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FULL MOON Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius, June 5, 2020 -Truth or lie?

sagittatius full moon  Hey Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I know you are distracted by all the commotion especially across the America and the world but take a breath and remember what you intended at the Gemini New Moon. Did you put out some wishes at that time? If so, from now until the next New Moon will tell if they are in process.  It has been a heck of a show out there and I know many of you are buying the story line which is fine if that is what you choose to do. Others of you have begun to realize that what you see is far from real. Now, for those who are going to stomp on this statement…wait. No one told you to believe what I say or not. I am saying what I see. As I look around my life and think about what others are saying and doing I am aghast. Why? Because many of you are reacting to what is in front of you. The news is in your face; entertainment is in your face; political figures are pulling on you and you have not even noticed. Is this really what life is about? The mind games that those behind the scenes and those in the forefront play are keeping you under control. That is not life. That is not you. This is not me. It is a total distraction to keep you from doing anything in life especially if you are so easily following the crowd. And it is all about the money. Period!  Has the world reverted to 1917? I guess I need to reread Gulag Archipelago.

And then there is the coronavirus. Ok, where is it? It has disappeared to some degree or not. Anyone who still believes that masks are needed then I suggest you pick up your Science 101 book and read. Well, I am sure it is around but the Media finds other things more important since the virus was a flop even though it killed enough to their satisfaction. It is quite interesting that there is a new virus which happens to be riots and looting along with peaceful protesting. And the bricks were placed strategically around the cities where the looting took place. Oh sure, they just appeared. Did a magician wave a magic want to place bricks in the cities? To me this is organized to the max and you can say what you choose, to me this is not about George Floyd’s death but about taking down the country. Did you know that the coroner that was on the case of Jeffrey Epstein was there for the autopsy of Mr. Floyd? And President Trump held a bible in his hands. How disturbing to you. Do you know anything about American history? Do you see what is going on here? Are you happy with the gaslighting? Wake up!!!!

Do you want to be shocked? Because down the road there will be such a shift and the truth coming out that until you wake up, and if you do then you will you be shaken to the core-no doubt about it. In the meantime, take that breath. Things are going to get testier. So I suggest you pay attention to your thoughts and feelings instead of getting pulled into the deception. And it is a grand deception with what will go on with the upcoming Full Moon. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius arrives on June 5, 2020 at 3:13pm EDT; 12:13pm PDT; and 7:13pm GMT in 15 degrees 34’. The Sun is in the exact degree in Gemini. There is a tight square between the Sun/Moon and Mars/Neptune in Pisces. Full Moons tend to make us purge and release things from our lives, so we need to make sure that you are in control of this and no one is forcing your hand! Sun is also conjunct Venus in Gemini. As my Dad often said it is time to observe and wait before taking any action. Also the Lunar Eclipse may say that there is a falling out in a relationship and it may end, On the other hand it may just happen to bring two of you together in a relationship because out of nowhere you may need to be with them. It can also involve other parts of your life where awareness shows up and it comes up out of nowhere to do something. With this Full Moon being in the mental frame Gemini is all about thinking and Sagittarius is about intuiting. So which will you turn to? The Lunar Eclipse is about making some changes in your life. Staying in touch with your emotional side will help you decide what you choose to keep in your life and what needs to go. Due to the Square mentioned earlier in this writing this may find you being more impulsive than usual and looking to leap before looking. There may be improvements that you may wish to bring about in various areas of your life.

Truth is important but it may elude you since the Full Moon and the Sun square Neptune/Mars in Pisces which could lead to lies and deception wherever it falls in your chart. Look out for sexual frustration and impatience in everyday life. It is not the best time for relationships with Moon in Sagittarius opposite Venus retrograde in Gemini. And again the Mars square does not help with keeping that anger in check. Watch you do no harm and please avoid conflict if you can. Unconditional love and patience is very important at this time. Then as the Mars energy enters into your life…chaos could break loose. The anger and volatile emotions that are lurking in the background will break loose again if you go in that direction. Stay cool or the rashness will overtake you and your interactions and that is far from a good thing. Since Mars is conjunct Neptune in Pisces there may be a turnaround and you find yourself having more courage to move ahead or into the next step then exploding with anger. Confusion may reign here also. You can fight in a way that is better than jumping into the cesspool.

There is the Solar Eclipse in Cancer on June 21, and the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 5. Interesting things are coming. Look to the house the eclipse falls in your natal chart. The affairs of that house will be activated. Does the eclipse fall on a planet in your natal chart? That planet will also be activated. The sign of the eclipse plays a role in the likely events that the eclipse will trigger. Those Sun signs/Rising signs affected more intensely are: 12- 18 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Birthdays: June 2-8; September 5-11; December 4-10;  and March 3-9 .  Tidbits:

Aries – Your view of the world may change now. Go out and learn and travel too.Interactions with neighbors, family!  Restlessness takes charge. How will you use it?

Taurus- What is going on with the money and budgets that you are handling? Will you speak up for yourself with others? Transformation works. 

Gemini- Relationships are to the forefront. Changes are in the mix and how will you handle them? Be prepared for any of these shifts that show up. Stay calm.

Cancer- Oh, how you wish to retreat and refresh right now. Will you choose to do so? Hectic work/other daily stuff are getting to be too much. Keep yourself in good health.

Leo- What are you doing to optimize your opportunities? Have you thought about what creative ideas will do for you? It will be good for you to explore this possibility.

Virgo – Are you having a work and home dilemma? What do you need to complete now.? And if you have done so, now is a good time for you to sit back and relax already.

Libra- Activities and more activities around the local area take place. On another note you may be traveling at a moment’s notice. Will you take time to just be centered within?

Scorpio- Money matters may be to the forefront.  Are you spending recklessly these days? Truth is important now so do not hesitate in saying something that is right.

Sagittarius-Take some time out to nurture yourself and enjoy some down time and just being. Make good plans with others for the future and stay optimistic.

Capricorn- Time out is needed. So much stuff going on and find a way to just chill out and regroup a bit. More action coming so just do this now! Innovative solution comes.

Aquarius- If you stay grounded then you can say anything is possible with others in your life. Stop being pulled into social drama. Let honesty get you through the show.

Pisces- It seems that it is a conflict between who needs you most – work or home. Well a solution shows up soon. You may wish to bring some fresh energy into your home life.

You may want to use the essential oils orange or frankincense at this time. These two are just some of those that are good for this Full Moon.

Thank you for reading/commenting if you like. Keep your heartlight shining so love comes through whenever the chaos surrounds you and just leap higher. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment. Be blessed. Until again, love, Jan