New Moon in Capricorn, January 11, 2024 – Will you let your intuitive powers come through?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. Have a Happy Healthy New Year!! The holiday season is winding down. Are you ready to take the next step in your life? As I look around I notice that it has been a whirlwind of activity for many of you. On the world scene the big corporations are still in charge and eventually this will change as time progresses. The New Year has come in and there is much on the docket with which to take a leap if you have not done so already. It is important to stop the negative thinking and open to being more positive. Will that be part of your next step moving forward? Many of you continue to hang onto the past in so many ways. Why do you choose to do so?  Memories are great to bring up at times yet sitting in the past keeps your life going nowhere and you do not even see this happening. When was the last time you actually smiled and even laughed? It does make a difference? This New Year will bring about shocks to some as it progresses and wonderful surprises to others. There may be a complete turn of events as the year rolls on.

When I read certain websites or listen briefly to the news that is going on in this crazy world it makes me wonder why it continues on in the same way every day. So now I continue to be a racist because I am white. Where does it go from here? There was just an earthquake in Japan which I found unusual. Maybe some will think it is due to climate change. They did not say that yet who knows where they will take it. There is a bill ready to pass for the US to drop any charges against Julian Assange, Who really is trying t start WW3 and is it due to financial corruption coverup? What is actually happening with the Epstein debacle? To me there is a lot more here than meets the eye. And the genocidal campaign against the Palestinians continues. They want to wipe them totally out! Now they want you to eat less meat. Did you know VA medical benefits are being used for illegals? And what exactly is going on the American Secretary of Defense? Is he in the hospital like they say or in Ukraine not alive?

How is the energy around you? Are you staying calm and peaceful or are you getting pulled into the chaotic mess out there in fantasyland? The New Moon will arrive on January 11 2024 at 6:58 am EST; 3:58am PST and 11:58 am GMT in 20°44’ Capricorn.  The Sun in Capricorn is in the exact degree as the New Moon. Capricorn is the third Earth sign along with Taurus and Virgo. It is also a Cardinal sign. It begins the winter season. Since Capricorn is ruled by the taskmaster Saturn that says to you…go for it…even if it is something that takes time to do. Capricorn is represented by the mountain goat which is climbing towards spiritual service no matter how many difficulties fall across the path. Can you handle that thought?  Capricorn says to you that it is about stewardship and respect for the matter. So many today are totally consumed by avarice and domination, the negatives of the Capricorn New Moon. Watch you are not being manipulated in any way, shape or form taking you away from your true calling and interests of your family circle. And also there may be too many authoritarian issues which may shift out of control to the maximum. Do you have toxic influences in your life? Clear them out now so you can find the right direction! Are you going against your truth following a much darker agenda in your life? Do you let those in control take over your life so you are left fearful in the trenches? Since the New Moon is in Capricorn your intentions are more out in the world, business-based and actually incorporate 5-year plans. Your goals are very important with this New Moon and if they do not come about immediately just keep going with it and the tide will turn.. The Sun in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus helps you find the uniqueness within you. It can help you be very intuitive and also bring about shifts in creativity.

The New Moon in Capricorn is trine to retrograde Uranus in Taurus and also to the asteroid Juno in Virgo. So the trine is in Earth signs which help keep you steady and also more focused. The sign of the Goat is quite resourceful and disciplined among things like being prudent and wise. Since it it trine to Uranus in Taurus it does indicate a flow with changes and brings about a very strong intuitive power. Capricorn Moon says to watch out for coldness emotionally towards others and forgetting to take care of self.  Its trine to Juno suggests you can achieve something larger than yourself and along with Uranus can shift your ideas regarding economics. And there is another aspect going on also. That is the New Moon is square to the North and South Node which indicates you may be concentrating more on your work to avoid personal relationship issues. And you may find yourself not knowing really what you choose to have in your life. Try to understand the bottomline and you can make a stronger relationship with yourself. Pluto is in Capricorn and will enter Aquarius again on January 22 2024. It previously went in Aquarius on March 23 2023 and  it has been in Capricorn since June 11 2023. Are you ready for a new beginning, a renewal of energy, a leap up the mountain? Maybe you will find a new perspective. Pluto helps you to clear out that which is no longer necessary but if you resist, it may be deeply disturbing. Pluto’s intense energy continues to affect you in many ways. This can help you manifest your dreams into reality and helps you bring your best to where you choose. How many of you can say that you are doing what you love? I am speaking to everyone including retired individuals and newbies to the work world. Are you sitting trapped in a situation of your own making? Let it go and take the road up the mountain now. It is time to be authentic and step into your power. How many of you have already done this?

Those most intensely affected are those who are under the following signs: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer and Libra with Sun and Ascendant at 17-25 degrees.  If you have any personal planets (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in those degrees there may be some influence. Birthdays – January 8-16;, April 8-16; July 10-18; and October 11-19 .Tidbits for the signs:

Aries- Challenges to previously made plans. You realize a companion appreciates you. Take the passion and make it happen.

Taurus – There are networking possibilities. What kind of decisions will impact? Travel may show up or new studies to help direct you.

Gemini – There is a dead-end situation that you need to release. Finances need work. Transform money and intimate connections.

Cancer – Possible surprises regarding relationship. Transformation may bring tension. Compromise and commitment is important now.

Leo – Real estate and shared assets may be in the works. Unstable relationships are rumbling. Purge old habits so new ideas come in.

Virgo – It is a happy time with your loved ones. What decisive action is needed in career, with children and creativity? Use your talents.

Libra – Is there a change in how you live? Watch for unexpected expenses. Take constructive action. Are there new expenses?

Scorpio –Is it time for a new start? Influences around the neighborhood may have an effect. Confidence is important now.

Sagittarius – It is all about the money. Make good focused decisions in that area. There is a rebirth coming in your value system.

Capricorn – Focus on wellness and your good reputation. Something needs you to tear it down and rebuild. Tensions mount.

Aquarius – It is all about surrounding yourself with peace. A bit edgy in tone; yet it is time to release the past and live in the now.

Pisces – Are you ready to bring out humanitarian principles? Changes in the works in friendships! Maybe join a group!!

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful for your kind support. Keep your heart open to unconditional love and let the fear be gone already. Some things are shifting dramatically and speeding up yet at the same time the energy is giving you an opportunity to take it slowly one step up the mountain at a time. Paradoxical at best! Comments are always welcome. Many blessings to you! Until again. Love, Jan

About Dr. Jan King

Intuitive and Spiritual Counselor; Holistic Health Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Jan has been a Hypnotherapist since 1989 and a Holistic Health Practitioner since 1992. She focuses on relationship and stress-related issues. Jan has studied astrology for over 35 years and combines her counseling skills and holistic health background to ensure clients get a comprehensive session. Jan uses her clairsentience to focus on many of the issues and then makes suggestions. Jan also has been studying astrological technique and interpretation for 35 years.

Posted on January 9, 2024, in NEW MOON and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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