Monthly Archives: June 2024

FULL MOON in Capricorn, June 21/22, 2024 – Will you use your head or heart?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It has been an unusual time these past couple of weeks. I notice the difference in how you have been interacting with others. What is the fear about? I know I bring up fear periodically yet it seems to be present more than usual lately. Those who hang in there (I know it is difficult) will find a new way to help the cause of ridding the world of the vermin that control us. Begin to acknowledge that your power is real. Pay attention to the truth because without it there is nothing. And anyone who believes what is said in newspapers, on the boob tube or in any other form of the MSM is a fool in my book. Let’s forget the craziness and look at what is ahead of you. The Summer Solstice comes in today, June 20. This is the longest day of the year! How will you celebrate the coming in of summer in the parts of the world that will enjoy it? Will you continue your fear or will you allow the joy of your heart help you be present to the moment? Of course, the weather is extreme these past days. The heat is unbearable in the MidAtlantic states unless you are on the beach somewhere. Are you ready to open to what the Full Moon brings in?

Let’s take a quick look at the world today. Or maybe I should just go beyond that area since it seems to be the same as it has been for weeks. The debate between Biden and Trump will be on June 27th and most likely a joke or not. Who knows what kind of energy will make itself known, do you? The immigrant males are now required to register with Selective Services within 30 days. What? Russia has warships near Cuba. It probably is not what it seems to be. Think deeper and perhaps you will get it. Were you aware that 44% of children are suffering from mental disorders due to wearing face masks during that Covid pandemic along with social distancing and other weird things? Germs galore are present with masks. And Fauci made his billions as the rest of you suffered. Will they ever stop bullying Caitlin Clark of the Fever in the WNBA?

The Full Moon in Capricorn comes in on Friday/Saturday June 21/22 2024 at 9:07pm EDT; 6:07pm PDT; and 1:07am GMT at 1degree 07”. The Sun is in the exact degree in Cancer.  Capricorn is about structures in life and the boundaries you have. Capricorn is a high achiever and persuades us to consider our sense of duty and responsibility in public and professional life. Cancer, on the other hand, is the nurturer. It is a time of finding how to integrate those parts so that you can nourish and build upon it. The Full Moon will bring in a finishing touch to something you have been working on and/or a completion to a another. The Sun in Cancer is conjunct Venus and Mercury opposing the Moon in Capricorn. Mercury can bring out a feisty part of the Moon. With the Full Moon also opposing Mercury in Cancer, you may find yourself caught between using your head or using your heart to come up with solutions. Meditation can help sort it all out. And take a look at any feelings that may be holding you back. If you need to make important decisions take your time doing so. The energy is saying it is time to get rid of those always trying to please others tendencies. This way you may have the ability to get out of that truly stuck place that you have been sitting in for too long. Keep in a calm place in case Mercury brings out some opposition to your choices. You need to bring out your resilience to walk through this energy that someone else throws at you. Moon in Capricorn loves boundaries and being out in society relating and focusing on outcomes. This Full Moon is basically about work vs. family matters. And on another note, my Moon is in Capricorn. Oh joy. Moon in Capricorn dislikes abandonment, being unloved, disrespected and humiliation. Anyone having this Moon knows what I am talking about. There is also a Neptune in Pisces(29degrees) square the Full Moon. Neptune can be quite dreamy yet in a square can keep you from being clear in your thinking. It can confuse those issues and may affect your remembering things that may be important at this time. It can just make you forget where you left something. Write things down so you do remember them. This helps from your mind drifting down the lane. This is a time to stop blaming others and take responsibility for your own self and actions that you may put out there. New insights and realizations may show up and so pay attention. You need to keep a close watch on what is happening since it will change signs and where it takes you will be a big question at this time. Neptune is ready to shift and before it does take a look at your boundaries which is quite important to all of you. It also has much to do with how you parent yourself and it is time to look at that issue. Watch for deception somewhere in your life. And one other item to ponder is that Mars in Taurus is trine the Full Moon and helps strengthen the Moon.

Those affected more intensely are those who have Sun/Ascendant and personal planets approximately 0 to 5 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) and 27 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) the most. Birthdays are: March 18-26; June 19-27; September 21-29; December 20-28.

Here are some tidbits:

Aries- Frustrations between work and home about outer world ambitions and inner securities. New job offer or promotion can appear. Step into your power. 

Taurus-Something comes into play that may instigate change and inspires you onward. What will you debut with this energy? Build connections and have fun.

Gemini- Great time the next few weeks to firm up some financial matters. Good stuff. Surprise money is big in the mix. Balance in a relationship is on tap.

Cancer-Turning point comes in a relationship. Good for long term plans. How is it shifting for you? Are you going to get closer to what you choose or not?         

Leo- Some projects need attention. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Take a break. What needs finishing in your job? How about a diet or exercise program?

Virgo-You can make some improvements with your creative enterprises, children or lovers. It brings you closer in your partnership with passion and sweetness.

Libra-What emotional urgency pops up at home or work? Use your cool reason to walk through.  Something needs to be addressed with the family. Changes come.

Scorpio- Is there more responsibility coming to you? Avoid any rash decisions no matter what.  Is there a contract that needs to be signed? Presentation?

Sagittarius- Who has the power over your purse strings? Resource management needed.  A large raise or payout is may be on the horizon. Keep up the hard work. It pays off.                                                                                        

Capricorn- Some differences come to light and are charged up. Rebuild on solid ground. Know what you want out there and know what you are worth.

Aquarius-You need to regroup both mind and body. Some urgency in your daily work possible   Watch for burnout and something shows up to put you in the limelight.

Pisces – Look for that friend or community ally to help you get that project going. You can do it. You may discover that you can have your wildest dreams come true.

Several essential oils work at this Full Moon. They are Cedarwood, Frankincense, Ylang -Ylang and Bergamot. It is a good time to meditate and you may choose to call in Archangel Metatron to help and say — help me to awaken the inner child within my heart. Light a white candle also.

Honor those that walk the path with you and those who are just in your life for an instant. Thank you for reading. Please share if you will. I welcome your comments. No matter how crazed those around you get know that you can stay in your moment without them affecting you. Let the Full Moon and Summer Solstice bring good energy. Enjoy the energy as it flows to you. Until again, blessings and love, Jan

New Moon in Gemini, June 6,2024 – Refresh and start anew

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. It is June already and the warm weather continues. May felt like August at times. The heat was out of control. And now who knows what the weather will be. A friend in Hawaii said it constantly rains there. The sun hardly shines at times. Are you ready to take a leap as the New Moon shows up or will you be entranced by the Trump story or the Biden endeavors or just letting your phone lead your life? Are you ready for the truth to appear or will the shock be too much for you to handle. Stay tuned and watch how things develop in a way that is so crazed that it will shock many of you. As I look out over the mountain, I feel that new starts are around for those of you who pay attention. Then there are those of you who are in constant need to fixate on the news that the mainstream media suggests is real and you see only what they want you to see. When was the last time you used your intuition and stood in your power? Some of you have but many still lag in doing so. You are here to thrive in your life. Yes, Dear Ones, to thrive!!! Remember what you think is what you create. New energy is going to show up.

So, the former President of this great country has been convicted. How many of you are happy? He may go to jail and he said do it. Then there are the Hunter Biden court happenings which just began and that will probably bring an acquittal. Yes, this is exactly how they want it to be. What kind of nation is this? Constitutional country or Banana Republic? It is more like a low-level communist nation. Just my ponderings. I cannot believe that Caitlin Clark who just entered the WNBA is being pushed around and maybe even bullied. Is she too good-looking or just too great? Or that other thing that I won’t say now? I just saw that about 11 or more states are going to ban gas vehicles in a few years. Oh, that is exciting. Not. Who wants to drive one of those? Heck no. And then there is Fauci. The lies are streaming from him minute by minute. He had nothing to do with any gain of function stuff. Really.

New Moon in Gemini arrives June 6. 2024 at 8:38am EDT, 5:38am PDT and 12:38pm GMT in 16 degrees 18’. The Sun is also in the same degree in Gemini. Venus is conjunct the New Moon. Will you have more love in your life? Will you become more passionate about your interactions in friendships and relationships? When the dark of the moon comes into contact with Venus a couple days before it helps to burn off any residue from past interactions and values which no longer resonate with you so you can pull together and reseed in the new direction. Now moving forward, the new energies appear so that everything can refresh and move forward. Gemini is about the twins who are wishing to be together (soul mates) or looking for their own separate paths to come in union as life happens. Venus is like a shining star wherever it appears in your life. How does it feel? Will you allow it to surround you with the good things it brings in? The New Moon is square to Saturn in Pisces and says to you that common sense is needed and dealing with any tests and obstacles will show you what you have to do to shift.  It is a time to find a way that is creative and not stifling or destructive. Plan if you travel and recognize your own insecurities when dealing with those on social media or otherwise. New Moons as you know are about intentions being set, new beginnings and looking to leap. If you haven’t released all that junk yet, do so before the New Moon comes into being. Gemini is the communicator so there is much talk and emotional expression. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, helps to keep the communication going in a positive way. And remember that Jupiter is in Gemini for the first time in 12 years which says you can feel lucky wherever it is in your natal chart.

Live, laugh, love! Now is the when the crossroads appears. Negativity has no place in anyone’s life especially if it’s constant. Stay with negative people and you will find yourself becoming extremely erratic and negative.  Is this what you desire? Since Gemini likes to talk and chat, then invite those around you to open to new ideas. How about coming together to collaborate on how to move forward in new ways in all places on the Earth? Do you ever think with your heart? Or have you found that you trust that part of you so little that you totally go with the rational mind.

The House in the natal chart that holds Gemini should give some guidance and some hint as to what the New Moon might bring, and for all of you, it offers some new way to think of what is important to you and also may be important to the overall development of your own self and those around you.

Those most affected by this New Moon in Gemini are: Ascendant/Sun sign in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces in 12-20 degrees. If you have any personal planets in these signs and degrees then you too may be influenced. Birthdays would be around June 2 -June 10; September 5-13; December 4-12; and March 3-11. Some tidbits:

Aries- Someone may be able to give you some clues about how to handle anything going on in your life. Spiritual pursuits may be the thing to do.

Taurus – It is all about your resources which do include your time, your skills, and your knowledge besides money.  Look for ways to increase income. Do you write at all?

Gemini – Who are you? This may be a great time to find your true self that you have been waiting for. Your dreams and goals are in the spotlight.

Cancer – Take a deep look within and gather some wisdom as to what you choose to do in life at this time. Stay away from burning the candle at both ends.

Leo- This is good energy for you to make new connections or reach out to those who are in tune with you. Be receptive to a friend’s ideas. Find a diversion.

Virgo – Take advantage of your own ability to see things and be the one that knows how to do the job.  Use your insight to work through anything that may be difficult.

Libra- Fantasies are sometimes wonderful yet now is the time to take them and put them to use in your own reality. Do not let your imagination run wild.

Scorpio – Who is there that you choose to be in tandem with? Now you can put the togetherness to work. Shared assets may be part of the focus.

Sagittarius – Life tells you to reach out to someone and find out what you do not know about this individual. There may be much more than you realize. New relationship?

Capricorn – Have you thought about some pleasure with your business? Now is a good time for that to take place. Mix it up a bit. Shift some of your daily routines.

Aquarius – What kind of creative insight will show up in your mind? Something on a new level which you have never thought before?  Consider many possibilities in creativity.

Pisces – Take a look at the inner you and be amused by what you see. It is amazing how you can shift your perspective. Find a way for work and home to blend better.

Try some visualization, new experiences and good communication as the New Moon comes in. Let things flow or you may get stuck and explode like a volcano in your words. Be creative and explore different avenues than you have in the past.

Thank you, Dear Ones, for reading and sharing! I am most grateful. Things are going to heat up eventually. Communicate openly with others. Remember to set your intentions (3 at most will be more effective and make them new ones instead the same old ones). New beginnings do come a bit easier at New Moon energy. Have a grand New Moon in Gemini. Many blessings to all of you! Until again, Love, Jan.