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FULL MOON IN PISCES, AUGUST 31, 2012- Grounding our Fantasies

“Blue Moon, Blue Moon, Blue Moon da da da da….” The Full Moon in Pisces occurs Friday, August 31, 2012 at 9:58am EDT at 8degrees. The Sun is in Virgo at this time opposition Chiron and the Full Moon as a Blue Moon is conjunct Chiron. A Blue Moon is when two Full Moons occur in the same month. The thirteenth misfit moon is now upon us. Expect the unexpected maybe! Moon in Pisces usually is dreamy, creative, wishing to drift through life at times, needing to escape yet desiring empathetic relationships and creating fantasies. So, this Full Moon tells you some things may be stirred up that you may not choose to happen. You wish to look past the current and just drift past it when it doesn’t fit into your plans. Really? Since Neptune rules Pisces astrologically, some parts of that Pisces Moon may appear deceptively. Now why allow that when you can take the creative bent and thrive. Your choice. “You must be careful what you pretend to be for in the end, you are what you pretend to be.” Think about it. Create in a big way or lie like a champ. What will it be? Pisces is the part of us that tends to be invisible. It is the sublime. It opens you up to different worlds of fantasy and angels. It is the last sign of the zodiac and completes it. This FULL MOON may make it hard for you to discern between fantasy and reality and not know whether it is real or a projection.

It all depends where this falls in your natal chart as to whether that applies to you. The Virgo Sun does help to keep you grounded during this illuminating Full Moon. If it is afflicted in your chart you may find yourself feeling a bit disillusioned. And as you know full moons can be a bit unsettling so you may wish to ground yourself in mundane chores, physical exercise and some healing body awareness techniques.

Now is the time to take a leap for some of you. Or are you too lazy and lack motivation to grab the reins and go full speed ahead? This Full Moon can open your life to bliss that may shift your life totally. That instant moment is enough to make you choose to leap. Ready? Also, there is a competitive edge to this Full Moon in Pisces. You need to pay attention because competitive games can appear and you can provoke a major argument or tense situation with someone or you can just do nothing which can be just as detrimental. Some of you continue to be in denial. And please watch that you aren’t taking everything said personal. Your path is waiting and timing is paramount to moving forward. This is a powerful moon for healing yourself or going to a healer. There are solutions if you look very carefully and do some research. Pisces Moon can inspire you to use dreams or music therapy to help you get back on track.

This Full Moon is also sextile Pluto which gives it a profound basis. Use this energy to open up this creative moment and you will feel the intensity immediately. If you are still holding onto the past and those childhood complexes, now is the time for you to release them. AND YOU CAN DO THIS. If you are feeling pain or some kind of discomfort in your body, it may indicate that you are holding onto old emotions which deeply affect your wellbeing. You must get out whatever is fermenting within. If you don’t, it will turn into toxic waste for your body mind and spirit. Religious poisoning, fears and guilt often produce emotional toxins and must be eliminated. Along with this Pluto sextile Moon there is a Pluto square Uranus which will be around for some time to come. Some of you will have had enough with certain relationship structures. This is a challenge and some will say that this is it, since it beat you down all these months. The Sun opposition Chiron asks you, where are you giving up your power by listening to those who call themselves gurus? Mentors are terrific if you take what they give you and make it into something that is inspiring to you. Gurus are not always who they seem to be. Many of you out there are too lazy to research and dig deeply without some kind of support system. Listen to yourself because it is the first and most important step for change and in getting well, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Learn not to doubt you, learn to listen and trust yourself.

Saint Germain said in Studies in Alchemy that “the concept of an expanding consciousness, simultaneously with an expanding universe must be reckoned with if man will correctly master his affairs.” This is a time to allow the universal energies to be incorporated within your internal experience. This is not just at this FULL MOON but throughout the coming months you should try to open more to what is coming to you. Your intuition always is on track unless you allow your mind to overshadow it. If you stay in harmony with the universe than the outer planets forces will be less controlling. This will help you find new solutions to old problems and conflicts.  Then you will be able to release the negatives. There are many who still are skeptical. Perhaps the young souls among you hesitate to listen to their intuitive nature since they have yet to experience the flow of the universe within. It is a time to look through the veil and see the inner visions you have.

When you have a conflict in your life there is a need to see to what you still refuse to pay attention. In your chart there are some challenging aspects and those are there to wake you up and push you forward. If disharmony appears then it is within you that something is going on or you may be reflecting another.

This Pisces Full Moon at 8 degrees will affect most strongly those of you who have planets about 3 degrees before and after 8 degrees in Gemini and Sagittarius and of course, the Virgo and Pisces planets.

Another month of a Full Moon is now upon us. Use the days following for releasing the burdens and the old hurts that continue to bog you down. And use some creative visualization to help bring good things into your life. May your blessings be many and thank you for reading this post. Have a beautiful dreamy time with your feet fully on the ground. Until again. Love, Jan