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NEW MOON in Aquarius, February 9, 2024 – How will you face the unexpected?

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. As I begin a new post it has been difficult to concentrate due to the energy out there in fantasyland is so like “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”. Yet those in the mix do not realize how they can turn it and it does mean more than a song title. Are you enjoying the sunshine in those places that have not have had any for a few weeks? I know I get more motivated if the sun shines in my window. And those heave had so much snow it is incredible. The Aquarian New Moon will be show up and many will not be happy with the individuality and independent thinking. Of course, you do not need to be an Aquarian to be that way. Did you clear out the junk that surrounds you as the Full Moon asked you to do so? The past is totally dead and that is why you have to be in the present with lots of memories but not reliving it continually. Stand in you power and know that what is in your heart will help you move on. Let the sparkle of your heart reach out to others. Don’t forget Chinese New Year comes in the next day after the New Moon comes in.

News:  All one hears about at the moment is the Super Bowl in which the Chiefs play the 49ers. Oh joy! It isn’t even about football anymore. It is about the couple who are taking over the whole energetic of the football fan. Jason Kelce and Taylor Swift are the main focus. Who cares?  The NFL cares since it is bringing in tons of mullah. What happens if the Chiefs lose…I doubt they will. And not to forget- Swift may be able to get the GEN Z individuals out to vote. In the meantime Los Angeles is going to use recycled sewer water for drinking water. I know you don’t believe me. Look it up. And another California happening is this massive tidal wave of a storm with 12 inches of rain so far to hit the state. They are warning people to be prepared. I think all those big boys are on edge in the last few days due to the fact that Tucker Carlson is in Russia. An interview was pending. And I saw that it occurred. And let’s not forget that America has no borders.

The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on Friday, February 9, 2024 at 6pm EST; 3pm PST; and 11pm GMT. It is at 20 degrees 41’ and the Sun is in the exact degree in Aquarius. New beginnings of course are on the table provided that you cleared some junk from the past full moon. Stay in the moment and take a breath as you go through the next couple of weeks. This is a time of goodwill and kindness. The New Moon in Aquarius is creative in a sense. It is about getting together with a group and creating new ideas for the betterment of all those living in the world. This is a freedom-loving sign that sometimes brings out the unusual. The Aquarians among us truly like to interact and share their stories with anyone who will listen. This New Moon in Aquarius brings mainly social relationships and friendships into the forefront. This New Moon in Aquarius says to you that you can create a truly new start in whatever area of your life that is being affected. You have to keep in mind that you cannot hold onto those old beliefs, patterns and become obstinate about them. The New Moon is saying to you to look at your own unique abilities and talents. Since Uranus rules Aquarius it is a good time to look within and see the genius. The Aquarian Sun can be a technical wizard and quite hard working. It is a visionary to some extent much of the time looking to make it a better place. Since Uranus rules Aquarius it is all about the unusual and off-beat tendencies. This New Moon will help you transform spiritually. On the other hand it may bring unexpected to you in some way since the New Moon is square Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus. This can make you feel moody. And with the Sun also square Uranus you may find someone coming out with the truth. Embrace the uniqueness within and who knows how the rewards will show up. Mercury is square Jupiter in Taurus. This tells you that it may be a good time to pay attention to the tiny details so you do not have judgment errors. Major changes may take place since Mercury, Mars and Venus will be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius on both sides of the New Moon. There is also intensity and passion indicated. You never know how interesting Valentine’s Day will be with these Pluto dynamics taking place. Intense probably is the word but in a spicy way. How you look at love or your expression of it may change at this time. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, stay in your heart with love.Love wins.

I love the Aquarian approach to life since it is on my Midheaven (top of chart-most public point) and on cusp of my 10th house of career and public recognition. And since Uranus is on my Ascendant (rising sign) it is a trine and says I celebrate originality and change. And that is so the truth. So, now with the New Moon in my ninth house it is about being drawn to the unknown and travel. Perhaps I will have to look at things with a new perspective. Oh, goody.

This New Moon has an intense effect upon people born with personal planets( Mercury, Moon, Mars and Venus) and points at approximately 17° –25 ° of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). If you have a rising sign at those degrees then how you appear to others or how you act will be affected. Some tidbits for the signs:

Aries – Long range goals in focus. Be a joiner and make connections close by or through travel. Lots of networking and promotion light your fire. Dreams can become reality.

Taurus -Some insights from someone younger. New professional developments may show up. Need to bring work and love into balance. Passions are big on the table.

Gemini -Emphasis on travel, those at a distance and education. Your life purpose may show up. Opportunities are here for change in thinking combining old views with new.

Cancer-Investing wisely may be good at this time. Look at finances. Transform something. Narrow your options and square up the budgets. Shared benefits and resources come into play.

Leo- You may be lucky in love. Someone vulnerable may come to you for help. Biz, partner?  Compromise major differences.. There is romance highlighted and love in capital letters.

Virgo-Emphasis on your service; maybe a reward comes for it. Keep on the wellness track. Make some good nutritional changes in your diet. Transformative energy shows up.

Libra – Try something in the creative vein now. Lovers, children and entertainment are present. Your creative projects come to the forefront. Those in relationships can reignite the flame of passion.

Scorpio- Family and home are emphasized. Unity in this area comes about and new beginnings. Home remodeling or renovations are in the works. There is a security you are feeling now.

Sagittarius- Good communication comes to take you out of the doldrums. Good feedback. If you feel like lashing out and do, then something may be amiss subconsciously.

Capricorn- Look for the rewards- they show up after you plant seeds for further money growth. Find innovative ways to increase your financial holdings to help make things more secure.

Aquarius – It’s time to release the past and plant new seeds for further growth. Stop being edgy! You are in the limelight and you enjoy the balance of both past and future.

Pisces- Are you looking to hide somewhere? Secret messages come that bring fruit to the table. Take time for yourself and enjoy you. Is there a dream waiting to happen? It is time for rest and retreat,

This is a time to go after what you wish without having others influence you and giving their approval. You may also wish to allow a transformative effect come in and bring in some innovative ideas.

Thank you for reading and sharing. I am most grateful to you who take the time to read my posts. If you disagree that is perfectly fine because I write this blog to energize your thinking and hope that you do go beyond what everyone out there tells you. Do the research and find the truth for yourself. This new moon in Aquarius invites you to begin anew in a different way that does bring you joyous feelings and big dreams. Many blessings and be safe in the extreme weather that is encapsulating the world. Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Chinese New Year! Until again, Love, Jan