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NEW MOON in TAURUS/SOLAR ECLIPSE, May 9/10, 2013-A great big smile for those who let go, walking forward to and fro!

What a week this has been! How are you dear ones in the shadow of the eclipse? It descends upon us today with the New Moon in Taurus at 19 degrees. It takes place at 8:28pm EDT this evening May, 9/10, 2013. It begins late afternoon in Australia and moving over the Pacific. Hawaii will see it between 2:30 and 5 this afternoon. This is only partial and appears as a ring of fire. The Sun’s light is blocked out except for the ring around the edge of the moon. The major shift is ongoing and this is a gigantic trigger point for moving forward. Are you ready? My solar year began this morning. That is the time that the Sun is exactly the same place it was when I was born. What a great thing! New starts, fresh perspective and looking for the rain to go away! The intensity will be most for those born around the 16-22 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius or 6th -12th of May, August, November and February. All others will find it affecting certain parts of your life.
Many of you are out of balance at the present moment. Some people try to pull you into their unsteadiness and this creates a chaotic environment or vice versa. The New Moon in Taurus speaks to you about values and self-worth. It is also about art and beauty. Taurus is the earth itself in many ways digging into the ground and keeping the balance. Of course there can be a stubbornness that is a negative facet of the Taurus New Moon. Many of you are still resistant to any changes because you feel unworthy and fearful of not having enough money. Do you even value yourself? Do you deserve the good things that are out there waiting to manifest in your life? Watch for the dark ones to keep interfering. It is paramount that you pay attention so you aren’t blindsided.
Taurus is about seeing through the eye of the Bull and once it is open the Light (spiritual reality) can shine through it. (Bailey)
There are very few difficult aspects with the New Moon in Taurus. It is close to the South Node which means good from the past may show up or others may find themselves with a lot of negative happenings. That depends on your own chart. You will know soon if not immediately how this plays out. There are no easy trines to help us along. Mercury with Sun/Moon makes way for more clear communication.There is a stellium of planets (Mars, Mercury, Sun, and Moon in Taurus) and much frustration has been felt since the lunar eclipse full moon. What comes to mind is the Mars opposing Saturn and it continues to do so in the Eclipse/New Moon chart. What that says is that your energies may be stuck or you are just resisting as I stated previously. Are you letting your values interfere with your relationship? Meaning –do you put your own desire for money ahead of the good of the relationship? If you have grand talents and abilities it is time to use them but forget being a braggart about them. That will bring you down with this New Moon in Taurus. It is a time of using your gifts quietly. If you receive a chunk of money, watch what you do with it because it may disappear before you even think about using it for something. Frivolity! Some of you who pretend to be who you are not may find a downturn due to your lack of integrity. If you continue to walk in the material world and become a slave to it, then the mirrors will bring you distortions. The illusions will continue and the shake- up will be enormous. Why do that to yourself? You have what you need within you according to the Taurus meaning. You just have to dig for it, maybe in the grit and grime (shadows of the past), but it is there. Material forms only take you away from who you really are. Your heart has to be open. And once it is, many of your gifts and talents will emerge and your self-worth will grow. Now, some of you will think, I would like this and that. Go for it. But remember that there has to be a balance in order for it to be in your life.
Saturn in Scorpio may be affecting you in a way that you need to do some emotional healing on past wounds (this keeps coming up, doesn’t it?), old patterns and release the self-worth issues along with any self-confidence issues. How many of you have felt rejected in the past or continue to feel this way? This is something that can be healed now. Perhaps you really would have liked something and you just never asked because you were fearful of rejection. Wow! Next time, ask and it may be given to you. This was more intense with the lunar eclipse/Full Moon but is still hanging around. So get unstuck by using dancing, running, even drumming to help release this pent up energy. Or just go sit by a lake or stream or the ocean for that matter. Any physical activity will be helpful. Get rid of it now so you can begin to use the NEW MOON in TAURUS/Eclipse energy to set the path for the next 19 years. Yes, I said 19. What was going on in your life 19 years ago? That is something to keep in mind as this energy comes into effect. It may give you an idea as to where to take this energy once it arrives. Not that I say go back; just remember how you felt and what you put into action. That is what you will choose to do with this NEW MOON/Eclipse- plan for something new. Decide what you would like to manifest in your life, what direction you wish to go and put it into action now. Write it up, dream it, and keep all negativity at bay.
Since the New Moon in Taurus/Eclipse is about setting intentions long-term and short-term, here are some suggestions. In order for manifestation to take place. You need to use your conscious, subconscious and superconscious (soul mind) together. You are one with the Divine. From “Soul Psychology” comes a couple of thoughts. First of all you need to be detached from your prayer (intention) or manifestation yet. If you are attached, you will repel it. It is truly about letting go and letting God. As I have said many times, you need to stop trying to interfere with the intention. Once you let it go, that’s it. Out of your hands and it will come to you if you allow it to do so. A majority of you will continue to bring in negative thinking and that totally banishes it. If you intend something and then you begin to think about it again and throw in the ego, the harsh words or any other negative connotation to your intention, it vanishes. DONE. GONE. C’mon dear ones, this is so easy if you stay in balance. You know the ego loves to play its games and not allow anything new in your realm. Keep it in line. And there are times when your intention just doesn’t show up because it is not in the Divine Plan. Move on to something else and be grateful you have another kind of opportunity. Pray from the soul not the ego personality. Think about how magnificent your life is.
Thank you all for your support. Keep your balance no matter what wake up calls, shake ups that appear. Be authentic in your walk of life. This NEW MOON in Taurus/Eclipse can go either way. Sending you much love and many blessings. Have faith dear ones. Until again. Love, Jan