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New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer, July 2, 2019 – Clear the old emotions to let light shine

solar eclipse 2019 Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Summer is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere and the rains continue to take down the farmer’s crops in the Midwest. No one cares as I watch those around me. When the food supply is diminished in the late fall and winter months, I hope there are no complaints from those who ignore. I must say that the energy is mounting. Does anyone feel it? Does anyone see the brilliance of nature? Silly me, move on. It took me some time to find the motivation to write this due to the fact that I was trying to figure out why I am having such a difficult time accessing everything on Facebook. Then I thought to myself…who needs it? Oh, I will find a way to fix it eventually but until then, I will do without. And you know what- it has shifted me. So much is building in many ways whether it is in the sky or in the world life is changing. And if you are not paying attention you may not like it. Soon the truth will come out and it may blow you away. I have faith that you will be ok as long as you stay out of fear. Live your life today, not tomorrow.

What bothers me most about what is going on everywhere are the lies. Be your truth always. If you are a liberal then be one. If you are a conservative be one. I do not care what you are unless you tell me one thing and act another way. Lack of integrity is the problem in the world today. Oh, not everyone is acting that way yet the ones who do are blameless. Is that what you choose in your world? Andy Ngo, a conservative journalist, was attacked by Antifa and beaten to a pulp and robbed and is in the hospital. Then there is let’s change everyone’s gender to this and that and back again. The Democratic Party held their debate and everyone involved said they wanted to give illegals free health care. Let the American citizens pay for it. Insanity reigns.  Did you know there is a tracking registry online which is used when you buy something? Oh, yes, there is. It gives info so the company can either raise or lower the price to you. And the fact that President Trump and President Putin were talking at the G20 Summit makes you crazy doesn’t it? And the fact that Trump walked into North Korea …You are ready to say…X%*X (T8**&. Oh, one more thing…censorship is the name of the game. If you are spouting truth, watch out. Too many good websites are being shut down. The truth is too much for many to handle and interferes with the bigger agenda.

What intention is boiling inside of you that will take you to a brand new place of being? Is your creativeness opening to something even better than it was? Are you going to hang around with your family a bit more in the coming months? The New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer arrives on Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 3:16am EDT; 12:16am PDT; and 7:16am GMT in 10 degrees 37”. This is two days before the National Birthday of the U.S. on July 4, 2019. The Sun is in the exact same degree in Cancer. This is a Total Solar Eclipse. Issues are a bit different with the Solar Eclipse energy. Some may include family and if they are supportive you may take big leaps. On the other hand if you are thinking of moving, that may occur. How and where will you invest your energy for a possible new start? How will you (my favorite thing) let go of that which you no longer need? Letting go is necessary in order to move ahead and Saturn being in Capricorn is about clearing out the weeds and starting fresh. And this New Moon Solar Eclipse is opposing the South Node/Saturn in Capricorn and conjunct (within 6 degrees) the North Node in Cancer. This conjunction may say to you that you may have ignored or not taken care of something lately due to fast-paced lifestyle and too much work. And now is the time to do so. I have a garage which is in disarray and it would take just a couple of days to put it in order. So, I guess, that is on my list. Or if there is an individual whom has gone by the wayside you may wish to reach out to them. Saturn and the South Node may be pulling you back to the past and you notice that the nurturing principle is lacking due to the loss of family members or other reasons that you feel less closeness. And if you are a young parent maybe it is time to take a look at how you are interacting with your children. How many are on the screen too much?

Another thing to peruse is your financial situation since the Sun/Moon is sextile (favorable) to Uranus in Taurus. Since Taurus is about the money thing and Uranus is also right with the asteroid Vesta (stirring the fire within) this is a good time to ensure your finances are in order and take a good look at any outstanding purchases (property or otherwise) made recently to know the value of such. If you are looking for a different job this may be time to keep your attention focused. Unexpected good opportunities may pop up. Your creative side may be activated in an expansive way. Be ready to let it out. Uranus may bring in new contacts and a bit of scattered energy compared to what Saturn in Capricorn is trying to do. Go with the flow and see what happens but keep that focus in the mix.

The New Moon and Sun are trine to Neptune in Pisces. This tells me that you may be taken in by some dreaminess which is really coming from confusion. And that may come from all the junk that is being sent through the airwaves. Will you be swayed too easily?  Also be more careful with the alcohol and drugs you may ingest. With the Moon trine to Neptune will you try to save someone or just give up your own wishes and be totally devoted to another? This Solar Eclipse New Moon will help you heal relationships. If you are looking to heal yourself in some way the Sun and Moon are square Chiron in Aries so it may take a bit longer yet it will come about. Just take it one step at a time.

Remember Mercury goes retrograde in Leo on July 7, 2019 until July 31, 2019. This is a time to reassess what you choose. Old issues from the last year may arise again to be resolved. If an opportunity to do something in any part of your life, hold out, take a breath and wait until Mercury goes direct to make a decision. Jump into nothing now even though the Solar Eclipse is saying come on, just do it. Stop, think, and breathe!  Then after the motion moves forward, decide. Got it? Good! Some tidbits for Sun sign/Ascendants: Aries-You begin to realize the importance of emotional ties. Family and home are in the picture.

Taurus- You may find some excitement in your own neighborhood. Watch for any discord!

Gemini- Are you going to be emotional about money? Looking to have more domestic security!

Cancer-You may wish to redo the outer you to reflect the inner you. Time to reach for the stars!!!

Leo-Time to recharge your energy! Spend some time with loved ones and remember –meditate.

Virgo-You may be making plans for the future. Social activity may increase. Go out and enjoy.

Libra-Sudden changes may occur. Thinking about future direction in your life-business or home!

Scorpio-Are you looking for some spiritual support? Or are you planning to go on a special trip?

Sagittarius-What do you see growing in your future? Take time to plan out what it is you choose.

Capricorn-What partnership decision are you going to make? It is time to use your intuition now.

Aquarius-Seems to be a lot going on with work, service and daily living! Emotional urgency!

Pisces-Those high expectations are coming from workplace.  Fresh and fun options for play!

Those Sun signs more intensely affected are: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (7-13 degrees). If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those signs then you too may be affected. Thank you for reading and sharing. If you would share on Facebook I would be truly grateful. Remember to take the time to plan out what you wish to do and do not take action no matter how much it pulls on you until after July 31. Best time to put out intentions is in the first 8 hours after New Moon and up to 24 hours after for best results. Be blessed. Happy Fourth of July!  Until again, love, Jan