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FULL MOON in AQUARIUS, August 10,2014- Fire and Ice Dance for Change

Here we go again. It is another month and more chaos in the world. Things are getting desperate for those in control. Vets aren’t getting the healthcare they need. Iraq is back in the news. The Gaza situation is out of control. Think about it because that could be you being shot at instead of those women and children. Bankers are being killed. There are lots of weather changes. Life is going to get a bit dicey in the next few months. Keep your attention focused. It is totally not what it seems. Wake up already. War is a racket and profits no one except the PTB. I know, why be concerned, it isn’t affecting you. Or is it? There are many of you out there on this Earth who are holding the energy of the Light. You need to continue doing so without letting down. We are at a continuing turning point since the Grand Cardinal Cross energy is still in the background.

Dear ones, it is time to look around you. What do you see? Are there changes in your life which you are allowing or are you still hanging onto the past? Tomorrow you will notice the major SUPER MOON taking place. And it is truly the most important Super Moon of the year. The FULL MOON occurs in Aquarius, Sunday at 2:09pm EDT, 11:09am PDT in 18 degrees. Wherever it falls in your chart is the focus of the next few weeks. Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio signs will be most intensely affected. And you also may be affected if you have any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) between 13 and 21 degrees of those astrological signs mentioned.

Aquarian Moon loves to have an open mind and think outside the box. And sometimes Leo Sun doesn’t like the unexpected that this Full Moon brings out. Well, I guess it may also mean you don’t like the twist that appears in your life. Go with it for goodness sakes. Changes may take place on this Full Moon in Aquarius. Will you even notice them? Oh, my, did you say you dislike what is happening? Aquarian likes changes even though they can be inflexible (they are a fixed sign you know). Usually Aquarian Moon is full of life and they share much joy. They are universal in their love approach and want everyone to be peaceful and happy. Sound familiar? And don’t forget they are hard-working and very loyal. Aquarian Moon can be very cool and detached unlike the Leo Sun who is fiery.

Since this is a Full Moon it is also a time of releasing old patterns and beliefs. Have you been doing this lately? I know there are some of you who choose to hang onto the past. What is it doing for you? Aquarian Moon is about living a vision. Find it and work with it at the present time since this a great opportunity to move on a creative venture or at least recognize that your creative urges are real. It is also a time of reaching within and finding your sexuality and sharing in a new way with your partner. Creative innovation arrives in all parts of your life.

With the Sun in Leo opposing the Aquarian Moon it helps your intention to be powerful. Just remember to stay out of the ego place because now that can make things difficult. The Leo Sun who allows things to flow will take big leaps. If Leo Sun decides to hold on that is when the problem arises. There is another aspect that is affecting you during the Full Moon.

That old Cosmic Cop, Saturn, is squaring the Full Moon in Aquarius from its place in Scorpio. How limiting it can be! Since it is square to both the Sun and the Moon it is a T-square and will tend to be restrictive. If you have a problem with an authority, watch out. Saturn will try to get your attention in anyway it can. Think of a child who continues to whine and pull on you. Oh well, you eventually pay attention, don’t you? That’s like Saturn in action. It can pull you out of balance as it makes you pay attention. It is trying to shift something; maybe it is your perspective or clearing out the ruts. Stop resisting and you will walk through it. The more resistance and ego that rises up within you then the more difficulties may occur. If you choose challenge, it will be there. Stay detached as the Aquarian Moon. Evaluate what is the best for all.

Your intuition may be even stronger at this time. And if you need to change something about yourself or something in your life then do it now. This is a perfect time to change something in your life which you most likely wouldn’t do before. Aquarian Moon is there to support you. Just watch out that you don’t step outside the boundaries. Remember Saturn is present. Of course, if you want to be wild in your dress or crazy in your behavior and it is all for the good, look before you act upon it. And really get ready to party shortly because the gentle Venus in Cancer is going to enter Leo on August 12. It is time to shine!

For some of you there may be a turning point where you change something in your life or take on more responsibility. Some may find the job changes and others of you may see an unexpected move or travel. In my chart the Saturn T-square Full Moon/Sun is opposing exactly my Sun in Taurus. It is about self-evaluation and how to grow from the experience that presents itself. This has been an ongoing part of my life for the past months. It is almost done. Yay! There are many of you who may have the same thing happening with a similar Saturn aspect. Jupiter will conjunct my Pandora asteroid in the house 3 very close to cusp. We shall see how this manifests in the next couple of days. What surprise will I find through communication? Or will I dig a bit too deep when I am talking to someone?

Keep in mind that a unique quality to your creativity may show up to help you shift your perspective.

Be well and have an outstanding FULL MOON in Aquarius. Go with whatever occurs. Stay in the moment please. Please share with others if you are so inclined. Blessings to all and thank you for reading. Until again. Love, Jan

NEW MOON in LEO, July 26, 2014- Finding Courage to Create a New Vision

Well, this is something that never happened before. I began to write my blog and it disappeared and that’s because I was intensely involved in the information that I forgot to save as I went along. SO, this should make it interesting since I have to begin again. I noticed that the Mainstream Media has been avoiding talking too much about the airplanes going down daily. It amazes me how stilted it has become in this great country due to those who have no souls. And I just finished an article regarding Gaza and the daily horror that occurs mainly to women and children. Will this only end when there are no more people in that area?

Let’s pretend everything in life is a bowl of cherries and turn our heads away from those in crisis. Isn’t that what life is all about? Now believe me, you do have to look after you also but balance is necessary. And remember to continue to eat chocolate when the GMOs take over the cocoa beans. That is only going to happen at this time in the good ol’ USA. Wake up already. Do you see what is happening here and there and everywhere? Well? Yes, life in many ways is on the brink of disaster because there is so much resistance to being aware and taking action. Turn off your IPads and IPhones already for one day and look at the sky and the flowers and everything else that has beauty. When was the last time you noticed? And start thinking for yourselves instead of following the next guru that pops up. You are to create your own reality and that is what this New Moon is bringing to you.

And the NEW MOON in LEO arrives Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 6:42pm EDT in 3 degrees. Now is the time for you to have the courage to be who you choose to be. Yes, I am talking about your authentic self. Leo Sun/Moon talks of courage and taking the time to know who you are. Be the real you and forget about those who think otherwise of you. Who cares? You are here to be your joyous self and find that truth within. Some people always look at the dark side of life and there is no light that shows up around them. Leo Moon, the negative side, loves to gossip. Stop it now before you get dragged into it. In fact now is the time to reach deep within and take that courageous energy and build that field within so it shows up out there and they will find you. Know who you are, let the field of love gather and radiate without resistance and those who are meant to be in your life, to enjoy your gifts will show up. Those familiar with the Field of Dreams movie know what I am talking about. Leo Moon is about being present to life as it is.

Sun/Moon in Leo likes to create. And if you have never tried to do something due to fear, why not take off the fear cap and move through that part and paint, dance, sing and any other thing that helps to bring that creativity to the fore. What brings a smile to your face? What action can you take to create that vision? What takes you to places you have never been before? What is your special purpose? Look at your child within. Oh, I know some have the forlorn child and others have a happier one. Look this isn’t going back to those times when everyone spoke about your child within. I am saying actually imagine that child sitting beside you and ask that child what it can tell you. Many will have a child who is angry. This Leo Moon says do this and things change. Call the child into your current realm. My child with the white ribbon in her hair appears next to me in the car when I get too crazed. Oh yes, and the first time asked -what was my problem? Since then I continue to call her in and get some amazing answers from way back when. Be ready for revealing information.

Leo New Moon is about opening your heart. Forget the moroseness and feeling down. This is a magical time being in the love with yourself and the passions of your creativeness. Whatever the plan do keep yourself from rushing into the next step of your vision. Let the Moon/Sun energy connect you to those visions that are appearing. Do give it some thought before you do anything. That is important to remember.

Some of you may still be reeling from the effects of part of the Grand Cross a few months ago. Some old issues may show up again from back then or even from the last Full Moon. This can be a heated New Moon energy with many discussions. That is because Mars is square the New Moon. With Jupiter entering Leo a few days ago it gives us great curiosity and lots of joyful expression. For those born in the baby boom generation, Jupiter is bringing out the power with the Pluto in Leo. For once you may find your way to a creative venture which has been on hold for many years. Those born from 1956-1962 have Uranus in Leo so Jupiter transiting it will find out how to balance your freedom with responsibility. If you have new ideas they will help bring about major change. Go for it.

Uranus turned retrograde in Aries on July 21. This is a time that will help you get out of the box that you have created. Any blocks that you may have felt can be dug up and walked through, once you decide on who you really are. And what helps you to get out of that box is to shine the Uranian light upon it.

Another factor playing out is Neptune in Pisces. If it is aspecting anything in your chart it is trying to make you pay attention to your intuitive abilities. That is only one thing. It can be stressful if you aren’t paying attention. It is trying to dissolve wherever it falls in your chart. The part of your life that is old is wishing to begin again in a different way. It is definitely saying wake up your consciousness. In fact, your unconscious is sending you a message. Listen to what it is saying.
This New Moon in Leo plays out more intensely for those with Sun or Moon or other personal planets in Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio 5 degrees before and after the 3 degrees of the New Moon. Be joyful as you can be and find that new project, new vision and take it to the top.

I wish you well, dear ones, and thank you for reading. Until again. Love, Jan

FULL MOON in CAPRICORN, July 12, 2014:The Cardinal Cross is back-will you respond or react?

Where are you today? Are you in a faraway land watching the World Cup or in your backyard watering all of your beautiful plants? Is your summer flowing along or are you finding yourself bogged down due to too many responsibilities? Have you noticed the storms that have been rolling through various parts of the US? How is it in your part of the world? What about the sound that many people are hearing throughout the US? Is it happening anywhere else? Let me know. What do you think it is? Lots of questions and not enough answers! So, who of you is ready to commit and take charge of your life? That’s the important question regarding the FULL MOON in Capricorn.

The FULL MOON in CAPRICORN occurs on Saturday, July 12, 2014 at 7:25am EDT, 4:25am PDT and 11:25 GMT in 20 degrees. It is a patriarchal energy which resides in the Capricorn sign and you will see the breakthrough of the Feminine energy which comes from a rebalancing of the Ceres Mother as Ceres is conjunct Vesta asteroid. Vesta heals through sacred sexuality. Ceres is conjunct Mars in Libra along with the North Node leading the way. This Full Moon in Capricorn is opposing Jupiter in Cancer in the last degree of the sign. Jupiter is saying to you that whatever you are holding onto must be released. You know all those things Daddy and Mommy taught you to believe and had nothing to do with you…those things. Are you suppressing anything from your childhood or just a few years past? If so, it is time to let the fear of it all go. Seriously, it will take over your life and continue to grind away at you until you do. Now, that can become quite uncomfortable. Just let it go.And don’t forget old Pluto is still widely conjunct the Full Moon. Are you feeling overwhelmed?

This Capricorn Full Moon is a time to rebuild those things such as your body and skeletal system. Capricorn rules bones. And it rules authority principles. How do you balance this in your life? Isn’t the skeleton about balance? There is a Cardinal Grand Cross again involved with the Full Moon energy. The Libra North Node/Aries South Node is square the Sun in Cancer/ Moon in Capricorn. IF you are looking for intensity, you can really feel it now. Also as mentioned earlier Mars is also square (conflict) the Full Moon along with Vesta and Ceres. Super Moon energy it is. If you aren’t moving forward it feels tough.

This is a highly emotional and combustible FULL MOON since it has only one main aspect with Mars (square). What kind of project or theme is going on in your life that you can use this intense energy? It has to be released in some way or you may find yourself quite angry or disgruntled. I already am feeling it today because it is square my Mars also. There is also an aspect to Persephone (asteroid) nodes which helps you to be more authentic. Lots of family stuff is going on too with this FULL MOON? With which family will you prefer to go forward -your biological or your spiritual family? Many of you are fearful of venturing out of your locality to find your true connections. Maybe it is time to find a way to walk the path of the warrior and forge ahead.

And besides the Full Moon there is a Moon Wobble. This happens when the Full Moon is square (conflict) the North/South Nodes of the moon. Extreme sensitivity and overreaction may occur in some of you until July 22. If you love your career/job or how you earn your money then things will definitely be flowing for you. If not, find a way to change it. No fear about it…just move through it and find that By the way, since this is such an intense FULL MOON watch your decision-making at this time and in the next couple of weeks. I am very serious about this because you can find yourself being confused and rattled and doing or saying something that is way out of kilter and brings on lots of distress. Where will you reclaim your authority, deal with commitments, and face your fears with this Full Moon? Can you balance your career and family? How will you integrate your inner and outer self?

Do you have any idea where it is in your chart? That’s your answer. Go to and you can enter your information or write me in the comments and I will let you know where it is in your chart if you give me the information. In my chart it is in the 8th house where it may trigger shaky emotions, looking at investments, dark night of the soul (not again), and lots of changes within. HELP! Just joking! Been there, done it. Guess there is more to deal with. And since Pluto entered my 8th house it has been an interesting ride. What about you?

Some examples of the Full Moon in the houses are as follows: 7th house-Either a partnership test or a truly special connection, 1st house-can you succeed as a leader? and 5th house- creative project has a deadline or maybe you pour your heart out to someone you love. Those are just some examples of the Full Moon placement in a chart. Those who have birthdays in Cancer from July 7-15; Capricorn from January 7-14; Aries from April 7-15 and Libra from October 7-14 will be most intensely affected.

Jupiter enters Leo on July 16 and what a joy that will be in Leo until next August 11, 2015. With it present in Leo for over a year it will be a time of joy, creativity and optimism. How will you use those things to bring your heart’s desire to you? Whatever resonates within you as truth is what you are to trust in the next months. Trusting your own self is important. That is the mantra of this energy. And please keep your ego in check. Can you do that? Leo is about acting with compassion and courage. Those of you who have planets in Leo along with the Sun or Ascendant will find this time filled with transformation. The last time Jupiter was in Leo was from August 2002-July 2003. So think back how your life was back then. What rewards came from that time? How far did you leap?

And to top it all off Mercury goes back into Cancer on the day after the Full Moon in Capricorn. This is saying that if you cleared out any clutter and baggage from the family dynamics and let go of other things which no longer serve you on a higher level, then full speed ahead. Communication will go smoother and there will be more flow in life. How exciting!

Many blessings to you all! May the FULL MOON bring you many insights after you clear away the debris of the past few weeks. It is a perfect time to write down anything you need to release and burn the paper in a safe container. Listen tonight to BlogTalkRadio/Unseen-World at 11pm where I will talk about this Full Moon and you can call and ask questions. Thank you. Until again. Love, Jan