Full Moon in Virgo, February 24, 2024 – Keep your communication flowing

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I am sorry this is so late in going up. It has been an interesting time the last few weeks. How are holding up in this maelstrom of anger and negativity that abounds out there in the world? The energy has been very disconnected and I feel many are not sure how to handle it. It feels to me as if a cover has been placed over the world and you can see only what those in highest positions want you to see. How have you been feeling?  Are you choosing to let the news take over your life creating inner turmoil? I wonder why there is nothing happening to quell the continued takedown of this country and those that can do nothing.  Of course, I am only saying this because life is what you make it and if you choose the negative then that is where you will sit- deeply entrenched in the garbage. “People don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” Friedrich Nietzsche

News tidbits: 7.2 million Illegals have entered across the border under this administration. That number is more than the population of 36 states. Will free speech continue to be a part of your life? It is not looking good. Why are doctors dying suddenly around the world (54 in last 4 months)? So Bill Gates continues his desire to block the sun and Canada goes along with him. The current Administration is deliberately trying to destroy the US Military. Fani Willis and her lover are in danger of being disqualified from Trump case since it was discovered they lied under oath. Well, nothing new about Google having a new anti-white AI tool. :What is going to happen to Julian Assange once he is extradited to the US?

The Moon is opposite the Sun at the time of the Full Moon. It is time to fine-tune any projects that you began at the last New Moon on February 9th. This Full Moon energy lasts until the March 10th New Moon in Pisces. Take those goals to a new level at this time.

The Full Moon shows up on Saturday, February 24, 2024 at 7:28 a.m. EST; 4:28 am PST; and 12:28 pm GMT in 5º 23’ Virgo.  The Sun is in the exact degree in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. It is a polarity and it is about your higher self in opposition to your earthly self. Through the next few weeks your new awareness is unfolding and expanding and the Virgo Moon is lighting up your path. Will you pay attention to what it is revealing? Or will you allow it to bring out the victim within you? This Full Moon also is about problem-solving in your life. It is not about overthinking but flow. Wherever it falls in your chart will tell you what the issue may be and just notice it and allow it to come to you-the answers. Stop pushing towards the goal. Whatever the dissatisfaction may be will dissolve if you just open to the truth of it. The Sun in Pisces is all about faith, some mystery and divine. The Moon in Virgo is about perfection and getting the job done right. The Full Moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces and this makes you feel like you need some freedom. Is that what you are looking for? You may wish to chill out and take a look at your goals and where they are actually in your life. Are you feeling disconnected at this time? Some of you may be feeling this. Pallas Athene is in Sagittarius and forms a T square with the Full Moon. This has to do with your physical versus your metaphysical energy. Try looking at them as a reflection of the other. Venus and Mars are both in Aquarius square to Jupiter in Taurus. This brings out the energy that does not wish to back down in work or relationships. Taurus totally likes things to stay the way they are. Aquarius is about changing the dynamic.

 Mercury is in Pisces and is right there with Saturn and that says no communication is going to change right now and it can be a bit critical. Sometimes it indicates that maybe you are just going to say nothing and play the silence game. Think about how you say things at this time so that there is no offense in your communication. And do not let anyone prod you into reacting in a volatile way. That is what they are looking for so the individual can say it is your doing. And also Chiron is conjunct the North Node in Aries. Chiron is about your deepest wounds and North Node is your soul purpose and direction in life. This basically happens on a subconscious level and that is where changes can take place. The Full moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces. Look at your goals and see what will work best. You want some kind of freedom at this time.

A cleansing of your home with Palo Santo smudge stick or incense will be truly a good thing. Go get some and let it clear out all the stagnant energy that has been building in the last months. Since the Full Moon in Virgo is about organization so get going with getting things in order so that life will go smoother.

The Sun Signs/Rising Signs most intensely affected at the Virgo Full Moon are: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius in 0-8 degrees. Birthdays are: February 19-27, May 21-29, August 23-31 and November 22-30 . If you have personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus) within a few degrees then they will be influenced.  Tidbits:

Aries – Will you get some recognition? Stay in the moment and pay attention to your well-being at this time. You need to let go of something.

Taurus – What will you do to become more organized on a daily basis? Where will you allow your creativity take you? No fretting since it is falling into place.

Gemini – Get out and about doing things with your family. Too much career stuff may enter into the picture. Are you lacking structure? Bring balance in.

Cancer- Is it time for you to get out and relax? Dreams about the future come into play. Remember the dream needs action now so it opens doors.

Leo – Seems like finances are in the limelight. Keep your head in the game so that there is no setback. Transformation can occur with money.

Virgo – Let intuition guide you so decisions flow? Stop fretting and let the details create a new way to shine. Partnership is in mix.

Libra – What is it you really wish to do? Take care of you and stop stressing and let go what needs letting go. Intuition helps.

Scorpio – Is this really you opening your heart to love? Do keep it going! Imagination and creativity sing out. Any questions poking at you? Just ask!!!

Sagittarius – Are your dreams arising to a new level of possibility? Whatever happens jobwise is positive. New solutions come in. You may leap forward.

Capricorn – Think big and set realistic goals. It is time to establish stronger commitments. Your dreams can become a reality.

Aquarius – Do you really have to spend that much money? Figure out what values are important and if you need to make transactions, sign anything, do it.

Pisces – Enjoy the time together with your partner and it gets even better. New friends enter your life. Possibility of new job prospects! Stay grounded.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for you and what you do. Stay in the moment.  My statement right now is for you to clear out the junk and get your dream out there even if it is minuscule to begin. Many blessings, Until again, Love, Jan

About Dr. Jan King

Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor; Holistic Health Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Jan has been a Hypnotherapist since 1989 and a Holistic Health Practitioner since 1992. She focuses on relationship and stress-related issues. Jan has studied astrology for over 35 years and combines her counseling skills and holistic health background to ensure clients get a comprehensive session. Jan uses her clairsentience to focus on many of the issues and then makes suggestions. Jan also has been studying astrological technique and interpretation for 35 years.

Posted on February 23, 2024, in FULL MOON and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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