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NEW MOON in CAPRICORN, December 21/22, 2014- Reset, recreate or take a step in a new direction

As I finish writing this post on the New Moon in Capricorn I am so pleased to note that once the shortest day appears tomorrow, December 21, 2104 summer is just around the corner for the Northern Hemisphere. Days start getting longer. I am ready. This has been the coldest autumn that I can remember in the East. Maybe warm days will arrive much earlier than usual. Just wishing! Believe it or not I love snow and brisk air in WINTER not in autumn. Much is happening on the national and local scenes. Shane Montgomery is still missing and it is going on close to 4 weeks on Christmas day when he disappeared from Manayunk. Found out through Facebook that another man is missing in Pittsburgh. He didn’t show up for his job at a hospital out there. No sign of him either. This is getting weirder by the moment. What’s going on with Putin? And the Cuba ban is lifting.

So where do you go and what do you do now as the Solstice comes in as stated above on December 21 at 6:03pm EST, 3:03pm PST? The past is ending as we leave go the baggage of the past and move forward into 2015. A couple of hours later the New Moon in Capricorn (Sun in Capricorn) arrives at 8:35pm EST, 5:35pm PST, 1:35am GMT (December 22, 2014). This is a time of big shifting in the earth’s magnetic field and new energy can trigger changes in DNA. If you are looking for downloads this is a time for it to happen. They will occur within and without. Some will have breakthroughs and others may have breakdowns . Mercury shows up in the picture on the December 23 conjoining Pluto and the Moon and Sun squaring Uranus. With the Pluto conjoining Venus today, December 22 there may be a tyrant/victim mentality taking place which can last a couple of days. This asks you if you are dominating others or giving away your power.

New Moon in Capricorn is about goals. Since it is in 0 degrees 6’ this tells you that it is about starting fresh in something new. It could very much be about business or other type of partnership. Maybe even marriage for some. Of course, if it is a project then you will need to plan and organize and be patient. This is a long term goal. It will develop slowly yet as it does you know it will be stable and secure. What you choose to do will necessitate a way of shifting your thoughts and please let the old junk go. Some of you just like to resist the changes and hang on for dear life. It won’t work if you do that. And any of you starting a new partnership or renewing one will find that this is saying to do so with a new perspective. You will come together as equals finding a common basis and then enriching the lives of each of you.

Where you find Capricorn in your chart is where you have power. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and that indicates you are building a secure foundation within to enhance your individuality in order for you to take it out there to work with humanity. So many I see have the talents and abilities to enhance the lives of others yet are fearful to do so. Obstacles may pop up. Can you handle them? Are you committed to move past them? Have you truly looked at where you stand? Do you have inspiration about the future which you can use in the now? If immediate matters are bothering you, take care of them in the now so they can be cleared out before they interfere in your move forward.

As you are awaiting the arrival of the New Moon, Mr. Freedom himself, dear Uranus in Aries goes direct the same day as the New Moon. Watch so this direct motion doesn’t throw you off balance. Watch your emotional reactions, dear ones, because they could bring a blow-up in some area of your life. As stated December 22 is a great day for starting new projects which grow over a long period of time. Watch out for financial affairs at this time.
Let’s take a look at what the ruler of the New Moon is doing. Well, dear ones, Saturn is moving into another sign on December 23. It is currently in the last degree of Scorpio. As it went through Scorpio you learned about abandonment, betrayal and all those secrets that started to show up and maybe a bit of power or struggles related to the power. Or maybe the secrets are still hiding and will be kind and come out this week.

Saturn goes into Sagittarius and that is all about integrity…how many of you walk your talk? It is also saying let’s talk about trust. How about what can you teach others? Since Capricorn is the goat and Saturn is about slow and stable then suggestion is to climb the mountain slowly in anything new you begin. If patience is your weak point, frustration comes. So, I suggest you stop resisting the process and let go that which no longer serves you so you can bring your gifts out and share with the rest of us. Saturn returns to Scorpio in June and will bring you face to face with anything you may have not cleared out regarding betrayal and power and issues I mentioned earlier in the paragraph. It will stay until September. Hang tough at that time because you want to let go what has to go.

One other planet is now important-Charon. It is in Pisces at present and it helps with healing. So wherever you have Pisces 13-14 degrees, it will help you bring sacredness back into your life in whatever area of your chart it touches.

Since the New Moon is a new start then please know that the house it is found in will be the focus of a new beginning for whatever project you have in mind. It falls in my Seventh House of partnerships conjoining Juno. Is this business or personal? Only time will tell. Enough said. So the New Moon in your chart will be more intense for those who have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars and angles) at anywhere from 26 degrees to 5 degrees of Sagittarius/Capricorn, Pisces/Aries, Gemini/Cancer and Virgo/Libra since the New Moon is at 0 degrees 6’. It is usually about 4-5 degrees either way from that degree that is affected the most.

It is time to make the best kind of guess when you look at your new direction. Remember you can use past and the now and anything else you need to make your decision as to where you are heading. I wish you luck. Do choose wisely. Leave the darkness behind and go with the Light.

I wish you blessings for a happy holiday season. For those who celebrate Christmas, do have a happy one. And may the New Year manifest a new you with a new beginning in a direction that is your truth. Until again. Love, Jan