to let go and release that which no longer serves the true you and that way you will be able to take a leap forward. This way you can have a fresh new start in the New Year. This is a very social Full Moon. One more item: Venus semisextile Mercury says watch what you say because It may be all too easy to say things you don’t really truly feel.

Those Sun signs/rising signs most intensely affected are:  Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn at 0-8 degrees. If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those degrees then you may also be affected. Approximate birthdays are March 21-29; June 22-30; September 24-October 2; and December 22-30. Here are some tidbits:

Aries- Home is where your heart is at this time. If you cannot see family at this time then do connect with them on the Net or your phone.

Taurus – When you open up and get real about your feelings and communicate them to others makes it a great sharing time. Speak up.

Gemini- Set your boundaries and stay in your power. Good time for all things financial if you are so inclined. Your views are important to you.

Cancer – Prioritize your own healing. Take time out to set some personal intentions and get in touch with your own feelings and desires. Let it all come out. Release!

Leo- This is connected with your subconscious feelings and it guides you toward a deep sense of healing that’s been long overdue. Relax and reconnect within.

Virgo- This energy takes you out there by connecting with like-minded friends and peers as you set intentions for the year. Go for it.  Show how much you care.

Libra – It’s great to focus on career goals for the year ahead, fuel your motivation for future endeavors. Have patience and trust that what you want is waiting.

Scorpio -Refine your personal belief system and understand your depth in a new way. Don’t be afraid to broaden your comfort zone and also forgive.

Sagittarius – You have a chance to release bad habits and even the playing field within your intimate relationships. That means reinforcing your limits. Intuitive you are.

Capricorn -Open up and state your feelings clearly. Doing so can help to strengthen your bond and alleviate some of the love life stresses that may have been building over time.

Aquarius – Will be on wellness and prioritizing the health of your mind, body, and spirit. Use the gentle moon to revamp your schedule to be more healing.

Pisces-Work on artistic endeavors and pour your feelings into something beautiful. All of this powerful heart-based energy will also light up your love life.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Everyone enjoy the season of joy. Remember to have a good time with family and just keep your wits about you when you make any decisions if you are partying hard. Many blessings to you and yours! Until again, Love, Jan

NEW MOON in Sagittarius, December 12 2023 – Allow your imagination to take a leap

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. The holidays are on the move and to begin them will be Hanukkah on December 7-15; Winter Solstice on December 21 and Christmas on December 25. Are you ready to bring joy and love to those around you or will the darkness prevail? Life has been quite hectic and I finally moving forward. On a very strange note I just got two posts deleted from Facebook. I wish I knew what I posted to go against community standards. So weird!  Nearly every time I post it is a share of someone else’s post–sports or memes or a friend’s post. If anyone can tell me what it is that is so bad about my posts, please let me know. I can say something more about it but I will not. So, how was the Full Moon energy for you and yours? Did you release some things that were holding you back or have you chosen to just keep the same pattern going from the past? I look forward to spreading holiday cheer and refuse to get pulled into the craziness that has taken over the world. It is time for you to pay attention and let your heart rule with those who are celebrating with you. 

News tidbits: Did you know that every illegal alien who crossed the border received a $5000 gift card? Most of the funds are gone for the Ukraine. How long do you think that cash will be around? Some are saying the banks are ready to change to digital currency—not a good thing. I feel that Trump needs to get major protection. People are so out of touch with reality. If you feel otherwise than I wish you protection from the Highest Power. An Ohio teacher says they are pushing drugs on kids who are preteen due to ADHD and other conditions which many times there is no condition just growing up is what it is. Look out for 2024 when digital banking and major control over your life will be the intention. Are you ready to eat worms and crickets? The truth tellers know this, but their words fall on deaf ears. As long as the story hasn’t been heard on television, the vast majority thinks it must not be believed. Congress spent $7.5 billion on EV Chargers and never built them.

This New Moon in Sagittarius arrives Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at 6:32pm EST; 3:32 pm PST, and 11:32 PM GMT in 20 degrees 40’.  The Sun is in the exact degree as the Moon.  The New Moon in Sagittarius is all about the higher mind, philosophy, adventure and going the distance. If you are looking for turning points then this is it. It is in a fire mutable sign which gives you an opportunity to leap forward if you choose to go there. How many of you will do so?  This New Moon in Sagittarius is truly asking you to figure out what is still holding you back and walk through that darkness already. Let the beam of light on your helmet help you forge ahead to a new year and a new start. Are you willing to do this? Since Sagittarius is filled with a fire it asks you to think about your next passionate step. Are you yearning for a different path to come into play?  Sagittarius likes adventure and exploring the world.  It is also about truth. Will you allow the truth to emerge from your depths to show you what you came to do on this Earth? Open to the energy of the Sagittarius fire and see how your mood changes.  Jupiter rules Sagittarius it says that being positive will reap you rewards. Go negative and they disappear again. The New Moon is conjunct Mars. This is a truly dynamic combination. The energy is saying to you to get your enthusiasm going. The New Moon is square to Neptune in Pisces. Look out for deception.  Since it is square says there may be some confusion in your thinking. Maybe since Neptune is about imagination and so is Pisces you may wish to imagine what you really need. You can make your dreams happen if you put your intentions out there but do stay grounded as you do so. Mercury goes retrograde the day after the New Moon. This retrograde season will allow you to brush up on new knowledge and hone your skills and talents better for what you have planned.  Watch for miscommunications during this end of the year holiday season. Keep politics away from the holiday table. Travel delays are possible. Leave nothing to chance.  Jupiter forms a trine to Mercury the day before it retrogrades. It helps to ground your thoughts. What do you wish to accomplish down the road? This past week, Venus entered Scorpio on December 4th– reigniting unresolved issues from her 40 days retrograde in Leo last summer-the end of 2023 feels like the end of so many relationships; the end of many family arrangements. Yet endings bring beginnings and 2024 holds the possibility of something different. Remember that the Winter solstice occurs next week, on December 21 with Sun entering Capricorn.

I suggest that Frankincense is the ideal oil to use with this New Moon. It is good for balance and it helps you go within and see your truth and how you relate. This is also good for supporting the immune system. A couple other oils that are worth using at this time are: geranium and sandalwood.

Those who are more intensely affected by the New Moon in Sagittarius are the Sun signs/Rising signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces at 17-25 degrees. And if you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars) in those signs/degrees then you may also be affected by the energy. Birthdays include: June 8-16; September 10-18; December 9-17; and March 8-16. (These are approximate dates for the birthdays.)

Aries-Make your plans and be ready to find more spirituality in your life. Want to travel? This is a perfect time. Expand your mind.

Taurus- Transformation! Financial planning and investments may be to the forefront. May be time to meditate and reach within.

Gemini – Get out of your rut. Excitement in relationships but do be upfront so there are no misunderstandings. Go for what you desire.

Cancer- Put that new fitness plan in action. Make adjustments in everyday living. Restructure your personal goals.

Leo- You get closer to someone. A journey of the heart in many ways shows up. New insights show up and you can find your path.

Virgo- Changes in your home life appear shortly after the eclipse. You feel empowered and optimistic. Stay strong.

Libra- What interests you now? Take a moment and think about this. It is a prime time to be communicative and to go forward with a new project.

Scorpio -New financial goals in the making. Take time to take care of your own self. What do you value most? Make new habits.

Sagittarius-You are adventurous. New way of life can come into being/socially exciting. Big changes may come your way. Rebuild your appearance.

Capricorn- Time spent by yourself is important now. Look inward. It is a period of renewal and will be worth it down the road.

Aquarius- New people come in. Those who have not been there supporting you will leave Reach out to those who have been absent. Be social.

Pisces – Make new business contacts. Professional activities are important. Lots going on! Stay focused and it will be worth it down the road.

If you are looking to put out wishes for the New Moon in Sagittarius then the first 8 hours are most powerful according to Jan Spiller. Even up to 24 hours after is still effective. She says that some wishes may be the following: I wish to take action on something my intuition is telling me; I wish to enjoy the spontaneous benefits of interactions with others; I wish to have more positive adventures in my life; and I wish to experience more freedom and enjoyment in my life. Thought they were good things to wish for. You can add your own insights to these according to what the Sagittarius new moon is about.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! Everyone enjoy the season of joy. Stay focused and the time to move forward will show up. Remember to have a good time with family and just keep your wits about you when you make any decisions.  Many blessings to you! Until again, Love, Jan