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FULL MOON in VIRGO, March 1-2, 2018- Look beyond what you see and healing can come in

full moon purpleHere we go again dear ones. It is time for the ongoing clearing and some possible turnarounds in your life. So much energy coming through with the past Solar Eclipse and it is creating some chaos as usual. Did you make your list of what you choose to accomplish in the next months? It is a good thing to have done at the Solar Eclipse which just passed and the energy continues. In the meantime the craziness ensues. Do stay in the present time and you will be amazed at the good that comes from it. It is time to let go. Really let go of that which no longer serves you.

Have you stayed off your phone for more than a couple of minutes? I had stopped by a small store for a couple of minutes as I traveled the other day and as I waited to pick something up to eat I noticed 3 young ladies in their twenties who were also waiting and were constantly checking their phones. I am fascinated by the constant gazing at the phones. What is so important that you cannot go a few minutes or how about a few hours without looking at your phone? Oh, no, with that kind of question I may be banned from the world. Do you ever actually have a real conversation with anyone? When was the last time you really looked at your life and knew that you were actually on track and taking big leaps on your path? Do not fret if you know not what your path is. If you are present to the current moment it shows up in front of you. That is why I always suggest keeping your eyes open in case it flies by and you miss it. Just want to digress for one moment…do check out the new/old law about net neutrality. It is not what it seems.

As the Full Moon in Virgo approaches have you thought about how you can simplify your life. How are you being of service to others? It could be something you do outside your job. It is about the job well done and also looking at your health and how to get it on a better track. Do you need to exercise more or do you just need to handle the stressfulness of your life? How are you handling the details of the job or of your own life? That is the bottomline of the Full Moon in Virgo which arrives on Thursday, March 1, 2018  at  7:51pm EST, 4:51pm PST and on Friday March 2, 2018 at 12:51am GMT in 11degrees 27’.

The Full Moon in Virgo is an Earth sign which has a focus to it. And the Sun in Pisces is all about the spiritual nature. Heaven and earth are opposed to each other. The Moon in Virgo is going about your service and daily business with much concentration. It is all about the details. Yet Sun in Pisces is about dreaming. With the Sun in Pisces conjunct (within 2 degrees) Neptune there is a chance to not seeing what is really in front of you. Neptune sometimes brings a bit of confusion since it is opposing the Moon. Yet, there is something that triggers the mystery within and brings about an intuitive grounding to your presence. Also, there is some kind of deception that may be hanging on in intimate relationships. There are many shifting currents so just go with it and see what occurs. A new perspective on the entire connection will come out of the shifting that is taking place. Go with it and let it clear out any old wounds. This wound healing may show up from Chiron being in Pisces at this time along with the Sun All of a sudden you may be caught in a dream state that brings turbulence and upsetting energy.  Some irritability may also show up during the few days around the Full Moon. (I think it has been affecting me for weeks. Must be the Eclipse- Wonderful) Do watch out for imagining things that have nothing to do with the situation that pops up. Seriously, it is not what it seems at times. Just let it ride right by you. Pay attention to what you are feeling and then let it go unless it is something that could be discussed first.

Some of you may be truly affected by this energy that has been totally outrageous. It is causing many to have anger for no reason other than to show it in an outlandish way. The other day I was walking across a parking lot and the guy driving the car just kept driving as I was crossing over to the sidewalk. I was astounded since he really almost took me away with him since it mattered not to him that I was crossing. Just unbelievable the way the world is acting out there. Manners have gone by the wayside. Funny thing-Virgo is the sign of perfection.  I have no planets in Virgo yer I look to have courtesy for others. Manners count. And that is another part of this Full Moon.

It is a time to observe. Do not react to whatever shows up because it may be as I said not what it seems when it comes to you. Think about how you say things at this time so that there is no offense in the communication. And do not let someone prod you into reacting in a volatile way. That is what they are looking for so the individual can say it is your doing. Stop. Breathe. Remember that whatever is happening is for you to realize it is for your highest good. And if you are looking to think deeply right now forget about it for the few days around the Full Moon in Virgo. It isn’t happening.

The Full Moon in Virgo is trine (harmonious aspect 120 degrees) to Saturn in Capricorn which keeps you on track. You may be looking to move fast but this is the energy that says slow down and just move one step at a time. Channel whatever you are doing into a more constructive energy. You will get to where you are going. Mercury in Pisces is square (conflict 90 degrees) to Mars in Sagittarius. Oh boy. Not everyone has the same vision in life. Stay out of the fracas.

And no it is not all nuts. Venus in Pisces is trine (120 favorable degrees) Jupiter in Scorpio. YAY. This is saying that there is luck in love and possibly some other area of your life. If you make any investments it is sure to bring an increase in wealth. And if you have any offers that come to you, it is a wise thing to accept. If you are someone who loves the artistic works as a craftsman or other kinds of detailed art or jewelry making then this is your time to excel. You may choose to do a short meditation daily to get you back on track. Try using some Lavender or Bergamot to help you. And you may choose to soak in a tub and add some essence.

Those most intensely affected by this Full Moon in Virgo are: Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn Suns, Moons and Ascendants between 6 and 13 degrees of the signs. If you have any other personal planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars) in those signs and degrees then you too may be affected.

Thank you for reading and commenting if you like. Keep your heart light shining to bring the love through whenever the chaos surrounds you and you will leap higher. There is another Full Moon in March on the very last day. Keep your focus within your dream. Until again. Love, Jan