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New Moon in Gemini, June 17/18 2023 – Open to heartfelt truth

Hello Dear Ones. Welcome to Cosmic Leaping. From one day to the next life is so unpredictable out there in the chaotic world. Have you been on track in your daily life? Has your heart opened to the love that is trying to emerge from the depths? What is going on with your energy field? Why don’t you just go with the flow and take one step at a time. Let the past go now once and for all and ride the wind into your truth. Most will tell me that they have to ponder everything and then make their decisions based upon what comes through. Of course with the New Moon in Gemini coming in you will definitely choose to be more intellectual and think about things. How about thinking outside the box? Can you do that or do you prefer to just follow the crowd? How is your communication with others these days?  Is it friendly or just disagreeable? Stop getting pulled into the mainstream junk. You came to this life to create your reality and communicate with others in a friendly manner. Will you do so?

Some news- What do you know about wildfires? Forest fires do not burn orange. Ammonium nitrate does. Wonder what that’s about? So, the former President has been indicted due to having certain documents among other charges. And they keep the drama going. Boris Johnson has resigned from Parliament (UK). Did you know that an AI led a church service? If this AI stuff grows and takes over say goodbye reality! There is now going to be a Chinese battery factory in Michigan. Were you aware that the horses that have been dying in the races are equipped with a wireless device that is not a good thing for them? MLB has said no more pride logos for the baseball teams. Google is using AI to change how you shop online. In a new executive order there will be an increase in how they check on your money. Free press is about both sides of the story.

New Moon in Gemini appears Sunday, June 18, 2023 at 12:37am EDT; 9:37pm PDT; (June 17, 2023) and 4:37am GMT in 26 °42’. The Sun will be in Gemini at the exact same degree as the New Moon. Are you stuck in a mind tape that is constantly repeating and it you need to now do something different about it? This New Moon will help you out here. Mercury, the ruler of the New Moon is also in Gemini. You want to get intellectual with your quick answers and wit. You will be focused on those kinds of pursuits.  Since Mercury is the dispositor of the New Moon then this is a time to take a chance and speak your truth about any off-the-wall ideas. Mercury sextile Venus will help you feel more comfortable showing affection to loved ones. It will help keep the deception created by Neptune square to a minimum. Gemini is a creative being filled with focus and fun. But Gemini is also one of the most mutable signs as he encompasses twin energies. There is lots of dualing energy. Gemini tends to fear boredom and keeps on keeping on; thinking, doing, planning and around the bend again. Gemini is hesitant to commit since the thought is what if it does not come through. Those Gemini types like to keep things open to assess and then will see what actually is going on. Sometimes Gemini needs to take a chance already. There may be lots of vibrational shifts at this time. If you are looking for a cosmic leap then this is a good time to take it since it is a new start with the slate blank. You can make important changes in your life at this time if you connect with this energy. It is a good time to evaluate your communication style and see if it is cordial and friendly and non- threatening. The Sun/Moon in Gemini is squaring Neptune in Pisces. Since Neptune is the illusion planet you may wish to not believe anything from past reputable sources and believe nothing except for the truth that comes to you when you are in a positive energy and then open to what comes to you.  It may feel like you have no motivation with this Neptune influence. Look out for deception and confusion. Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn in Pisces on June 18th will come to save the day, at least for some. This energy is good and stabilizing. Jupiter loves to have fun, while Saturn demands discipline. Remember that Saturn goes retrograde now so things slow down a bit. And Pluto is still retrograding. A strong work energy and patience may bring a goal that has been present for a long time into fruition. Happiness may come from new connections, educational ideas and travel.  One of the main asteroids Juno is conjunct the New Moon. Juno is all about marriage and partnerships. It can bring together soul mates and the truest love. Since Uranus continues in Taurus until 2025 expect big changes in finance. As you have already seen many changes taking place it will be in the forefront. Uranus is all about destroying the old and rebuilding something new. It is about money in many ways since Uranus is in Taurus now. Watch for something coming down the road nationally regarding the financial scene.

The main essential oil for New Moon in Gemini is Lemon. Some gemstones are Lapis Lazuli and Clear Quartz.

Those of you most affected by this New Moon are Sun/Rising signs with personal planets (Mars, Moon, Venus, Mercury)  and points at approximately 23 to 30 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) and 0 to 1 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) the most significantly. Birthdays are:  June15-23; September 17-25; December 16-23; and March 14-22.

.Aries- If you want to connect with others, travel may be the key. Shortcuts are not advised. Choose one path and stay on it until you reach your destination

Taurus- Fresh starts regarding money. Weed impractical dreams and schemes from your garden of prosperity. Keep it simple works the best. Release old ideas.

Gemini- It is a focus on you. Watch out for listening to fantasies that others bring up. Letting go of excess baggage leaves room for happiness in the future.

Cancer- Taking a chance with a goal or an individual works.  Rewards show up. Eliminate distractions and focus on your ideal future. What direction will you go?.

Leo- Participate in groups. Go out and show interest in others. Put your faith in your dreams rather than in the limitations of reality Look beyond the moment.

Virgo- Could be a new beginning in professional life. Look at reevaluating your professional goals which should be a top priority. Slow down so resolve issues.

Libra- Possible new partnerships form. Are there commitments in the mix? Don’t get lost in endless analysis when the choice is simple. Should you take a risk?

Scorpio- Joint assets or is it a sexual interaction? Maybe you share coffee.  Forcing a resolution to an emotional matter won’t provide the relief you need..

Sagittarius- Partnerships matter at this time. You are happy to be in a twosome. Employing cautious optimism is wiser than letting your blind faith run amok.

Capricorn- New options are available in relationships. An opportunity for a fresh start! Get out of your head with too much thinking and into your life.

Aquarius- Communication may be off a bit. Creativity abounds as does imagination. Stay aware of opposite forces and all may work out like you want.

Pisces- Take a chance. Work scene glows. Is there something new in the works? Plant the seeds of your intentions. Commit to fewer things and take small steps.

Thank you dear ones for reading and sharing! I am most grateful. Times are a-changin’ as Bob Dylan sang back in the day. Remember to set your intentions (3 at most will be more effective). New beginnings do come a bit easier at New Moon energy yet with several planets retrograde it may take a short while longer to take a leap. Keep going though!!Have a grand New Moon in Gemini. Be blessed. Until again, Love, Jan