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FULL MOON in SCORPIO, MAY 3/4, 2015- WIll you look at what is resurfacing?

As the Full Moon is on the path to its brightness the world is swirling faster and you are feeling some shifting within. Yet, some of you are still sitting in the gunk of the past and this Full Moon will prod you out of that need. Some world news appears before the Full Moon. Congratulations to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge on the birth of their second child, a new princess. She arrived today, May 2nd. I think she is going to be a girly-type princess who has a bit of a rebel in her. Yesterday, everyone’s not so favorite ballplayer had home run #660 tying Willie Mays for 4th on the list of all-time home runs. Kudos to Alex Rodriguez! He had a quite humbling moment after the game since he shed some tears. The past is done. Let it be. Sometimes you arrive at this type of moment and you realize that it could have been different. Stop judging since it could have been you having a moment like that. Think about this one more thing of the news- What are the Baltimore riots really about? And why now? Oh, it is truly something other than what you are thinking.

 As I gaze out my window the moon is almost full. It arrives tomorrow, Sunday, May 3, 2015 at 11:42pm EDT, 8:42pm PDT and 3:42am GMT on May 4, 2015. The FULL MOON is in Scorpio at 13degrees 23’. The Sun is currently in Taurus. That shadow is surfacing and so is a bagful of other things. What have you been suppressing? I know no one really knows what is going on beneath the surface with anyone yet soon it will appear. Oh, dear me, it emerges from the depths of your being and what will you do now?

Well, if you are hiding anything, you will find it comes out of the woodwork and you have to deal with it. Seriously it does show up in some way. The shadow doesn’t like to be hidden anymore. It likes some recognition so do watch out if there are any lies, old gunk, secrets because surprise…here they come.

Is that a frown I am seeing? And I am sure you won’t feel like acting like a clown, now will you? This Scorpio Full Moon will definitely be shining really bright on everything. So, I suggest you keep in balance and walk in integrity so that all that shows up is flowing. You do realize that this FULL MOON will tend to cause you to lash out in anger if something does show up. Is it worth it? Remember this- no matter how much you don’t choose to see what is happening, look anyway. It will be well worth it.

If you have been looking for any recognition, acceptance or validation for anything that you choose to create then it may be better to keep quiet and just work on the expression of something new for now.

How about trusting your own self instead of always reaching out to others? That way no one will try to convince you otherwise. With the Full Moon in Scorpio it is time to explore what is your passion and to also enjoy the passionate side of your relationship. Letting the passion arise from within in regards to your expressive gifts will help you to create in a new way if you aren’t already doing this. It is very healing at this Full Moon. Also, the passion that you share with your partner will be truly exquisite with this Full Moon and you will be looking for emotional expression.  Taurus Sun is very sensual and Scorpio Moon is quite sexual. Enjoy the moments that show up.

 The Full Moon energy this time around says to you to dig deep and see what time of programming you still carry from early childhood. This can be in reference to cultural, religious or even social conditioning.

Why do you choose to let it keep you stuck in the mud when you can be running and leaping forward in big ways? Go within and honestly ask yourself if you can let the control go and experience a new beginning in your life. And if you do, will you actually follow through? Let the fear go already. It’s been too long that you have held on to it. Full Moon energy of the Scorpionic type may bring out intense dreams that have you wondering what the message means.

Jupiter conjunct Juno is in a tight square to the Full Moon in Scorpio. It also squares the Sun in Taurus. This is a T-square and it can bring to you much more artistic expression through music or art. Let it shine

through you and create that masterpiece. If you can stand some uncomfortable moments than an opportunity may present itself. If you watched the Kentucky Derby and bet on it, then you were a bit tense and were waiting for the finish. That is the type of tension that may appear.  A big yippee to you if you won. Also, with Jupiter ruling expansion and being in Leo it resonates to the flamboyant, very outgoing and optimistic energy versus the hidden emotional aspects of the Scorpio Moon. Jupiter wants a merging to take place with the Full Moon. Since Scorpio dislikes anything about releasing the emotional depths, it may not be the easiest thing to happen.

Mercury goes retrograde on May 18. DO not sign papers until it goes direct, please.  The best thing to do as it is retrograde is to revise, regroup and be ready to move forward with plans when it is in forward motion.

For those of you who have any planets near 13 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius know that it will be affecting you more intensely. I have Mercury at 12 degrees of Taurus and my vertex at 11 degrees Scorpio and my Pluto at 11 degrees Leo. Oh yes, it will be interesting. I am planning to hide and say very little.


By the way, I would love to hear about how this may be affecting you. If you choose to share anything, please write in the comments and I will post it. I look forward to hearing from you. Have an outstanding couple of weeks and I will be back for the New Moon on the 17th of May. Thank you for all you are and all you do. Blessings to you all! Until again.  Love, Jan