Full Moon in Sagittarius, May 23, 2024 – Facing the deep issues helps your transformation

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. I sit here watching it rain again and again. Where is the sun? Oh, I know it is on vacation. Just being silly, I am. Anyway, I continue to notice how many out there keep living in the past, talking about the past and just not being present to the moment. Why do so many of you do this? There is so much in life that is interesting and worth discussing and I do not mean politics. Do you feel like you are stuck in a box and just peek out every so often? I wonder about this. Memories of the past are good to look at every now and then but why live there and just keep hanging onto whatever was happening then. It boggles my mind as to how many times I listen and all I hear is the past. I do not even remember the past at times since I have let it go. Whether it is good or not so good a time, why still hang on? Sometimes in my own life I remember something that was different or made me joyful or not. Full Moons are always about releasing those things and I send out good energy to those who have a difficult time staying in the moment. And if the future is important to you then by living in the now brings to you what it is that is going to move you forward. Take a breath and live now. By hanging onto the past there is no room for the new energy to make its appearance and you feel the same way as you did in the past.

Where is your truth these days? Sagittarius is all about truth and intuition. I fail to see much of that at all. I am appalled at the disrespect that has arisen in this country of mine. Dear ones, what happened to you and the dignified behavior that was instilled in most? To me it is gone by the wayside because you believe everything that comes across your phone, your TV and everywhere else you hear it. As the news continues to say the same thing the Deep State has you all immersed in Trump-bashing. Go for it.  The Iranian President and some officers were killed in a helicopter crash. Was he really or not?  Biden and Trump are going to debate. That will be the show of the century. Stay tuned. The prosecution rests in the Trump hush money trial. Ho hum!  It looks like a kangaroo court to me. This is just my perspective. The NBA and NHL are in the playoffs nearing the finals.  It should be exciting times for those who follow.

Full Moon in Sagittarius arrives on Tuesday, May 23, 2024 at 9:53am EDT; 6:53am PDT and 1:53pm GMT in 2 degrees 55’. The Sun is in Gemini at the exact degree. Sagittarius is about the higher mind and Gemini is about the lower mind. There may be some breakthroughs and some blessings out of the blue. So at this time it may serve you well to go to the intuitive side of your mind instead of the logical side. Gemini is about logic. It is time to go out beyond the immediate and leap out of it. Have you been hesitating to express your feelings or your thoughts? Have you been just not saying too much? Well, it is time to bring it out from the depths and see what you are lacking and why you are feeling the way you are at this time? Stop fighting your feelings and let it all flow. Sometimes this energy brings out a crisis which will only help to understand what you need to do. And the truth rules here. So many changes are going on in our world and no matter how much the fear-mongering continues the Light is present and continues to help you if you truly pay attention.  The Sun and Moon are both in alignment with Pluto in Aquarius. Sun is trine and Moon in sextile. It is a time to feel supported and seen. Socializing will help this occur. Any of you who have not found where you belong out there then this may open up a good door for you. Dream on with the Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces which are good for getting your thoughts out there and clearing the air and let the stress go.  They are in the 29th degree of the signs. This is an anaretic degree. This is almost a cathartic point. And even though it can be fated too, flirting and dating may be favored for you. Since Jupiter is the planetary ruler of the Full Noon then it is a good time to look for other’s favors to help you when needed. It is a good idea to try to get yourself in a happy place no matter what is going on in your life or out there in the world..

Sedna which just entered Gemini after 58 years in Taurus brings a bit of unpredictability and only as time passes will it actually determine how it goes. It is a time of transformation and transmutation as it conjoins the Sun and opposes the Moon. Sedna is the keeper of seas and animals. It is about having to face uncomfortable truths and feeling vulnerable. Once you do this then you will become fully transformed.

Why don’t you take a breath and keep your intentions flowing so that your intuitive powers can push through and you may see things in a different light. And the truth may just set you free.                             

Those who are affected more intensely with the Full Moon in Sagittarius are: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces between 0-7 degrees. Also included are Fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius between 29-30 degrees. Birthdays are: May 19-28; August 21-30; November 21-30; and February 18-27 . Those with any personal planets dear those sign degrees way also be affected.


Aries – Your view of the world may change now. Go out and learn and travel too. Interactions with neighbors, family!  Restlessness takes charge. How will you use it?

Taurus- What is going on with the money and budgets that you are handling? Will you speak up for yourself with others? Transformation works. 

Gemini- Relationships are to the forefront. Changes are in the mix and how will you handle them? Be prepared for any of these shifts that show up. Stay calm.

Cancer- Oh, how you wish to retreat and refresh right now. Will you choose to do so? Hectic work/other daily stuff are getting to be too much. Keep yourself in good health.

Leo- What are you doing to optimize your opportunities? Have you thought about what creative ideas will do for you? It will be good for you to explore this possibility.

Virgo – Are you having a work and home dilemma? What do you need to complete now? And if you have done so, now is a good time for you to sit back and relax already.

Libra- Activities and more activities around the local area take place. On another note you may be traveling at a moment’s notice. Will you take time to just be centered within?

Scorpio- Money matters may be to the forefront.  Are you spending recklessly these days? Truth is important now so do not hesitate in saying something that is right.

Sagittarius-Take some time out to nurture yourself and enjoy some down time and just being. Make good plans with others for the future and stay optimistic.

Capricorn- Time out is needed. So much stuff going on and find a way to just chill out and regroup a bit. More action coming so just do this now! Innovative solution comes.

Aquarius- If you stay grounded then you can say anything is possible with others in your life. Stop being pulled into social drama. Let honesty get you through the show.

Pisces- It seems that it is a conflict between who needs you most – work or home. Well a solution shows up soon. You may wish to bring some fresh energy into your home life.

“Like a bird in flight, your life can soar above the troubles of the world. Breathe deep, choose, and break the shackles of your past.” (J.Huie)

Thank you all for reading and sharing if you will. No matter what is going on in the world you first have to be the authentic as you communicate and share. Times are truly changing and even though intensity may show up let the lightness of your heart shine through.Comments are always welcome. Have a happy Memorial Day. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan

About Dr. Jan King

Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor; Holistic Health Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Jan has been a Hypnotherapist since 1989 and a Holistic Health Practitioner since 1992. She focuses on relationship and stress-related issues. Jan has studied astrology for over 35 years and combines her counseling skills and holistic health background to ensure clients get a comprehensive session. Jan uses her clairsentience to focus on many of the issues and then makes suggestions. Jan also has been studying astrological technique and interpretation for 35 years.

Posted on May 21, 2024, in Truth and Integrity and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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