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MONEY TALKS – Are you leaping yet?

Here we are again. Have you noticed any difference in your money flow since you have stated that affirmation from a couple of posts ago? If you haven’t tried it, what are you waiting for? I certainly have and sometimes it is in other things beside money that show up to get the ball rolling. It could be an unexpected token of friendship or a kind gesture which touches your heart. It is still working the manifestation process. Did you ever think that all those kind gestures and small gifts you give others without asking for anything in return begin to mount up in the background and then one day voila, something you desired materially happens?

How many of you are afraid to have money because as I said before there is a belief that sticks with you? You stick with many beliefs that may affect your prosperity and abundance. First, let me tell you what the most important things to clear out so you can actually allow your ability to attract the money, you need to get rid of the following: INDECISION, DOUBT and FEAR. Oh dear ones, how many flounder in life because you keep these present in your mind. As long as they are present, do you really think the money is going to flow to you? How many of you can honestly say that you have not one of these negatives in your thinking process?

The basic fears that block riches as Napoleon Hill emphasizes are the following: “ Fear of poverty, fear of criticism, fear of ill health, fear of loss of love of someone, fear of old age and fear of death.” How is that for getting to the core of this money thing? If you allow these fears to consciously or unconsciously rule your thinking, then luck is chased away. Yep, gone from your life because the moment you even give it one hint of a notice, it takes shape and that thought goes out to energetically create it. Many of you fail to realize this because you may be in total disbelief about it. The age-old adage which states “change your thinking, change your life” is true. Can saying that affirmation which I gave you work if you have these enemies of indecision, doubt or fear? No!!!!!!Does this hit home yet? Can you comprehend why this is so important to work on and pay attention to what clutters your mind?

If you desire riches to magnify your lifestyle, you need to decide what you are going to do with these riches. It is not, as I have said before, just a thought, I want to be rich. Please forget it. You need to figure out exactly what you desire to do with the riches that will come to you. You see it is still about who is the king of the jungle. Yes, it lingers after hundreds of years, thousands of years, that as long as you are wealthy you can do as you please. Who do you know that is wealthy (in mind, body and spirit) and is not considered successful and on top of the world? Look, if you want to stay on the bottom rung of the ladder and have poverty-consciousness, go right ahead. YOU NEED A PLAN. PERIOD. Without a plan, wealth will fail to show up in any way. So many today are poverty –stricken. And I refer to the whole individual. Riches are about thinking without those particular enemies of the mind coming in, being in good health and being aware of who you are and getting rid of those patterns and beliefs which drag you down and keep you in that poverty-consciousness. Is someone else thinking for you? Does your need for approval from others keep you from taking those giant leaps? What do you doubt? Are you looking at the negative side of every situation or interaction? Are you worried? It shows up in your manner, in your dress, in your finding fault with others, in your silence and self-consciousness. Have you forgotten how to be enthusiastic, imaginative?

If you expect nothing, that is exactly what you get. Do you feel deserving of riches on every level of your life? If not, what keeps you on the merry-go-round in your mundane world? Feels really comfortable, is that what keeps you there? You think about living the good life but want it given to you without effort. That’s great if you can pull it off. I didn’t say you had to work yourself to death. Please. You need to focus on your desires. What would bring you the greatest happiness?  Living someone else’s life has only negative effects upon your wholeness. Lazing on the porch does nothing for you except when you are planning your next leap. And there ARE times when you do need to rejuvenate to energize yourself and be ready for what comes next.

Mercury is retrograde and will be until the 7th of April. So, if this post makes no sense, read it again. <grin> Keep your thinking in a positive mode and if you haven’t rid yourself of those interlopers of the mind, work on it. Watch what your automatic thinking is doing for you. Clear your mind of everything for 2 minutes. What do you mean you cannot do it? No excuses.

The next post past the next Full Moon which is coming up, I shall continue on this topic to get you on track to riches. Have a beautiful weekend and blessing to you. Until again, Love, Jan

A side note: If anyone is interested in hosting the 5 Archangels from April 11-April 16 please let me know. They are arriving tonight at my home and I will be looking to send them to whoever would like to host them. Thanks. J